October 2021
Threading the Needles
The Escalation of Inhumanity
"I understand your anger at those who haven't gotten vaccinated. ... We've been patient. But our patience is wearing thin. ... We must increase vaccinations among the unvaccinated with new vaccination requirements. ... The safest thing for your child aged 12 and over, is to get them vaccinated." |
- Joe "Beijing" Biden (incendiary address to the nation, 9/9/21) |
"If you give that jab to your child, you are committing a crime." |
- Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D |
“Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable. ... 86% of patients with COVID-19 in Israel are fully vaccinated. ... The vaccine is setting people up to be... kind of super-spreaders.” |
- Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D. |
"It is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. It is a pandemic of the vaccinated. The vaccinated are causing disease-causing spike proteins. They're the ones that are producing the variants, the Delta variant and the other variants. And this is proven in peer-reviewed [studies by] scientists who specialise in the mRNA [material] that produce these spike proteins." |
- Karen Kingston (ex-Pfizer employee) |
“All variants are at least 99.7% identical to the Wuhan sequence. It’s a fiction, and an evil one, that variants are likely to 'escape immunity'. ... The thing to be terrified of is your government.” |
- Dr. Mike Yeadon (ex-Pfizer vice-president) |
"The Vaccine was NOT brought in for Covid |
- Reiner Fuellmich (1) |
Was it some kind of subconscious premonition?
Already way past deadline, I finally had a faith-themed January 2020 edition prepared and ready to go. It was far too late for second thoughts and changing tack. And yet... I suddenly felt compelled to shelve that completed issue and hastily compile a stark alternative; to revisit totalitarian socialism: both the Communist subversion of the West, past and present, in Church and State ("Golitsyn Revisited"), and the fascist plans of the Bush-led Iran-Contra cabal to launch a state-sanctioned coup and incarcerate 'dissidents' en masse should the enormity of their crimes come to light ("Operation Orpheus").
The rest is history. Within months the world descended into political diktats, house arrests, and scenes of police brutality straight out of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
Unwitting premonition or not, once lockdown was announced in such sinister lockstep worldwide — a nuclear option introduced without any serious risk/benefit analysis of the sort conducted by outliers like the Swedes — my Catholic mind was triggered. Attuned to the warnings of Our Lady of Fatima, it instantly perceived the totalitarian trajectory: the only possible path for a godless world manipulated by Deep State creatures like Dr. Fauci who were weaponising coronaviruses in laboratories controlled by the Chinese military (see CO, March 2020).
Tragically, this dreadful sense of inevitability proved correct. Nineteen months on, despite the success of humane and commonsensical strategies and measures employed by Sweden and other non-lockdown nations and states against a virus "right in line with seasonal influenza" (WHO, 5/10/20), a fearful, endangered citizenry remains on edge: denied life-saving treatments while strapped to a psycho-social roller-coaster of reward and punishment. This unconscionable tactic — a psychological operation sometimes directed by actual behavioural psychology units, as in the UK — is normalising the debilitation and destruction of lives and livelihoods for totalising ends.
Thus, the initial alarm — about self-serving political establishments and their equally compromised and incompetent national health systems — remains. At least among those who have retained their critical faculties; who have switched off the false narrative pushed by the presstitutes at the behest of their censorious corporate overlords. Deprived of the oxygen of truth as never before, many have switched instead to alternative media which offers them liberating facts; provided by noble doctors, scientists, public health specialists, nurses and whistle-blowers, all prepared to suffer cruel retribution for daring to expose the endless lies, fraud, and criminal (to include truly homicidal, and potentially genocidal) overreach.
Since the banality of evil that now defines workaday Western culture is so clearly the realisation of Our Lady of Fatima's message,Catholics, have no excuses for failing to comprehend the next-level Endtime-wickedness we are witnessing. Especially as we've 'enjoyed' a box-seat view of unprecedented parallel evils and malevolent strategies unfolding within God's Holy Church and dovetailing with those effecting the communistic cataclysm without — the crystal clear apotheosis of which worldly post-Fatima convergence is our Marxist pontiff.
A sulphurous gift that just keeps on giving, Communism finally gifted us a pope who colluded with China to betray the local Church and throw its long-suffering faithful under the bus. On cue, he then embraced the scorched-earth power-grab launched under cover of a virus fabricated by his new allies, the Chinese Communist Party (in cahoots with Western interests), with a view to total control: via vaccine apartheid involving passports, digital ID, heightened 5G-powered tracking, quarantine camps, etc.
One might think that this all goes without saying. How could any thinking Catholic fail to join the Communist dots from Fatima through the sexual revolution and the post-9/11 surveillance state to the Great Reset? Who could possibly ignore the totalitarian curtain poised to fall and smother the rights and freedoms we take for granted?
Well, you'd be surprised. Before the corruption of medicine and science by filthy lucre and the consequent wholesale disregard for truth, life, liberty, the legislative process and the rule of law — all on terrifying show since March 2020 and encapsulated in a recent address by the make-believe American 'president' — not a few who should know far better remain dismissive or scornful; refusing to acknowledge the enormity of the situation and the brazen conspiratorial endgame.
Never mind that the self-designated elites themselves openly profess their chilling views, strategies and goals. Simply visit the website of the World Economic Forum. There, mechanical engineer Klaus Schwab (the son of a mechanical engineer highly-prized by the Nazis) details his dystopian vision for 2030: summing up our future with his socialist slogan: "You'll own nothing, you’ll have no privacy, and you'll be happy."
Or, search and listen to eugenicist Bill Gates (the one-man nation-state and WHO sugar-daddy) publicly declare 2010-2020 "the decade of vaccines" while promoting depopulation via new vaccines — which unspeakable project he knew was already well advanced. In 2014, his vaccine proxy, the WHO, was accused by Kenya's Catholic Doctors Association of chemically sterilising millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a tetanus vaccine laced with a sterility formula. After its usual denials, the lying WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.
Simply reporting such matters of public record evokes the reflexive "conspiracy theory" retort beloved of those unwilling to face ominous agendas. In effect, conspiracy-deniers forever aid and abet the conspirators and their fellow-travellers, emboldening the wicked to commit ever more heinous crimes against humanity until we finally gasp in disbelief as life-saving care, freely available and affordable, is banned by a monied power elite orchestrating deadly "gene-therapy"-jabs instead — even for children and babies.
This monstrous complicity is even more devilish before the data; according to which the Covid shot has the highest vaccine death rate in history by orders of magnitude. In America, for example,around 14,000 vaccine deaths have already been reported. This reported loss of life (which according to studies is just a small fraction, perhaps less than 1%, of the actual number of vaccine deaths) represents 100 times more reports of death per year than the average reports for all other genuine vaccines combined. In the past, individual vaccines have been taken off the market for as little as 12 to 50 reported deaths!
Life-threatening side-effects are similarly off the chart. And yet, this human cataclysm is waved away as no big deal by the same faint hearts and lazy minds who would employ the same weaponised epithet to dismiss the stark Communist comparisons in Dr. Biderman's chart below: to wish away as "conspiracy theory" the conspiratorial fact it plainly reveals.
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Tracing the Threads to the Covid Needles
Such contempt for human life did not appear overnight. In general, we can trace it back to the banalisation of baby-killing in utero; which hardened hearts, coarsened minds and spilled over inexorably into Mengele-esque embryo experimentation, euthanasia, etc . At the same time, the rise of a political psychopathy viewing liberty, the rule of law and human life itself as wholly expendable in pursuit of globalist agendas has also taken its toll. In the process, the mass murder and human misery dismissed as mere "collateral damage" in the 'war on terror' has prepared the populace to shrug off "collateral damage" in the 'war on viruses.'
State-sanctioned barbarism... with a patriotic face
As good a starting point as any in this regard is "Iran-Contra." A clandestine racket also known as "The Cause," it mushroomed in the 1980s under the political likes of G.H.W. Bush and the military likes of Oliver North, ever camouflaged as a patriotic effort to prevent Communist expansion in South America.
In order to keep a lid on their myriad conspiracies and cover-ups, this criminal enterprise murdered 400 of its own 5,000-strong network of operatives/colluders/co-operators, and incarcerated another 1,200 for what they knew, not what they may have done.(2) All the while it funded its covert operations by addicting generations of Americans (especially black communities) to the crack cocaine they imported and distributed throughout the country in concert with drug cartels. Journalist and author Gary Webb was famously smeared and eventually assassinated by the CIA for exposing the evil project. But his bravery and death was not in vain. Congressional investigations and hearings into Iran-Contra finally brought to light Deep State treachery and criminality of every stripe, putting a public face on the Shadow Government that runs America (into the ground), and so shapes the world.
Obviously, the insensate foundations of Iran-Contra psychopathy were laid long beforehand; by the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, then by its post-war successor, the CIA. Whatever good it may have done through the bravery of many officers, the establishment of the CIA was the beginning of the end of government transparency, accountability and justice in the U.S., and of democratic rule all over. Iran-Contra, personified by Oliver North, merely took untrammelled, state-sanctioned CIA barbarity and human disregard to the next political level.
Operation Morpheus, North's alleged contingency plan in case Iran-Contra fell apart, is indicative.
