Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

January 2021

Grist For God's Mill



May I express my deepest gratitude for the many uplifting cards, notes, letters and emails received over the Christmas/New Year period. Be assured that not only your generous renewals but every expression of support and encouragement, and each devotional and informative item received has served at once to humble, enlighten and strengthen me.

While this unflagging faith, hope and charity reflects the Christian Order readership to a tee, it is currently tinged with a certain dismay and trepidation. This is to be expected.

To sacramental Catholic eyes and minds, fixed on Divine Truth and alive to the supernatural, the burgeoning technocratic dystopia being ushered in at home and abroad by ongoing orchestrated turmoil evokes apocalyptic possibilities. Especially now that the epic levels of naked hypocrisy, mendacity and abuse of power witnessed this past year, personified by the Bergoglio/Biden nexus, have criminally supplanted, for now, the Culture of Faith, Life, Family and Freedom embodied by the Viganò/Trump axis.

America, HQ of the global Deep State, is ground zero of the global coup at play here; its Republic and people the primary targets. For if we find it hard to stomach ruinous covid diktats conjured up in a Downing Street echo chamber by a weak Prime Minister and his incestuous circle of fellow Oxonians, consider the anguish felt on 20 January by 74 million Americans (and more they didn't count) who re-elected President Trump in a landslide, only to suffer a kafkaesque "presidential" inauguration:

“This is America’s day,” Joe Biden told an audience of, well, really no Americans to start his inaugural address. “This is democracy’s day.” If democracy means barbed wire, fences, and tens of thousands of soldiers but no people but the beautiful people invited to the celebration of democracy, then maybe it’s later than we think (or maybe we migrated to Central America without knowing it). Think for a moment about how you might view a foreign potentate who declared it ‘democracy’s day’ to a broad expanse of emptiness made so by armed agents of the government. [Daniel Flynn, Spectator A.M., 21/1/21]

Former New Jersey Democrat Jeff Van Drew, now a Republican Congressman, slated the massive military presence as "overkill and hypocritical by the people who denounced troops defending our cities from burning this summer. It looked like, literally, you were getting sworn in in Venezuela, as opposed to the United States of America." [Newsmax TV, 23/1/21].

So, how on earth did they justify this Orwellian precedent that puts every Western nation on Deep State notice?    

The Capitol 'event'

As ever, it was all projection: casting on to Trump's overwhelmingly peaceful, pro-life, patriotic supporters the spectre of violence which, on the contrary, was personified by the fake "president" and his fellows: viz., a Democratic Party not only grotesquely venal (cf. Peter Schweizer's forensic Clinton Cash and Profiles in Corruption), but also now synonymous with the extreme left agitation that variously tolerated, incited and/or facilitated violence throughout President Trump's tenure. This included calls to attack the President's family, colleagues and supporters, and tacit or active support for BLM's summer of murder and mayhem. 

Along with blackmail, bribery and the usual array of political dirty tricks, committing crimes then shamelessly pinning them on your opponents, with the indispensable aid of the controlled entertainment-media, has been  a major Democratic modus operandi ever since the Clintons brought their brutal Arkansas playbook to the Washington swamp in the 1990s. It was what the Russia Collusion hoax and Ukraine impeachment pantomime were all about: denouncing Donald Trump for his non-existent crimes in order to distract attention from the rampant foreign collusion, criminality and treachery routinely practiced by Crooked Hilary, Beijing Joe, Red Barack and the rest (laid bare once again last October by the damning contents of Hunter Biden's laptop). 

We first saw this projection perpetrated during Trump's 2016 rallies. Violent incidents demonstrably triggered by Soros-funded groups like Antifa were regularly attributed by the media to Trump supporters who merely defended themselves or reacted to extreme provocation.

It was all too predictable, therefore, that the creepy inauguration would be rationalised on the same spurious pretext: violence as the sine qua non of the Trump movement; as allegedly demonstrated by its supposed 'storming' of the Capitol Building on 6 January, having been stirred up by the President. 

