Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

April 2023

No Survival Without True Religion


Religion is just fantasies & delusions

“Crush the Infamy” was a saying often expressed by Voltaire, the vehemently anti-clerical eighteenth century French writer, who was a leading intellectual in the so-called “Enlightenment”. What was the “Infamy” he so wanted to see crushed? Nothing other than Christianity, particularly the Catholic Church. 

In more recent years, authors such as Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion) and Christopher Hitchens (God is Not Great) have also denounced what they call “religion”, condemning it for being merely fantasies based on delusions. Today, we live in an age in which many people also reject “religion” as true knowledge about reality. Individual religions are condemned for not being based on reason and evidence. Critics argue that “religion” is nothing more than man-made muddles of fantasies and delusions.

Everyone has a religion

But everyone has a religion of some kind — even atheists — because everyone has a set of beliefs and behaviour that drives and informs their behaviour. Whether that set of beliefs and behaviour is called a religion or an ideology, or an ‘ethical life stance’ or simply a rag bag of shifting beliefs and opinions is not important. This set might even be based on an organised religion like the Catholic Faith with a formal creed. What really matters is which set of beliefs is true because it conforms to objective reality.

True beliefs are not an optional cosmetic exercise for a few religiously inclined people, but are essential for the preservation and wellbeing of everyone. Some people believe that religions are only about a “spiritual world”, whereas, in reality, all religions — true or false, secular or religious — have a crucial impact on what happens in the so-called “real” world.

Secular delusions can be deadly

One of the most common secular delusions is that there actually is something called “religion”. Yet individual religions vary enormously in what they believe about the same thing and how human beings should behave. They have different values. Their gods vary. In reality, there is no such thing as “religion”. There are just different individual religious beliefs each with different consequences.

So-called “Enlightenment Values” such as reason and the need for evidence to back up our beliefs and behaviour are themselves ignored by modern secular “isms” like secular humanism and feminism. Are modern secularists not being false and deceitful when they argue in favour of contraception and abortion (C&A), despite overwhelming evidence that they lead to the destruction of the social and economic systems of countries that believe in them? How can eliminating future workers through abortion be based on reason? The evidence is that countries are dying from false religions, and from deadly secular beliefs.

Why, for instance, do people believe the secular delusion that Covid-19 is a terribly deadly “pandemic” with a high death rate when the evidence does not support this assertion? The global death rate of Covid 19 (deaths/total population) is currently 0.0005 — one person per 2,000 of the world's population. To have called the Covid epidemic a “pandemic” is a secular distortion. In contrast, the Black Death in the 14th century — a real pandemic — killed  at least  40% of the population of Europe in the space of just a few years. 

Only one religion can be true

Objective reality (OR) is ‘what is’, reality independent of our subjective opinions. It is objective truth. OR determines whether the consequences of our beliefs and behaviour are positive or negative. 

Most religions — secular and religious — are false because there can only be one OR so there can only be one religion that conforms to OR and therefore is “true”. False beliefs about fertility do not conform to objective reality that fertility must be at least 2.1 children per woman for populations to replace themselves.

Multiple contradictory realities — you have your reality and I have mine — are impossible. The OR of fertility cannot be other than 2.1. Beliefs which contradict each other cannot all be true, because they cannot all conform to OR at the same time.

True belief conforms to OR; false beliefs conflict with OR. True beliefs lead to sanity and positive consequences. False beliefs lead to insanity and negative consequences. All religions except the true religion lead to negative consequences

Some people believe objective reality does not exist, or that there is more than one objective truth. In their view, truth is subjective and is based fundamentally on our opinions. One person’s truth is as good as another person’s.  We can believe what we want and behave just how we like. 

But this approach ignores the undeniable fact that different beliefs and behaviour have different consequences. Some so-called women’s rights are in reality false beliefs because of the death of countries that believe in them. Over time, our religions, ideologies, or our own personal ragbag of beliefs about life and how we should behave, are tested by objective reality.

All religions except the true religion have negative consequences

A religion is a formula or code for human survival. The ultimate test of the “truth” of a religion or ideology is the survival of those who believe in them. Does the particular formula we have protect us from dangerous delusions and false beliefs? The religions of most countries have failed the “truth test”. They do not ensure survival.

All sets of beliefs — secular or religious — have this-world consequences. Positive consequences such as survival and growth result when our beliefs and behaviour conform to objective reality; and negative consequences such as damage and death when our beliefs and behaviour conflict with objective reality.

Parts of the Catholic Church are currently dying because these parts believe and teach false beliefs/religion about fertility or fail to teach true belief about it. For only the truth ensures survival and only the truth has a right to be taught, while error has no right to be taught at all.

The disaster of collapsing working populations is just the latest terrible tragedy to afflict humankind which is caused by false religion, secular or religious, and the loss of true beliefs/religion.

