Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

August-September 2019

Rumble in the Jungle


“I strongly reject the word 'synodal path'.
I consider it to be label fraud.”

- Bishop Konrad Zdarsa


Subversive synods of various shapes and hues are breaking out all over.

Locally, on 3 February, Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool issued his "Solemn Proclamation of Synod 2020."

The Australian hierarchy has labelled their's "Plenary Council 2020."

Hirelings everywhere are marching in lockstep along the papal "pathway" to Amazonia, where Bergoglianistas will provide the ancient pagan template for the revolutionary rumbling of our holy Faith — a makeover they boast will change the Church forever.

Per usual, the Germans are heading the rush to this Modernist endgame: immutable "change"; the raison d'être of the St. Gallen papacy.

On a rebellious roll for sixty years, they continue to set the Luciferian pace they established at the Council. Back then the Rhein flowed into the Tiber as Teutonic "progressives" of every stripe from Küng to Ratzinger polluted the pristine waters of Catholic orthodoxy with the "synthesis of all heresies" identified and condemned by St. Pius X. Facilitated or tolerated by the post-conciliar pontiffs, this ever rising tide of corruption now flows from the Tiber into the Rhein with equal revolutionary force, as Rome sanctions every degenerate and destructive whim unleashed by the German blitzkrieg.

As author Mathias von Gersdorff put it, the German "progressivism" embodied by its bishops does not wish a few things changed here and there, it wishes to scrap the whole of Catholic teaching in order to create a fundamentally new religion.

That is the programme; the Modernist bottom line Pius X foresaw and forewarned over a century ago.

Pathway to Socialism

Though manifest in anarchic dioceses and parishes for 50 years, full realisation of this Catholic apocalypse required an apocalyptic pontiff. Enter mess-maker Jorge Bergoglio: enemy of Tradition; fomenter of heresies; enabler of radical synods to balkanise the Church and universalise the dissolution.

Providentially, not all prelates are buying the forked-tongue agenda.

It was after the March 2019 meeting of the German Bishops' Conference that Bishop Zdarsa broke ranks to denounce "label fraud." He was explaining why he abstained from the Conference vote (taken by show of hands) that Cardinal Marx triumphantly claimed to have "unanimously" approved a "synodal path" for revisiting the Church's teaching on sexual morality, clerical power, and celibacy. Bishop Zdarsa proved him a liar by rejecting the deceptive farce, adding the further barb that when it comes to "synods" seeking to adapt the Church to the "life realities" of the faithful, it might pertain to the "Mass schedule," but not to the Church's morality and doctrine.

Alas, Cardinal Marx can falsely claim unanimity and practice deceit without fear of censure because the modus operandi of this papacy is deceit. It could not otherwise given the personality described in 1991 by Jesuit General Kolvenbach, who accused then Rev. Fr. Bergoglio S.J., among much else, of deviousness, disobedience concealed under a mask of humility, and lack of psychological balance.(1)

But we also know this from Archbishop Bruno Forte, the papal henchman who first touted the "value" of homosexuality while publicly lauding the directive he received from the Pope himself to lie (by stealthy omission: "we won't speak plainly"(2)) in order to stitch up (in favour of Eucharistic sacrilege and sodomy) the Family Synods of 2014-15.

The so-called "synodal path" called out by Bishop Zdarsa winds back to that nuclear disregard for Catholic truth and justice orchestrated by Francis. Thus, inaugurated by papal mendacity, the ongoing "pathway" is strewn with papally-sanctioned ambiguities and lies spawned by the original fraud and carried forth by the fraudulent likes of Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster.

After the October 2015 Synod, the Modernist Catholic Voices group crowed that Nichols had defended the ''freedom'' of the divorced and remarried to reach ''a decision in conscience on the Eucharist'' after following the ''pathway described in the final synod document.'' Moreover, he considered that the Synod had deliberately set aside the very ''question'' of admission to the Eucharist, ''because that had become a yes-no issue. And the very nature of this is that it is not as simple as a yes-no.'' He elaborated:

"It's a pathway... And it is not for me or for the priest who is doing the accompaniment to foreclose that pathway... No-one will set out on this pathway with the single aim of receiving Holy Communion. And no-one will be accompanied on this pathway with the single principle that they can't.So it is, precisely, a pathway.''

At the time, an English married couple blogged their disgust with the Archbishop's embrace of this deceitful party line at the service of unspeakable sacrilege, describing his statement as "sounding like a cross between the riddle-rousing Gollum in Tolkien's The Hobbit and a slick estate-agent." If the description sounds familiar it's because the Church, like a fish, rots from the head downwards.

Of course, the corrupting "pathway" is presented as a glorious unshackling of papal fetters; a road to decentralisation with a view to "pluriformity in unity" etcetera. Opponents of "papal centralism" and "pre-conciliar ecclesiology" queue up to push this Modernist staple.

"It is important to maintain unity in the essential matters, but at the same time to make possible a plurality which nevertheless is Catholic," says German canon lawyer Professor Thomas Schüller, who looks forward to the Amazon Synod demanding married priests for the Amazon region almost as eagerly as he anticipates the German bishops requesting them ("for sure") in the aftermath. Naturally, his warped definition of "unity" also includes the admission of Protestant spouses of German Catholics to Holy Communion. "Why, in such cases," he asked with schismatic intent, "should a national bishops’ conference not go down its own path?"

