Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

October 2020

Rosaries at the Ready!



Last March we printed the call by leading Catholic intellectuals for a Nuremberg trial for Communism. Were it to proceed, this initiative would help draw attention to a telling imbalance in the scrutiny of socialism: namely, the obsessive focus on Nazi Germany and its crimes of eugenic national socialism, while covering over or ignoring the far greater crimes of Soviet Russia, committed in the name of scientific international socialism.

In view of the renewed, and now Covid-escalated threat of socialism ― pursued ever more openly and violently in America under the auspices of the Democratic Party; hindered only by the Trump presidency ― it is worth reflecting on the major reasons behind this sinister bias.

Ironically, despite the terrible suffering endured by Jews under socialist regimes, the Jewish contribution looms large, due to: 

1. Predominant control of Hollywood and the entertainment-media industry by Jewish interests preoccupied with Hitler and churning out endless Nazi-themed movies and TV documentaries;

2. Exploitation of human suffering by rapacious Jewish elites and their money-spinning "Holocaust Industry"; as famously labelled and decried by Norman Finkelstein whose relatives perished in the death camps; and,

3. Jewish reluctance to acknowledge, never mind point out, study and seek to comprehend the roots of the shameful Jewish history of collusion and complicity with both forms of socialism: viz., the hugely disproportionate involvement of Jews in murderous communist regimes generally, and their participation in the worst Nazi atrocities committed against fellow Jews in particular.

Apropos the communist collusion, as Vladimir Putin recalled last June during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre: "...the first Soviet [Bolshevik] government, ...was 80-85% Jewish." [] As for Nazism, one need only consider the role of Jewish leaders and the Jewish police force in the savage rounding up of their own people within the so-called Polish 'ghettos'(1), before herding them onto trains they knew were bound for Nazi camps. We know this without a shadow of a doubt thanks to the truth passed on to us by their hapless brethren; such as Ichhak Kacenelson. Murdered by the Germans in 1944, Kacenelson wrote in his poem titled Oh my anguish:  

I am the one who has seen it, who observed it close-up, / ... I watched it all from my windows; I saw bands of murderers - / ... Death was inflicted by Jewish hands upon the Jews - defenceless Jews! / Traitors, who ran down the empty streets in shiny jackboots, / They marched viciously, and on their hats, instead of swastikas they carried Stars of David / ... They  threw us off the stairs; they dragged us from our homes, / ... And they swore; "To hell, move fast, to transportation, this is where your place is!" /... Wagons!.../ Inside them the Jews!/ ... Beside them Jewish policemen - cruel and savage thugs! / And on the side - a German with a faint smile is looking on at them, / ... - he doesn't get in the way, / He's inflicting death upon my Jewish people using Jewish hands!(2)

These brief extracts relay the unspeakable truth forever suppressed by historical distortions, manipulations and defamations, which all allow the secular Jewish leadership to shift responsibility for the extermination of their people from the Germans to the Poles. While dishing out wicked slurs, such as "Polish death camps," they dare to demand ruinous reparations from the Polish nation ― a takedown dressed up as US law 447 (Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today Act), signed in 2018 by President Trump; himself a Zionist by upbringing, and heavily influenced by billionaire Sheldon Adelson and other wealthy Zionist donors.

The shameful history also explains the need to concentrate on National Socialist devils in order to distract from fratricidal Jewish forebears. In the process, the worse demons of International Socialism, notoriously personified by Jewish revolutionaries, are covered over. The long post-war decades during which the Nazis, rather than the Russian perpetrators, were held accountable for the Katyn massacre of Poland's elites, is just one shocking example of selective Jewish 'justice' in Poland's regard. 

Global Marxist culture complete

The rise of RT, Russia's national television network that expertly exploits the demoralised and degenerate state of the West, has compounded this banalisation of Communism; the unparalleled horrors of which RT does not deny but upon which it hardly dwells.

Above all, though, it is the Long Marxist March through the formative institutions of the West that has conspired to keep the focus on its long vanquished fascist twin. According to the absurd narrative relentlessly spun throughout this stealthy coup, sporadic neo-Nazism poses a greater threat to the West than globalist neo-Communism peddled by Covidic Chinese psychopaths.  

