Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

June-July 2020

Covid Truth



"The only means to fight the plague is honesty.”
- Albert Camus

In recent editions we have clearly established from the evidence — statistics continually verified — that we have been forced into a diabolical pantomime by forces beyond our control.

Aided and abetted by episcopal hirelings, this epochal scam at the service of the usual globalist suspects is being played out worldwide under cover of a trumped up health "crisis," and coercive measures out of all proportion to the viral threat posed.

Recently, after estimating that over one-third of infections are asymptomatic, even the notorious Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) finally admitted that initial assessments of the severity of this coronavirus were grossly overestimated.

Yet we did not need the CDC's belated and hollow admission. Very many far more credible and reliable sources — such as Stanford Professor John Ioannidis, whose accurate findings include a near 0.00% infection fatality rate for those under 45 years of age — led us to conclude that by any sane definition Covid-19 does not even approach the level of a deadly pandemic. In fact it barely registers on the historical chart:  

Estimated Death Toll of Pandemics
- as a percentage of global population.

(Sources: Deutsche Bank, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, wikipedia list of epidemics
and various online references within, OurWorldinData. 8 June.)

Indeed, until it changed its definition to accommodate Big Pharma's greed and grasping (for ever more expensive drugs   and vaccines), the WHO itself declared a "pandemic" only when confronted with "an enormous number of deaths." On the contrary, global Covid-19 mortality is currently — despite the significantly older population nowadays — a whole order of magnitude below the flu pandemics of 1957 (Asian flu) and 1968 (Hong Kong   flu) and in the range of the rather mild "swine flu pandemic" of 2009; H1N1 being the first virus magically inflated to "pandemic" status by the WHO's sudden deflation of its once high threshold.

SARS-CoV-2 is a classic epidemic; a contagious bug that quickly and mercifully produced rates of lethality (per infection) and mortality (per population) comparable to a mild seasonal flu (e.g., Austria, Germany, Switzerland), or at worst a severe seasonal flu (e.g., US, UK, Sweden). That is, within the 0.1-0.3% range that many world specialists excluded from policy formulation and media access had predicted at the outset. Consider, too, that the Swedish annual all-cause mortality, for example, is in the range of a medium flu wave and 3.6% lower than in previous years! Sweden of course has showcased how even without a lockdown, without mandatory masks and with one of the lowest intensive care bed capacities in Europe, hospitals need not be overburdened. Furthermore, an immunological study by the University of Zurich published at the end of May revealed that this coronavirus is probably much more widespread than previously assumed (as originally maintained by marginalised or censored specialists), with lethality per infection around five times lower than previously estimated. The real lethality could therefore be significantly below 0.1% and thus in the range of influenza.

All of this was known very early on in proceedings, as noted in July by the excellent Swiss Policy Research team:

It is sometimes argued that the rather low lethality was not known at the beginning of the pandemic. This is not entirely true, as data from South Korea, the cruise ships and even from Italy already showed in March that the risk to the general population is rather low.

Many health authorities also knew this, as leaked emails from Denmark in mid-March show: “The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that Covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate.” Some media nevertheless continue to calculate an allegedly much higher Covid19 lethality rate of sometimes over 1% by simply dividing deaths by “infections”, without taking into account the age and risk distribution, which is absolutely crucial especially for Covid19.

The latest data from the European mortality monitoring Euromomo shows that several countries such as France, Italy and Spain are already entering a below-average mortality. The reason for this is that the average age of Covid19 deaths was very high and fewer people than usual are now dying in this age group.

SPR also confirms that "Due to its rather low lethality, Covid-19 falls at most into level 2 of the five-level pandemic plan developed by US health authorities. For this level, only the “voluntary isolation of sick people” is to be applied, while further measures such as face masks, school closings, distance rules, contact tracing, vaccinations and lockdowns of entire societies are not recommended. The new [Zurich University] immunological results also mean that “immunity passports” and mass vaccinations are unlikely to work and are therefore not a useful strategy."

The bigger picture

As with our more detailed April and May issues, if that little recap of reality gives you pause — to reflect on the possibility that governments have done and continue to do precisely the opposite of everything the evidence dictates that they should have done and should still be doing — then you are heading in the right mental direction. For in that case you are clearly recovering your God-given critical faculties that the daily blizzard of alarmism and disinformation is designed to paralyse and, ultimately, in the manner of all psychological operations, to extinguish.

The ensuing summary of Facts about Covid-19 should, at very least, heighten your suspicions. But it could also turn your stomach; at the thought of the physical, psychological, emotional, financial, economic and spiritual damage inflicted needlessly by our so-called leaders in Church and State. For the plain and simple fact is that most Western countries had already reached their peak of coronavirus infections in March or April and often before the lockdown. In our April number, Professor Dolores Cahill explained, for example, that the US peaked around 12 March! The peak of deaths in most Western countries was in April. Since then, hospitalisations and deaths have been declining in most Western countries, as deaths plummet to near zero levels for all age groups. End of story.

... In our dreams! While it should be the end of the never-ending "narrative" of coronadoom, unable to admit their initial mistakes and the catastrophic consequences, officialdom from tip to toe will continue doubling down: compounding the crisis by squeezing every last ounce of fear from the dictatorial pantomime-nightmare they have contrived. This summation of the degenerative process by bio-engineer Yinon Weiss was collated by the present writer from a two-part series by Weiss:

Epidemiologists created faulty lockdown models. Politicians relied on these faulty models and assumed worst-case scenarios. Big tech suppressed dissenting views, the media flamed fears and the world panicked. This is how people’s fears grew disproportional to reality and how seemingly short- term lockdowns stretched into months. That is the story of what may eventually be known as one of the biggest medical and economic blunders of all time. The collective failure of every Western nation, except one, to question groupthink will surely be studied by economists, doctors, and psychologists for decades to come.

Israel’s Yoram Lass also neatly explained what happened (and is still happening):

It is what is known in science as positive feedback or a snowball effect. The government is afraid of its constituents. Therefore, it implements draconian measures. The constituents look at the draconian measures and become even more hysterical. They feed each other and the snowball becomes larger and larger until you reach irrational territory. This is nothing more than a flu epidemic if you care to look at the numbers and the data, but people who are in a state of anxiety are blind. If I were making the decisions, I would try to give people the real numbers. And I would never destroy my country.