Detailed by him in late 1984 at a special meeting in Miami attended by top government officials, according to Iran-Contra insider Al Martin it involved tens of millions of anticipated casualties in a mutually agreed "limited nuclear engagement" with the Soviets, and mass internment of 'difficult' citizens. Once asked, "How many people must be killed to maintain the cover-up? One? Ten? Ten thousand?", North replied: "It's all semantics. Numbers."(3)
Like so many Iran-Contra arch-criminals, North remains at large to this day: notorious yet feted by many. A public figure who personifies the impunity and menace of denizens of the Deep State shadow world, his amorality is now indistinguishable from the current Covidic ruling class, their global 'health' network, and complicit and cowardly physicians everywhere.
9/11 and Iraq
The inhumanity lengthened and thickened when the arch-criminality of these secret-state psychopaths segued into 9/11 and the Middle East conflagration. Widely revisited in this 20th anniversary year, the Al Qaeda attacks in New York and Washington opened the next unholy chapter of Deep State lies, cover-ups, mass murder and mayhem dictated by the same barbarians; a seamless thread which, if followed, makes it much easier to comprehend the terrible truth: that the Saudis, who apparently facilitated the attacks,(4) did indeed have inside help.
This is flagged by extensive credible evidence that contradicts the official narrative, including the accounts of brave whistle-blowers like CIA asset Susan Landauer(5), FBI translator Sibel Edmonds, and more recently by former counterintelligence officer Greg Ford’s revelation of the military counter-terrorist operation “Able Danger.”(6)
In addition, there are many eye-witness testimonies from Ground Zero, such as: those shown the indestructible, all-important aeroplane black boxes located in the WTC rubble, which the FBI ludicrously insists were never found (they are always found); those who heard and describe a series of rapid explosions just before the Towers fell like textbook controlled-demolitions; and those who distinctly heard separate explosions from below the Towers. Not to mention incredibly suspicious stock market activity just before the attacks, when large bets were made against the very airlines flown into the WTC, winning huge amounts for those involved when the stocks of those airlines immediately plummeted.
Saudi financial and logistical support aside, this insider conspiracy, scarcely imaginable for many yet real, was precipitated (per usual) by traitorous cliques within the CIA and FBI; serial complicity whitewashed as mere incompetence, ineffectiveness, or negligence. In fact, these rogue cells, said to be running drugs out of the Middle East and at risk of exposure, looked on as the Saudi-funded 9/11 plot slowly took shape on U.S. soil for well over a year with their knowledge (see foonote 6).
This comes as a shock only to those unfamiliar with the sickening world of "black operations" undertaken by the U.S. government; clandestine activities supposedly restricted to other countries but actually conducted on their own territory as well.
In 1994, for instance, one repentant veteran of this murderous governmental shadow world, Cody Snodgress, was himself offered one million dollars by a fellow Independent Contractor (working covertly for the CIA) to blow up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. A 'domestic job' and therefore beyond the international remit of black ops, he flatly declined it even though doing so affixed a CIA target to his own back. The bombing was duly carried out by more amenable "contractors" on 19 April 1995, killing 168 people (including 14 children) and injuring 759. It was then covered up by the Department of Justice, as usual, and the blame just as predictably laid on "extreme right-wing" patsies.[7] (All overseen by one Merrick Garland!)
Snodgress explains that the goal was to destroy records stored in the building: principally those documenting high crimes committed by the Clintons in Arkansas (which had been transferred to the Murrah Building just weeks before the attack), and the medical records of vast numbers of soldiers seeking compensation payments for the debilitating sicknesses they suffered during the first Gulf War — due to radiation fallout from illegal US military weapons, and/or the devastating effects of experimental vaccines foisted upon them — which amounted to sums thought unsustainable in the long term due to the soldiers passing on their radiation illness to their wives and children.
The modus operandi of the FBI is equally inhuman: as with their forcing their informant to hand a real bomb rather than a fake one to the terrorists who first blew up the WTC building in February 1993, killing six and injuring over 1,000 (—as revealed in court and widely reported, even by the New York Times. See CO editorial, June-July 2018).
Once the naive and ignorant are awakened, alert and able to view the September 2001 attacks within the context of that long history of bloody, psychotic operations, their worldview pivots 180 degrees. For they finally comprehend that nothing in our post-9/11 world is quite what it seems. That simplistic official narratives they have hitherto taken at face value invariably reverse the reality of "events." In this case, they suddenly perceive that the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with truth and justice but, rather, were orchestrated by malignant powers willing to turn a blind eye and consign several thousand innocent compatriots to hellish deaths on the day, and trigger thousands more long-term deaths among the 6,000 injured, simply to achieve their aims. After all, that's what psychopaths do.
In the process, WMD tub-thumping secured one of the greatest reversals of realityin modern history; perhaps only outdone by passing off the easily treatable Covid-19 as Smallpox, and President Trump's re-election landslide as a loss. Indeed, the treachery and mendacity of President G.W. Bush and his administration was far worse and more perverse than anyone imagined, since Bush was well aware that such WMDs as actually existed were American weapons of mass destruction! That is, deadly VX nerve gas originally sold to Saddam by his father and shipped to Saddam by the Carlyle Group, the giant arms-dealing company founded and run by G.H.W. Bush and his ilk. Moreover, some of the VX gas had been bought and supplied to Saddam on G.W. Bush's watch, shortly before the 2003 invasion!(8)
Those revelations alone blow apart the lying narrative about the invasions, which were never about the "war on terror", or "democracy" and "freedom", or even about a puerile "revenge" (the alleged motivation of baby Bush after Saddam threatened to kill his nefarious daddy.)
On the contrary, it was always about the lucrative business of war: oil and mineral resources, drugs (opium/heroin), and stuffing private bank accounts in Cyprus with as much of Saddam's ill-begotten billions as could be found and stolen. This included, for example, huge shrink-wrapped bundles of dollars, euros, and dinars totalling $750 million, discovered in the home of Saddam's banker and whisked away to the Cyprus accounts on a Lockheed C-130 "money run" approved by one Paul Bremer, Bush's civilian administrator of Iraq, whose authorising signature the aircraft crew showed on the tarmac to an inquisitive General Janis Karpinski (9).
As a whole, it was about advancing the interests of Israel while filling the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex (—Bush/Cheney-backed giant corporations such as Boeing, Blackwater, Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle, and dozens of no-bid private contractors), in order to line the pockets of military/corporate/political co-conspirators and co-operators (— sociopaths personified by the Bush Crime Family, the infamous Neocons, and cronies like Tony Blair, whose own lucrative post-war quid pro quo was partially earned when a team of British experts were needed to destroy the incriminating stash of American nerve gas-WMDs in the 5,000 degree heat of a high-tech British arc furnace(10)).
In Midnight in Samarra, his raw account of the first three months of the Iraq war, Greg Ford relates that in the run-up to the war an Arab journalist had neatly stated the purpose of the American invasion, the current one and past ones, in both Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere. Namely, to "cauldronise" the Middle East, reduce it to a state of malleable chaos, thus making it ripe for corporate colonisation and exploitation. Any other ostensible justification for invasion — payback for 9/11, for instance — was an elaborate façade, an advertising campaign specifically designed to package and sell the war to the American people.
Along the way, within desolate settings like Abu Ghraib prison, one of Saddam's former hellholes, the military and CIA further refined their tools of psychological warfare and torture, already sharpened at "Gitmo" (Guantanamo Bay), using human lab rats including barely teenage boys (several of whom Ford struggled to resuscitate in just one morning, having first removed lit cigarettes from their ears).
Waved away by the pathetic President Bush as the work of a "few bad apples," the leaked photos of animalistic abuse of Abu Ghraib prisoners actually revealed a dehumanised CIA and military leadership. Like their co-operating and hands-on British equivalents, whatever conscience they once possessed had been hollowed out by their "enhanced interrogations" and "extraordinary renditions" — the kidnap, detention and torture of both actual enemies and innocent suspects on foreign soil — and Copper Green — a US and global black ops programme sanctioned by Donald Rumsfeld at the start of the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan that essentially gives license to 'grab whoever you must, do whatever you want.' Abu Ghraib operated like a "laboratory" for Copper Green, where the "bugs" of these methods and techniques could be worked out on the captive subjects.(11)
A non-commissioned officer who was not only a counter-intelligence agent and combat engineer but also a medic, the heroic Greg Ford repeatedly appealed to his corrupt superior officers to stop the ongoing tortures. On one occasion, having barely managed to save the life of a vital intelligence source beaten to the point of death in Abu Ghraib ("possibly the highest source of information next to Saddam himself"), he felt like he had "gone to war with the Psychopathic Keystone Cops."
But he knew they were mere scapegoats. That such "poorly educated enlisted folk were employing specific Copper Green methods was proof to me that their orders had come from above—way, way above," he reflected. The real "bad apples" whom Bush preferred to ignore were personified by the then-commander of Guantanamo Bay, a Major General who arrived in Iraq declaring within earshot of Ford: "I’m here to Gitmo-ize Abu Ghraib," informing then-General Janis Karpinski, the officer responsible for Abu Ghraib but not party to the tortures and deaths, that you had to treat prisoners "like dogs" or else lose control of them.(12)
Funded in the trillions by taxpayers, this blood-soaked self-enrichment scheme also facilitated a quantum leap in state power and control at the service of its 9/11 beneficiaries, who, under the timeworn pretext of peace and security, proceeded to construct the Orwellian matrix of surveillance and censorious, CIA-funded Big Tech monopolies we suffer today.
