Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

April 2021

Jorge, Judas and the Anonymous Power


When the Covid Reich roared into view a year ago, we had already suffered the Ecclesial Reich of the Dictator Pope for six long and terrible years. That he immediately placed his papal dictatorship at the service of the sanitary dictatorship was, therefore, to be expected. The shameless deceit, rampant hypocrisy, secrecy, unaccountability, ruthless control and naked coercion of the Covid scam suited his psychological and Modernist temper. A meeting of worldly minds, it was a perfect globalist storm.

The ready papal acquiescence set the tone for the Modernist hierarchy, who almost injured each other in their virtue-signalling rush to follow Jorge's supine lead and embrace the godless "narrative" peddled by the technocratic Lords of the Earth; bowing low to their unscientific measures which deemed bottle shops, garden centres and supermarkets more essential than religious worship in general, and the Catholic sacraments in particular.

Not only did they not kick up a storm by challenging arbitrary sanitary diktats, they cravenly offered to shut churches even when their closure was not mandated. Thereafter, despite heart-rending pleas from the faithful for episcopal rethinks, the sterilisation and stripping down of Catholic life quickly unfolded. Instead of denouncing the government for presenting a mild virus of seasonal influenza virility and danger as the Black Death, and simply telling the sick and vulnerable to stay home and stream the Mass online, the insufferable (because needless) book-your-pew/wear-your-mask regimen took hold.

This sacramental apartheid was only ever the start, of course. The original craven capitulation set the demonic dominoes falling all the way to the New Jersey parish that now refuses to hear the Confessions of unvaccinated parishioners. While in Boston only the vaccinated can serve at the altar.

Clerical Derangement Syndrome

The derangement that has gripped Covidised clerics was exemplified recently by the priest who called the police to remove from his Dallas church a young pregnant mother named Deirdre Hairston. Together with her husband and one-year-old, she had dared to attend Mass unmasked. Although Texas has removed its mask mandate (without the slightest adverse effect on "case" rates), by presenting the Church as a business (a legal "charitable organisation"), the clerical vigilante is able to mandate masks in his church. The cops arrived, interrupted the woman's post-Communion thanksgiving and threatened her with handcuffing before marching her out to the carpark, where she was issued a trespass warning as a church usher, who had run out to take photographs of her car license plate, shouted: "Write her up! Write her up!". "Not to flatter myself," Hairston told Catholic commentator Taylor Marshall, "but it was like, ‘Crucify her! Crucify her!’"

The police told Hairston she could never again go back to her church without being arrested. She remarked to Dr. Marshall that although she’s a Catholic in the state of grace, she has been de facto barred from the sacraments, which is against canon law.

Wondering aloud if parish mask mandates are really about health, or if they are about control, Hairston reflected that "Our own government is more lenient [about masks] at this point than our Church. And that’s a problem. You’re more likely to be treated with Christian charity and grace at a Taco Bell than you are at church, unfortunately."

As low as the Francis papacy had taken the Church before March 2020, this is the new sub-basement level to which Covid scamsters and their FrancisChurch accomplices, like the Dallas priest and his crazed usher, have dragged us in just twelve months. Hairston said that Catholics "need to wake up to realise that this is … the state of our Church right here, right now, and we need to stand up. The Church belongs to us; we are the laity. That priest — the Church does not belong to him. We can’t allow these things to happen."

They surely would not happen if more priests were as righteously outspoken as Father James Altman of the La Crosse diocese. In his Palm Sunday homily, Fr. Altman, who considers Covid-19 a "hoax" at the service of a "feardemic," blasted priests and bishops who indulge in the "godless madness" and "godless fear" of the coronavirus at the expense of the faithful. Addressing the episode recounted above, he said:

"A priest in Dallas, Texas, called the police to arrest a woman for trespassing in that parish because she, who was carrying a child in her womb, and holding her one-year-old baby in her arms, was sitting way in [the] back, not near anyone but her family, but was so light-headed due to being with child that she could not wear a mask. That priest, that imposter of a priest, called the police. Bishop of that parish, what kind of priest are you allowing to operate in your diocese, or — worse — what kind of mindset have you inculcated into the priests of your diocese?