Citing an excellent essay by Stanford’s Dr. Scott Atlas about  the lack of leadership by American public health officials in this crisis, commentator J. B. Handley noted:

While the public health officials have done a great job scaring the daylights out of Americans, they’ve done very little to update Americans on the emerging science that has proved many of our initial fears to be unsupported by science. We still have MILLIONS of Americans who are scared to leave their home, and my guess is that many think COVID-19’s IFR [Infection Fatality Rate] is closer to smallpox (30%) than to the seasonal flu.

This description of national debilitation thanks to third-rate officialdom holds true for the UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and just about everywhere else, with a handful of notable exceptions. For all the cowardly custards involved, their ongoing complicity is now an elementary matter of political and bureaucratic survival.

As for the bigger picture, very few would be aware, and even less would care to know that the viral scam they embraced and now perpetuate (against all evidence and commonsense) is an escalation of the well-known long-term agenda of the power elite. However unwittingly, it is all about national time-servers aiding and abetting these arrogant masters of the universe to bring their restructuring of human affairs and finances, if not to completion, at least to within one final "crisis" of their dystopian designs.

Mandatory vaccines and mandatory mark-of-the-beast micro-chipping (for trace&track surveillance, ID and digital currency) are fundamental to their plans for total technocratic control of our lives.

To that end, the totalising socio-economic template favoured by the uppermost (Rothschildean) echelons of the globalist pyramid — viz., the Chinese Social Credit Score system of reward and punishment, doled out to citizens under constant cyber-scrutiny — is rapidly evolving in fascistic public-private tandem.

It is directly tied to the socialistic cry for a Universal Basic Income, the private satellite surveillance systems being funded by amoral billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates (1), the powerful 5G networks in which Gates & Co. are also heavily invested, and, above all, to the elimination of cash, which holy grail of technocratic control Covid has accelerated immeasurably.

Robert Kennedy Jnr explains that "Corporations will use Gates’ 5G surveillance system to sell products and escalate AI [Artificial Intelligence] capacity. Governments will use it to transition the globe to a totalitarian singularity more despotic than Orwell ever imagined."

Due Diligence.

In order to make these kinds of connections, readers are therefore urged to maintain or regain their God-given powers of critical thinking, so as to see through and beyond the fearful narrative disseminated by the weaponised corporate media. While always treading carefully through the online cyber-minefield, where truth and falsehood dwell in precarious proximity to each other, independent voices like those we have just glimpsed can be found. Having satisfied oneself as to their credibility (based on a consistent record of accurate, well-sourced analyses) one is far better placed to make well informed choices.

In other words, amid so much censorship, there are still many highly-credentialled voices speaking expert horse sense about the lockdown insanity and associated coercive measures. For instance, many have benefited from the scientific expertise of Dr. William M. Briggs, a former Professor at the Cornell Medical School with a PhD in statistics. Here is an example of his refreshing take [extracted from a longer blog on 17 June]:


The craven collaborator and would-be President Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York [directly responsible for thousands of deaths after sending coronavirus patients back to nursing homes - Ed. CO], desiring power for himself and loathing the people over which he has control “threatens to shut down Manhattan, Hamptons again if coronavirus social-distancing rules broken“.

Cuomo, on his knees before a mirror, wiped his lips and said, “The riots, lootings, violence, mayhem, and murder I allowed to rage throughout New York City for two weeks did not happen. The people I ordered to nursing homes did not die. And if you nice people take off your masks and get closer than six feet apart until after the election, I will have you arrested for disturbing the peace.”

Ignore him.

Ignore the “experts” who are trying to get you to wet your pants and screech like Karens about “second waves” and spikes! in new cases.

'I could guarantee you a biblical plague by Christmas,’ warns UCC Professor”. Spit in the eye of experts like this.

Panic Experts said:

  1. You can have the bug for up to two weeks before developing symptoms, and during this time you can spread it. OOPS: no.
  2. The bug can live on surfaces longer than Nancy Pelosi has been in office. Touch anything and die. OOPS: no.
  3. If you take hydrowhatsit you will die horribly. OOPS: no.
  4. You or someone you know will die of the bug. OOPS: no.
  5. If you don’t follow strict lockdown guidelines, you will die or cause deaths. OOPS: no.
  6. If you protest against progressives, you will get the bug and die or cause deaths. But if you protest for progs, you will grow strong. OOPS: no.
  7. A second wave, worse than the first, coinciding with the election, will kill millions. Stay away from the polls, and send your ballot in the mail, where it will be honestly counted by political operatives. OOPS?

Panic experts have been consistently wrong about everything. Yet people still believe them!


The estimated numbers of people infected are MUCH higher than the reported numbers who were really sick (cases).

The reported number of cases (positive tests) in the USA, using the exaggerated  media  numbers  [is  tiny].  It’s about 2 million. That [number] is wrong.

The other numbers [referring to a graph] are what’s really out there. These are the best guesses of the people who have already been infected or got sick (the cases). These are huge numbers. There are as many as 70 million Americans who already got this bug, most of whom developed no symptoms or had mild symptoms, like a cold or flu.

These people have not been officially certified by experts, so they don’t count. Testing makes them official. This is the experts call for new and increased testing. Tests are revealing these cases and they are being reported as if they are new. As-if new cases lead to headlines I have been showing you: Spike in new cases in pro-Trump area: stay inside!

Nobody knows the ratio of extant to genuinely new cases (the bug is likely still spreading to a small extent), but given the dropping deaths, it must be large.

The gist is this: ignore all reports of new cases. Where by all I mean every damned one. Haven’t we learned by now the media’s function is solely progpaganda? That is not a typo.

Progressive-propaganda = progpaganda.


The crisis is over. We had a late “flu season” this year, wherein a bug circulated in winter and did its damage. It’s the same everywhere we look, England, Sweden, wherever. Yes, people died, as they always do, and they died by the season’s bug, and by the lockdowns, via aggressive and idiotic medical protocols. “That guy coughed! Strap him to a ventilator!”

Here is the main message:

US: CDC Official Weekly Covid Deaths

That’s the weekly official coronadoom deaths. The crisis is over. The media’s death count is 10% higher than the CDC’s count: the media always goes with whatever can keep the panic going.

The “spikes” in “new” cases are (largely) BS. Only deaths and other hard physical measures like hospitalisations count. Deaths are dropping, dropping, dropping.