A freedom-killing structure of human-control, it kicked off, not coincidentally, just as they held their landmark bio-warfare simulation Dark Winter.
As related in our April 2021 issue, Dark Winter, conducted barely 10 weeks before 9/11,not only predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks engineered by the FBI after 9/11 (to fuel the ensuing anti-Muslim frenzy with a view to garnering public support for the Iraq invasion), it set in train a succession of regular pandemic wargames conducted over the next two decades which set forth, with ever more precision, the sanitary dictatorship that exploded in March 2020 and worsens by the day and month.
Shock therapy
The dispiriting blight of sorely misled, fearfully-masked sheep all around us explains the need for the preceding elaboration: of the political threads of escalating disregard for human life now manifest in the toxic needles of a political pandemic of the vaccinated. State-sanctioned-and-protected inhumanity is now so pervasive and overwhelming that the propagandistic spell cast by the Deep State can never be broken without alarming detail that counters a very dangerous perception: namely, that Nazi-villain Klaus Schwab, super-nerd Bill Gates and other ostensibly ludicrous figures trumpeting their plans for us are mere comic book characters to be taken with a large grain of salt.
Charitable shock therapy, in other words, is the only chance of awakening punters to the reality of psychological warfare and its manipulative methodologies, including ever more brazen false flag attacks and events. Only when the real psychopathy (Operation Morpheus), murderous magnitude ("collateral damage") and totalising ramifications of Iran-Contra and 9/11 are researched and understood can the mesmerised masses even begin to perceive the dark hand of the same bloodless arch-criminal cabal pulling the strings of their latest inhumane, tax-payer funded scam.
Paralleling their WMD beat up and Middle East bonanza, their fabricated Chinese virus (the product of their gain-of-function research to weaponise coronaviruses — see CO, March 2020) and the measures they contrived to 'fight' their contrived 'crisis' were never about health and safety but always about the vaccines; to enrich Big Pharma and its investors. Their zero regard for human life, prefigured by their zero liability for vaccine deaths and injuries, was equally manifest in their simultaneous wrecking of entire economies to advance their long-planned Great Reset: viz., a technocratic model of centralised, unaccountable governance along the totalitarian lines of China's social credit score system.
It is knowledge of this seamless thread of insatiable greed and grasping by cold and ruthless conspirators that opens the mind to otherwise unthinkable realities; rendering incomprehensible aspects of the Covid scam comprehensible.
In particular, it places in conspiratorial perspective the unconscionable, homicidal suppression of early treatment protocols known to successfully treat Covid-19, and which are now successfully treating the vaccine-generated mutations (with just a little tweaking if, say, Ivermectin and HCQ lose some of their efficacy).
Despite this overwhelming success of early treatments worldwide (elaborated in our May edition), America's National Institutes for Health have stated that early treatments do not exist. Period. Not for thrombosis, not for inflammation, not for respiratory distress.
How else do we explain this denial of voluminous data and concrete experience to the contrary if not by the machinations of malevolent forces? The plotting of murderous conspirators? The promotion of absurd, inhumane and indefensible policies by self-serving psychopaths?
How else to explain the provenance of orders descending from on high to doctors and nurses, putting them on notice that dispensing safe, cheap, effective, life-saving treatments to hospital patients will cost them their jobs? This well attested fact was again raised during a recent interview with Dr. Richard Urso on The Whistleblower Newsroom [27/8/21].
An oncological ophthalmologist by trade but with extensive ER (Emergency Room) experience and a background in science, Dr. Urso runs the second largest medical practice in America of its kind. However, due to the lack of doctors willing to care for Covid patients, he and a diverse team from fields outside of traditional frontline medical care (including two psychiatrists, a pathologist, an anesthesiologist, a neurologist, along with four family practitioners), felt compelled to fill the gap. Dr. Urso said:
I'm now getting a lot of calls from ER people. I'm getting calls from people in the hospital, also, because I've been giving this formula [adapted for the variants] to people that work in ICUs. I say, look, follow [that] protocol. Don't use the hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin but use these other things, and if you use them, you're going to get better results, and we're getting better results.
You might say! Out of 723 Covid and variant patients treated with early protocols, Dr. Urso has lost just one (a high-risk patient with several major comorbidities who also did not stick to the regimen). So, as close to 100% success as you can get. And yet, Dr. Urso added,
They're not allowed to use these in the hospital. They will lose their jobs if they use any of these drugs in the hospital. The docs tell me, "I can't do it. Literally, I'll have my job gone in a day. I have to follow the [hospital's] protocol."
And they're using Remdesivir, all the time. Upper respiratory viruses have a life cycle of about five to seven days, and then they're gone. The virus only replicates for five to seven days and [yet] 3 weeks later you still have people giving Remdesivir. It only works in the viral replication cycle. It's almost insanity. What kind of doctor... I mean, what are they looking at? I don't understand why they would give this drug.
But I found out it's part of the programme. And not to pick on these guys, they're doing their best. They've hidden this information, somehow, that I'm giving you right now. They don't seem to know this. They don't talk about this at all. But they're giving [Remdesivir] thinking they're helping, and they're not helping at all.
And now a major study(13) came out [in the American Journal of Medicine] showing Remdesivir does increase the length of stay in the hospital. It doesn't help the life at all. It increases the length of stay in the hospital. It's helping the billing, I guess. But that's about it.
Remdesivir: a conspiratorial case study
Yes, dollar signs are "about it." A cold-blooded conspiracy of sheer greed quite apart from the power, control and eugenic agendas, the overt malfeasance that led to authorisation and use of Remdesivir at the expense of Hydroxychloroquine speaks to the whole filthy scam. "These are the stakes: a five-day treatment with Remdesivir costs around $3,000. A five-day supply of generic HCQ costs around $10," writes Antonio Chaves, adding that "Drug companies have every right to recoup their cost of research and development, but lobbying to suppress access to a life-saving treatment that is both cheaper and more effective is a crime against humanity." [The American Thinker, 27/8/20]
In May 2020, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, a Massachusetts-based non-profit drug price research firm, calculated that if half of coronavirus patients in the U.S. used Remdesivir, its manufacturer Gilead Sciences could potentially generate $2.25 billion in revenue by the end of 2020. [Newsmax, 4/5/20] Not a bad return for a drug that doesn't work. A drug that not only fails to shorten hospital stays, supposedly its signature effect, but the use of which, as observed "as early as March 2020" by leading French infectious disease specialist Dr. Richard Perronne, was accompanied by "a lot of serious kidney problems." [Medias-Presse.Info, 11/4/21]
Gilead's ability to get its expensive, failed and dangerous drug urgently authorised for use by the Federal Drug Administration instead of the far cheaper, safer, more effective HCQ and Ivermectin is a case-study of the shocking conflicts of interest which grease the incestuous wheels driving the Covid narrative. For starters, one-third of the FDA's budget comes from pharmaceutical user fees! Yet this deeply disturbing fact is par for the course: a snapshot of compromised and degraded medical establishments everywhere.
"What is certain is that all drug agencies — whether in France, at European level or in the United States — are largely funded by the [pharmaceutical] industry," laments Dr. Peronne. In June 2020, his compatriot Dr. Didier Raoult, whose successful treatment of Covid-19 with HCQ saw it instantly and severely restricted in France, testified before the French National Assembly against Gilead's disproportionate leverage over the medical community. Simply consider the composition of the NIH Covid-19 Treatment Guidelines panel that granted emergency use of Remdesivir while stating HCQ could only be used in hospitals or in studies. As reported by Kelly Sadler in The Washington Times:
Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson found 11 members of that panel had financial ties to Gilead. Two were on Gilead’s advisory board, others were paid consultants or received research support and honoraria. None of the members, however, had ties to HCQ, which is made by numerous generic manufacturers, and “is so cheap, analysts say even a spike in sales would not be a financial driver for the companies,” Ms. Attkisson reported.
Antonio Chavez adds that "These government ties to Gilead more than triple when you include panel members with past associations." While Sharyl Attkisson further discovered that one of the authors of a small Veterans Administration trial that falsely claimed HCQ caused increased deaths received a $247,000 grant from Gilead in 2018.
And it goes without saying that amid this endless scheming and rigging in plain sight encapsulated by the Remdesivir fix, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of Deep State medical sociopaths, was central. As Kelly Sadler explained in her instructive report:
Although, many doctors around the world were finding success with HCQ, in February 2020 NIH started enrolling patients for a remdesivir Covid-19 trial, with Dr. Fauci overseeing its progress. He had the final say on all the press releases, and presumably was working closely with Gilead. On April 16 something funny happened with the trial — the endpoints of it were quietly changed and updated on the clinicaltrials.gov website. Instead of evaluating remdesivir’s ability to prevent death from COVID-19, the study was redesigned to evaluate how fast a patient recovered from remdesivir.