False religions are replacing true belief

The world has been drifting away from true belief ever since the Protestant so-called Reformation ruptured the universal Catholic Church in the 16th century. This drift became more substantial and secular during the bloody French Revolution, and the 20th century has plumbed even greater depths of depravity and tyranny with the false beliefs of Marxist and National Socialism. 

In the 21st century, the battlefield between true and false religion and their positive and negative consequences lies in marriage, the family and fertility. In 1984, Cardinal Cafarra wrote to Sister Lucia, one of the three young children Our Blessed Lady appeared to in Fatima in 1917. He asked her for her prayers because he was facing opposition from within the Catholic Church in setting up the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family.

To his surprise he received a long letter from Sister Lucia, which contained the following words: “A time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family. And those who will work for the good of the family will experience persecution and tribulation. But do not be afraid, because Our Lady has already crushed his head.” 

Decades later in 2017, the Cardinal declared that “Her words are being fulfilled today”.

In the eyes of increasing numbers of people today, marriage is no longer a life-long union between a biologically born man and a biologically born woman for the primary purpose of procreation, of forming a family with children. Instead, we now live in an “anti-fertility” or even a “non-fertility” age in which children are not the primary purpose of marriage, where fertility is deliberately reduced or eliminated by C&A and also by so-called “new family structures” which are either naturally infertile or which lead to below replacement fertility (BRF) and dying countries.

The “decisive battle”  between the kingdom of Christ and Satan over marriage and the family that Sister Lucia referred to, has now  been raging in some countries for nearly 50 years, ever since their fertility fell BRF. In recent years, more and more countries have joined this battle on the side of Satan against marriage and family. This is leading to catastrophic consequences and dying countries.

The Father of Lies fights against Marriage and the Family with lies and falsehoods. That temporary relationships between men and women and same sex relationships have the same beneficial consequences as traditional life-long Catholic marriages between men and women. Two of the key consequences of false beliefs about marriage and family are BRF and dying countries. For the Father of Lies is also the Father of Death.

Negative consequences of the loss of true religion

Today, people’s false beliefs and behaviour (their religion) have the power collectively to destroy their country. We can believe what we want and behave how we like. Governments can pass legislation introducing new forms of marriage all of which leads to BRF. But no person or organisation or government can change objective reality, which exists even if we don’t believe it does.

The existence of OR is revealed by the consequences of peoples beliefs and behaviour. Conforming our behaviour to the so-called “realities” of modern society will lead to OR punishing us with negative consequences. False beliefs and behaviour literally makes us deluded and dangerous — to ourselves, and to others. False secular and religious beliefs make us insane.

In the last 50 years many western societies have believed that women should be free to have an abortion and for couples to practise contraception or to be sterilised. Pro-C&A “religions”, whether secular ideologies or religions, have turned out to be deadly delusions. Pro-C&A and anti-marriage and family beliefs have failed the ultimate “truth test” of survival — they have led to dying countries. They cannot be true belief.

True “conform-to-objective-reality-religion” protects us from ourselves. False beliefs and behaviour will damage us and possibly even kill us. For instance, the self-delusion of sexual freedom — that we can behave just how we like — has underpinned a huge growth in sexual promiscuity, with all the negative consequences that have resulted.

Other secular delusions

Another false belief is that co-habitation is of equal benefit compared to marriage. But the evidence is that co-habiting relationships are less stable than marriage and therefore are more likely to inflict damage upon any children involved if relationships break down. Divorce and one parent families can also be damaging to children and in addition can also  lead to BRF and dying countries, as does C&A.

Beliefs in C&A are simply secular “dogmas”. They do not lead to flourishing countries. False secular and religious beliefs about subjects such as C&A and cohabitation are based on ignorance and delusions, and not on reason and evidence.

Modern secular “isms” such as Secular Humanism (SH) fail their own tests for truth. While SH’s criticisms of “religion” (not based on reason, evidence etc.) certainly applies to most religious and secular beliefs today, they also apply to SH’s own views on C&A. Only traditional Catholic beliefs about C&A pass the truth test.

Another related secular delusion widespread in most countries is belief in the competence, efficiency and effectiveness of government/state functions. People’s unbounded confidence in the power and competence of “Collective Man”, such as its handling of the Covid disaster, is incredible given the state’s track record in most countries over many years in areas such as health and education of incompetence, inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Covid lockdowns have led to significant falls in fertility and other substantial negative consequences. Just where is the evidence for efficient and effective state operations?

The world is dying from sin.

The world is dying from something most people do not think even exists or is simply a religious fantasy. It is dying from the consequences of our sins, particularly from the sins of Contraception&Abortion and those related to marriage and the family. The demographic crisis has been caused by human behaviour which is contrary to Objective Reality. It is nature’s punishment for our behaviour conflicting with OR. Denying the existence of sin does not make conflicts with reality or their consequences disappear and will not prevent OR from punishing us.