Show these pictures to people who are still quaking in fear. And stop listening to “experts” who tell you it’s not necessary to “social distance” if you’re protesting “racism”, but you must if you attend a Trump rally. These people are liars.

Indeed they are. So... if your only source of information is the complicit mainstream media and its coronadoom mantra, you're being badly misled on a daily basis. Instead, why not ferret out truths that set you free? To include freedom from the inordinate worry provoked by liars! High anxiety is simply not conducive to rational decision-making by individuals, families or nations. It has evoked Brexit-like community tensions and divisions by pitting media-fuelled emotions against the facts and those wielding them to protest scientifically baseless and destructive policies.

It is therefore imperative that readers do their own due diligence and seek out a variety of views from independent commentators and specialists in order to weigh up for themselves the facts pertaining to our dire predicament.

A further example  of the refreshing ring of truth they will discover in their search  is the voice of Sweden's Karolinska Institute, Professor Johan Giesecke, whose total scientific and medical command of his subject at the highest national and international levels we noted in the April edition. In an essay  published  in  early  May  by The Lancet, Prof. Giesecke accurately summed things up, his objectivity and integrity dwarfing the compromised midgets who presently constitute Britain's medical establishment:

These facts have led me to the following conclusions. Everyone will be exposed to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and most people will become infected. COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire in all countries, but we do not see it — it almost always spreads from younger people with no or weak symptoms to other people who will also have mild symptoms. This is the real pandemic, but it goes on beneath the surface, and is probably at its peak now in many European countries. There is very little we can do to prevent this spread: a lockdown might delay severe cases for a while, but once restrictions are eased, cases will reappear. I expect that when we count the number of deaths from COVID-19 in each country in 1 year from now, the figures will be similar, regardless of measures taken. Measures to flatten the curve might have an effect, but a lockdown only pushes the severe cases into the future — it will not prevent them. Admittedly, countries have managed to slow down spread so as not to overburden health-care systems, and, yes, effective drugs that save lives might soon be developed, but this pandemic is swift, and those drugs have to be developed, tested, and marketed quickly. Much hope is put in vaccines, but they will take time, and with the unclear protective immunological response to infection, it is not certain that vaccines will be very effective.

In summary, COVID-19 is a disease that is highly infectious and spreads rapidly through society. It is often quite symptomless and might pass unnoticed, but it also causes severe disease, and even death, in a proportion of the population, and our most important task is not to stop spread, which is all but futile, but to concentrate on giving the unfortunate victims optimal care.

Fear-based pseudo-science

Having dug a hole too deep to escape, Britain's medical midgets and their counterparts worldwide  ignore  such  plain and sensible assessments. Still tilting at Covid windmills, recent governmental incitements to further unrest include threats of new lockdowns to compound the human misery inflicted and stored up by the first one. They are doing so on the ludicrous pretext of (inevitable) regional "spikes" in the number of (largely harmless) infections detected by increased testing of populations already carrying the current coronavirus (and/or previous strains) in very large numbers, or who have picked up Covid naturally from their fellow human beings after months of isolation from them!

Gripped by irrationality ever since it embarrassed the entire nation by taking advice from the long discredited Neil Ferguson, the British government is now threatening a second national lockdown as I write! This despite data constantly confirming Prof. Giesecke's estimation: that non-lockdown and barely locked down states and nations perform admirably vis-à-vis lockdown states and nations.

And of course we now have belated mandatory mask gambits breaking out all over. Readers should be aware that for every authoritative reference cited for the  effectiveness  of  masks  (not least by the self-serving Davos crowd who are behind the #masks4all campaign), equally authoritative references can be found to show that they are often ineffectual. In a paper reviewing a century of accumulated data on pandemics, the WHO itself concluded that:

Apparently no controlled studies assess the efficacy of mask use in preventing transmission of influenza viruses. During the 1918 influenza pandemic, mask use was common and  even required by law in many jurisdictions. Scepticism arose, however; the medical officer of health for Alberta, Canada, noted that cases of disease continued to increase after mask use was mandated, and public confidence in the measure’s efficacy gave way to ridicule. [...] During the SARS epidemic in 2003, 76% of Hong Kong residents reported wearing masks in public. As noted above, influenza virus isolation rates decreased, but since multiple measures were implemented, the contribution of mask use, if any, is uncertain.

[Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Influenza, National and Community Measures, World Health Organisation Writing Group, Geneva, 2006.]

Endless similar findings can be found to prove that there is no scientific basis for making masks compulsory. And yet, rather than create a harmonious atmosphere where mask-wearing is optional and people are left to exercise their commonsense about whether to use masks in any given situation, governments prefer to invoke stiff penalties for non-compliance. This only fosters disharmony by demonising the maskless and lionising the masked; the latter increasingly irked by the nonchalance of the former, who trespass on their "six foot" safe-space with impunity (— an official distance, by the way, every bit as unscientific as mandated masks).

In this regard, interviewed  by  Uncommon  Knowledge  on  18 June, Dr Scott Atlas, former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a scholar of public health, offered the following comments [his emphases in italics; my transcript and bold emphases]:

Things are being done with hygiene in restaurants  and  stores. I think it’s important to recognise [that] guidelines are important, and educating the public is the role of government here. I could see requiring restaurants to put up a guideline  on a door to say, if you’re over 65 and if you’re a diabetic,  there may be a risk if you’re in a small space nearby to other people. But that’s very different to saying to a restaurant [it] must have 6-foot spacing, it must have masks. I think this is a very important topic. The science behind 6-foot spacing is embarrassingly weak. And one underscore to that, is that the WHO itself recommends 3 feet. Many countries in the world use 3 feet. Some countries use 1.5 metres. These are obviously arbitrary, pseudo-science kind of concepts. And,  OK,  one  of the studies that was done — to necessitate masks and certain distances — they put two hamsters in cages, one of them had a mask on, one didn’t, and they blew with a fan, micro-droplets at them from certain distances. This is not the same thing as an infectious agent, causing an infection. [...] But to set up a law, or a restriction that’s based on very, very weak science, at best....

The science is really not science. It’s fear-based, and a sort of cherry picking of certain studies. It’s very poor analysis. A lot of smart people are doing a lot of sloppy thinking.

Ditto the similarly belated, largely futile contact tracing/ quarantining gambits. The WHO also claims that "evidence and experience suggest" that when our advanced stage of "increased and sustained transmission in the general population" is reached, aggressive interventions to isolate patients and quarantine contacts, even if they are the first patients detected in a community, would  probably  be  ineffective,  not a  good use of limited health resources, and socially disruptive. [Nonpharmaceutical Interventions, 2006. Ibid.]

Irrationality reigns

When the following incidents were put to him for comment, Dr Atlas also had strong words for public officials who have taken leave of their senses. On the left, a bulldozer fills a skateboard park with sand, on LA's Venice  Beach,  to  make sure kids don’t use it. On the right, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio had city workers weld shut the gates of a public park.

Responding to these striking shots which recall so many other Orwellian images, such as handcuffed mums being frogmarched out of near empty public parks for daring to take their toddlers to playgrounds, an exasperated Dr Atlas offered these remarks:

Well there’s two, just inexplicable thought-processes going on there. One is that, somehow, people seem to think in leadership positions that it makes sense to be confined indoors rather than be out of doors. You don’t have to be a doctor to understand that that is just completely ludicrous. And then when you look at the data, even the original data out of Japan, they showed that the transmission rates were far higher – by order of magnitude higher – inside, in confined spaces. Outdoors is far, far lower risk to get a contagious disease. This is just commonsense. I don’t even know how to explain how that is so ridiculous.

But the second part is locking children's playgrounds. Again we go back to the fact: these are people, these leaders consistently quote "it’s all about the science" but they’re doing things that are contrary to the science because there is virtually no risk to the people who would use those playgrounds. The children have almost no risk. In fact I’ll give you a quote from the JAMA paediatric journal – journal of the AMA, paediatrics, it’s a special paediatrics journal, this is a series of 48 paediatric hospitals in North America – their quote is: the risk of a serious illness from seasonal influenza in children is “far greater” than the risk of serious illness of Covid-19 in children.

This is a completely irrational response, to lock down the playgrounds. I mean, it defies any science whatsoever. And in  fact it just shows a complete lack of capability for being in a leadership position. [...] You have to have some perspective....

I empathise with the fear, but we have to expect more from the leadership than that.

No-one knows if Covid-19 will come back in the Fall. No-one. And in fact we know that previous SARS viruses didn’t necessarily come back, because this bit about viruses mutating, that’s actually a good thing generally because when they mutate they become less impactful. That’s how they fizzle out. Vaccines are not magical wands even when we get them. We know the seasonal influenza vaccine is 40-60% effective. It’s not a 100% effective. So that should be a prerequisite, a predicate for re-opening. We know exactly who’s going to be vulnerable to this. And we know that the overwhelming majority of people don’t have a problem if they get infected. So to me, I don’t care that cases are going up, in fact that’s not a problem at all. It’s only important to protect the people who are going to have a serious problem with this illness.”

[Speaker's emphases in italics. My bold emphasis]

Even UK chief medical officer Dr Chris Whitty agrees with Dr Atlas. An insider who has received millions in malaria research funding from the Gates Foundation, on 11 May Dr Whitty stated that Covid-19 is "harmless to [the] vast majority." Yet neither that reassurance from its chief Covid adviser, nor the truly murderous flow-on effect of the first lockdown has stopped the Johnson government from threatening a second national closure! This despite the forecast of excess cancer deaths alone outstripping total UK Covid deaths within the next 5 years (due to delayed or foregone health care since the original house arrest), and the now well established fact that the lockdown cure is demonstrably far worse than the disease. In America, for instance, using actuarial statistics and their own figures, Dr Atlas and three co-authors of an article in The Hill of 25 May found, among much else, that:

Key lessons

That such fearsome stats have not forced policy rethinks  and reversals everywhere suggests invisible diabolic forces are exacerbating the general self-serving cowardice of officialdom. It also underlines the importance of Dr Atlas' final words of advice to the next generation of doctors, about the lessons to be learned from the current abdication of logic and reason:

The central lesson is to use critical thinking when you’re looking at the evidence. That’s point number one through nine. You really have to have perspective when you’re looking at something. You don’t just read the bottom line of a study. The difference between a good doctor and a great doctor is  not the amount of information they know, it’s to be able to use deductive reasoning and critical analysis of the information.

So the first part is, use critical thinking. The second part is, of course, when we’re doing a health policy manoeuvre or a health policy implementation, you must understand the impact of the policy itself. There’s no such policy as stopping Covid-19 at all costs. That was never the policy, even of the Trump team of Fauci and Birx, even at the beginning. It was never the stated policy. But it has devolved into that sort of thinking, where    we must stop all Covid-19 at all costs. Somehow, the public, because of that policy, has become so  fearful that now they  buy into that policy. And so I think that’s lesson number two: know the impact of the policies themselves.At least be able to judge that, before you start implementing really severe, in this case draconian, public policy.

As regards vital communication with the public, a low opinion of their respective electorates (aka the "deplorables" who voted Trump and Brexit) will doubtless prevent US and UK officials from learning any lessons from this catastrophe of their making. And so, like our hapless and hopeless bishops, they will continue to offer mindless slogans that patronise and insult us, rather than facts, and a little bit of guidance, so we can use our intelligence and commonsense to see us through. As Dr Atlas put it:

The way to really reassure the public, to me, is to say, in a really logical, commonsense way: what are the facts, and given all the facts, and given what we’re going to do, this is what we feel is the best pathway to come out at the other end. I think people are reassured by listening to people who can logically present the information, and make a logical case.

OK, not everyone’s a scientist, or an epidemiologist, or an infectious disease person. No-one out there in politics, hardly any have medical training, some have, but the reality is, people understand logic. When you have the facts, and then people give you the facts, you then use your commonsense – and frankly this has been missing from the experts. These people have been talking about their own fields, but they have not used deductive reasoning and commonsense and logic, to interpret those findings for political leaders and for public policy implementation. So there’s been a disconnect there.

Ah yes, the serially disgraced "experts." Of this coercive rule by technocrats, George Gilder, a renowned veteran technological thinker, wrote in The Wall Street Journal:

The U.S. economy has been cratered less by the coronavirus than by the response to it — driven by the undemocratic idea that "science" should rule. There are not, and never will be, scientific answers to all public problems. Politics is how we exercise our free will, and that rather than reflexively deferring to experts, we should defer as much as possible to the principles of freedom and commonsense.

Chilling censorship

Meanwhile, the public continues to be deluged with false or controverted information passed off as indisputable science. Polite disagreement is not allowed. In a piece titled "Maybe not even Orwell imagined such an outrage and nightmare," George Parry, a former U.S. federal and state prosecutor, penned the following report in The American Spectator of 29 July:

Recently, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD), a group of practicing physicians from across the nation, held a highly informative press conference on Capitol Hill. In contrast to the researchers and government medical experts who have dominated the media’s pandemic coverage, the AFD members actually see and treat real, live patients. Their 43-minute press conference was filled with valuable information, including, but not limited to, the need to reopen schools, physicians’ use of hydroxychloroquine plus zinc and azithromycin to successfully treat and prevent COVID-19, and the harm being caused by the ongoing and unwarranted societal and economic lockdowns.

The opening remarks of AFD’s Simone Gold included these trenchant observations:

Americans are riveted and captured by fear at the moment. We are not held down by the virus as much as we’re being held down by the spider web of fear. That spiderweb is all around us and it’s constricting us and it’s draining the lifeblood of the American people, American society, and American economy.

This does not make sense. COVID-19 is a virus that exists in essentially two phases. There’s the early phase disease, and there’s the late phase disease. In the early phase either before you get the virus or early, when you’ve gotten the virus, if you’ve gotten the virus, there’s treatment. That’s what we’re here to tell you. We’re going to talk about that this afternoon. You can find it on America’s Frontline Doctors, there’s many other sites that are streaming it live on Facebook. But we implore you to hear this because this message has been silenced. There are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced for telling the American people the good news about the situation, that we can manage the virus carefully and intelligently, but we cannot live with this spider web of fear that’s constricting our country. [Emphasis added.]

Physicians have been silenced for telling the truth about COVID-19? It turns out that when those remarks were made, the AFD, to paraphrase Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer, hadn’t seen nothin’ yet!

Video of the AFD press conference was posted on YouTube. I included a link to the video in a brief post on my blog Knowledge is Good. But within hours I was notified by a subscriber that YouTube had taken down the video. An inoperative YouTube link shows this message:

This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.

At the bottom of this message are the words “Learn More,”which, when clicked, take you to this advisory:

Our Community Guidelines are designed to ensure our community stays protected.

Just so. YouTube, which is owned and operated by Google, isn’t silencing anyone. It’s protecting us. But from what? Did Google/YouTube have medical experts review the comments of the AFD? Was there a sound medical reason for deplatforming the AFD? On what basis did Google/YouTube decide that the AFD’s statements posed a threat from which its “community” (i.e., virtually the whole online world) must be “protected”?

Frankly, between the AFD and the millennial computer geeks who have their thumbs on the Google/YouTube kill switch, I would rather get my medical information from the AFD’s practicing physicians.

But not to worry: the subscriber had included a new link to the video, so I posted that on my blog. Yet a short time later that link also went dark. ... .

So, I then went to the website of America’s Frontline Doctors to retrieve the video, only to find this notice:

Website Expired

This account has expired. If you are the site owner, click below to login.

Don’t take my word for it. See for yourself by [visiting]. The AFD has been electronically disappeared.

Another subscriber to my blog kindly supplied a link to a transcript of the AFD press conference. And, sure enough, if you click on [that] link, at least for now, you will find the transcript on the Rev website. But it comes with this introduction:

Warning: This press conference has been flagged & taken down by multiple social media platforms for containing “misleading” or “false” information. Rev does not condone the use of any COVID-19 treatments outlined in this press conference.

[...] So what is the lesson here? It’s quite simply that nothing must be allowed to interrupt the drumbeat of COVID-19 fear- mongering that has so quickly cowed America into submission and that is proving to be of such value to those who seek political power and untold wealth from the vaccines and new, experimental drugs, which, we are constantly told, will be our only salvation. That is the mission, and those are the special interests to which the social media monopolists have pledged their full support.

How naive of the AFD to get in the way of these powerful, devious, and corrupt interests. The good, decent, and well- intentioned AFD physicians will be fortunate if those promoting the COVID-19 reign of terror stop at merely deplatforming and silencing them.

On cue, the scandalous Dr Fauci (who has a financial stake in lucrative vaccine patents) dismissed Frontline Doctors as "a bunch of people spouting something that isn’t true"! Well he would dismiss proponents of effective cheap alternatives to his expensive and dangerous vaccines, wouldn't he!

In stark contrast, President Trump shared clips of the doctors’ group video with his online followers, only for the links to be removed by Twitter from his account. His son, Donald Trump,  Jr. also shared clips of the doctors’ group video on Twitter and suffered a similar suspension of his account.

As well as promoting the Frontline Doctors, very early on the President himself famously touted hydroxychloroquine as an effective remedy. Regarding his relationship with the notorious Fauci, he recently said that he routinely has to "overrule" Fauci, who would like to see the country remain "shut down" for an indeterminate amount of time! "He’d like to see it closed up for a couple of years, but that’s okay, because I’m president," said Trump, adding: "So I say, 'Well, I appreciate your opinion, now give me another opinion, somebody, please'."

Such presidential irreverence is anathema to the little tin gods of the Deep State. Having reigned with impunity for several decades, it is not enough that the President has made so many (dangerous) concessions to Fauci & Co. They require total obeisance.

And that is why, after Donald Trump's second landslide victory against all the odds in November, we should expect further and greater infringements on our civil and religious liberties at every perceived 'threat' to public health. Since that victory will send the swamp creatures to another level of apoplexy, triggering even more censorship, violence and chaos to cover over their criminal complicity with entrenched networks of shadowy corporate contractors.

Covid Truth

In the meantime, Ireland's distinguished molecular biologist and immunologist Professor Dolores Cahill continues to point out that vital information is being continually withheld from the public. Insisting on "our rights, for freedom of speech, not to be censored in these discussions on social media," she laments that national broadcasters like RTE and the BBC "are not interviewing a lot of the more eminent people" who have spoken on important issues surround Covid prevention, treatment and policy: "so that the public are not getting a good representation of the way they may potentially be being exposed to illness... there should be open debates and discussions."

Even if mentioned in passing, uncensored data is soon lost in the blizzard of brain-numbing nanny-state slogans and soundbites. Oozing contempt, one local radio advert has a theatrically sinister voice endlessly warning listeners to beware "false" information "being spread here, popping up there" about Covid! Thus does the faceless machinery of state mock fact-seeking taxpayers who fund the monumental deceit they endure daily.

This mendacious blanket of propaganda and fear now suffocating society and smothering the Church is one of the surest signs that we are being played by the same powers who cooked up 9/11, WMDs and their spurious "war on terror." They did so with the same indispensable help of their corporate media megaphone, which then as now spewed fake news 24/7 while deriding those critical thinkers who questioned the 9/11 narrative as "Truthers."

After decades of banging the pandemic drum, their waning trillion-dollar "war on terror" has now morphed inexorably into a "war on viruses": invisible enemies even more fearful and exploitable than Al Qaeda. A "war," moreover, just as purposefully undefinable and unwinnable, so as to extend the "permanent emergency" triggered by amorphous "wars." These allow the state to gift itself ever more "emergency powers" and bureaucratic leviathans like Homeland Security — to keep us "safe" from a viral bogeyman as bogus as the jihadi threat they conceived during Russia's Afghan war, then conjured up, funded, trained, equipped, and let loose (the so-called “moderate jihadis”).

As with the Middle East carnage, this latest "war" of chaos and control (in that order) has been declared and waged without close scrutiny and zero regard for consequences (the misery, death and debilitation again waved away as "collateral damage").

Once more a propagandistic narrative "floods the zone" to drown out opposing voices (precisely as demanded during the Event 201 pandemic rehearsal in October 2019).

And, yet again, the public is left studiously misinformed, confused and divided in the manner of all psychological operations conducted by military and intelligence agencies and their corporate affiliates.

That it's all a giant swindle — at base a complex global heist at the service of a worldwide financial and economic "reset" — can be deduced not just from the money trail, but the success of a nation that dared to think for itself and eschew the "new normal" reset-narrative.

Echoing his compatriot Prof. Giesecke, epidemiologist Anders Tegnell explained that Sweden took the commonsense view that Covid-19 "is not a disease that can be stopped or eradicated... until a working vaccine is produced," and that widespread lockdowns would be incompatible with Swedish laws, which "are mostly based on voluntary measures — on individual responsibility. Closedown, lockdown, closing borders — nothing has a historical scientific basis, in my view."

Alluding in April to the cavalier disregard for hard science and the possible dire consequences of draconian actions (viz., "collateral damage"), Tegnell stated: "We have looked at a number of European Union countries to see whether they have published any analysis of the effects of these measures before they were started, and we saw almost none."

Condemned for refusing to be pushed around and told what to think and do about Covid, this country of 10 million people has seen a total of 82,972 infections and just 5,766 deaths (most of which, as elsewhere, stemmed from unconscionable neglect of care homes). As the easily led sheeple of locked down nations cowered and quaked and suffered myriad ill-effects, Sweden's deaths curved upward from April through June, fell to the low thirties in mid- June, to single digits after 20 July, and is now down to less than one Covid death per day.

Oh, and the economic benefit has also kicked in. While CNBC reported second-quarter GDP declines in Spain (18.5%), Portugal (14.1%), France (13.8%), and Germany (10.1%), as well as the overall European Union decline of 11.9%, Sweden fared much better than all of them: a GDP decline of 'only' 8.6%.

Quod erat demonstrandum: “thus it has been proved” that Sweden got it right.

Perhaps, like their 9/11 forebears, those kooky "Covid Truthers," who praised Sweden from the outset, don't wear tin foil hats after all? Unlike the incompetent and compromised directing the Covid car crash since March, it seems they may be worth a hearing?

And yet, as we  continue  to  insist  and  underline, the most lurid of the neon-signs flashing sinister agendas is the exclusion from mainstream discourse of so much formidable and disinterested scientific expertise, experience and commonsense.

Pandemic policies "entirely incorrect"

The ostracisation of Professor Cahill exemplifies the scam. Despite her standing within the world scientific community, her valued work to restore honesty and integrity in scientific research, and her vast experience, to include the advising of national governments, she has been pushed to the "Covid Truther" margins.

The following extracts from her contribution to an online panel discussion on 9 June typify the valuable information and perspective being withheld from the public. Amid so much self-serving and rank censorship, in reaching their own Covidic conclusions based on credible alternative sources, our readers, at least, will benefit once more from her knowledge and frank assessments. (My transcript and bold emphases. Dr Cahill's emphases in italics.):

Every year when we have influenza type symptoms, forty percent of the time it is coronavirus, and the common cold is a coronavirus. But I think what's not getting through is that there is no vaccine against coronaviruses.

SARS and MERS were coronaviruses, and they've been around about 17 years, and there's been a lot of effort to get a vaccine against the SARS virus and these corona-type viruses. But the reason why they're not available to people, is when they do the animal studies, that the animals are fine, generally, after the vaccine, but when they come across a coronavirus naturally within some time, months or years later, that the animals get very sick. And they are either very ill or die,   and when they open them up, they find that they have this inflammatory response in their internal organs and tissues.

So that's why I think it's important for people who have a background in immunology to try and tell people that there may never be a vaccine for this coronavirus. And so to try and put the life of the people on earth on hold, to wait for a vaccine for this coronavirus, it may never come. So we need to look at other solutions. I've also been talking about issues of prevention. You know, that if you eat well, and have very little stress, and you make sure you have vitamins, and, say, zinc, you can protect yourself. And there are drugs that have been well known to provide prevention and treatment. So really there's no need for the world to lock down at all.

And also if we have preventions and treatments, there's no need for masks, no need for social distancing, and no need for the poverty that's going to be associated with people not able to earn a living, so that they won't make money, and that in months and years to come they actually will be malnourished, potentially, due to poverty. Their health systems will be run down and their health will be run down.

So, we now need to inform people of the symptoms and treatment, and literally unlock the world. Children are being deprived of an education, and twenty-year-olds are not going to university. There's also no need to change how the schools and restaurants and hotels function. So generally I would be trying to say to people, we can take prevention and treatment, and unlock the world, and go back to the old normal.

Prof. Cahill stresses that what she is saying cannot be reduced to a mere "belief" that she happens to hold because, she insists, "There is actually no data. There is no hard dicta":

So what I've been doing for the past few weeks is just identifying papers that show that the lockdown is not necessary, there's no real data behind social distancing, and the masks are actually harmful for people who are wearing them because they reduce their oxygen, and they depress their immune system.

So I've been asking the governments, and the politicians, not to answer to me, but to provide the data for why they chose this lockdown because in history, for hundreds of years, we never quarantined healthy people. We quarantined people who were sick. And I think we need an enquiry and I've been calling for an enquiry because in many countries they've actually put people who were sick in care homes. 

It  was very well known early on that the people who were the most badly affected often had poor immune systems, and instead of boosting their immune system and preventing them getting the virus, that wasn't done. But people who have the coronavirus were put into the care homes, so that they had a higher chance of getting the virus and being infected and getting sick.

So partly why I'm very glad to have the opportunity to speak is that we need to come out about this now while it's on, so the population can then realise that how this has been handled is entirely incorrect, and that mistakes are being made every day. And we need to learn lessons, so we are saying it now, so in the months and years to come, that will echo, so we don't do this again.

Bill's vaccine

On the all-important, ever more portentous vaccine issue, further to Prof. Cahill's comment on the disturbing results of animal testing (why isn't that headline news?!), readers should note that this vital testing phase has been omitted by a number of vaccine developers, including Dr Fauci's Gates-funded Moderna vaccine (the leading candidate!).

Using an experimental mRNA technology to accelerate development (despite the constant failures and genetic dangers of RNA virus vaccines), Dr. Fauci was so confident of his shot’s safety that he waived ferret and primate studies. (Suspiciously, Moderna also reported no health data from its mouse studies.) This reckless omission is part of President Trump’s "Operation Warp Speed," a pharmaceutical-government-military collaboration to shrink the development time for a coronavirus vaccine.

If that isn't worrying enough, during an online debate on mandatory vaccinations with renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz (who insists that constitutionally "the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm"), Robert Kennedy Jnr recently pointed out the percentage of those who fell seriously ill during testing of Moderna's mRNA-1273 vaccine on 45 people.

"They had a high-dose group of 15 people, a medium-dose group of 15 people, and a low growth group of 15 people. In the low-dose group, one of the people was so sick from the vaccine they had to be hospitalised. That’s six percent. In the high-dose group [250 mcg], three people got so sick they had to be hospitalised. That’s twenty percent."

An opinion piece by a "guest author" on FRN further noted that Moderna did not release its clinical trial study or raw data, yet its press release put a cheery face on these shocking results, heralding "Positive Interim Phase 1 findings"! Moderna also did not explain why it reported positive antibody tests for only eight participants. Echoing Prof. Cahill's point about serious adverse reactions in vaccinated animals, the author explained that

These [antibody] outcomes are particularly disappointing because the most hazardous hurdle for the inoculation is still ahead; challenging participants with wild COVID infection. Past attempts at developing COVID vaccines have always faltered at this stage as both humans and animals achieved robust antibody response then sickened and died when exposed to the wild virus.

As bad as they are, Kennedy stressed that the above percentages are even worse than they appear because the coronavirus vaccine is not tested on "typical Americans," but a carefully selected group of people who don’t suffer from certain conditions. "They use what they call exclusionary criteria," said Kennedy. "They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people." He explained:

If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on. What happens when they give them to the typical American? You know, Sally Six-Pack and Joe Bag of Donuts who’s 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes.

Kennedy stressed several times that "any other medicine … that had that kind of profile in its original phase-one study would be [dead on arrival]. No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has." And yet "they’re going ahead, and making two billion doses of that vaccine."

The sociopathic insouciance is easily explained, however.

On 18 May, after describing its interim Phase 1 results as "promising," shares of Moderna stock soared 25%, closing at a "record high." As of that date, the company’s stock had gained 241% since the beginning of 2020. Indeed, on 3 April, Forbes had already reported that Moderna’s CEO had become an overnight billionaire after the company ended 2019 with a net loss.

Gatesian drumbeat

On 9 April Robert Kennedy Jnr's Children’s Health Defense published "Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda: a win-win for pharma and mandatory vaccination"; a damning report released just a week after Bill Gates had pontificated that a coronavirus vaccine "is the only thing that will allow us to return to normal."

On 15 April, while pledging another $150 million to coronavirus vaccine development and other measures, he further pronounced: "There are seven billion people on the planet. We are going to need to vaccinate nearly every one."

On 30 April he reiterated that "the world will be able to go back to the way things were . . . when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus." He further states that "Governments will need to expedite their usual drug approval processes in order to deliver the vaccine to over   7 billion people quickly."

And yet the interim findings of his Moderna vaccine equate to reaction rates that could cause grave injuries in 1.5 billion humans if administered to "every person on earth"! That is the threshold that Gates has established for ending the global lockdown; a benchmark clearly acceptable to our woke hierarchy.

On 30 July, Bishop Paul Mason ("Lead Bishop for Healthcare") and Bishop John Sherrington ("Lead Bishop for Life Issues"), issued a joint statement to Catholics on these Covid concoctions, pronouncing their "prima facie duty to be vaccinated, not only for the sake of their own health but also out of solidarity with others, especially the most vulnerable. This," they assure us, "is especially important for the discovery of a vaccine against COVID-19."

Quite apart from Oxford University working on a Covid vaccine using cells derived from a baby girl aborted in 1972, apparently these episcocrats consider hundreds of millions of casualties a small  price to pay for "solidarity" during bad flu seasons? Or perhaps their Hitlerian wokeness(2) blinds them to the fact that far from protecting "the  vulnerable"  this  Orwellian  project  culls  them? 

(But wait! Isn't this aptly named Bishop Mason the same creature who booked his niche in Hell by sacrificing Last Rites on the altar of Covid?! If not, my apologies. If so, enough said about this latest coronabomination, and may God have mercy on him.)

Returning to the self-styled Lord of the World, during April Gates also speculated that "Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received." (Predictably, that same month his accomplice Dr. Fauci concurred, flagging the future possibility of Americans having to carry certificates to prove they are immune to the coronavirus — i.e., to whichever mutation of it holds sway in any season: 11 different strains of SARS-CoV-2 have already been identified!)

Corporate media lapdogs allow Gates to push his lucrative, self-aggrandising vaccine narrative to the hilt.(3) On the rare occasions  it  is  scrutinised,  as  during a Wired interview on 7 August, he retreats to the hackneyed refuge of arrogant oligarchs: waving away the factual case against him as "misinformation" by "conspiracy theorists."… yawn …

He even complained to Wired that President Trump has encouraged him to meet with one of his biggest critics: "Every meeting I have with him he is like, ‘Hey, I don’t know about vaccines, and you have to meet with this guy Robert Kennedy Jr’." (Imagine! The presidential gall!)

