Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

August-September 2020

Storm Jorge



Neither devastation wreaked by nature nor Catholic landscapes flattened by the Modernist whirlwind bespeak a jocular Jesus. Even so, last March, as nature ran riot up north, the Lord surely indulged some ripples of mirth in the heavenly court over "Storm Jorge" headlines.

Perhaps Christ Himself engineered the name ("Jorge" being nominated by the Spanish before the British Met Office could affix its own name)? If so, we may be equally sure that His Providential point was not the black humour but the metaphor... for papal carnage!

The sacrosanct prayer offered to God the Father by His Divine Son is the latest item ticked off Jorge's Levelling List.

With papal approval, the Italian episcopate recently incorporated into Italian Novus Ordos the alteration to The Lord's Prayer first floated by Francis in December 2017. The existing Italian translation "non ci indurre in tentazione" ("lead us not into temptation") was "not good" and should be changed, he said. "[I]t’s not [God] who throws me into temptation, in order to then see how I’ve fallen. No, a father doesn’t do this … The one who leads us into temptation is Satan. That’s Satan’s task."

At the time, Father Ray Blake was one of many who rebuked Francis for his pig ignorant, hugely damaging suggestion. In a blog reprinted in our February 2018 issue, he explained that although the Gospels give slightly different versions of this prayer,

they concur with the ancient liturgical form of the prayer which ends, "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo." In Greek, "καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν, ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ.." So it is not just the translation the Pope has problems with but the actual text itself. His problem therefore is... with the Son of God Himself.

The Greek means "to bring into" or "to lead into": it’s in the active voice not the passive, therefore it certainly does not mean "do not let", the Pope's preferred t.ranslation. There is an important truth here: God does not merely permit temptation as though we live in a world where Satan is as powerful as God and good and evil struggle together, and mankind is pulled hither and thither.

The new French translation uses the passive voice, "let us not fall into temptation." Far from accurate, it suggests that falling into temptation is some kind of unfortunate accident. For a Christian, that is those empowered by the Holy Spirit, to "cry out, 'Abba, Father'," a new relationship has been formed, in which through Grace we are empowered by God and no longer in the sway of the Tempter. In short, we can resist sin and temptation, even the temptation in the Last Days to defect from the Faith.

Masonic tempest

Now synonymous with the Last Days, Storm Jorge continues to tempt even orthodox faithful to "defect" (stubborn papolators aside).

As Fr Blake insists, only constant prayer and recourse to the sacraments will see them through his constant battering of their Catholic faith and life. For as blogger Ann Barnhardt said by way of a similar metaphor: "The past seven years have been daily blows to the head with a four-by-four." She was commenting on yet another gem spouted by Francis early this year in yet another interview with his favourite atheist, Eugenio Scalfari.

"Lord, you are calling us, calling us to faith, which is NOT SO MUCH BELIEVING THAT YOU EXIST, but coming to you, and trusting in you," Francis explained (according to Scalfari).

Since the founding of the papacy, and by extension the office of the papacy itself, is directly linked to the expression and belief in Christ’s divinity, said Barnhardt, "perhaps Our Lord was using Scalfari to again pose the question, 'who do you say that I AM?' And perhaps this is the proof most fence sitters needed?" — i.e., to demonstrate her own view, understandably shared by many (due to his dodgy election and heresies), that Francis is no pope at all.

"As a dog that returns to his vomit, so is the fool that repeats his folly." [Prov. 26:11] And so is a pontiff who repeatedly returns to Scalfari despite Vatican claims that Scalfari misrepresents him. 'Misrepresentations' devilishly skirted by Francis, who never personally denies or clarifies even when Scalfari informs the world that the Vicar of Christ refutes the Divinity of Christ!(1)

"Christians expect a clear answer from the Pope himself," fumed Archbishop Viganò. "The thing is too important; it is essential: Yes, I believe that Christ is the Son of God made Man, the only Saviour and Lord. All Christians await this clarification from him, not from others, and by virtue of their baptism have the right to have this response."

No chance. From day one, Storm Jorge proudly declared his intention not to repair but flatten the last rusty remnants of Catholic Tradition still standing, albeit teetering, after fifty years of Modernist corrosion. And so he has.

In cahoots with brother masons like Scalfari, demons like Soros, and too many culture-of-death icons to name, his pulverising papacy remains entirely at the service of the hellish rebellion against God and His creation that burgeons by the month.

In this regard, we may confidently assume that his scandalous honorary membership of Rotary, the Lodge feeder-group, is just the teasing tip of the masonic tempest that is Storm Jorge.

The following report posted last February by Br. Alexis Bugnolo supports this assessment; an appraisal furiously flagged by the words, actions and inactions of Francis himself (as also by his high-ranking masonic cheer squad — see "Brother Bergoglio," CO, June/July 2017):

In an intercepted phone call — one of many which were captured during the corruption investigation in Argentina over foreign influence from Iran, the Head Vatican Intelligence officer in Argentina affirmed that he and his boss, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, were indeed members of the Masonic Lodge.

The explosive revelations where made on Roberto Garcia’s TV program, La Mirada, which aired on November 27, 2017 on Channel 26 in Argentina. The video [in Spanish at], at 27:57, features the guests Edgar Mainhard 5 of Urgente24 and the man who speaks about Bergoglio, Juan Bautista “Tata”” Yofre, who was State Intelligence Secretary in Argentina between 1989-1990 and was the Ambassador of Argentina, concurrently to both Portugal and Panama, during the government of Carlos Menem.

In the interview, Roberto asks Tata to discuss the “unpresentables of Argentina that surround the pope”.

“Tata” recounts a phone call that had been aired during a time of “negotiations with Iran” and that such phone calls had been aired on national television. In one phone call between “Yussuf and Karim” which had come out in the outlet “La Nación”, but later disappeared, Tata says, during the call, Yussuf tells Karim about his encounter with Bergoglio’s Vatican Chief of Intelligence in Argentina. “Tata” made a parenthesis to emphasise that Bergoglio indeed had a Vatican chief of Intelligence there in Argentina and that he knew him personally, but did not mention the name.

Tata continues recounting that on the phone call, “Bergoglio’s Vatican Chief of Intelligence told Yussuf that he [the Chief] was a mason and so was Bergoglio.” Tata says, “This was on ‘La Nación’. You could have listened to it yourselves. I listened to it because I had to give it credit.” [From Rome, 5/2/20]

In Br. Bugnolo's view, this evidence is both morally and legally actionable. He writes:

Morally actionable evidence is the kind upon which you are obliged to act, but cannot bring a legal charge due to lack of records. However, with this intercepted phone call, the Church has legally actionable evidence, because the phone call was heard by the entire Argentine people on live TV, and we have the testimony of an Argentine Ambassador that that phone call was broadcast.

To deploy this explosive weapon, he suggests the following course of action:

Just find 2 or 3 others persons who heard it, and have them swear an affidavit. Then the Cardinals who are NOT Freemasons, and or any group of Bishops, call a Council and declare the man outside of the Church and deposed from all offices.

Voilà! Storm quelled!

... In our dreams at any rate.

Heretical paradigm

This of course is to put our stormy plight simply and bluntly. The polite (rationalistic) view of ravaging Storm Jorge is the high-sounding "paradigm" approach preferred by Francis himself.

In his 2017 Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium, on Catholic university teaching, he called for "a broad and generous effort at a radical paradigm shift, or rather—dare I say—at ‘a bold cultural revolution.’." This is the party line strictly followed by his placemen.

Cardinal Cupich for one delivered a lecture in Cambridge titled "Pope Francis’ Revolution of Mercy: Amoris Laetitia as a New Paradigm of Catholicity." Forever on message, Cupich too advocated a "shift" that is "nothing short of revolutionary" in the relationship between moral doctrine and its pastoral application (praxis). Doctrine and law, he said, must be subordinated to contemporary life. The Church should not teach but should learn from social reality, in which there is no room for "an abstract, isolated set of truths."

In other words, behind the pseudo-intellectual blather, Jorge's "new paradigm" is institutionalised heresy.

Cardinal Müller fully understands. An orthodox stumbling block to heretical papal plans until he was duly sacked from his all-important CDF post, ten days after Cupich’s Cambridge lecture Cardinal Müller published a sharp response-cum-rebuke in First Things, titled: "Development or Corruption? Can There Be ‘Paradigm Shifts’ in the Interpretation of the Deposit of the Faith?" Precisely.(2)

Ironically, though, Cardinal Müller still defends Vatican II: the Modernist instrument long craved and crafted by the Lodge to effect the very "shift" — from development to corruption — he laments!

Prophetic guide

In this regard, His Eminence embodies the cognitive dissonance that afflicts even the best of the few remaining prelates of orthodox sensibility. Hence the importance of Archbishop Viganò's recent interventions apropos the Council, presented herein. Not so much a breath of fresh air as a Catholic counter-storm, the rare candour of his regular despatches on the myriad crises in Church and State read like back-issues of Christian Order! Little wonder he has his critics. Even among those who should know far better.

Having waited so very long for such an uncompromising, voice to emerge from the emasculated ranks of the Western hierarchy, that some traditional commentators take issue with his prolific output (for supposedly diluting the impact of his message) leaves one speechless. It's like Trump supporters criticising the President for social media overkill — as if reining in his raw tweets would somehow increase transparency rather than media tyranny!

If the dictum 'more is less and less is more' has verbal currency in normal times, it does not hold amid simultaneous socio-political and ecclesiastical revolutions fuelled by 24/7 propaganda. In this oppressive climate, how can we ever have enough plain-speaking from on high? Such as this calling out of rank papal hypocrisy:

“How are we to contain our bewilderment when we hear words like those said in Santa Marta on 26 March?” Viganò asked.

“The Pope said, ‘The Lord must not find us, at the end of our lives, and say to us, “You are corrupt. You have left the path I showed you. You have bowed down before idols”,’ he recalled.

“Such words as these are truly bewildering, especially if we remember that he himself brought off a terrible sacrilege before the eyes and ears of the whole world, before the very Altar of the Confession of Saint Peter, a real profanation, an act of pure apostasy, with those filthy and satanic images of pachamama.” [Interview with The Remnant, 30/3/20]

Amen! Give that man a megaphone!

If the Archbishop’s robust and charitable rebukes give heart and hope to those long mocked for drawing lines of demarcation between the Church and the Counterchurch, by the grace of God they will also convince the confused and clueless. By whom I mean those of good will who oppose the zeitgeist unleashed in 1968 but not the Corrosive Council that fuelled its rebellious "spirit"; who are horrified by that demented and dangerous "cultural revolution" but not by the papal call for "a broad and generous effort" to embrace it.

Unable to draw orthodox lines in ever-shifting liberal sands which accommodate every syncretic and sinful tendency, such neocons will benefit greatly from Hilary White's account of her own awakening. For they, too, must recognise and reject the Modernist deceit that turns them into Counterchurch-"conservatives" at the unwitting service of a "radical paradigm shift." Only then will they view Viganò's "plain speech" as a prophetic gift [1Cor. 14] — a towering Catholic lighthouse in Jorge's levelling storm.



(1) “Those who have had the chance, as I have had different times, to meet him [Pope Francis] and speak to him with the greatest cultural confidence, know that Pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, a man, not God incarnate. Once incarnated, Jesus ceases to be a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross. When I happened to discuss these phrases, Pope Francis told me: ‘They are the definite proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, even if he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not God at all’.” [Eugenio Scalfari, La Repubblica, 9/10/19]

(2) For more on this topic, see José Antonio Ureta's book-length review of the first five years of Storm Jorge: Pope Francis’s “Paradigm Shift”: Continuity or Rupture in the Mission of the Church? [TFP, 2018].


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