Oh, the liberté! The egalité! The fratern... But wait! ... Is not this "pathway" of synodal emancipation the pet project of an extreme authoritarian? Modernists happily ignore the contradiction because it fingers their "decentralisation" as the fig leaf for the socialistic "democratic centralism" it really is.(3) As if "The Dictator Pope," grateful recipient of a hammer-and-sickle crucifix, would ever relinquish power and control! Any more than they themselves, or the Communist dictators to whom he kowtows and sacrifices his Chinese flock!

Pathway to Paganism

Behind the wafer-thin veneer of democratic virtue-signalling the "pathway" is simply Francis, Marx, Nichols & Co. — "the apostasy at the top" — frog-marching the hapless faithful to heresy and schism, as they cast off the Social Kingship of Christ  to adapt, diversify and evolve in Teilhardian lockstep with masonic modernity. The Abu Dhabi Declaration on "Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" was the Great Leap Forward on this path.

Signed on 4 February 2019 by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, the document is suffused with religious indifferentism; condemned by Leo XIII as "a doctrinal system teaching each is free to profess the religion he likes and even not to profess any at all" (Libertas, 1888). Did I mention masonic modernity? "In the Abu Dhabi declaration," explains Roberto de  Mattei, "Christians and Muslims submit themselves to the core principal of Freemasonry, whereby the French Revolution values of liberty and equality should find their synthesis and attainment in universal brotherhood" — which is to say the spurious "fraternity" of the Lodge(4)

The paganism peddled by the Pan-Amazon Synod working document (Instrumentum laboris), discussed in the following critiques,reflects the same quantum leap: i.e., from the syncretistic false ecumenism we have suffered for decades to the obliteration of the religious dimension altogether. It is the effective affirmation of indifferentism in both documents that allows the recognition of all divinities and religions or none — whether Islam and its "Allah" or the pantheistic gods of the Amazonian occult. For, all such "pluralism and diversity," the Supreme Pontiff heretically declared with the Grand Imam, "are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings."

(Later informed that the Catholic God does not will such aberrations and abominations but only tolerates them, the Pope who proclaims "There is no Catholic God" proceeded to have his false teaching disseminated by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.)

Pathway to Schism and Antichrist

With this guiding masonic principle effectively affirmed by the honorary Rotarian perched on Peter's Chair, all bets are off. All we know for sure is that the real overseer of the "fundamentally new religion" unfolding before us is the Father of Lies — the Great Architect of the Universe beloved of the Lodge no less. "I saw again a new and odd-looking Church which they were trying to build," prophesied Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich in the early 19th-century. "There was nothing holy about it…."

So we know the goal is a masonic pseudo-religion.

But who would wager on the precise horrors to come at each stage of its design?

Certainly, masters of satire would have struggled to concoct a more Pythonesque mockery of the Faith than the Instrumentum laboris. Yet it could be a relatively mild foretaste of the Green concoctions brewing in the toxic still of "integral ecology." After all, we have already moved at warp speed from eco-Church to occult-Church: from the hitherto unthinkable PC ideology of Laudato si to a working document so sinister that it marks the start of an even darker phase in the rejection of the Church’s mission, and so the rejection of the Vicar of Christ’s mission.

"Will Pope Francis kneel before representatives of the indigenous people?" queries Professor de Mattei. "Will he ask them to transmit to the Church their tribal wisdom of which they are carriers?".

That much I would wager on. The Instrumentum cries out for it — in all Liberté, Egalité et Fraternité, bien sûr!

In sum: the indifferentism paving this "synodal pathway" to Antichrist breeds "false fraternity" which "brings schism," says de Mattei, "which is war inside the Church." He quotes the great St. Luigi Orione, who dramatically foresaw it all on 26 June 1913:

"Modernism and semi-Modernism cannot go on – sooner or later it’s going to be Prostestantism or a schism in the Church which will be the most terrible that the world has ever seen."

A terror fomented by a major "anti-pope" forewarned in Catholic prophecies, perhaps? By a synod-wielding über-Modernist who admits he could be "the one who split the Catholic Church"?

Interpreting Emmerich, Yves Dupont writes: "An anti-pope shall be set up in Rome." Rumblings suggest he's already there.



(1) The Dictator Pope, Marcantonio Colonna, 2018, Kindle edition.

(2) See CO, Feb. 2018.

(3) See "Applying Democratic Centralism to the Catholic Church," CO, April 2016.

(4) Prof. de Mattei reveals that "Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, who along with Pope Francis drew up the text, is a hereditary sheik of the Confraternity of Sufis for Upper Egypt, and, in the Islamic world, Al Azhar, the university of which he is rector, is characterised for its proposal of Sufi esotericism, as “an initiatory bridge” between Eastern and Western Freemasonry (cfr. Gabriel Mandel, Federico II, il sufismo e la massoneria, Tipheret, Acireale 2013)."


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