Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

April 2019

The Cancerous Clans

Complicity, Criminality & Conspiracy on High


"A summit purporting to address the sexual abuse of minors that ignores the high correlation between homosexual attraction and sexual abuse by clergy has no more credibility than a summit on lung cancer that ignores the link to smoking."

- Msgr Charles Pope


And so it came to pass. The farcical "Pink Elephant Summit" (aka Summit on Clerical Abuse/Protection of Minors in the Church, held in Rome 21-24 Feb. for heads of national bishops' conferences) simply waved away sodomitic cause-and-effect, allowing the homo-cancer to metastasise within the Body of Christ.

From the outset, responding to a query from Italian journalist Sandro Magister, the Vatican laid down its spurious markers — doctrinal, moral, and scientific. Addressing a panel of Vatican spokesmen after the first-day deliberations, Magister said:

"In the Pope's Introduction, in the 21 points of reflection [also given by the Pope], and in the reflection of Cardinal Tagel, one word is completely missing: the word "homosexuality." And yet we know from all the abuses registered that the majority of this abuse happens between people of the same sex. And what is more, with people who have passed the age of puberty.  I ask: is this absence of the word "homosexuality" an inadvertent and random absence or is it a deliberate absence?"

Living down to pre-Summit expectations of one almighty exercise in denial and cover-up, Archbishop Charles Scicluna duly replied:

"You spoke about one category, someone else could speak about heterosexuality. These are human conditions that we recognise, that exist. But they aren’t something that really predisposes to sin."


In a Letter he snail-mailed on Ash Wednesday to over 200 American prelates, James Larson drew attention to this astonishing statement by the Summit's primary spokesman. He noted that Archbishop Scicluna has been called "the Vatican’s most respected sex crimes expert," was selected by Benedict XVI to fully investigate and gather testimony in regards to the Legionaries of Christ and their psychopathic founder Father Marcial Maciel, and has been the primary investigator in the Chilean clergy sex-abuse scandal, etc. He goes on (my bold emphasis):

The statement that homosexuality does not “predispose” to sin is of course absurd. Even if we consider homosexuality from the perspective as an orientation or temptation which does not come to fruition in the performance of an objectively evil act itself, it is obviously a “predisposition” towards such an act, and therefore evil in itself, just as are the temptations and predispositions to murder, rape, gluttony, slander, etc. Obviously all of these powerful temptations “predispose” towards sin.

But the real deception in Archbishop Scicluna’s statement lies in the attempt to try to establish some sort of common status between heterosexuality and homosexuality by identifying them both as being human “conditions”. Heterosexuality is not a human “condition”, but rather something fully natural and good within human nature. And like all other things that are integral to human nature, there is no evil in heterosexuality itself, but only in any use of it which goes against the order established by God. On the other hand, God does not create people possessing homosexuality as part of their human nature (created in God’s image). Homosexuality is itself a perversion of human sexuality, and any homosexual inclinations or temptations now present to man in his fallen and disordered passions constitute objective evil, even though they may indeed be resisted and therefore not be constituted as individual sin in a particular person. It is therefore not only the homosexual act itself which must be considered objectively evil, but also the orientation or temptation itself.(1)

Plainly and tragically, it is not this Catholic understanding rooted in divine and natural law but the Modernist (Francis/Scicluna) capitulation to the sexually perverse and their self-serving propaganda that has infected the Western hierarchy. It is a measure of that malignancy that barely a week after the Summit concluded this notice appeared in the parish newsletter of St Bonaventure's, Bristol (1/3/19, original caps, my bold emphasis):

INCLUSION FOR ALL: AN INVITATION TO ALL LGBT+ CATHOLICS. Bishop Declan wishes to express pastoral care and concern for our Catholic LGBT+ community and so has asked St Nicholas of Tolentino Church (Lawford’s Gate, Bristol) to celebrate a series of Masses for this community and their friends and family and all who wish to take part. The intention is not to isolate, but rather to ensure a warm welcome and to integrate this community into Church [sic]. The first Mass launching this ministry will be on March 17th at 3.00pm - all are welcome.  

Before this latest diabolical inversion of the Holy Sacrifice, the reader who supplied the newsletter raised the routine query: "Is Declan another blackmail victim?"

