Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

May 2021

The Perfect Choice


"I feel great fear,.... I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I’ve ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products. [...] The good news is that there are multiple choices available... [which] reduce the risk to such an extent that this virus did not need to become a public health crisis."
- Mike Yeadon, Pfizer's former Chief Science Officer, March 2021


Dr. Yeadon is not alone in feeling fear and sniffing sulphour. As they continue to ripple outwards across the nation from a diabolically disoriented Downing Street, both sensations are palpable. At least for those of us who eschew incessant mainstream propaganda for trustworthy alternative media sources and our own due diligence.

Tragically, the widespread complacency reflected in polls indicates that the masked-majority have instead abandoned all independent thought to embrace government groupthink. A perverse choice at the best of times, it is especially fearful before this unaccountable government, whose unflagging mendacity translates into policies ever more irrational, dictatorial, and cruel.

The unnerving belligerence was perfectly captured in a recent Daily Telegraph report.

Let us assume that the official figures are both accurate and meaningful (they are neither (1)). According to these, the average number of Covid deaths per day currently stands at a pitifully small 25, while Covid "cases" have dropped 94 per cent from the peak.

So, damning numbers. Enough said. Anti-narrative case closed.

But, here comes the boom... The day the article appeared, 19 April, the UK recorded a grand total of four Covid deaths. "By comparison,"noted the Telegraph, "the UK records an average of around five deaths from road accidents daily."

Boom! The nuclear comparison obliterates every last skerrick of alleged scientific objectivity: exposing Covid policy-making as the brazen instrument of political expedience it always was. And yet, their New Clothes torn to shreds by such risible stats,standing naked before the people as a laughingstock, the Emperors of Number 10 still refuse to accelerate the lifting of lockdown restrictions.

Lacking all commonsense and charity, they are determined to maintain their chokehold; to squeeze every last vestige of oxygen from the national windpipe by not lifting every Covidic restriction and measure until a very distant 21 June. But only a fool would take that date at face value. Downing Street's repeated promise to prioritise "data not dates" in deciding when the measures should be relaxed has proven to be as empty as every other cynical soundbite mouthed since March 2020; instantly evaporating whenever the data favours a quick re-opening. A Soviet-like predicament that recalls this quote often credited to Solzhenitsyn:

"We know they are lying, they know they are lying,
they know we know they are lying,
we know they know we know they are lying,
but they are still lying."

In which case we may fairly assume they will turn somersaults to continue stretching their elastic re-opening 'timetable' to breaking point. After all, having placed the entire country under de facto house arrest on the pretext of 'saving the NHS' from a bug no more dangerous than seasonal influenza, and conditioned citizens to thank them for having done so, any excuse may now be used to do it all over again. Anywhere. Anytime. 

Of course, not all government members are on message. "We’ve been told regularly, that we are following the data, not the dates, but sadly, it seems to be the other way around," lamented Conservative MP Pauline Latham. "In Derbyshire there are huge swathes of villages and towns, that have no Covid whatsoever, and that’s repeated over all sorts of areas of the country."

Ms Latham is not alone. But she has no more influence over this unspeakable Prime Minister and his deeply compromised inner-circle than we do. Nor are the decent MPs able to stem the flow of naked spin and lies spewed out endlessly by Fearless Leader.

Forever feigning Boris the Hero instead of Boris the Zero, Mr. Johnson had claimed only the week before the Telegraph report that lockdown restrictions were responsible for the country’s plummeting Covid cases, despite data showing cases were already falling before each successive lockdown. Let us hope and pray that this latest lockdown lie is not the heads up it appears to be: flagging yet another national incarceration in the autumn on the back of another contrived viral "wave".

A cowardly opportunist, Boris Johnson nailed his colours to the Brexit mast of national sovereignty while it served his purpose, before ripping them down, abandoning ship, and racing back to his natural habitat; the globalist ecosystem wherein his population control hobbyhorse is pandemically resurgent. Hence his signature affixed to the letter published on 29 March by twenty-four world 'leaders' drumming up support for "a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response at the highest political level." A statement of globalist intent to cement and build upon Covid's Sanitary Dictatorship, it mocks the self-determination Mr Johnson momentarily, expediently, lauded. 

In other words, like his recent predecessors, this Prime Minister personifies the pseudo-elite: the unprincipled pretenders who currently rule the global roost. A few brave exceptions notwithstanding, they have gutted leadership of all noble meaning and purpose, opting instead for pragmatism as their sole guiding rule of life and governance. Indeed, Tony Blair, the amoral pioneer and vapid epitome of this cynical 'third way', keenly empathised with Pilate's handling of his Jesus-dilemma.

Lacking all conviction, devoid of honour, these plastic pols mirror the hirelings who invert the salvific role of the Catholic shepherd (cf. Jorge Bergoglio, CO passim). As spiritually and morally corrupt as their secular counterparts, many are just as surely compromised and blackmailed into acquiescence. — "They have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt." Ps. 52:3

What to do before such overwhelming wickedness on high?

The first thing is to accept, with faith and humility, God's holy will that we endure such powerful predators in Church and State.

The second is to contemplate the fearsome persecution of Christians from Christ to the present day, and understand that we must hang together, or hang separately.

Thirdly, praise God for His liberating gift of free will! As Melissa Mackenzie writes:

We cannot choose what happens to us. We cannot control what politicians or our bosses or spouses or friends do. We can only manage our responses to this stimuli and choose for ourselves what manner of person we'll be. Will we rise in our time of trying or will we buckle? Will we be cowards?

One of my favourite books is [Holocaust survivor] Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning. ... The whole book is quotable, but its essence is this:

“For the world is in a bad state, but everything will become still worse unless each of us does his best.” / “It is not freedom from conditions, but it is freedom to take a stand toward the conditions.”

And most of all, this: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

We are not helpless. We choose. Every day, every minute, we choose. And in the next instant we can choose differently. It's important to know that when the outside world seems so out of control, true mastery comes from controlling one's inward landscape – navigating the forests and rivers and tall grass and caves of the soul, conquering them, and reaching the other side; reaching the goal. Reminds me of Proverbs 16:32:

He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
And he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

I don't like where our culture is headed. [Western societies are] frazzled and fragmented, disordered, distracted and fearful. But [nations are] made up of millions of individuals making personal choices and each of these people can choose better and differently. It begins with each of us taking responsibility for what we control and making the best of our own lives and choices.

Since virtuous choices made under grace have the greatest impact, we Catholics bear the greatest responsibility. And in this month dedicated to her honour, opting to obey Our Lady's call for prayer, penance, the daily Rosary, and the Five First Saturday devotions is the perfect choice. More than ever, amid endless lies, burgeoning chaos, and the palpable "presence of evil," the victory required for global peace — namely, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary — depends on it.

Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis.



(1) "The PCR test looks for a piece of RNA in the swab sample taken from a person. That piece of RNA is PRESUMED to be part of the virus. But since you don’t have an isolated purified specimen of the virus itself, all assumptions about that piece of RNA are null and void. Therefore, the COVID case numbers, which are based on the test results, are meaningless. So are the death numbers. The masks, the distancing, the lockdowns - which are based on case numbers - are absurd and destructive." - Jon Rappoport (veteran investigative journalist).