It was an interesting change because a leaked World Health Organization study of remdesivir showed there was no statistically significant clinical benefits in using the drug on COVID-19 patients and that it had severe side effects. However, it did show some promise in reducing recovery time. When the news broke of this study to the public, on April 23, Gilead shares fell. Drs. Dennis Bier at the Baylor College of Medicine and Arne Astrup, from the University of Copenhagen wrote in the BMJ Medical Trade Journal, NIH’s decision to move its study’s endpoints in the middle of the trial is generally frowned upon because the trial design is not drafted to focus on secondary endpoints, can produce data that’s unreliable, and can “introduce bias into a trial and creates opportunities for manipulation.”
Yet, on April 29, the NIH enthusiastically rolled out its results. During an appearance alongside former President Donald J. Trump in the Oval Office, Dr. Fauci said there was reason for optimism, the study achieved its primary goal, which was to improve the time to recovery, which was reduced by four days for patients on remdesivir. He failed to mention the study’s endpoint was changed mid-way through the trial. Still, the media tour was started, with Dr. Fauci at the lead, praising remdesivir and simultaneously bashing HCQ for its lack of a similar clinical trial. Gilead’s stock soared.
Big Pharma's premeditation
The healing and life-saving properties of so many genuinely safe and effective drugs notwithstanding, pause to consider the devastating ripple effect of the utter disregard for human life manifest in that one ruthless fix. The human misery thus inflicted is but a fragment of the global sum of death and debilitation effected by similar collusion, complicity and rank criminality: the latter resulting in massive payouts by pharmaceutical companies for physical harm and deaths caused by their lies and fraudulent claims.(14) (15)
In their just released tome Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey,(16)the most comprehensive and up-to-date examination of every aspect of the 'pandemic' published to date, Peter and Ginger Breggin confirm all we knew and reveal much we didn't know about the devilish psyche of Big Pharma, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, et. al. — all plotting and planning the Covid scam in full knowledge of the deadly dangers to be unleashed.
The Breggins document, for instance, that the medical and scientific communities had been decrying the idea of coronavirus vaccines many years before the release/leak of Covid.
Firstly, because coronaviruses were known to mutate at such an unusually rapid rate that vaccines would probably never work.
Secondly, research in independent laboratories, some funded by Dr. Fauci, had revealed so many problems with animals in the making of vaccines that it was considered, in studies published in major medical and scientific journals as recently as 2020, that there should be no experimentation on people.
So, right up to 2020 and the start of Operation Warp Speed, "the science was saying, do not do this at all in people," Dr. Peter Breggin emphasised during a recent interview. He went on:
Because we were tracking this [scientific] literature ahead of anybody else, we found out that as of 2015, and we said in our blog and videos in April 2020, that, first of all, it was going to be a very harmful vaccine if it was ever developed, and second, it wouldn't work very well because of all the mutations. And we were not even scientists in this area. At that point I was just in the early learning stages and didn't have all that scientific information. But we could just tell, looking at the literature, that this was really a 'no go.'
So they did this knowing all the risks and problems they were going to have. They knew it. They prepared for it. They lied about it. And the intention was, to make it the "decade of vaccines." And make this group of people, and corporations, and the World Health Organisation, to just turn all these people into, if not into extremely wealthy entities, then like the WHO into extremely powerful entities.
"We also found recently," added Dr. Breggin, "that Bill Gates is funding the World Health Organisation from three separate entities. People only identify the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He's got two other entities that are funding."
Among many other such revelations systematically presented and fully referenced in Global Predators: We Are The Prey, is the fact that Gates was already working with Fauci to lay the platforms for fast-tracking vaccines through Operation Warp Speed way back in 2015, with Pfizer also pre-selected as his preferred vaccine within that structure.
Children in the crosshairs
Clearly, the Big Pharma component of the rapacious Military Industrial Complex [MIC] is the real danger to our health. Infinitely more dangerous and deadly, in fact, than even the arms, oil, private-contractor and other corporate components of the MIC were to the innocent Iraqi people. Alone, the fearful facts relayed in this edition about the 'vaccines' are more than sufficient to justify that claim. To those facts I would just add these strong words of medical practitioner and pre-eminent academic researcher Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the best sources of vaccine information in the world, who is aghast at the destructive, alien spirit that has gripped his profession [his emphases]:
Doctors in my circles are wondering what has come over the minds of doctors, and hospitals and health care systems. We would never use a brand new drug in pregnancy — ever! A pregnant woman won't even have a half a glass of wine because she's worried about her baby. Why would she take an injection of brand new, unproven, genetic material in her body? ... First trimester of pregnancy, taking the vaccine, 83% fetal loss rate. It is attrocious. There are stories all over of women taking the vaccine, and then losing their babies.... Of course, pregnant women should never take the vaccine! Doctors should never, ever recommend the vaccine. And I predict doctors will do a walk of shame! A walk of shame of medical malfeasance and medical malpractice for recommending this. They need to come out of their trance!
With unborn babies summarily dispatched and newborns and infants now in the crosshairs, we should pray that doctors do indeed emerge from their trance before these next innocent targets are mowed down by "gene therapy" shots.
In the UK, the Pfizer-BioNTech injection has recently been rolled out for 12 to 15-year-olds, with the Regulator breezily assuring parents it is "safe and effective" and the benefits outweigh any risks. Baseless claims. As were the same assurances offered by China's main man, "Beijing Joe," during his 9 September diktats:
It comes down to two separate categories. Children ages 12 and over, who are eligible for a vaccine now, and children ages 11 and under who are not yet eligible, the safest thing for your child aged 12 and over, is to get them vaccinated. They get vaccinated for a lot of things. That's it. Get them vaccinated. As with adults, almost all the serious Covid-19 cases we're seeing, among adolescents, are in unvaccinated 12 to 17-year-olds, an age group that lags behind in vaccination rates. So parents, please get your teenager vaccinated.
In response to that reprehensible recommendation I refer readers to Dr. Bhakdi's alarm call herein, and this further comment by the pre-eminent Dr. McCullough during a 12 September interview with Dr. Breggin [my transcript and bold type; Dr. McCullough's emphases in italics]:
There's 15 studies demonstrating the superiority of natural immunity and still, to this day, our public health directors are saying that vaccine immunity is better than natural, which is another false talking point. It's just like they were advising not to use Ivermectin while other leading governments have it [distributed] on the frontline. So we're really having just a crisis of misinformation from our government officials right now. I think historians are going to write about this.
[...] Children are considered an immunological buffer.... The last child I saw, when I was visiting an adult with Delta, she got Delta, and she had little sniffles, and in a day or two she was on the floor playing, I listened to her lungs, she had a few wheezes, she didn't require any medicines whatsoever, and she was fine. So what we know with children — there's been analyses, one from Minnesota, one from Johns Hopkins — in the entire pandemic we've had about 300 children die [in the U.S.] with Covid-19. We've had millions and millions and millions get Covid-19, 300 died, sadly. Only [for] one of them was Covid-19 really the problem, where Covid-19 was the lethal agent. These children who died had cystic fibrosis or cancer, or other problems.
Children by and large are not touched with Covid-19. Even if they have severe symptoms they can be treated with Azithromycin, a Budesonide inhaler, they can be treated with Ivermectin, which we use for childhood scabies anyway, Prednisone, a limited course of Asprin. We can always get a child through the pre-hospital illness. Covid is not a major threat to children. A much bigger threat is strangulation, traumatic injuries, other things like this, car accidents. Under no circumstance should we expose the risk of the vaccines to children. And this idea that we're going to vaccinate the children, and put the risk on the children, to somehow protect the adults, is really a perverted, diabolical way of thinking.
Commenting on Joe Biden's "perverted, diabolical" targetting of children, former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston had this to say on a Frank Speech panel that analysed his tyrannical 9 September address the following day:
CNN today [10 September] just started on their tirade, saying how more and more children are getting sick and hospitalised. I said this two months ago — children are going to get very sick being around their parents, family members, and neighbourhood playmates who have been vaccinated because they are shedding on them this very pathogenic virus. So children are getting sick, and children under the age of two are extremely high risk. And we know this because of the FDA quote-unquote "approval letter." They are doing a study for mothers who are pregnant, and for mothers of newborn children up to toddlers, to see how sick they get from being around those who have been vaccinated.... It's to test them for disease, and for progression of disease when they're exposed to people who are injected.
Not "safe": Not "effective"
As with his foreign counterparts, very many such inconvenient details were missing from Mr. Biden's address, even as many bare-faced lies were included. Prepared by his advisers and speech-writers and set out on the tele-prompter before him, in the process of parroting the need for mask mandates and tracking, he repeats that he is following "the science" and "scientists," insisting that the vaccine is FDA-approved, "proven" to work, and that "if you're fully vaccinated... you're as safe as possible." (Of course, after his almighty sales pitch for the "effective" jabs, he blithely adds that, oh, we're rolling out boosters, by the way!). He said:
I want to emphasise, that the vaccines provide very strong protection, from severe illness from Covid-19. I know there's a lot of confusion and misinformation. But the world's leading scientists confirm, that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from Covid-19 is very low. In fact, based on available data from the summer, only one out of 160,000 fully vaccinated Americans was hospitalised for Covid per day. These are the facts.