A Modernist archetype who ticks every liberal box in Pascendi, for the sake of his salvation we should hope that Bishop Declan Laing's sanctioning of this unspeakable blasphemy and sacrilege is the result of blackmail, or fear of blackmail, since it might mitigate things at his Judgment. But on the face of it we can only presume that like all prelates who wave away the sin that "cries to heaven", he has simply lost his faith and holy fear of God.

And with it, on a purely natural plane, all honesty and compassion — by his placing human respect (political correctness) above Church teaching and the science that vindicates that teaching: viz., voluminous and easily ascertained evidence documenting the utterly destructive effects of homosexuality at every level of faith and life — as freely admitted by those sodomites and lesbians worn out by the mental anguish, physical debilitation, self-destructiveness and early death that defines their deviant milieu (cf. Simon Fanshawe's "The Trouble With Gay Men" [BBC 3, 2008]. See also page 37 herein).

Pope Francis, Archbishop Scicluna, Bishop Laing and all their wilfully ignorant, pastorally derelict brethren would see these tormented souls die in their deadly sins rather than save them — spiritually and physically — through the life-giving, vividly vindicated doctrines of the Church. And as for tying those sins to the plague of clerical sexual abuse, forget it! Even the glare of the international media spotlight failed to move them.

On the eve of the Summit, addressing the Vatican panel later confronted by Magister, LifeSiteNews reporter Diane Montagna had also pointed to the elephant in the room. Making the same link between the majority of clergy abuse cases and "decades of a subculture of homosexuality and sins of sodomy...  in the seminaries," she asked if the bishops and cardinals thought it "important to address this sort of sin among the clergy, which fosters cover-up." And guess what?

Archbishop Scicluna answered by rehashing his [pre-Summit] talking point..., declaring that this [active homosexuality in seminaries] “has nothing to do with the sexual abuse of minors.”The archbishop avoided using the term “homosexuality” and instead spoke of “misconduct.” Someone on the panel of bishops and cardinals then cut off Scicluna so he could not continue with his answer.

At which point, employing its trunk, the pink elephant  proceeded to place each member of the panel on its back before lumbering out of the conference room and across the piazza to its keeper, Msgr "Rent Boy" Ricca, director of Casa Santa Marta: the papal residence that doubles as a "safe house" — for dissolute papal pals like Ricca and sexual predator Bishop Zanchetta — and a "safe space" — where 'hateful' talk of homo-sex abuse is proscribed.  

Ok, Ok. I made up the elephant-ride bit. Seated between the dissembling prelates on the panel the creature was a massive pink presence (to eyes of faith). It did not, however,pick them up and wander out with them. It's fake news. I underline the reality because a surfeit of the surreal since March 2013 leaves a punch-drunk laity liable to accept homo-appeasing prelates astride pink elephants in St Peter's Square as just another day in FrancisChurch: an Alice-in-Wonderland world stacked with sexual perverts — like Ricca, Zanchetta, Cardinal "Orgy Guy" Coccopalmerio, Archbishop "Naked Mural Guy" Paglia, Archbishop "Kiddie Porn Guy" Wesolowski, to name a handful of lavender mafiosi — awash with child rapists (Inzoli, Corradi, Grassi, et. al.) — and too many enabling "gay godfathers" to count (Maradiaga, Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, Dolan, Baldisseri, Marx, Kasper, Schönborn, McElroy, Nichols, Doyle, Williams, Laing et. al. ad infinitum).

Archbishop Viganò's laundry list of clerical cover-upperers (CO, Oct. 2018) provides a more detailed picture of this pervasive corruption. That such as these are entrusted with restoring to Catholic faith and virtue a decadent, self-serving Modernistestablishment is too absurd to countenance.

As for the homo-enabler-in-chief, just 10 days after the Summit, on Ash Wednesday no less, Francis met with and affirmed a notorious group of English homosexuals who promote sodomy, sodomitic pseudo-marriage and sodomite marches, posing merrily with them for a Facebook snap.(2)

Truly, such is the Endtimes-vibe radiated by this pontiff that it seems only a matter of time before apocalyptic personal revelations about his Argentine years burst into public view to explain our current nightmare. Indeed, could the recent murder of an Argentinian prostitute be a revelatory portent in that regard?