Beliefs and behaviour contrary to OR are sins. They lead to terrible negative consequences. Some will be surprised that something so obviously religious as sin actually exists in the “real world” as well and has very serious secular consequences. For sin is both religious/spiritual on the one hand and secular/temporal on the other at the same time. 

Sins conflict with OR and have deadly negative secular consequences. The sins of C&A are also contrary to the traditional Catholic teaching. The tremendous impact of sin in the secular world gives new meaning to the words of St Paul: “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Rather than just meaning hell and damnation for sinners in the next world, as it is frequently understood to mean, it can also be interpreted to mean that sin is contrary to OR and has deadly negative consequences
in this world.

If we refuse to believe that human sins are a major cause of our dying world today, we have lost touch with reality. We are blind in a potentially dangerous world. We do not know how to prevent serious self-inflicted harm — even death — caused by our sins.

We all require the truth and the real world realism of the traditional Catholic Faith, with the importance it places on confession, repentance for our sins and changing our behaviour.  Our Lord Jesus Christ made this point very clear when he repeatedly said: “If you do not repent, you will all perish”. (St Luke 13:3)

The importance of sins has been downgraded or ignored since Vatican II and appears to have led to a kind of de-facto schism in some parts of the Catholic Church. In Alberta, Canada, for instance, there is a Catholic church in which both the Novus Ordo Missae (NOM) mass and the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) are celebrated. Outside the church there is a board providing the times of ceremonies. The NOM part of the board lists half an hour a week under the heading “Sacrament of Reconciliation”. Whereas on the TLM part of the board there are several days offering “Confession” for several hours. In that church there appears to be two so-called Catholic religions about sin. Can they both be true belief?

True beliefs are essential for human survival

Is the Catholic Church currently teaching the same faith as taught by Christ and his apostles? What were the really important differences between the religious beliefs preached by St Paul in Malta in AD60 compared with the secular and religious beliefs preached on the island before he was shipwrecked there. The faith St Paul taught in Malta and in other parts of the Mediterranean is the same as taught today by traditional Catholics.

The Catholic faith as taught by St Paul would have stipulated that monogamous marriage was life-long. It would have encouraged families to have children; it would have banned C&A, divorce and infanticide. Today, all these beliefs and behaviour are badly needed if countries are to survive. Despite what secularists like to believe, the traditional Catholic Faith is actually based on reason and is supported by secular evidence.

Some people believe that religions are only about the so-called supernatural. In fact, all religions — defined as a person’s set of beliefs, attitudes and opinions — have a crucial impact on what happens here in the so-called “real” world. Our choice of religion is probably the most significant choice we will ever make in our lives, because our beliefs will determine our behaviour, and our behaviour will have consequences which will profoundly affect us and other people. 

Having a false religion thrust upon us by the state can lead to death on a terrifying scale. In the 20th century, different variants of the false secular religion of socialism, imposed by totalitarian governments in the Soviet Union, China, Germany and Cambodia, led to well over 100 million deaths. But vastly greater numbers of deaths have resulted from abortions caused by the secular religion, "A woman’s right to choose".  

In the 21st century, false religions — secular and religious — are leading to the death and damage of many countries. Only true religion can prevent countries from dying.

True religion brings light not darkness, life not death, and knowledge rather than lies, fantasies and delusions. The traditional Catholic Faith is the true religion, not because traditional Catholics say it is, or because this article says so, but because its beliefs and behaviour conform to objective reality. We all desperately need the tangible, realistic “this world” benefits of true religion: sanity, survival, and protection from ourselves.

Truth or reality is both secular and religious at the same time. Our beliefs and behaviour have both temporal (or secular) and spiritual (or religious) consequences. They are two sides of the same coin. A religious way of thinking is to believe that our beliefs and behaviour about C&A must conform to traditional Catholic doctrines. And a secular way of expressing the same belief is to say that our secular beliefs and behaviour must conform to objective reality. Secular or religious, they mean the same.

Conform – or Die

The importance of true religion has never been greater than in the world today.

The damage being done by false beliefs and sins is simply enormous. The speed of decline in fertility caused by false beliefs and behaviour is currently accelerating.

Like it or not, all countries face an uncompromising must-do: “Conform your beliefs and behaviour to Objective Reality, or you will suffer”. In some circumstances, the demand is even more extreme:  “Conform or die”.

All countries today face this mandatory commandment about marriage, family and fertility.

Many countries, such as Japan, China, Russia and those in eastern and western Europe, have ignored this command and are destroying themselves.

For survival is only possible with true religion — the traditional Catholic Faith.


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