A textbook example of the way our Western 'leaders' spread the very "confusion and misinformation" they claim to deplore, renowned authority Dr. Judy Mikovits responded sharply to Mr. Biden's superficially compelling yet wholly spurious explanation:
How about the ones hospitalised for blood clots, kidney failure, auto-immune disease, stroke, bells palsy.... They're not hospitalised, they're dead. If they're hospitalised for Covid they're dead from the cancer that shouldn't kill them, from the auto-immune disease, from their previous injury, from the inflammation, from the Type 1 diabetes, the pericarditis, the myocarditis, the Parkinsons, the Alzheimers disease. Do I need to go through the 32 disease list of those at risk? They're dead. No, they're not "hospitalised for Covid" because that doesn't exist anymore because they stopped testing for it. So, you know, shame on you [Biden], you just played a word game but there's still tens of millions dead from the shot and from the transmission from the inoculated. Not from the unvaccinated, they're not spreading the disease, that's not how it works.
Lovers of truth will also appreciate Dr. McCullough's skewering of the facile "safe and effective" mantra with these plain facts:
We can't see any evidence of protection. We've seen vaccine failures now, wholesale, across the globe. ... The Israeli health ministry right now has Pfizer at 39% protective. The Mayo Clinic, a large study, has Pfizer at 42% effective. And it's already been announced by our {U.S.] administration in Israel, that Pfizer's going to start boosters. So, to have protection less than 50%, and to have boosters sooner than a year, that meets the definition of a failed vaccine. A vaccine should have at least 50% protection, and should at least last a year. So Pfizer being the failed vaccine, it's also the lowest dose vaccine, at 30 mg of messenger RNA, and it's coded against the Wuhan original spike protein which is [now] extinct. So it's off target, and it's low dose. It's interesting that Pfizer was the first one to go through the FDA approval regulatory procedure. (17)
Drs McCullough and Mikovits also debunked Mr. Biden's appeal to "safety" based on alleged FDA approval for the vaccines. This is important to recount in order to shed further light on the magnitude of the flagrant deception perpetrated by politicians given a free pass by the media.
"Nearly 80 million Americans who have not gotten vaccinated. Many said they were waiting for approval from the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA. Well last month the FDA granted that approval. So, the time for waiting is over," Biden proclaimed. Once again, Dr. McCullough explained the truth of the matter:
On August 23rd [when "approval" was allegedly given], what really happened was historic, with almost a sleight of hand, if you will, from a regulatory perspective. There was no briefing booklet. Normally there's a briefing booklet that goes to the FDA. The FDA has a briefing booklet. So there's two different briefing booklets, typically 80 to 100 pages. There's a public citizen opportunity [for comment]. And there's an advisory panel. All of that was skipped on August 23rd.
And what happened was a split in the entity. So no longer was it the Pfizer vaccine but there was a separate Pfizer and a separate BioNTech vaccine, a German company. They were legally distinct entities, and the FDA indicated they may be medicinally distinct. And the Pfizer vaccine was not approved. Not approved. It got a continuation of the EUA, nothing changed. And BioNTech got conditional approval, but that commercial entity, that product doesn't exist in the United States. And on top of that it had basically a lot of statements that there was going to be no testing for birth defects, or oxygenicity, or mutagenicity, that there's no information on pregnancy, and that there was demand for post-marketing studies for myocarditis for BioNTech.
So here we had BioNTech conditionally approved, with lots of other contingencies, Pfizer not approved. What came out of that meeting was a talking point that went all the way to the President of the United States, that Pfizer was approved, which it wasn't, it was a false talking point.
That triggered [another] wave of vaccine mandates. And then a week later, two of the FDA officials, and importantly Dr. Gruber, the one who signed the approval letter to BioNTech, resigned. ... The people who understand the data and the regulatory dialogue and the regulatory history matter. And to have them walk out the door and resign [presumably in protest at the manifest corruption], I think is really historic.
Several observations
Described by attorney Thomas Renz as "completely illegal, completely unethical, the worst presidential action in history," the unprecedented tone and nature of Biden's decree did, however, put the world on notice as never before about the evil intent of the forces conspiring against us. In that regard, a few observations need underscoring:
The first is the quid pro quo the decree clearly flagged. For, Biden had declared only last December, before taking office, that he would not seek to make the Covid-19 vaccine compulsory, insisting: "I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory." His Press Secretary Jen Psaki likewise stressed in July that vaccination requirements are "not the role of the federal government." His anxious handlers and speech-writers had doubtless reminded him that Big Pharma has filled Democrat coffers ever since Obamacare; Gilead employees typically donating three times more to the Biden campaign.
Secondly, this total contradiction of his earlier position, a global feature of the Plandemic since its inception, speaks creepy volumes. As with so many apparently-sudden 180-degree turns by government authorities — such as early pleas for people not to wear masks, which they insisted were useless only then to mandate them — Joe Biden's about-face to mandate vaccines was inevitable, since it was pre-planned together with the passports.
This advance planning is the sinister truth and conspiratorial context of Biden's dramatic upping of the vaccine ante. As well as the voluminous documentation adduced in Covid-19 and the Global Predators, there is plentiful additional evidence about the pre-planning for vaccine passports worldwide.
For instance, a poster issued by the French government advertising the "Covid-19 Pass sanitaire" (health pass) is dated, in tiny print along the bottom left-hand edge, 20 January 2020. Recently spotted and videoed by an eagle-eyed woman while walking through her town, the poster was verified as genuine. Being government-authorised, the messaging, design and volume for mass production was ordered by the government probably in advance of the printed date, therefore some time in 2019. So much for the game of 'will we-won't we' (introduce passports) played by disingenuous governments worldwide, not least in the UK.
Thus, Mr. Biden's 'sudden' change of mind and the unprecedented tone and nature of his proclamation clearly signalled the fierce determination of the conspirators to accelerate and conclude their project to maximise government and corporate control of our lives, using the world's most powerful political office to force through their plan to jab every single person on earth, as literally touted by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
The third observation about the script Mr. Biden was handed and duly delivered is this: It was such an outrageously mendacious and dangerously divisive spiel that only a man as ripe for blackmail, asmanifestly senile, and as notoriously unprincipled and incompetent (even Obama publicly despairs of him) could be counted on to actually read it out! Other Democrat contenders, equally radical but at least in possession of their mental faculties and a modicum of decency, might well have resisted such a hostile address, perhaps requesting that it be toned down. If not moved by the skyrocketing numbers of injected Americans dying of Covid-19 and alarm about the safety and efficacy of the "leaky" jabs (at least among "deplorables"), we can be pretty sure that record low presidential ratings would have given them pause.
That Mr. Biden was not even bothered by the ruinous backlash created by his Afghanistan cataclysm and the multiple domestic crises he has fomented, including a state of emergency on the southern border, but read the screed on cue and with as much gusto as his enfeebled condition allowed, telegraphed once again why he was preferred to more favoured Democratic presidential candidates: why, after Pythonesque home confinement for the greater part of the election campaign (because his dementia was so advanced that he often forgot where he was, what he was saying, and even who he was addressing), he was handed the presidency through a rigged election.
"A bio-fascist coup"
In sum: a perfect amoral puppet at the best of times, his added obliviousness made the verbal onslaught against a huge chunk of the electorate easier still. Unprecedented in its dictatorial overreach, the address sounded like the first salvo in a coming declaration of civil war. In the face of the failing efficacy of the injections, against all the data, he proceeded to demonise the unvaccinated, repeatedly inciting hostility against them for allegedly endangering the vaccinated.
"Your refusal has cost all of us. A distinct minority of Americans, supported by a distinct minority of elected officials, are keeping us from turning the corner," he falsely yet emphatically claimed, repeating: "We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers."
He also threatened uncooperative states in the crudest terms. "Tonight I’m calling on all governors to require vaccinations for all teachers and staff," Biden said, threatening to push governors aside if they do not support Covid-19 mandates. "If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way." "Tonight," he then declared, "I’m announcing that the Department of Labour is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week." According to LifeSiteNews:
Biden additionally revealed that he has signed executive orders enacting strict vaccine mandates for all federal workers and contractors. The orders, which remove testing options included in earlier mandates, apply to 2.1 million government employees and millions of private sector employees with contractors who work with the government. Federal employees risk losing their jobs if they choose to remain unvaccinated through November.
The Biden administration will also require COVID-19 vaccination, with no testing option, for around 17 million healthcare workers at medical facilities across the countries that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, Biden said. 300,000 teachers participating in the government’s Head Start program must get “fully vaccinated,” as well.
“If you want to work with the federal government and do business with us, get vaccinfated. If you want to do business with the federal government, vaccinate your workforce,” he warned.
"This is far worse than vaccine passports, this goes beyond vaccine passports," warned former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. Even Biden supporters were stunned. Feminist socio-political commentator Naomi Wolf, a liberal icon who voted for Biden (a decision she deeply regrets), understood the gravity of what she heard. Interviewed by Bannon, she said [my transcription]:
That this day would be here... I'm... I'm struggling for language, because for 12 years I've been watching democracy slowly, and sometimes quickly, erode. And the day is here. This is a declaration of war, it's a coup, it's a bio-fascist coup. I've used that phrase before, as this administration or this regime has been gearing up for coercing the people, stripping them of their rights, stripping them of their constitutionally-bestowed liberties.