In April 2018, Natacha Jaitt had publicly claimed on Argentinian TV that she possessed documentary evidence of paedophile rings that trafficked impoverished children, providing them to journalists, actors, and other high-profile personalities. In the process, she stressed the close proximity and help afforded to some of them by then-Archbishop Bergoglio of Buenos Aires.

A "VIP" prostitute who also worked in pornography and media, Jaitt was easy to discredit. But on the popular TV talk show in question, during which several people discuss current affairs over a dinner hosted by an elderly actress, her passionate concern about the exploitation of poor, defenceless children was clear.

Since the nature of her 'work' made her privy to "many things," she explained, a "company" (intelligence agency?) asked her to spy on a list of powerful Argentinians. One was Gustavo Vera, a former Peronist politician who operates Alamada, a non-profit human rights organisation. He has also attended various conferences at the Vatican, including one that dealt with child sex -trafficking.

Jaitt accused Vera, who was frequently photographed with Archbishop Bergoglio, of involvement in a child sex-trafficking ring operating in junior division Argentine soccer clubs. She told a guest: "[Vera] is also a paedophile. It is a case that they had me investigate; he managed brothels, and hung out with prostitutes."

A female journalist at the televised dinner party, a friend of Gustavo Vera, protested his innocence, his "faultless" conduct and praised his "rescuing women in slavery." Dismissing the journalist as a Vera stooge, Jaitt insisted she had followed and filmed Vera for a year, also gathering testimony about him from prostitutes ("who had to endure being raped and sexually abused for 200, 500 pesos [by] Mr Vera"). He used his anti-sex-trafficking organisation merely to further his own sex-trafficking enterprise, she alleged. "The Pope is quite close [to Vera]," she stated, informing Vera's defender: "I can prove everything that I’m telling you."

She then summarised a more familiar Bergoglian scandal involving Fr. Julio César Grassi:

Let’s move on to Bergoglio and Grassi. Grassi used to work at the Don Bosco school on Solis and Moreno where unfortunately, he practiced paedophilia on minors and Bergoglio saved him knowing he was a paedophile. Where does he get him relocated to? He sends him away to manage a place for helpless children, children who cannot complain. It’s the same system, it’s the same thing going on with football and the pensions. That’s where the scandal started, and what was Grassi’s fate? Bergoglio was the one who got him out of Don Bosco for being a paedophile and got him in a place for helpless children. When you don’t have any resources, if you are abused and you don’t have means to report the abuse, or to do anything at all, or friends, you don’t talk about it anymore.(3) both confirms and amplifies Jaitt's testimony: "Grassi was convicted in 2009 of molesting a boy who had lived in a home for street children that Grassi founded. After Grassi’s conviction, Bergoglio commissioned a secret study to persuade Supreme Court judges of Grassi's innocence. Bergoglio’s intervention is believed to be at least part of the reason that Grassi remained free for more than four years following his conviction. He finally was sent to jail in September 2013." In other words, and typical of his Buenos Aires tenure, the conviction of Grassi was gained by brave whistleblowers despite the serial complicity and blind-eye turning of Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio. "The prosecution of Father Grassi resulted from an October 2002 broadcast by Telenoche Investiga and the work of journalist Miriam Lewin and her colleagues."

Six months after her impassioned public plea for justice for the children, Jaitt tweeted that Vera was the Pope's "accomplice":

Justo Gustavo Vera, is a pimp, sex-trafficker, and accomplice of the Pope and, as I predicted, was tried for misappropriation of funds at Alameda and other illegal acts. God will do what is just, someday. Amen.

— Natacha Jaitt (@NatachaJaitt) October 1, 2018

Less than five months later, she was dead. Officially a self-inflicted demise involving "white powder in the nose" (per the coroner's report) — despite her having placed on public record (in anticipation of a murderous response) that she was in no way suicidal. Right after her appearance on the April 2018 talk show and the resulting controversy over her accusations, Jaitt had tweeted:

Notice: I will not commit suicide. I won’t be bought off or drown in a bath tub, nor will I shoot myself in the head. So, if that happens: I[t] wasn’t me. Save this tweet.

— Natacha Jaitt (@NatachaJaitt) April 5, 2018

She was discovered in the early hours of Saturday, 23 February 2019. According to LifeSiteNews, "police arrived at the Xanadu event complex near the capital of Argentina, where Jaitt was found unresponsive in bed. After her death was confirmed, police began investigating. A coroner determined on Saturday that Jaitt died of multi-organ failure; her body showed no signs of violence. She was a widow and mother of two children."