Essentially complete, the Orwellian boot-print of the Long March is now stamped on the institutional face of the BBC and just about every other godless arbiter of acceptable thought and act. Indeed, informally but effectively, the neo-Marxist left now holds power regardless of election formalities. As a blogger remarked: "It controls Hollywood, academia, Big Tech, the public 'education' system, the government bureaucracy, labour unions, and vast chunks of the judiciary and the legacy news media." From this position of overweening influence, demonisation of the socialist right and dilution of the socialist left is child's play.

This represents the ultimate fulfilment of Our Lady of Fatima's prophecy that "Russia will spread its errors throughout the West" ― barring, that is, the public Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the Pope and bishops of the world, daily Rosary, and the reparational devotions of the Five First Saturdays. These requests having been ignored (or truncated, as with the incomplete 1984 consecration that effected only intermittent successes), what the overt Marxist-Leninist period could neither complete nor sustain by way of military colonisation has been attained by its far more sophisticated cultural version (see "The Origins of Political Correctness," CO, March 2018).

Global Marxist governance in sight

And now, on the back of irrational fear drummed up worldwide by "the great accelerator of history," as the EU Foreign Minister gleefully described Covid-19, the parallel trek towards the New World Order ― the governing International Communism sought by Lenin to formalise and cement cultural Marxism ― is also racing towards globalist nirvana: full spectrum dominance. 

We have reported, analysed and forewarned this goal and its gradual steps for decades.

NWO elites like the Trilateral Commission have always boasted that their "New International Economic Order" is inevitable.

Anxiety is at such levels, however, that rather than face the sinister denouement taking shape before their eyes under cover of "public health," some readers will still be tempted to go with the propagandistic flow: seeking solace in comforting slogans that distract from the relentless manipulations, censorship and hypocrisy ― even though that wicked litany continues to scream Orwellian Agenda at Work!

Ever since Neil Ferguson kicked off another needless meltdown with yet another oh-so-convenient 'miscalculation' (think Foot-and-Mouth and swine flu), a mixture of incompetence, self-serving, collusion and complicity has overturned science and ignored mountains of wholly positive and comforting evidence that obliterates the official narrative.

Former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson does precisely that in two very accessible booklets: Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns Part 1and Part 2. Just 21 and 52 pages respectively, they provide quick yet crystal clear proof of the scam. Before he does any more damage, our Prime Minister for one should certainly read it! 

'We can beat this darkness together,' he is wailing anew as I write, as if the Black Death were upon us.

Well, nobody is claiming that the light does not dim during nasty bouts of Covid (as he himself experienced). Or that heavy shadows do not fall upon all those who suffer with and/or lose their loved ones to the disease. But, mercifully, this afflicts a tiny targetted fraction of the population, with deaths approximating those of an influenza season (most certainly when adjusted for deaths actually from and not merely with Covid). As the PM's own Chief Medical Officer acknowledged on 11 May, Covid-19 is "harmless to the vast majority."

The current (hugely inflated)toll of 1,061, 539 global deaths, when divided by the WHO's 5 October "best estimate" of around 780 million global infections, equates to "an infection fatality rate of roughly 0.14%," which the WHO affirms is "right in line with seasonal flu."

For this happy statistical fact we should thank God, since our original fears over this novel coronavirus, almost certainly stitched together in a Chinese lab, have not materialised (a rushed vaccine appearing to present the real long-term danger - see CO June-July 2020, pp. 24-28, 33).

On the contrary, the malignancy of the cure has far surpassed that of the disease. Which is to say that the death toll does not even approach the magnitude of the "darkness" Mr Johnson has foisted on lives and livelihoods through his catastrophic lockdowns, ineffectual/chaotic policies and their oppressive enforcement.

And all for what? To "defeat" a virus. More madness! Short of an apocalyptic mortality rate, why would we even consider upending faith and life on earth for that Quixotic quest. Is it not a blueprint for seasonal lockdowns on the flimsiest pretext? A recipe for perennial misery, chaos and control?

We abandon commonsense at our peril. And that surely dictates the protection and allocation of scarce public health resources to the care of the sick and vulnerable ― not the quarantining and mandatory masking of the healthy! General immunity then slowly builds, before the next virus appears and the cycle recommences.

In sum, debilitating fear continues to be fuelled by an official narrative suspiciously impervious to accumulated evidence.