But this is a declaration of war against the American people. It's overt, it's violent. And we have to recognise what just happened. And I just sincerely want to say, I apologise. I can't believe that it's my [liberal/Democrat] team [that] was the team to usher in full-on tyranny. But just some of the highlights of that speech, if that's what you want to call it, it's a day that will live in infamy as a declaration against the people, he basically said I'm going to use the Defence department to coerce the American people. Federal workers and contractors will have 75 days to get fully vaccinated, and if they don't, they'll be referred to their human resources departments for counselling and discipline, to include potential termination.
He's forcing people who work with children to be vaccinated, and implying that it's not safe to have a vaccinated person around your child, which is just a lie. And he's blaming, scapegoating, in a way that's right out of Hitler's playbook. And I say this as a granddaughter of survivors of the Holocaust. He's scapegoating unvaccinated people as the reason for the pandemic. And it's a huge, evil distraction. Because what happened, the day before yesterday, [online left-wing journal] The Intercept confirmed that Dr. Fauci funded the gain-of-function research that probably led to this whole devastating deadly debacle of global pandemic. And they're trying to distract us from that truly shocking confirmation.
Asked by Bannon to explain what she means by "a bio-fascist coup," Wolf underlined that it's "illegal, according to our system, to have the military deployed against the people of the United States of America." She went on [italicised emphases hers]:
He's not exactly saying that. Right. He's too clever for that, or his speech-writers are too clever for that. But he's engaging the Defence Department. He's engaging the military to make this coercive mass vaccination happen. And if you do that, first of all you're bypassing governors, who are duly elected by the people. You're bypassing the National Guard...
STEVE BANNON: Our system's a federal system. He said that governors who don't comply, we will "get them out of the way." Have you ever heard talk like that from any participant, from Richard Nixon to Lyndon Johnson to Jack Kennedy, Ronald Reagan... have you ever heard talk like that from any President, or anybody sitting in the Oval Office?As Commander-in-Chief, to sit there and say, "we're going to get them out of the way"?
NAOMI WOLF: Thank you for noticing the extraordinary tone of this speech.I've never heard anything like it in my life. And I was married to a White House speech-writer, and I had a hand in watching the messaging process at other times. Never - in my life! - has an American President threatened, you know, unknown repercussions, against governors who don't go along with this massive, coercive, stripping of people's bodily autonomy, injections by force, with a product that is still experimental. It's a personal choice, but no it's no longer a personal choice, right, because Joe Biden has decided what's going to happen to your body, no matter what your special issues are, no matter what your medical concerns are, no matter what your history is, he will decide what happens to your body if you are unfortunate enough to be a federal employee, or an employee of the State Department, or a teacher at a Head Start programme or any other number of entities that he said, I have the power, effectively.
And no, I've never heard threats of that kind, I've never heard American presidents say something like, I have the right to do this, I have the power to do this, this will happen no matter what. You know, scary. As scary as you can be when you're that frail. If you don't wear a mask on federal transportation you're going to pay a $14,000 fine I believe I heard. And if you don't, like watch out! I mean it's like this kind of tone, you know, be afraid, be very afraid. And that is not, America.
It's one thing to have sabre-rattling rhetoric coming out of the speech-writers in the White House, but to back that up with a deployment ... well I don't want to say deployment because I don't want to unnecessarily alarm people, but an engagement of military? An engagement of the Department of Defence? This is a catastrophic crisis.
I am not a Cassandra, I am not Chicken Little. I try to be very measured. But literally everything I've been warning about has come true! It's come true for twelve years. And here we are. And what I want to tell people is, historically, this is the shock that happens when a democracy closes very abruptly. Right? Democracies don't die like this [motioning a downward curve]. They die in step-wise fashion. There are these sudden shifts. And then it's like, very disorienting. What did the President just say?! How did he talk to us?! But by the time people are processing that, the boots are at your door.
Australia in Lock Step
Americans who foolishly dismiss Mr. Biden's tyrannical tone as mere rhetoric, and Ms Wolf's alarm as hyperbolic, should look to Australia, where the "boots," as in Canada and New Zealand, have already arrived! Hitherto untouched by war and totalitarian rule on their own soil, it is these New World-nations, rather than the old European ones with experience of occupation and oppression, that are leading the way to hellish Covidic dystopias.
Australia is a textbook example of the "shock" Naomi Wolf has closely studied for many years: namely, "when a democracy closes very abruptly." The late Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, a former overseer of that frightening process, issued the same warning. After explaining, during a 1984 interview, how Russia subverted countries in four clinical stages — demoralisation, destabilisation, crisis, and normalisation — he stated:
If people fail to grasp the imminence of this danger and this development nothing will help the United States. You can say goodbye to your freedoms. All your freedoms disappear; they will be charred in a few seconds—and with your precious lives.
Ignorance is not always bliss. Oblivious to this alarm call by the master propagandist, a successful practitioner of Soviet subversion, a people once synonymous with healthy wariness of authority and reaction to overreach caved in to both. The sudden and spineless capitulation was the end result of a nation slowly "demoralised" and "destabilised" over many decades, as the Left marched through its institutions hollowing out Australian minds, while bread and circuses emptied their hearts and souls.
Thus, in the blink of an eye, a demoralised Australian majority resistant to all reason, logic and facts (Bezmenov's precise hallmark of a brainwashed populace) has undone and forever stained the legacy of their rugged forebears, who built a nation of unrivalled political stability based on democratic freedoms and the rule of law. These have been eviscerated by surreal diktats melodramatically proclaimed by unhinged political mediocrities; petty dictators who warn citizens to stay indoors, to duct-tape and seal balcony doors, not even to speak to their grandchildren, neighbours or friends, and on and on into collective madness.
Arguably even more out of control and impervious to challenge and objective evidence than their Canadian and Kiwi counterparts, yet hailed as quasi-saviours by the brainwashed electorate, these ghastly faces of the Establishment — the same one that set-up and jailed Cardinal Pell — have 'disappeared' the freedom and mutual tolerance that ever secured national unity; fast-tracking the once Lucky Country to the "crisis" phase of Bezmenov's 4-stage process by actually implementing the jack-boot approach 'merely' threatened by Biden.
It is impossible to exaggerate the fevered state of the country. Crushed by relentless propaganda and increasingly ruthless measures at the service of the irrational notion that only total eradication of the virus by mass vaccination can avoid a new Black Death, Australia is now a quivering, fearful landmass whipped into docile compliance by Zero-Covid Derangement Syndrome.
Gripped by this mass psychosis, it is now, effectively, under martial law.
Armoured trucks and heavily-armed SWAT teams roam city and suburban streets exacting physical retribution on vulnerable Covid 'dissidents.'
Extreme lockdowns of entire cities are enacted on the basis of a single Covid "case."
If you are caught outside your home without an excuse, you are arrested.
There are massive fines for wandering beyond arbitrary 'borders' 5 km from one's home, or requirements to scan QR codes to phones to show where you've been.
On 27 September, the Deputy Premier of New South Wales officially announced: "The message to the unvaccinated is that you will not achieve any further freedom until you get vaccinated." While the Premier herself recently declared:
"This is actually a war, and we've known we've been in a war for some time, but never to this extent."
But where's the enemy?
Nine out of 10 Australians who died from Covid-19 in 2020 had associated causes that contributed to their deaths, including existing chronic conditions.
The sum total of alleged Covid-19 deaths in the entire country is a miniscule 1,128 (as at 17/9/21) in a population of 25,694,393. And the number of Aussies infected is just 0.032%.
So she cannot possibly be declaring war against Covid. Otherwise she would have to declare war against the common cold! Even in a good year influenza kills tens of thousands of Australians, and hundreds of thousands in bad years.
No. It's not a bogus "war" against a virus.
It's a real war against the people, with cowardly cops—Brownshirts—given their head.
Those not wearing a mask while alone in their car are pulled over by the police;
12-year-old girls not wearing masks are pepper sprayed and arrested;
people are arrested in their own homes for no more than questioning the government online, including a young pregnant woman arrested in her pyjamas and marched off.
After being reported to police by his wife for questioning the government, a man was taken against his will, in an ambulance, to a prison-like facility where he was questioned, told he'd had a nervous breakdown, and diagnosed as having "a problem trusting authority."
All the while "quarantine camps" are being built, such as the 1,000-bed Centre for National Resilience — a name so redolent of the Third Reich that it would be funny if it weren't so chilling.
This Melbourne facility for returning (unvaccinated) travellers has been fast-tracked to open at the end of this year, with local residents informed that builders would not be delayed by any consultation process. A costly white elephant after the fashion of England's Nightingale hospitals, it represents one more irrational undertaking out of all proportion to Australia's paltry infection and mortality rates, not to mention Covid-19's 99.98% survival rate overall (even without early treatments).
Covid quarantine camps are not just senseless but fearful because they foster apartheid and actual concentration camps.(18) This political spectre portends the future judgment of historians, who will surely rank the collective nervous breakdown of a psychologically-conquered Australian majority alongside the willing compliance and eager subservience of most Germans during the jack-booted ascent of the National Socialists.
Though momentarily Nazi-lite, the Aussie boots are getting louder and heavier as vaccine tyranny coerces ever greater numbers to take the shot in order to work and feed their families. Yet vaxed or not, it is already too late for many. Experts predict a further 5,000 Australian businesses will collapse in the next three months.
And what is the response of the local hierarchy to these devastating effects of a global coup on sovereign Australian soil? Tragically, it goes without saying that they mirror their wretched pontiff, who has even mandated vaccine passports for entry to Vatican City!