This take is spurious on many grounds.

In the first place, the President delivered his address, frank yet restrained, to a typical Trump crowd: huge, enthusiastic, and peaceful.

Secondly, footage shows that large numbers of the people allowed to stroll through wide open doors unchallenged were wandering around the Capitol in orderly fashion, like tourists. Although foolhardy, doubtless illegal, and ultimately tragic, it was hardly a 'storming' or 'invasion' or 'riot' of BLM and Antifa stripe.

Which is to say that whatever the contribution of putative Trump supporters to the ensuing chaos, violence and several deaths, any ledger juxtaposing a history of violence, provoked or unprovoked, on the part of maverick Trump supporters, and the riots regularly and meticulously orchestrated by the Marxist Black Lives Matter and the laughably misnamed Anti-fascists (Antifa), quickly identifies the real and present threat to America, as opposed to the grossly inflated bogus threat of Trump 'extremists'.

Thirdly, the incident was not as clear cut as the hackneyed caricature pushed by the media, which instantly blamed white supremacist/militia types with a view to tarring all Trump supporters through guilt by association.

It quickly emerged that anti-Trump elements embedded in the crowd had contributed to the incitement, including one John Sullivan, a black man so deluded that even BLM and Antifa have been at pains to distance themselves from him. Sullivan was personally assisted at the Capitol by a CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker, who also works for other Deep State outlets.

Urging the crowd on with expletive-laden rants as he traipsed into the Capitol with them, Sullivan streamed an exuberant video of himself and Sacker right after a Trump supporter was shot to death. The respected Gateway Pundit news outlet reported as follows:

Moments after Sullivan captured Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt getting shot and killed in the Capitol, a blonde woman accompanying Sullivan who appears to be his accomplice, Jade Sacker, gleefully exclaims, “We did it!”

“You were right! We did it,” she boasts.

“Dude, I was trying to tell you. I couldn’t say much,” Sullivan replies. “Is this not going to be the best film you’ve ever made in your life?”

While the FBI and the mainstream media insist there is no evidence Antifa or BLM played any role in the deadly mob that stormed the Capitol last Wednesday, Sullivan admits in the footage that he strategically wore a Trump hat and carried a “big ass camera” at the rally to guise himself as a journalist and mislead law enforcement and the media about his true motives.

While insisting Sullivan is a loose cannon unaffiliated with BLM or Antifa, and rejecting "right-wing conspiracy" talk of Antifa or BLM involvement, the renowned leftist Intercept nonethelessconfirmed that: "According to an affidavit submitted to a federal court in Washington, D.C., the FBI determined that Sullivan was not just an observer but a participant in the riot, based on a review of nearly 90 minutes of raw footage of the raid that he recorded on his phone and posted on YouTube. He is being held by the Tooele County Sheriff’s Office near his home in Sandy, Utah." [14/1/21]

Sullivan was subsequently released under close monitoring.

Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's personal lawyer, also tweeted a screenshot of a text by Sullivan’s own brother, James Sullivan, who claimed: "I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot’. I was able to get my agent out of trouble along with three other uthan’s [sic]". Giuliani added:

Why wasn’t this presented to the Witch Hunt Impeachment Congress. Because they have no interest in the truth that riots had nothing to do with the Trump speech. They were organized before speech and carried out on their own by groups like ANTIFA trained to riot.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) January 15, 2021

Typically, CNN portrayed the events as the work of right-wing extremists, even as they interviewed Sullivan and Sacker without identifying Sullivan's "Insurgence, USA" organisation as a radical leftist organisation; without mentioning his arrest in Utah during unrest in 2020; and without revealing that the two were working together inside the US Capitol. 

And guess what?

The FBI lied their heads off to facilitate the whole contrived ‘event’. What a surprise.

They said they had no forewarning of it. In fact, they knew perfectly well what was in the offing.

The Western Journal news outlet stated that "a report from the FBI office in Norfolk, Virginia, contradicts claims that there had been no warnings of the violence that seemed to take Capitol police by surprise."

