January 2011
ASSIMILATING HOMOSEXUALITY - 'without facts, logic or proof'
After the Ball: how America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the '90s [1989] is a depressingly powerful manual on how to manipulate the populace into accepting the abomination of same-sex intercourse. Authors Kirk and Madsen recommend the following deceitful strategy, which has been applied worldwide to mainstream (normalise) sodomy and sodomitical "marriage," "adoption" etc.:
"When you're very different... this is what you do: first you get your foot in the door, by being as similar as possible; then, and only then – when your one little difference is finally accepted – can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first" [authors' emphases].
"All normal people feel shame when they perceive that they are not thinking, feeling, or acting like one of the pack... our effect is achieved without reference to facts, logic, or proof... In short, Jamming succeeds insofar as it inserts even a slight frisson of doubt."
ALIENS IN OUR MIDST - Facts, Logic and Proof
"Roughly the same number of boys are victimized by the 2% homosexual males as are girls victimized by the 95% heterosexual males" - Dr. Judith Reisman.
"Recent surveys estimate the prevalence of homosexuality, among men attracted to adults, in the neighborhood of 2%. In contrast, the prevalence of homosexuality among pedophiles may be as high as 30-40%" - Archives of Sexual Behavior (No. 2, 1999).
"... the proportion of sex offenders against male children among homosexual men is substantially larger than the proportion of sex offenders against female children among heterosexual men ... the development of pedophilia is more closely linked with homosexuality than with heterosexuality" - Journal of Sex Research (No.1, Feb. 1999).
In a study of 229 convicted child molesters "eighty-six percent of [sexual] offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual" – Archives of Sexual Behavior (No. 1, Feb. 1988).
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a collection of more than seventy types of viruses that can cause warts, or papillomas, on various parts of the body (more than twenty of which are incurable STDs). According to the homosexual Washington Blade [Dec. 2000], a San Francisco study revealed that HPV is "almost universal" among sodomites (i.e. both HIV-positive and HIV-negative homosexuals).
The journal AIDS [July 1993] reported that so-called "monogamous" relationships did not diminish the incidence of the unhealthy sexual acts commonplace among homosexuals. Quite the reverse. A 1991-92 English study published in the same issue of AIDS found that most "unsafe" sex acts among homosexuals occur in steady relationships.
According to the Archives of Internal Medicine [1991], homosexuals acquire syphilis at a rate ten times that of heterosexuals.
At the Fourth International AIDS Malignancy Conference at the National Institutes of Health in May 2000, Dr. Andrew Grulich announced that the incidence of anal cancer among homosexuals with HIV "was raised 37-fold compared with the general population."
A study published in Nursing Research [No. 43, 1994] found that lesbians are three times more likely to abuse alcohol and to suffer from other compulsive behaviours. In a study of the medical records of 1,408 lesbians, the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections [July 2000] found that women who have sexual relations with women are at significantly higher risk for certain sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. bacterial vaginosis, hepatitis C, and HIV). It is also found that the risk was virtually the same for those lesbians in exclusive relationships.
A study in Family Planning Perspective [Dec. 1994] concluded that "homosexual and bisexual men were more than nine times as likely as heterosexual men to have a history of problem drinking."
In their book Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence [1991], D. Island and P. Letellier report that "the incidence of domestic violence among gay men is nearly double that in the heterosexual population." In a survey of 1,099 lesbians, the Journal of Social Service Research [No. 15, 1991] found that "slightly more than half of the [lesbians] reported that they had been abused by a female lover/partner." (By comparison, both the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Medical Institute for Sexual Health report that married women in traditional families experience the lowest rate of violence compared with women in other types of relationships [Nov. 1994].)
A study of twins examined the relationship between homosexuality and suicide. Published in the Archives of General Psychiatry [No. 56, 1999], it found that homosexuals with same-sex partners were at greater risk for overall mental health problems, and were 6.5 times more likely than their twins to have attempted suicide. The higher rate was not attributable to mental health or substance abuse disorders.
A 2009 University of California study published in the open access journal BMC Psychiatry, found that 48.5% of homosexual and bisexual individuals reported receiving psychiatric or drug abuse treatment in the past year as compared to 22.5% of heterosexuals.
In countries where homosexuality has been "normalized," the numbers of homosexuals seeking medical intervention for a wide range of mental and medical conditions including major depression, suicidal ideation and attempts, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse, are virtually the same as in the above California study.
Homosexuals in the United States and Denmark - the latter country is acknowledged to be highly tolerant of homosexuality - both die on average in their early 50's, or in their 40's if AIDS is the cause of death, according to a 2007 study by the Family Research Institute.
A.P. Bell and M.S. Weinberg, in a classic 1978 study of male and female homosexuality, found that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with 500 or more partners, with 28 percent having 1,000 or more sex partners. In his study of male homosexuality in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times, M. Pollak found that "few homosexual relationships last longer than two years."
The three most famous studies in recent years that homosexual activists use to claim that homosexuality is genetic prove no such thing. In fact, two of the "gay" authors of these studies admit their research has not proven a genetic basis to homosexuality. As the U.S. Catholic Medical Association stated: "If same-sex attraction were genetically determined, identical twins would always have the same sexual attraction pattern. Numerous studies of twins have shown that this is not the case. And there are numerous studies documenting change of sexual attraction pattern" (June 2002).