The latest pathetic response of Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney to the baseless and idiotic provisions of a "Freedom Plan" magnanimously announced by the New South Wales government, to be rolled out when 70-80% of the population are fully vaccinated, says it all.
"In discussions with the NSW Government and NSW Health," he informs bishops and priests in a Pastoral of 9 September, "I joined other religious leaders in insisting that.... many pastors and faithful would be uneasy with restricting worship to the fully vaccinated, and that doing so could prove very divisive."
So, totalitarian measures make His Grace "uneasy" because they might be "very divisive" (never!).
Truly, the long-suffering prelates of Soviet resistance — Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński of Poland, Cardinal József Mindszenty of Hungary, et. al. — would weep tears of blood before this lame and lukewarm response from an apostolic successor faced with interference in the life and salvific role of the Church by a dictatorial State.
As for the Archbishop's equally shameful and repeated "exhortations" to clergy to be vaccinated (in order to continue their pastoral care; as if the eternal salvation of those in their care was subsidiary to their health), he would be well advised to deepen his meditations on the Four Last Things. For, in light of the shocking statistics that reflect and confirm all we know about the evils involved — above all the use of cells stolen from pre-born children to research, develop and/or test the Covid-19 jabs — how will His Grace possibly plead ignorance about the dangers, both salvific and physical, posed to his priests and his flock by the most unethical, debilitating and deadly vaccines in history?(19)
Thankfully, as indicated by their robust statement on vaccine mandates carried herein, not all Australian clergy are globalist quislings. Far from it. "I just heard they are trying to change the 2015 Biosecurity Act at this moment. Please offer prayers and penance," urged one priest alerted to this chilling change that would allow officials to enter homes and force vaccination.
Doubtless "uneasy" before this "divisive" development, is Archbishop Fisher the least bothered about its Stalinist nature and ramifications?
The question is purely rhetorical. It is left to priests like the one concerned to do the Archbishop's job for him. "Pray a novena to St Michael for his upcoming feast day (29 September) to defeat this evil they are imposing upon us, to fight for the people of God and for His Church," he urged in his email, adding these further exhortations:
Chastisements can be shortened, some even eliminated; it depends on prayer and penance. It's never too late! We have to do all we can while we can. Let us continue to storm heaven with prayer, united under Mary Immaculate. Courage, spread the word.
Meantime, all these developments turning the land of Oz into a dystopian prison state fill foreign observers with horror and trepidation because they see their our own near future writ large in Australia's next-level tyranny; the very "authoritarian control" prefigured by the Rockefellers in Lock Step, the firstscenario of their 2010 pandemic simulation.(20) Since the importance of this document cannot be overstated, let us pause momentarily to recall once again its sinister forewarning of our current nightmare:
During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.
In a 24 September despatch, speaking for open-mouthed lookers-on everywhere, the measured and commonsensical publisher of The American Spectator, Melissa MacKenzie, deplored the violence and insanity of the real-life Lock Step:
Australia is descending into tyranny. A reader from Tasmania told me not to paint with such a broad brush and that parts of Australia are fine. So, I'll say this: Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne to name three Australian cities, are experiencing a police-state where officers are body slamming, arresting protestors and generally scouting about looking for trouble in the name of public health. They want to get to COVID Zero down under and it's absurd. COVID isn't going away. It's going to be seasonal and it's impossible, even vaccinated, to avoid the virus.
Lies upon lies
Of course, the Biden pseudo-presidency was contrived precisely to foment and entrench the same Zero-Covid hysteria in order to cripple America and prevent her from obstructing this global coup. To that end, even as his rock-bottom ratings draw his brief, ill-begotten presidency to a close, his Deep State treachery continues on full throttle, unto his last gasp. Thus, reading from the same Lock Step script as his Australian counterparts, his 9 September address was strewn with lies. The rank mendacity was too much for seasoned investigative journalist Leo Hohman, who expressed his disgust [his emphases in italics]:
He [Biden] said that the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness. Even Dr. Fauci has admitted that the protection from these so-called vaccines begins to wane after three, four, five months. They're admitting you're going to have to get a booster every six months.... So he gets in front of the TV cameras and tells a bold faced lie, that these vaccines offer, quote, "very strong protection from severe illness." That, is shameful.
So, Mr Biden is doing nothing but heaping lies upon lies. He's just reading notes that have been put in front of him. His speech-writers obviously think that the American people are stupid. That we don't read about these studies coming out of other countries that actually have been collecting the data. As opposed to his corrupt CDC which keeps the data hidden, or never collects it to begin with, and then puts out some false numbers. And so, he's not fooling anyone.
We know that none of what he said was based on science. None of what he said was based on data. In fact, just the opposite, he tried to guilt and to shame. He tried to demonise the unvaccinated. When in fact, hospitals are filling with approximately 50% vaccinated, and 50% unvaccinated depending on the area. We also know that many who are unvaxed who are in the hospitals caught the disease from a vaxed person. Ok. So here he is demonising, and in my opinion, he's inciting violence against the unvaxed.
This is a very, very dangerous path that our country is going down, where he, the President of the United States, the highest office in the land, scapegoated an entire class of people, 80, 90, 100 million, whatever the number is, of people who to this point have resisted getting this poisonous shot, for very good reasons. Some of them already have natural immunity, some of them have medical condition. Some of them have simply researched everything that's out there, from people like Doctor [Judy] Mikovits and others, and have decided that this is not a safe option for them. And they did their own personal cost-benefit analyses. They looked at their own personal situation — their age, whether they have comorbidities or whatever. And they decided that the shot was more risky to them, than were the risks of getting Covid and being seriously ill or killed from Covid. And we have a president of the United States who is disrespecting those personal decisions. And if you don't have authority over your own bodily autonomy any more in this country, then how are we any more different from Cuba, or the old Soviet Union, or Communist China?
As if calling out not only Mr. Biden but his Australian counterparts, and the entire Western 'leadership' with them, Hohman concluded:
None of this makes any sense. He was blabbering on, contradicting himself one time after another.... It just doesn't make any sense. You would have to be a moron to be listening to this guy and then conclude at the end of that speech, oh, I think I need to go get vaccinated. He doesn't make logical sense. He doesn't make reasonable sense. He doesn't show any data, to support these lies. It was just a remarkable performance.
Medical tyranny
Meanwhile, as the fake president continues peddling fake information to a brainwashed electorate, a tiny cadre of doctors have bravely stepped forward to care for the entire country by way of early treatment protocols that prevent hospitalisation. As Dr. McCullough explained:
We have about 500 doctors in the United States trying to take care of the whole nation right now. We've got a million doctors, and half-a-million nurse practitioners and physician assistants sitting on the sideline, and we have 500 doctors working in networks, trying to take care of an enormous number of sick Americans with Covid-19, really desperately trying to prevent hospitalisation and death. [Interview, 12/9/21]
The Hippocratic Oath thus upended, medical tyranny has gripped public health systems worldwide. Seized by the same spirit of inhumanity and injustice that infested Abu Ghraib, Truth for Health warns that American hospitals are morphing into "the equivalent of medical jails where patient’s rights are violated and life-saving care denied. ... Prisoners in America's jails have more visitation rights than do Covid patients in America's hospitals."
As part of the shock therapy needed to awaken the naive and somnolent, consider the following examples of egregious abuses and neglect of Covid patients in hospitals across the United States, as summarised in the press release for a 22 September Truth for Health video conference. Titled "Medical Freedom: Stop the Medical Tyranny," the conference provided a platform for whistle-blower doctors, nurses, attorneys, patient advocates, and journalists to fully detail and decry the prevailing diabolic spirit; the same one that stalks the wards of the NHS:
One of the most unconscionable violations of human rights by an American hospital involves Veronica Wolski, a well-known Chicago Freedom advocate. Her heartbreaking story will be shared by her advocates during the news conference. Once hospitalized, she was administered treatments she had refused, denied proper basic medical care that could have been life-saving, and was not allowed to leave the hospital when she and her attorneys demanded release. Veronica died alone as a medical prisoner when her advocate was removed by hospital security.
Experts discuss other hospital violations of human rights, including even violations of the Geneva Convention codes, established following World War II to prevent abuses of prisoners:
- Patients are coerced to take experimental drugs like Remdesivir and be placed on ventilators, both of which pay added incentive payments and create huge profits for hospitals.
- Patients are being denied routine treatments of their choice, such as IV vitamins, inhaled and IV corticosteroids, antibiotics, and therapeutic doses of anticoagulants.
- Independent autopsies paid for by concerned family members have confirmed cause of death due to inadequate anticoagulation, even when family members have gone to court to demand therapeutic doses for their loved ones.
- Patients are isolated for long periods of time against their wishes, even beyond CDC guidelines, a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
- Patients are denied interaction with their pastors, priests, rabbis, family members, and attorneys.
- Hospitals are using law enforcement to deny access to hospital grounds for family, attorneys, and healthcare power of attorney advocates.
Patients and parents will speak to lack of information about the serious risks of the COVID "vaccine" shots, lack of information on benefits of early treatments, and lack of access to medicines for early treatment because the medical and corporate news industry is censoring that information and persecuting physicians and other health professionals trying to properly carry out their duty to inform patients of medical risks and the full range of treatment options.