The report said that "the Federal Bureau of Investigation knew one day prior that extremists were planning to infiltrate the Jan. 6 protests in Washington, D.C., that ended in rioting at the U.S. Capitol... The FBI warning was reportedly contained in an “internal document” that was issued out the day before the Capitol incursion."

Even arch-left journalist John Pilger, no supporter of Donald Trump, was closer to the truth of the matter. Alluding to a classic intelligence-orchestrated psyop to distract from the destructive agendas Trump inherited from his predecessors, he tweeted:

The hysteria in the US about a coup that was not a coup, "an assault on democracy" that was no such thing, is due to a cartoonish insularity that distracts from an unending pre-Trump imperial assault on the rest of humanity, such as stricken Yemen. 

Colourful coups come home

Pilger's view also speaks to a closing of the Deep State circle briefly interrupted by Donald Trump: whereby wickedness perpetrated elsewhere is now being unleashed on America itself, as the CIA and its globalist affiliates turn their sophisticated psychological operations and merciless black operations against their own people.

Honed abroad over decades and working in tandem, these operations at the service of carefully orchestrated coups (aka: "colour revolutions", as in Ukraine), have left biblical levels of death, destruction, and division in their wake.

The propagandistic core of the modus operandi is always the same: the dressing up of naked lies as truth. Covert tools similar to those developed by Britain's GCHQ's Joint Threat Research and Intelligence Group [JTRIG] are used to this end.

According to Edward Snowden, as reported in 2014 by The Intercept and NBC News, JTRIG's government-approved capabilities include "false flag" operations, sexual "honey traps," and implanting computer viruses. These techniques enable JTRIG to "seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, ‘amplif[y]’ sanctioned messages on YouTube" and plant false Facebook wall posts for "entire countries."

According to a study of the group by the U.K.’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL), "the language of JTRIG’s operations is characterised by terms such as ‘discredit,’ promote ‘distrust,’ ‘dissuade,’ ‘deceive,’ ‘disrupt,’ ‘delay,’ ‘deny,’ ‘denigrate/degrade,’ and ‘deter.’"

We should be aware of such invisible psyop weaponry busily at work every day of the week; manipulating, misrepresenting, defaming.... LYINGto our faces.

Clearly, with so many trillions at stake, these kinds of covert tools have been frantically employed on American soil against the national psyche ever since Donald Trump announced his candidacy.

It ramped up further when his dreaded victory threatened so many vested interests, both ideological and criminal, at home and abroad, to include the entrenched and lucrative dirty dealings of Obama, the Clintons, Bidens, Bushes et. al., with China, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, the Saudis and other pay-to-play cash cows.

The unprecedented — insane — level of deception and disinformation we have witnessed these past 4-5 years is the fruit of this arsenal of subversive tools unleashed by malignant Deep State forces.

Employing the same deceptive measures at work globally in the covid scamdemic (not least in censoring or discrediting contrary views of pre-eminent medical experts), and involving networks of foreign interference, the slow-burning domestic coup suddenly exploded and peaked when (at least) 74 million citizens were disenfranchised in full view; as testified by more sworn eye witness-testimonies, photographs, videos, and expertly verified evidence than one would ever need to prove any crime.

How fitting that the brazen dismissal and monumental inversion of all that reality reached its apotheosis in the surreal. For, the perverse finale on 20 January was nothing less than the macabre theatre of the latest colour revolution played out on the Washington Mall. One observer described the scene:

About 25,000 National Guardsmen (or more by the time you read this, possibly) are occupying D.C. right now. They're from some dozen states (give or take) and mostly trained for riot/crowd control. They're like an occupying army (of sorts) and are apparently there by order of Potemkin Joe Biden and the Democrats. Apparently the idea is that insane mobs of Trump supporters are going to storm the Biden inauguration – which, by the way, is mostly virtual, with no parade or any of the usual inaugural paraphernalia and rigamarole. D.C. is sort of like Baghdad now, with checkpoints for those entering or leaving downtown, the city's bridges under control, and probably green zones and red zones.

The frightening ramifications for our own governmental backyards are especially significant now that the new regime has moved so quickly to the next phase of the operation.

Familiar ruse 

Following their Capitol Building 'event', they are morphing pro-lifers and patriots (read: Trump supporters) – the most peaceful and law abiding of US citizens — into "domestic terrorists"; both in legislation and in the minds of a populace disoriented, mesmerised and manipulated by years of relentless propaganda and psychological warfare.

A lone sane voice in the Democratic asylum, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii, an ex-soldier and recent Democratic Presidential candidate, truly tweeted on 26 January:

Demanding "leadership" from Joe Biden, Gabbard named Deep State frontmen "like [ex-CIA head] John Brennan and [Congressman Adam] Schiff" as among those he must "denounce" for advocating such vile legislation. She implored the leader of her Party to "Truly unite the American people around our Constitution and the rights that are endowed to us by our Creator."

We have been here before. 

In our August-September 2009 edition I related the same push by President Obama. Pro-lifers, opponents of sodomitic  'marriage', returning war veterans and others who opposed his Marxist agenda of  "fundamentally transforming America" were listed as potential threats to the country. A Domestic Extremism Lexicon issued in late March 2009 by the Department of Homeland Security was quickly followed by a menacing report titled, Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.

At a time when the BBC police drama Hunter was portraying the UK pro-life movement as a Christian conspiracy of middle-class professionals prepared to kidnap and kill children in order to further their anti-abortion objectives, the pro-abortion President was famously decrying "bitter" people who "cling to guns or religion": the same God-fearing patriotic types famously written off by Hilary Clinton as "deplorables."

So, despite the opposition of 135 civil rights groups to the proposed domestic terror law, as of 20 January America is back to demonisation square one. And since America sets the global tone in these matters, we're all "domestic terrorists" now! Big Media and Big Tech immediately promised to be even more aggressive in censoring and purging all conservative news, groups, companies, organisations... and Presidents!

This is the Banana Republic ushered in by the stolen election; a biblical theft which has mocked the highest office of the former American Republic by installing the ludicrously lionised 'Joe Stealin' at a militarised faux inauguration worthy of Joe Stalin himself. A mockery the satirical Babylon Bee site mocked in turn:

A Deep State puppet and compromised Communist asset (and a morally depraved individual to boot: search "Joe Biden sexual pervert" for graphic footage and reports), the mentally-challenged Biden was no sooner manoeuvred into place than his opponent, as with all Banana Republics, 'disappeared.' Instantly. This tweet captured the real and present danger of the globalist coup:

In barely 48 hours the sitting President of the United States of America was erased from the digital world and cut off from the American people. His support networks burned to the ground. His 74 million voters dismissed as dissidents. That should scare all of us to the core.

It really should!

Calls to marginalise Trump's supporters from the rest of society, and incarcerate and spy on them, are growing louder and more insistent: a fire the Democrats are stoking as they ride the wave of hysterical overreaction to a Capitol 'invasion' facilitated by outside forces and by putting out the welcome mat (that is, removing the security barriers and opening the doors despite the Capitol police having been forewarned by the FBI to expect trouble from infiltrators).

And speaking of fires, it’s a bit rich Beijing Joe and his socialist colleagues comparing Trump and his supporters to Nazis when their exploitation of the very convenient Capitol incident so vividly recalled Hitler's opportunistic leveraging of the Reichstag Fire of 27 February 1933.

In all likelihood a false flag operation (given the astronomical odds of such a perfect pretext for tyranny presenting itself just four weeks after Hitler's appointment as Chancellor), it handed Hitler the legal authority to imprison opponents of the Nazis and suspend many civil liberties in Germany, after he pressured the German President to sign the Reichstag Fire Decree ("for the Protection of People and State").

Similarly, the almost certain Capitol false flag was inflated by the Democrats not only to avoid a calm and reasoned debate about claims of electoral crimes and voter fraud, but to take the US to the next level of socialist control. For, whatever deep misgivings his more discerning supporters have harboured about him (a problematic and perilous Zionism and acceptance of same-sex 'marriage', for starters) Donald Trump temporarily interrupted that totalising process. Therefore, the situation is infinitely worse now that he's been gone.

Impeachment Pantomime #2

Desperate to set his departure in concrete, the Democrats wish to prevent any and all possibility of a future Trump run for president.

Cue more colour revolution theatrics by way of yet another impeachment pantomime accusing Donald Trump of the very crimes perpetrated by the Democrats themselves!

Brandishing charges as demonstrably ludicrous and baseless as the ones woven out of thin air to push the earlier Ukraine-related impeachment, they are pursuing their now vanquished foe for inciting the Capitol crowd to "insurrection."

"I think [a Senate trial] has to happen," says Beijing Joe.

But then he would say that, wouldn't he? After all, he was a major beneficiary of the first fake impeachment, which kept him out of jail (again). Yet another distracting circus, it falsely accused President Trump of bribing Ukraine President Zelinsky by threatening to withhold U.S. military aid if he didn't launch an investigation into Biden's affairs. The accusation was pursued despite the transcript of the telephone conversation, immediately released by Trump, revealing an innocent presidential call devoid of the bribes, threats and blackmail which routinely mark the U.S. government's conduct of foreign policy.

In point of fact, it was then-Vice President Biden who had bribed Ukraine in that manner; threatening to withhold a $1 billion credit line to Ukraine until the government fired the prosecutor investigating corruption at its biggest gas producer, Burisma Holdings, which had just handed Biden's son Hunter a seat on its board. We know this because in 2018, at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden bragged on camera about his billion dollar-bribe and how it got the prosecutor fired within six hours.

(We also know, from the leaked, early 2014 telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland, then U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, then U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, that Biden's clueless son was parachuted into Burisma on a fat salary as a clear reward for Joe's role in "midwifing" the 2014 US-backed overthrow of an elected Ukraine government — a never mentioned yet far bigger crime, and yet another one Donald Trump has never committed.) 

That Joe Biden publicly boasted about his billion dollar Ukraine bribe further underlines the arrogant usurpation of power he personifies, and the ability of he and his fellow impeachers to pervert the truth and turn reality upside down on a whim, with impunity. The American Spectator's Daniel Flynn, no fan of Trump, called out their posturing:

Idiocy and incitement remain different things, particularly when a riot starts before a speech ends and those charging incitement also point to intricate plans for the riot laid out in the darkest recesses of the internet long before the president took the podium. The trial itself seems like incitement. Given the charge that Trump attempted to overthrow democracy, this attempt to bar the bete noire of the Democratic Party from ever running for office again seems rich.  [26/1/21]

Spectre of The Donald

Despite lacking the numbers to win a Senate impeachment trial, which is therefore dead in the water, the Democrats persist. Scheduled to begin on 8 February, Republican Senator Cornyn blasted the futility and idiocy of holding impeachment trials of former officials: "Could we go back and try President Obama?" he asked. Indeed.

The only thing that makes sense is their desperation. They can wail, gnash their duplicitous teeth and throw the criminal fury of the Deep State against him, but they know they can never count out The Donald. For, whatever one thinks of him, whatever his human failings and political mistakes, as criminal and constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes tweeted:

Democrats had to change voting rules, censor the president, kick people off social media, modify search algorithms, terrorize cities, ban (Trump) rallies, spend billions, raise the dead [to 'vote' Democrat], and they still barely pulled it off. The guy's a legend and deservedly so.

Reliable Rasmussen polls, showing Trump's popularity rising despite the concentrated effort to finish him off, underline Barnes' point. The figures will make the Democrats and Never Trumpers more desperate still.

One of the most accurate polling groups of both the 2016 and 2020 election cycles, Rasmussen found that despite the move to a second impeachment and Big Tech banning the President and his supporters across social media platforms, 48% of voters support Trump’s job performance — a 3% rise in approval since Christmas. As Matthew McDonald commented:

It indicates that his message of corruption in government, fraud in the election and opposition to the Chinese Communist Party and their partners in big tech still rings very well with tens of millions of Americans. In fact a source close to the polling firm told Newsmax that the rolling survey saw President Trump’s approval soar to 51% on Thursday night [7 January]. The Rasmussen polling also shows that while millions of American families are disgusted with how the government and the media handled the summer long burning of cities, their support of President Trump did not waver. [Big League Politics, 9/1/21]

As they set about reversing the countless, hugely popular achievements that won Donald Trump his record-breaking vote tally, the Swamp Uniparty (Democrats and their 'Republican' allies) will do what they always do: sell out the "deplorables," line their pockets, pervert, wreck, and destroy — above all life in the womb: "an abortion tsunami is about to hit the United States and the world courtesy of the soon-to-be inaugurated Biden administration," warned C-Fam's United Nations-based Stefano Gennarini on 14 January.

In consequence, the pro-Trump momentum revealed by Rasmussen will only build in the coming years to benefit a future Trump campaign (a 26 January poll shows 56% of Republican voters want him to run again), or whomever he may back instead. 

Either way, as the Uniparty resumes its hellish business as usual the continuing impact of its indomitable bête noire is a positive long-term thought to lighten the encircling gloom: above all the renewed assault on already tenuous fundamental rights — freedom of speech, of movement, of conscientious objection, of worship. Even civilised notions like agreeing to disagree are on the line.

The extreme violence perpetrated last year by implacable Cancel (Christian) Culture anarchists in America and Poland, as police stood by and watched the desecration of Catholic churches, is just a sampling of what's in store now that Trump's roadblock to the neo-Marxist Twilight Zone has been summarily removed. 

Grim grist

It's just as well Jesus commands us not to "fret" about the future" or we'd never sleep!

Our Saviour's insistence that "today's troubles are enough" [Matt. 6:34] rings true before Deep State "regime change" that has torn up the electoral foundation of the American Republic, sent a duly elected President into exile, and placed its fake "president" in the most powerful office on earth!

Both the magnitude of the crime and the breathtaking impunity with which they jackhammered the bedrock democratic principle — 'one legal voter/one legal ballot, one vote' — is a chilling portent for the West. And yet, we know that whenever the wicked have their day in the sun, when unnerving uncertainty prevails, salvation history repeatedly attests to one certain outcome: that Almighty God will draw good from evil, in ways we cannot yet imagine. Just as we never foresaw His raising up a thrice-married billionaire Zionist playboy not only to defend faith, life, and freedom, but also to befriend His Church like no other president before him, even in the face of overt animus from a reigning pontiff.

Twenty years ago, when Britain was under the europhile heel of a Blair government every bit as ostentatiously venal, hubristic and godless as the current Democratic Party (albeit not quite so crazed), I penned A Patron Saint for Eurosceptics: Brother Klaus against the New World Order, (Oct. 1999). My conclusion apropos Europe then is even more globally apposite now:

As for the orthodox Catholic remnant scattered around the Old Continent and now besieged on all sides, they truly are strangers in a strange and ever more precarious land. Clinging to that ancient Faith which once united their forebears in all their glorious cultural diversity; bewildered by the complicity of churchmen in the pagan global agenda unfolding rapidly about them; fighting endless rearguard actions within and without the Church — they might draw comfort from this snippet of wisdom by the great Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw, who perceived that:

"…certain historical developments are willed by the Lord of History, and they shall take place. About many other mostly minor developments, that same Lord... allows men the free will to choose between various options, and He will go along with those choices; for, in the end, all human choices will be co-opted as grist into God's mill, which grinds slowly but always grinds exceedingly fine."

This inscrutable truth and reassuring reality alone makes sense of such a cruel and criminal end to such a God-centred presidency.

But it was ever thus.

Divine Providence consigns the grim grist of human history to His salvific mill, while we go on! With even greater faith, hope, and charity — Ad majorem Dei gloriam!


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