Immediately, as reported by [25/2/19], "her naked-dead pictures are leaked by the people she accused; journalists involved literally posting how happy they are."
I'll bet! Her murder spoke to the veracity of her claims. Yet unless she made provision for its posthumous release, the evidence she compiled most likely died with her.

Even so, who do we believe: a brave, compassionate woman of ill repute who effectively signed her death warrant by speaking up for the voiceless? Or a pontiff with a heinous record of shielding and promoting predators while denouncing credible accusers? — as signalled by endless headlines like these, which LifeSiteNews scathingly linked beneath its report on Jaitt's death:

• Pope Francis attacked and stonewalled sex abuse victims while archbishop of Buenos Aires/• Francis ignored, covered-up abuse in Argentina before becoming pope, documentary alleges/• Report: Pope Francis knew about Argentina bishop’s sexual misconduct prior to Vatican promotion/• Fr. James Martin: Pope appoints ‘gay-friendly’ bishops, cardinals to change Church on LGBT


All the while, the depth and breadth of the Bergoglian conspiracy, openly flagged by subversive synods and summits, continues to unravel in the wake of remarkable revelations by James Grein.

A victim of sexual abuse by Cardinal McCarrick beginning at 11 years of age, during an online 5 December 2018 interview with Dr Taylor Marshall,(4) Grein revealed (among much else) his family's long and close relationship with McCarrick, and how it led to McCarrick's deep ties to powerful forces in the Swiss city of St. Gallen. Ominously, McCarrick's association long pre-dated the regular meetings conducted in the same small city by Martini, Danneels, Kasper & Co. with a view to the papal coup they finally effected in March 2013 — described by Rorate Caeli as "the greatest outside interference in a conclave (and possibly on the abdication) in centuries." Steve Skojec of summarised this extraordinary segment of the lengthy interview as follows: 

“He [McCarrick] had been part of the family,” says Grein, “since 1950. Probably ’48, when he met my uncle – my mother’s younger brother – at Fordham University. And they did everything together. And my grandfather adopted him, basically, because he had no father. And so he became the very fabric of the family.”

Grein says his grandfather took a liking to McCarrick immediately and offered to help pay his way through school.

He then revealed something  interesting: “My grandfather was from Sankt Gallen, Switzerland.” Grein says McCarrick first travelled to Sankt Gallen to meet his grandfather’s friends. “Sankt Gallen is not a very large city. And my grandfather knew everybody. And so he introduced McCarrick to everybody. And in fact, he went there on a regular basis – on a yearly basis – probably for 20 years.”

Grein says McCarrick went to visit a language school in Sankt Gallen in 1951 and came back a different man – someone who wanted to be no longer a parish priest, but a power player within the hierarchy of the Church. When McCarrick came back, says Grein, his grandfather – a wealthy and influential man – introduced him to powerful members of the American episcopacy like Cardinals Spellman and Cooke.(5)

Marshall brought up the Sankt Gallen “Mafia” – the group that conspired against Pope Benedict and sought to replace him with Jorge Bergoglio.

“This is really key … that it begins in Sankt Gallen,” says Marshall. “This [conspiracy] really goes into the ’90s. But before that, there’s this connection with McCarrick and Sankt Gallen. Do you see that there’s an organic connection between McCarrick’s work in the ’50s and then later on with the conspiracy, they say, to remove Benedict XVI?”

“Yes,” responds Grein. “I’ve known this, and I’ve felt this for a long time.”

“This is where it all starts.”

Spurred on by the Grein revelations, Dr Marshall began digging.  He recently posted the following statement on Facebook (7/3/19):

I have chills & am in tears doing research for my new book on Infiltration of the Catholic Church. THERE IS SO MUCH EVIL IN SANKT GALLEN. IT WILL ROCK THE CHURCH. Like Natcha Jaitt, I'm not suicidal. If anything happens to me it was a murder. Pray for me. Book due in May 2019.

— Dr Taylor Marshall  @TaylorRMarshall

He does not exaggerate the stakes at play.