Justice and mercy
By speaking out about such abuses taking place not only at hospitals but in schools, businesses and health systems all across the country, these whistle-blowers "risk their careers, their licenses, livelihoods and even their lives as they courageously speak out to inform the public with this crucial information."
We owe them a huge debt of gratitude for unmasking the rampant criminal neglect and abuse. As we do the whistle-blowing Greg Ford, who also risked all to expose the same thread of inhumanity he witnessed years before in Iraq. In the end, to shut him up and get him out of the way, his psychopathic superiors actually had him renditioned!
Strapped to a stretcher and pumped with psychotropic drugs, he was secretly airlifted out of Iraq to be tortured by his own military; desperate to ascertain what he knew about Copper Green and other inhumane military operations and governmental dirty deeds. To this day he suffers the terrible physical and mental effects of the drugs used to subdue and torture him; drugs later identified by an ex-MK Ultra doctor as outlawed potions specifically formulated for use in that notorious CIA mind-control programme. (Have I mentioned psychopathy?)
Meanwhile, Mr. Ford's irrefutable legal case against his kidnappers and torturers, and the colossal criminality and cover-ups he witnessed in Iraq, is too red hot for a U.S. judiciary too compromised to handle it. It is, however, on the ticket of the US Supreme Court. So, who knows? Thanks to the courage of whistle-blowers like Ford and those exposing the same ruling elites for their Covid cruelty, at least some perpetrators may yet be brought to justice. God responds to prayer, penance and perseverance. Miracles happen. The diabolical thread of Deep State crimes against humanity — lengthening by the day with every experimental needle coerced into every clueless arm — may yet, finally, in God's infinite mercy, be cut and dissolved.
As for "Beijing Joe," his attempt to incite a vaccine-fuelled civil war on behalf of his handlers recalled the overlords of Iran-Contra: members of the old power structures and cabals ever scheming just below the political surface of things. As we recapped earlier, their sinister contingency plan, Operation Orpheus, involved: a false flag attack, mass casualties, massive internment camps for 'dissidents,' and a silent (government-sanctioned) coup — just in case their vast and stupefying Iran-Contra conspiracies and cover-ups fell apart, exposing other Cold War conspiracies and cover-ups in the process, all igniting uncontainable public fury.
With that sinister plan and its unspeakable architects in mind, we should all pray, therefore, that Biden's incitement fails. Otherwise, rampaging Soros-funded mobs might be the least of our worries, as America becomes Australia on steroids. And if the lights go out in America, we should all watch out. For, now that the papacy is in globalistic abeyance — captured, bought off, instrumentalised — the U.S. Leviathan remains the last best political hope for seeing off the Global Predators; social psychopaths one and all.
In any event, this satanic onslaught will run its course: rage, peak, and finally peter out like all preternatural storms. But come what may, anchored in our supernatural hope and Gospel duty, it will not shake our resolve. Indomitable whistle-blower Dr. Judy Mikovits is living proof. Unshaken after years of hellish treatment and ferocious assaults by the medical establishment, in direct response to the demagogic Biden — to all his deadly vaccine lies and devilish scapegoating of the unvaxed — she simply said:
We're going to trust God and we're going to save every single person we can save. No, we're not going to blame our neighbour we're going to love our neighbour, we're going to educate our neighbour, and we're going to forgive our neighbour.
(1) World-renowned lawyer Reiner Fuellmich is leading the Corona Investigative Committee: a large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts that has initiated legal proceedings and is gathering evidence against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.
(2) The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, Al Martin, National Liberty Press (Second Edition), 2002 (pages 12;.24).
(3) The Conspirators, op. cit., pp. 337-41 (See "Operation Morpheus," CO, Jan 2020)
(4) https://youtu.be/6nnz0YRy6So. (This talk was given in January 2020 by James Kreindler, tWhe co-chair of the Plaintiffs’ Committee in the 9/11 terrorism litigation case representing 9/11 families to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for its role in the September 11, 2001 attacks. It is the first case to proceed under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, passed by the Congress in 2016.)
(5) See CO editorial, June-July 2018.
(6) The testimonies by Susan Landauer, Sybil and others, which all speak directly to this sure foreknowledge, have been reinforced more recently by Greg Ford's remarkable recap of the top secret briefing he attended at Fort Huachuca in JULY 2000.
In attendance was “Colonel Anthony Shaffer, an intelligence agent, and two other members of the team of agents he’d been working with in an intensive military counterterrorism operation known as Able Danger.”
Ford and 35 others were told: "Sometime in the next eighteen months, New York City and Washington, DC will be attacked. Civilian airliners will be hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center and selected targets in DC."
As related by Ford: “A data-mining program used by Able Danger had determined that there were at least two cells of “terrorist operatives” inside the United States at that moment: that those cells had been “penetrated” by Able Danger operatives, that members of these terrorist cells had received flight training in south Florida and at an old abandoned air base not far from where we were in Arizona, and that their leader was Osama bin Laden.”
The group was also told “to get our affairs in order, settle our debts, and make out our wills, because when these attacks occurred, we would be “activated” to hunt down Al Qaeda terrorists and would be going to the Middle East."
In response to a question during a Q&A, it was stated that “the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI” were informed of all this. Asked why they just didn’t arrest these terrorists, the class was told, “Because they haven’t done anything yet. So far, they’re just foreign nationals who’ve been taking flying lessons.”
- Midnight in Samarra, Frank Gregory Ford and Eleanor Cooney, 2019, Hot Books, Kindle Edition.
(7) Choosing the Light: Dark Secrets of the Oklahoma City Bombing, by Cody Snodgress.Available as an e-book from https://lightonconspiracies.com/cody/
(8) Just after the U.S. invaded, an Iraqi Colonel who wanted America out of his country as fast as possible took U.S. military counter-intelligence officer Greg Ford straight to the celebrated "WMDs." Deep underground, Ford was shown a vast room full of crates of VX nerve gas. The gas was contained in P-400 bomb canisters which had been "reconfigured [to Saddam's aircraft specifications] at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, sold by President Bush Sr. and his Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney directly to Saddam in the days after the end of the Iran/Iraq war and before Gulf War 1, back when he was America’s “friend” and CIA employee."
As tangible proof of what he witnessed, Ford removed and still retains for legal purposes one of the bills of lading from the Carlyle Group that were affixed to every one of the 29 crates (other bills of lading "showed that some of the canisters were bought... just a couple of months before the ’03 invasion.") He also memorised the all-important GSN (General Service supply Number) stamped on the "dispersal door" of one of the lethal canisters, which numbers contain complete information about the canister it was attached to: "where it was made, by whom, and its exact tortuous route from Alabama to Iraq."
- Midnight in Samarra, ibid.
(9) Midnight in Samarra, ibid.
(10) Midnight in Samarra, ibid. (Greg Ford writes that a couple of years later, an officer who recorded this epochal event on his video camera mentioned his "footage and the discovery of the WMDs during an interview on Nightline with Ted Koppel, only to have the plug pulled on him the instant the topic came up.")
(11) Midnight in Samarra, op. cit.
(12) Midnight in Samarra, op. cit.
(13) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2781963
(14) In January 2021, for example, MEP Mathilde Androuët recalled to the European Commission Pfizer's criminal record of "falsifying data, active corruption and payment of kickbacks." She went on: "In 2016, the laboratory was also fined in England 84.2 million pounds for overcharging the price of its epilepsy treatment. In 1996, Pfizer was also accused of causing the deaths of 11 children in Nigeria and physiological damage to many more by testing them for antibiotics. Wikileaks revealed in 2010 that Pfizer allegedly tried to find evidence of corruption against the Nigerian justice minister to force him to drop his charges."
(15) This was before Big Pharma insisted on ZERO-liability, as revealed in Pfizer's international Covid-19 contracts, one of which (Albania's) was leaked despite Pfizer's extremely aggressive attempts to protect the details. These state among much else that the contract agreement is above any local state law, and that "The purchaser" [country] agrees to INDEMNIFY, DEFEND and ASSUME ALL LIABILITY incumbent on Pfizer even though "The purchaser acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are currently not known and that there may be adverse effects of the vaccine which are currently not known."
(16) Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, Lake Edge Press; 1st edition (September 30, 2021). Available in print and on Kindle from Amazon.
(17) From his deep research, Dr. Breggin explained the FDA's choice of Pfizer over Moderna very simply: "Bill Gates working with Fauci, back in 2015, already was announcing that the Pfizer platforms were being developed. So from the beginning, Pfizer was the one selected by Bill Gates. And we wondered why Moderna didn't get the first approval [for Emergency Use]. The first approval went to Pfizer [when] it looked like it would be Moderna because that was the selected multi-billion dollar boondoggle from all the way back, and organised internationally."
(18) Concentration camp: noun: a guarded compound for the mass detention without hearings or the imprisonment without trial of civilians, as refugees, members of ethnic minorities, political opponents, etc.
(19) Both Archbishop Fisher's Pastoral of 10 August ("Vaccination of the Clergy") and a superb corrective sent to him in response by Michael Baker of the Super Flumina blog is available at: https://superflumina.org/dear-archbishop-fisher.html
(20) Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, The Rockefeller Foundation, May 2010. Produced in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz.