Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

February 2021

The Wars We Are In



One of the myriad ironies of our current predicament is that we are fighting so many wars on so many fronts, yet most people are not aware they are in a war. Complacency negates the disturbing reality and the high stakes. And since apathy and ignorance breed unquestioning servility, things go from bad to worse.

The oblivious majority notwithstanding, retired U.S. Army officer Robert Hickson notes that "even without a formal, open declaration of war, the reality of war may still subsist and spread."

Also a former teacher (while on active duty) at the Fort Bragg Unconventional Warfare School, Hickson insists that:

[E]ven those who are not students of military history and strategy... [should know about] how war is based upon (and often conducted with) deception; and... about how the most important thing to know before entering into a war – or even after finding oneself suddenly in a war and unprepared – is to know “the kind of war you are in.” In a sense, if someone is at war with you – even if you don't know it – you are at war.(1)

"Reality," he underlines, "is that which doesn't go away even when you stop thinking about it."

Indeed, it doesn't disappear even when the unreal holds increasing sway over modern minds perverted from cradle to grave with surreal notions like these, headlined on 11 February:

Successfully substituting the unreal for the real in public perception is the ultimate mind control.

For those who have shaken off the mind-rotting apathy of affluence, however — who have kept themselves informed through independent media — the routine insanity above is less alarming because they are apprised of the Marxist roots and objectives of the culture war.

They may not be quite so familiar, though, with the origins and aims of the technocratic warfare that has suddenly erupted under cover of public health.

That is why we must continue to explore all the sinister facets of a Covid beat up which, as Catherine Austin Fitts explains in this edition, may variously be viewed as a currency war, an economic (debt-entrapment) war on the working class, and a war against humanity. 

Since these epochal wars at the service of dystopian social engineering are based on epic levels of deception, the key offensive weapon in our armoury is transparency.

Drop by drop, the transparent, disinterested truth wears away secrecy and self-interest. A lengthy process, no doubt. Yet one with an assured outcome. As veteran investigative reporter Jon Rappoport puts it:

The deck is stacked. The game is rigged. Welcome to the Deep Medical State.

As in any truly deep operation, only a small number of elite professionals understand the basic con. The rest are blind, and accepting. Some are wilfully blind. They see the truth in a flash of insight, and then they shut up.

However, in this mad 'COVID landscape,' minds and doors are opening. The hypnotic haze is receding.

The truth is coming out. Doctors, scientists, reporters, and members of the public are discovering and rejecting the Big Con.

[Newsletter, 14 October 2020]

Amid mass censorship of 'dissident' voices, we will continue our small part in exposing the Big Con through plain truth-telling; the gathering force of which simple stratagem will set us free in the long term.

As we approach the end of Covidian Year 1, this will include revisiting some early analyses and explanations of the fascistic Big Pharma-Big Government complex, and reminders of the long history of catastrophic incompetence and failure of governments and their public health advisers.     

Meantime, as Biden and Bergoglio cement the unholy Deep State-Deep Church coalition, Deacon Toner lays out very bluntly the "baleful influence," "pervasive power" and "looming menace" of the secularised "catholic church."

Speaking to that analysis, a medical doctor provided Christian Order with the following analogical critique befitting our covidic times: 

"In the article, Deacon Toner speaks with precise diagnostic accuracy of the pathological state of things in the Church. But unfortunately, he does not identify by name the prime causative agent of this near terminal illness: namely Bergoglio aka, Francis.

"This is very much like in clinical medicine, correctly evaluating the morbid state of the patient by diagnosing all the clinical signs and symptoms of Plague, documenting all the abnormalities and biochemical aberrations and laboratory and microbiological findings and the condition of the patient without naming Pasteurella-Yersinia Pestis as being the cause. Once the prime causative agent is identified, the whole medical armamentarium and knowledge about the bacterium and its habits and its methods of spread and its principle geographical reservoirs and dormant hosts, can be focused on its containment and eradication. Contact tracing and isolating contacts before they openly show the disease, giving them early treatment and prophylactic antibiotics, and engaging in massive programs to eradicate the rats which carry the fleas which cause the disease then can and must be undertaken, using the vast accumulated knowledge about the disease and the armamentarium of measures, personal and communal that have been discovered and that can be utilised to contain and destroy it.

"Apart from a bare handful of those in the Church, prime amongst whom is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, there is nobody amongst the hierarchy who will identify Francis as the prime pathogen, the über-prime agent in the malignant epidemiological web of causation."

Asked by the present writer if it might not be more accurate to say that, medically speaking, Bergoglio is not the Pasteurella-Yersinia Pestis itself, but just the latest papal ‘carrier’ of the Modernist pathogen that infected the Council, the doctor replied:

"That is correct. But the bacterium carried by him has flourished, grown, developed, having found an extremely suitable culture medium containing all the essential ingredients, nutrients and climatic conditions in the 'Bergoglian Petrie-dish' to allow mutation of the agent to an unprecedented huge 'virulence' and infectivity."

A Judaised creature of the Lodge, this virulent "pontiff" and his secularised "church" are WMDs in the overarching and decisive war: between Jorge's social "gospel" and the Gospel of Christ.



(1) Facets of Four World Wars, CO, June-July 2010.



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