Always a thankless and often lethal undertaking, nowadays such investigations are even more perilous; criminal networks in general having tightened their mutual grips on the upper echelons of Western establishments and the Church itself.

Indeed, there was something eerily symmetrical about this dark convergence of Church and State in the timing of Natacha Jaitt's murder. According to the coroner, it happened a dozen hours before her body was discovered: i.e., on 22 February, slap bang in the middle of the "Pink Elephant Summit" — a whitewash overseen by Cardinal Cupich, whose menacing response to the exposure of clerical perverts in Chicago sent one of his whistleblower priests into hiding out of fear for his life (see "Depravity Unleashed," CO, Nov. 2018).

The Cancerous Clans

Speaking about the February Summit during a LifeSiteNews interview of 7 March, Bishop Athanasius Schneider said:

"There are mighty clerical clans among bishops and cardinals who want... the intrinsic evil of homosexual acts... [to be] acceptable."

Beyond the almighty malignance of the St. Gallen crew, "Who are these clansmen?" mused Fred Martinez of the Catholic Monitor. "The clansmen are Francis's hand-picked bishops and cardinals who ran the summit." Quite. Ambitious sycophants such as Blaise Cupich, who conspire to ensure that unnatural vice festers and grows within the Body of Christ like a cancerous tumour. Infiltrators such as Lorenzo Baldisseri, who manifest the perverse and implacable spirit of Antichrist. The same vindictive, secular spirit that informs the Clan Leader himself, who closed the Summit with a papal statement so worldly in tone and content it might have been delivered by the Secretary-General of the UN.

Earlier, he had reset the crown of thorns upon Our Lord with a derisory list of Things To Do. "To underscore the pastoral poverty of the prelates," wrote one reporter, "top of Pope Francis’ list of 21 concrete steps offered to the bishops in order to deal with the sexual abuse crisis is to write a 'Practical Handbook'."

As the world press jeered, the sound of Roman soldiers smacking thorns into the Sacred Head was palpable.

Yet Francis and his malignant clans are fooling no-one with their bureaucratic ploys. As James Larson informed bishops either complicit, criminal, conspiratorial, or just grossly naive:

The whole world (so to speak) now knows that those in possession of the highest positions of power in the Church are bent upon denying and obfuscating the most prevailing and obvious external cause of clerical sexual abuse and its cover-up: homosexuality itself, and the Homosexual Network exercising extensive power and control within the Church. What is more, it has become equally evident that maintenance of these positions of power requires the alteration, subtle or not-so-subtle, of Catholic doctrinal and moral truths.

Passion and Resurrection

May St. Mary Magdalene intercede for Natacha Jaitt: that God will have mercy on her soul, and draw good from the bloody retribution exacted for her compassion and courage. And may Our Lady place her protective mantle over the intrepid Dr Marshall and all those dedicated to unveiling the full and sordid truth behind our surreal predicament.

Meantime, since anything is possible in FrancisChurch (...except actual pink elephants...), perhaps we should brace ourselves for the naked truth about sinister St. Gallen and the Bergoglian Bacchanal? Dr Marshall intimates that it is about to break wide open with unprecedented revelations of unsurpassed evil. But whether it does or not, as with all such revelations we must unite any heightened distress and humiliation we endure with the Passion that Christ is suffering anew in His Mystical Body. That, along with our own personal reform, is our blessed lot in these providential times: to lay our humble efforts and contrite hearts before Almighty God, praying all the while that He will utilise such crippling scandals to clear away the treachery and filth ushered in by this contrived and wicked pontificate.


"[when the Church] at last seems to be extinguished, and
the succession of Peter and the other apostles to have expired"


"[For] after this," foretold St. Nicholas von Flüe,
"she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters."





(1) Full text and related articles at 

(2) Currently known as "LGBT+ Catholic Westminster," the group, using different names at times, has publicly dissented from Catholic teaching for many years —  cf. CO June/July 2006; May 2007; Nov. 2007; Nov. 2010.

(3) (31 mins, English subtitles. Vera/Bergoglio and Grassi/Bergoglio discussion from approx. 4 to 10 mins).


(5) Notorious sodomites who spawned several generations of homo predators, Spellman's protégée was Cooke; Cooke's protégée was McCarrick; McCarrick's protégée was Bishop James McHugh, and so on and so forth. - Ed.

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