Thundering like an Old Testament prophet, Fr. Altman said that if priests can’t get over their "abundance of cowardice masquerading as ‘caution’" to fulfill their vocation, then they are overdue for the "millstone" treatment. "Amen, amen, I say to you that if such shepherds as that represented the truth of the Catholic Church, I’d be out the door," he said. "I’d be the first one out that door and I would never look back. But you and I, we know better," he continued. "They do not represent the Catholic Church, only the depths of hell to which some of them have fallen."

Earlier in his homily, he had assured his congregation that if hell "has many levels," like those described in Dante’s Inferno, "the lowest, hottest levels are the final burning place for those shepherds who were complicit in the godless [Covid-19] restrictions. Like… some of those Texas shepherds who refused the government exemptions." Ditto the English hierarchy.

Fr. Altman acknowledged that his words might seem "strong," but that it was Palm Sunday, and they had all just heard the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. That prelates and his brother priests read the Passion but were not similarly moved to speak out against the crushing impact of the Covid dictatorship on Catholic worship and sacramental life speaks volumes. Lukewarmness hardly covers it.

Meantime, a serpent whispering in his ear, the Canadian Premier of Ontario shut down his province for the third time in a year commencing 12:01 a.m. on Saturday, 3 April, not hesitating to interrupt the most holy season of Easter rather than wait a few days. The serpents whisper to the bloodless Covid dictators, who whisper in turn to their hapless henchmen: like the two officers who marched past the altar rails and onto the sanctuary of the Church of Christ the King, Balham, South London, to shut down the solemn Good Friday liturgy. Adorned in stab vests, face masks and handcuffs, the policewoman, arms folded, exuded disregard for the holy ground she desecrated, while the policeman hissed his newspeak at the (marvellously unmasked) Polish congregation:

"This gathering is unlawful under the coronavirus regulations.... You need to go home. Failure to comply with this direction to leave and go to your home address, ultimately could lead you to be fined £200, or if you fail to give your details, you being arrested. ... Though it is Good Friday, and I appreciate your right to worship," they added disingenuously, "please leave the building now."

The Re-crucifixion of Christ

Where will it all end? As long as the papal chair is occupied by a material heretic we must expect Covid dominoes to keep falling post-Covid — all the way to totalitarian levels of government control of Catholic life and worship not experienced in this country since Elizabeth I. In other words, until our daily prayers and penances warrant the papal miracle of a new Hildebrand, Pius V or Pius X, we must count ourselves privileged to suffer the post-conciliar Passion of the Church and its catastrophic secular consequences with and for Christ in real time. It is His Body, after all, that is the subject of the relentless Bergoglian pummelling which rained yet another blow upon Him shortly before Easter with the cruel ban on private Masses in St. Peter’s Basilica.

As many pilgrims have experienced, priests would offer individual Masses in the early morning hours at some of the side altars among the 45 altars (and 11 chapels) in the Basilica. Sometimes priests said the Mass alone or with only a deacon. Priests travelling with pilgrim groups were also permitted to reserve an altar for a private Mass. The new protocols, issued by the First Section of the Vatican Secretariat of State, which went into effect on 22 March, state that priests will be invited to take part in several concelebrated Masses at St. Peter’s every day but will not be permitted to offer private Masses at the basilica’s side altars. Since the Old Mass cannot be concelebrated, it must be said in the Clementine Chapel in the Vatican grottos (crypt), but is limited to just four Masses a day.

The ensuing strong reactions of Archbishop Viganò and Cardinal Zen are representative of the general dismay and disgust voiced by several Cardinals against this latest nail hammered into the Mystical Body of Christ. A re-crucifixion being overseen by a putative Pope who seeks to belittle if not totally erase his title of Vicar of Christ on earth; who proclaims the Holy Name of Jesus rarely, and even then through gritted teeth; who presided over a pagan ceremony in the Vatican Gardens on 4 October 2019, at the beginning of the Amazon Synod, blessing a bowl containing soil and plants offered up to the Pachamama goddess by a "priestess"; who then desecrated the Papal Altar in St. Peter's Basilica by placing that same bowl on it (against all liturgical rules) during the closing Mass of the Synod on 27 October; who thereafter abandoned his Masses at that great High Altar built directly above the tomb of St. Peter himself (just as he stopped offering his regularly mid-week Masses at Casa Santa Marta the moment Covid hit, despite their greater necessity under lockdown). The week before Christmas, Maike Hickson provided LifeSiteNews withthis neat recap of the 2020 Jorge Experience:

Here a summary of the events since last year's Amazon Synod: First the Pope had blessed a sacrifice that had been offered to a false god, and then he placed it on the very altar on which he usually offers the Son of God to God the Father. In the 2020 Yearbook, he declines to be called “Vicar of Christ.” The coronacrisis breaks out, which is then being used by government authorities to close down churches and restrict Mass attendance, along with the Pope's collaboration and approval. Then the Pope stops altogether celebrating Mass on that very same Papal Altar on which he had earlier placed the Pachamama bowl. His Christmas Vigil Mass is not even a midnight Mass, but will take place at 7.30 p.m., due to the existing curfew rules in Italy (even though the Vatican is its own city-state and the Pope is its head). The result of these papal acts are that now in many places in the whole world the Christmas Midnight Mass, commemorating the birth of the Christ-Child, has been cancelled. One may ask whether there is a connection between all of these events: that is to say, from the Pachamama bowl on the Papal Altar to the cancellation of the Christmas Midnight Masses in many parts of the world.


The Devilish Void
(captured by a Rome-based professor of philosophy)


Added Excruciation

Since then the torment of beholding Jorge act out his assigned role in the Covid scam has been added to our excruciation.

Even as his own doctor, gerontologist Roberto Bernabei, proclaims that Covid-19 is a perfectly "normal illness" from which "almost exclusively only the elderly ["with at least three pathologies"] die" — his papal patient declares that "ethically, everyone should take the [rushed, experimental, abortion-tainted, often debilitating and sometimes deadly Pfizer] vaccine."

To which diabolical assertion he adds incessant Masonic propaganda about "building a new world order... united in fraternity", while ever reinforcing the Great Reset agenda. "The world will never be the same again," he wailed during a narrative-spinning 16 March interview with Italian journalist Domenico Agasso. Spewing forth his social gospel that eschews Jesus Christ and the salvation of souls, he went on in his usual secular fashion: 

But it is precisely within this calamity that we must grasp those signs which may prove to be the cornerstones of reconstruction. Speeches are not enough to solve emergencies. The pandemic is an alarm signal on which humanity is forced to reflect. This time of trial can thus become a time of wise and far-sighted choices for the good of humanity, of all humanity.

Sycophants of the "Anonymous Power"

For six interminable years this Masonic/humanistic garbage, along with the sodomitic filth Jorge facilitates, protects and promotes (CO passim), has been emptied over the Church and the faithful. Alone, the near total capture of the Vatican by the demons of Sodom, and the endless horrific scandals disgorged from a debauched Rome in consequence, requires massive reparation; both individual and collective.

Even so, this necessary suffering offered up willingly does not make it any less painful. The anguish we feel is expressed by Cardinal Zen in the final line of his ensuing Open Letter to Cardinal Sarah on the banning of private celebrations of Mass in St. Peter's. Citing St. John's dramatic account of the betrayal of Judas at the Last Supper — the first Mass; at which Judas received the first sacrilegious Communion — the Cardinal concludes: "It was night!" [Jn 13:30].

The nexus alluded to here is terrible yet unavoidable. It stretches far beyond the sympathy Jorge regularly extends to Judas.

Both unnerving and unprecedented, he presents Judas as a sinner no worse than anyone else: "Judas was not the one who sinned the most: ... Judas, poor man, is the one who closed himself to love... [but] they all ran away during the difficult time of the Passion and left Jesus alone. They are all sinners."[9/10/14]; "It hurts when I read that small passage from the Gospel of Matthew, when Judas, who has repented, goes to the priests... and gives them the coins....They closed their hearts before this poor, repentant man...." [11/4/16]; "Just as Judas tried to repent and found no welcome from the chief priests, so today, there are people in the Church who...  do not welcome the suffering…" [13/12/16]

Cardinal Zen himself doubtless sees beyond this sinister rehabilitation of Judas and the banning of the private Masses to the Judas-kiss planted by Jorge on the defenceless cheeks of his sold out Catholic brethren in China. Yet all these ghastly giveaways are mere pointers to the broader connection between the two apostolic traitors from Argentina and Judah. It is Jorge's obscene servility to the pseudo-elite, compounded during the phony Covid "crisis," that crystallises the baleful nexus.

Benedict XVI explains its essence in his book Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection. Quoting St. John, "After receiving the morsel, he immediately went out; and it was night," Benedict notes that Judas went out in a deeper sense. He moved away from the Light and into the darkness, where the "power of darkness" overtook him. Of Judas’ betrayal, he writes:

Judas is neither a master of evil nor the figure of a demoniacal power of darkness but rather a sycophant who bows down before the anonymous power of changing moods and current fashion. But it is precisely this anonymous power that crucified Jesus, for it was anonymous voices that cried, "Away with him! Crucify him!"

In one aspect, Benedict's neo-Modernist ecumenical sensibilities clearly got the better of him. For he knows perfectly well that the voices calling for Christ's crucifixion were not wholly "anonymous." They were Jewish voices. One cannot whitewash Jewish responsibility for the crucifixion of Christ or exculpate the Jewish leadership for its leading role in deicide without whitewashing the Gospels themselves.

Similarly, presenting Judas as a sycophant pandering to "anonymous power" does not erase the demonic dimension he personifies. It cannot. Our Lord himself, Whose every word is precise and profound, called him "a devil" [Jn 6:71].

But this portrait of a pandering Judas, which depicts Jorge to a tee, is perfectly acceptable when we consider that Satan thrives on the anonymity of evil; whether exercised personally, through seemingly benign human vessels, or collectively, via "changing moods and current fashion" — which coercive "power" is no less "anonymous" for its being broadly orchestrated and tweaked by the Lodge and the money powers.

Padre Pio spoke about this terrifying anonymity: "Remember this: if the devil makes noise, it is a sign that he is still outside and not yet within," he cautioned. "That which must terrify us is his peace and concord with the human soul. That which comes from Satan begins with calmness and ends in storm, indifference and apathy."
This recalls the sudden vitriolic eruptions against Catholic Tradition and its upholders that routinely shatter Jorge's outward show of calm and ostentatious 'humility'.

In a recent Easter reflection on Benedict's take, commentator Paul Kengor noted that this "hugely influential hidden power [is] one that you can’t always get a handle on, but it’s always there, and with a tremendous persuasive power upon the crowd, the culture." Apropos the crowd who turned on Christ he went on:

Mere days earlier, the same people had been hailing Christ, begging him to heal them, watching in awe as he did miracles, welcoming him into their homes. And just like that, the mood of the crowd turned. Our culture, too, is filled with mere sycophants to the anonymous power of changing moods and current fashion. [The American Spectator, 1/4/21]

It is a measure of the unprecedented, interrelated crises in Church and State today that the occupant of the Chair of Peter is now chief among them.

Salvific Suffering — Abiding Hope

For our part, we must confront this coercive "power" in its current Covidic ascendancy as we do every other trial and tribulation: according to the dictates of Christ.

Therefore, let us live "as sheep in the midst of wolves," being "wise as serpents and simple as doves" [Matt. 10:16]. But let us do so in the sure and joyful knowledge that neither technocratic dictators nor a Dictator Pope re-crucifying Christ can rob us of the fruit of His Easter Victory: the eternal Hope stamped indelibly on baptised souls saved and renewed in His Precious Blood.

Indeed, let us scourge Satan by turning the pervasive wickedness to our advantage! Rather than imitate Jorge, let us pray for him, resist him, rejoice in the suffering he inflicts upon us, and thereby fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, in our flesh, for His Body, which is the Church. [Col. 1:24]

After all, our ability to endure the horrors of this post-Christian society even as we navigate the spiritual ruins of a Church under total demonic siege, is all down to this consoling doctrine: that far from coming to eradicate suffering — to include that inflicted by a Pope who has jumped the barque of Peter to board the globalist Titanic — Christ came to suffuse it with salvific meaning. Having done so in this world, He now awaits us in the next:

"Go to My brethren, and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father
and to your Father, to My God and your God." [Jn 20:17]

He Who created all things, Who had compassion on the human race, Who suffered to call us out of darkness into His marvellous light, and Who, seated at the right hand of God, dies now no more — this Living and Loving God is Risen indeed! Alleluia, alleluia!


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