Altogether lacking the massive infection fatality rate and crushing hospitalisation/ICU figures required to justify such bleak bleating and ruinous and repressive policies, "cases" have been redefined to cover the merely infected rather than the actually sick or hospitalised; which meaningless "case" stats stripped of all context are continuously trumpeted to the easily fooled and increasingly anxious (see CO, June-July 2020,  pp. 9-10, 16, 41, 44, 47).

Bright spots

Happily, bursts of light are finally penetrating the dark canopy of Mr Johnson's unsustainable narrative. President Trump recently appointed as his new Covid advisor, narrative-busting Dr. Scott Atlas (extensively quoted in the June-July CO). Akin to offering Viganò a pulpit at Casa Santa Marta, this brave, if belated step has naturally (and deliciously!) infuriated Dr. Fauci and his Deep State handlers.

Having forewarned he was not going to Washington to "make friends," on 14 October Dr. Atlas plainly stated on Fox News:

“History will record the faces of the public health expertise as some of the most sinful, egregious, epic failures in the history of public policy... some people say a crime against humanity — these people should be held accountable for what they did.”  

Before this growing condemnation and the prospect of its very own 'Nuremberg', the chief culprit has suddenly grown a conscience! "WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns," blared a 12 October Australian report, stating: "Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus." As reported, he variously said:

"Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer. ... Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. … Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition."

Several days earlier, thousands of doctors and scientists banded together with tens of thousands of concerned citizens (rapidly rocketing to tens and hundreds of thousands respectively) to decry destructive and inhumane Covid policies. More notably still, as this journal has done from the outset, some mainstream media are finally breaking with the official narrative to relay to the public the commonsense views of these world specialists. The Daily Mail front page of 7 October, for example, trumpeted The Great Barrington Declaration, which states:

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk.

Other commonsensical points include the "grave injustice" of keeping children out of school, since for them, "Covid-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza." For those who are vulnerable, the Declaration recommends that many of the procedures already in place should be maintained, such as testing nursing home staff and visitors for the virus, having supplies delivered to the homebound, and having those at risk meet with family members outdoors. For those who are not vulnerable, however, life should go back to normal while maintaining basic hygiene, such as staying home when sick and frequent hand washing. Schools, universities, sports, businesses, restaurants and cultural activities should all revert to normal.

Great Reset dystopia 

Sadly, Mr Johnson and his foreign counterparts continue to ignore this specialist advice, preferring to hype the Covid threat in their creepily concerted way, thereby distracting attention from the pitch-black shadows rapidly encroaching with the "Great Reset." This is the "darkness" we face: not a trumped up "public health" crisis but a pre-planned roll out of global "social engineering" ― actually heightened re-engineering ― of world affairs.

Loudly touted in recent times by the central bankers, financiers and economists, readers will immediately comprehend that they are not seeking a Christian realignment. But the malignities proposed and their fast approaching implementation are not so widely appreciated.

The alarming fact is that government-assembled coalitions of national security/intelligence services and corporate technocrats are advocating, as a matter of urgency, that the U.S. government do whatever it takes in order to catch, match and outdo the Chinese Communist Party in terms of totalitarian technocratic control of populations, and the total "restructuring" (read: dehumanising) of Western societies.

Covid crackdowns have brought a fearful glimpse of this proposed dystopia, and the ready compliance of the populace, to our doorstep. "False pandemic"="hate crime" will soon be taught in post-Covidic virtual-classrooms (if it isn't already). But that of course is the least of it. In a world of cyber-addicts with access to infinite information but without the wherewithal to assess it, the sobering lessons of Communistic socialism have been consigned to a generational memory hole. Consider again these survey findings cited in our March 2018 issue (p.10):

This wholesale dumbing down, brainwashing and coarsening of young voters accounts for the popularity of coercive socialistic pseudo-solutions to endemic corruption, incompetence and waste, and the willing embrace of Pavlovian (stimulus-response) Nanny States: Democratic Socialism by any other name.

Together, it represents the rotten fruit of the four-stages of "ideological subversion" of American life in particular and Western life in general.

As famously described in 1985 by defector Yuri Bezmenov, a former master of Soviet propaganda, these stages are: Demoralisation; Destabilisation; Crisis; and Normalisation

We are proceeding, therefore, in textbook Marxist fashion.

"After Crisis [Covid-19/BLM insurgency]," said Bezmenov, "you have the period of so-called Normalisation ["new normal"]. It may last indefinitely." (U.S. military and media are already insisting that masks, distancing etc. will become "permanent," "just part of life," and we simply have to "come to terms with it.") Bezemenov further explained:

Normalisation is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda. When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in ’68 Comrade Brezhnev said, "Now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalised." This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the country to crisis; ... to put a Big Brother government in Washington DC, with benevolent dictators... who will promise loads of things, never mind if the promises are fulfilled or not. [see CO, Nov. 2013, pp. 25-28]

Betrayed by their elders (the Catholic hierarchy above all) who should have protected their hearts, minds and souls from this hyper-secularisation and detestation of Christian culture, these hapless Western souls, walking blindly and blithely into the slavery of 24/7 surveillance and control, should heed the wise and cautionary words of those like Bishop Athanasius Schneider who have experienced Communism first-hand. On 20 September, His Lordship spoke to GloriaTV about the signs of world dictatorship made manifest in recent months, and the real purpose of governmental responses to Covid-19:

Asked about his warnings against a world dictatorship in light of the measures against the coronavirus, and whether there are proofs for such, Bishop Schneider explained that “there are no concrete proofs for it, because, if there is developing a world dictatorship, they will be clever enough that they won't provide any proofs.” People who are planning a world dictatorship must be “geniuses,” who “are hiding as much as they can their plans.” Otherwise, the Kazakh bishop of German descent continued, “one would expose them ahead of time.”

However, the prelate went on to say, there do exist “firm hints that it goes into the direction of a world government.” For example, the words of a prominent personality who said five years ago that an epidemic would be needed in order to establish a new world government. This is significant, since this was said by “some influential people,” Schneider added.

As another hint, one could look at how “the whole world now is being treated and reprimanded, in a unified manner, like little children – up to the smallest details on how to dress, that is, with the face mask, how one may move about, how much distance to keep, on the entire globe, and in a unified manner! In front of our very own eyes,” Bishop Schneider stated, “there is developing a scenario which has clear traits of a world government.” And “these are clear hints that one cannot deny,” he concluded. Otherwise, “we would just bury our heads in the sand.”

Here, Bishop Schneider recalled that Freemasonry in general has always worked so that “the entire mankind becomes unified, with the help of the three slogans – fraternité, liberté, égalité, that is: fraternity, liberty, and equality.” And this is to be “global,” not only limited to France. When further looking at the goal of all men being equal, the Kazakh prelate said: “Now at least externally, all men look alike, with the face mask, in the whole world.” “This at least,” he continued, “is an external sign.”

Further expounding on the Freemasonic concepts, Schneider explains that “liberty” means for them “freedom from God and his Commandments, that we are completely free and can rule over ourselves.” That is exactly what is taking place today, according to the bishop, who pointed to the “complete abandonment of the natural moral law” and finally also “of God's Commandments.”

“Fraternity” means for the Freemasons that we are “all brothers,” and most importantly, “the equality of all religions.” Here, Bishop Schneider sees that Freemasonry tries to reduce mankind to a “mere natural level,” “that we are brothers only according to the flesh” and “according to the blood,” and not anymore, “what Christianity had brought us, brothers in Christ, children in God.”

Thus, Bishop Schneider concluded, we “are coming into a situation where we, as Christians, will be a minority and where we have also to pass on to others our conviction, to proclaim it, to confess it.” [Translated by Maike Hickson]

The war is NOW!

While daily countering the lies and disinformation of the Covid scam, LifeSitenews editor Steve Jalsevac recently cited historical precedents in the hope of awakening the apathetic and ignorant:

Some brave, few people heroically tried to warn the world about past totalitarian movements, but too many mocked, ignored or despised them for their conspiracy thinking. Winston Churchill was ignored and heavily ridiculed for his constant warnings that Britain had to prepare for war with Hitler. Many Americans, Canadians and Europeans admired Communism and thought their ideology made a lot of sense. They refused to believe what some were revealing about the mass tortures, killings and starvations taking place in the Soviet Union.

The globalists have recently been telling us more explicitly than ever about what they specifically plan to do and most are not taking them seriously. WE MUST TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY.

We too will continue to prise open closed and brainwashed minds that refuse to contemplate and confront the flagrant totalitarian agenda driving Operation Covid. And what better month ― so intimately tied to Communism and its vanquisher, the Rosary ― to recall again the unsmiling face behind the ultra-radical "Democratic Socialism" that a Democrat victory in the U.S. presidential election would usher in.

Recently, in Miami, during his "Fighters Against Socialism" bus tour aimed at courting Hispanic voters for his father, the outspoken Don Trump Jnr warned: "Joe Biden is the camouflage to get the radical left in. ... It's not your parents' Democrat Party, it's not your grandparents' Democrat Party. ... It's a Trojan horse, that's all it is." (In truth, Joe is way too flagrant to qualify as a Trojan horse! The Dems ditched that old ruse in November 2016, the second his dad bested them!)

Make no mistake, revolution is thick in the American air. Ben Stein recently penned a sobering column for The American Spectator, titled: "Our Second Civil War: Communism Collapsed Only to Revive This one may not be as friendly." He wrote :

Thirty years after even the Communist Party of the USSR admitted to the world that Socialism did not work, the most successful free society in history, the most successful nation in history under the banner of freedom, our own magnificent USA, is about to have an election. At stake are the Presidency and the Congress. The polls so far show that the Democrats, a party extremely heavily influenced by Marxism and the doctrine of state control, is about to take control of the federal government.

Under the guise of fighting racism, a largely fictitious problem among white people, freedom of speech has already been abolished. Under the guise of fighting to protect the environment, much of the rights of private property — the bedrock of a free society — will be abolished.

The right of the citizens to own firearms, a right that dictatorships ALWAYS have to abolish, will be attacked ruthlessly. In the end, only the criminals and the state will be armed.

But there is a deadly catch: the left in this country is not unopposed. There are tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, of people who like the free society, just as it is. There are millions of people who are well armed who do not like the idea and the reality of a federal government that will (in a Biden/Harris administration) openly side with the rioters and the looters and the people who shoot police officers.

These people, like all people, DO NOT LIKE BEING PUSHED AROUND. [...] In some parts of the nation, like Seattle and Portland, [their] limits may have already been reached. I hope they never are in the greater society. But in 1850, no one thought the bloodiest conflict in the history of the Western hemisphere would start 11 years later because a government that claimed moral superiority and threatened action on it, took office in Washington, D.C. I pray we never reach that stage again. But every day’s headlines tell me we are racing towards it. The awful truth that the leaders of the Democratic Party of 2020 refuse to condemn violence in the streets is, as the saying goes, “A fire alarm in the night.”

Just as telling are the violent professional mercenaries directing the riots, indicating that not just Soros money but elements of the military itself are behind the insurgency.

The loudest alarm of all, however, is the sheer speed of this worldwide socialist rollout: a reckless sprintnever entertained by cautious, old school-globalist villains like Rockefeller, Brzezinski and Kissinger.

As the drama unfolds, the following Polish history serves to underline the heroism required before the Luciferian spirit of the Marxist pandemic forewarned by Our Lady of Fatima: now morphing before our eyes into dictatorial rule by unelected technocrats wielding sci-fi technology with all its soulless promise ― viz., a virus-free virtual world of cosy isolation and one-click convenience, guaranteed to keep us "safe." We better watch out,

For when they shall say, peace and security; then shall sudden destruction come upon them, as the pains upon her that is with child, and they shall not escape. [1 Thess. 5:3]

In that scriptural light, the fate of America and the world hangs in the balance as the truth-tellers (Trump/Viganò) battle the liars (Biden/Francis) for the future of global order. Like the Poles, who endured and conquered Communism, and the Brazilians, who faced down a 1964 communist takeover against all the odds, we need to keep our Rosaries ever at the ready ― and busy!



(1) presented to the Poles [in 1920] by Izaak Grünbaum, the Jewish member of the lower chamber of the Parliament of the Polish State... . Referred to as Ghettos both in colloquial and academic jargon to this day, they were the result of, not only German plans of repression with regard to the Jewish population being realised, as has been the belief until now; but rather, above all, the result of the idea of Jewish Autonomous Provinces that had been brought to fruition by Polish Jews under German  tutelage, as a form of Jewish statehood." (E. Kurek, Polish-Jewish Relations 1939-1945: Beyond the limits of solidarity, Bloomington 2013, pp.180-225. Available at, and on Amazon.)

(2) See Jedwabne: An Anatomy of Lies, Ewa Kurek, English trans., CLIO, Lublin 2019. (Available at


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