He then falsely depicted Kennedy as someone "who hates vaccines and spreads crazy stuff about them." In which case 'vax-hater' means 'rational critic' and the same gratuitous smear applies to Moderna’s ex-Director of Chemistry, Dr. Suhab Siddiqi, who also insists: "I would not let the [vaccine] be injected in my body."

As for "crazy stuff," it is code for public record information that reveals his vaccine agenda; his clear intent to treat us like cattle. For it is not simply about a jab that supposedly inoculates but a delivery system with multiple parts.

At its centre is the RNA "Frankenstein jab" (per Kennedy) that he wants to sell to every human on earth.

But, it comes with a digital identification mark — part of his ID2020 programme which will act as the Immunity Passport to engage with "the new normal" — and an implantable "device" (microchip) for buying and selling cryptocurrency (digital currency to replace cash). As Robert Kennedy explained:

Microsoft has patented a sinister technology that utilizes implanted sensors to monitor body and brain activity. It will reward compliant humans with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities.

The Patent, WO |2020| 060606 has gained notoriety and the nickname “World Order 2020 666.” Microsoft describes this device as a “Crypto Currency System” and explains that it is “capable of” using body activity data to mine bitcoin [i.e., to mathematically create unregulated virtual currency] in response to compliance with assigned tasks.

So, the first of two telling signs that Bill can deride but not hide is that the patent number of "the device" integral to the "system" by which his vaccine is "delivered" into the human body, just happens to be the biblical 666. Here's the official application:

If you're still standing after that shocker, you might want to sit down for this next one: an additional component with an equally startling biblical tag.

Quantum dot "microneedles" will deliver the so-called vaccines into people’s bodies together with a unique biochemical that makes it all work. It turns out that the scientific name for this bioluminescence enzyme that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app — which will scan the injection site and identify the "digital (proof of vaccination) certificates" —   is Luciferase.

I know, you could not make it up! Yet there it is in plain sight. Not that we need blatant biblical pointers to Antichrist when what is proposed is such a clear manifestation of the mark-of-the beast [Rev. 13:17]. But even so, what are the odds of finding such diabolical 'signatures' imprinted on a mechanism that effectively downloads 'Windows 1984' into your body? Like Windows 10, it will also doubtless evolve to update automatically, on the pretext of keeping us "safe" from endless viral mutations, while actually serving to repress and control us totally.

Make no mistake, Bill's digital ID "mark"-cum-immunity passport technology will only allow people who accept it to be part of that system.

With the help of Luciferase, a person’s proof of vaccination will be readable long after he or she was injected with the Covid-19 vax.

If a digital certificate is present, in other words, that person will be allowed to enter a store to buy food or board a plane, as now with masks. If it is not present, then presumably that person will be turned away and told to get vaccinated if he or she wants to participate in society.

The African 'laboratory'

Commenting on all this last May, "Amazing Polly," an impish Canadian video blogger who digs deep to keep her viewers highly informed, made some good connections. [My transcript and bold emphases. "Polly's" original emphases in italics]:

The Global Fund is dedicated to eradicating AIDS-HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. It’s been around a long time, and are those things solved in any way? No. But they have made certain people a lot of money. A lot of money.

Bill Gates loves [the Global Fund] because he is all about vaccines. He wants the tuberculosis vaccine everywhere. He wants to find a malaria vaccine. And he certainly is all over the AIDS-HIV space. And as we can see he is one of the leading voices in this coronavirus thing, which is insane because he literally makes billions and billions of dollars off of disease.

So ask yourself this question: is it more profitable for Bill Gates to cure a disease, to find an effective vaccine, or not? Is it more profitable if he keeps going over and over, ‘Oh, darn, it didn’t work. Can I have another trillion dollars, to play with?’ And over and over, it works.

You know why it’s worked over and over, in my opinion? Because they’ve done it in Africa. And we don’t pay very much attention to Africa. And I don’t know what the leadership in small African countries is like. But we hear that it’s very, very, very corrupt. So it’s easy to run this scam over in Africa where the populations in many cases are not educated, and these trucks roll in and they tell that your children will be saved from disease if you just let them stick a needle in their arm. And maybe it’s very easy to get them to do that. So they’ve run this programme since the Second World War over in Africa, and they just keep experimenting on them. And in India and other places in Asia as well.

What amazes me with this coronavirus thing: they believe that the European and North American populations are ready to be treated like the African populations were treated. I think they think we are, uneducated enough, and our leaders are corrupt enough, that they can run their fake, experimental vaccine programmes on us. Like they could in Africa.

How sad is that. I believe that’s what we’re watching with the coronavirus, thing. And it gets a little worse. I’m sorry, this is not a very positive video. But you need to be educated, so you can make proper decisions.

Look at this. This is something that is going to go along with vaccines now, and it’s already happened in Africa. Their contention is that they’re going to give these vaccines, and at the same time they’re going to take a thumb print. And then they can track: we can just easily know if someone’s been vaccinated or not. Always, by our thumb print, because it will always accompany the vaccines.

That’s treating us like cattle, literal livestock. That’s treating us like a dog.

But worse than that. They’ve already starting experimenting in Austin [Texas] with this, with the homeless. Treating a group of people like experimental nobodies. Like they’re pets. Like they’re livestock. [Infowars interviewed these hapless souls - Ed.]

And worse than that – in fact it’s already out there – this is nanotech, so that the ID, or the tracking of the vaccine, can be injected with the vaccine. It’s not a two-stage process it’s a one- stage process. And then forever, they have biometric reading technology in your body. I’m not saying they’re  using it yet.   I don’t know. My suspicion is that they are, though. I believe it’s part of the experiments they’ve done in Africa. The African villages they go to: how are those people going to defend themselves from something like that? How are they even going to know that that’s happened? They might not even know.

So it’s very corrupt.  And  when  we  look  at  the  partners of ID2020, here they are: Accenture [a global management consulting and professional services firm], Microsoft, Gavi [the Vaccine Alliance], IDEO.ORG [offshoot of international design and consulting firm IDEO], and the Rockefeller Foundation. All four of these are partnered already with Bill Gates.

We’ve got some billionaire oligarchs who I think are sociopathic Dr Frankensteins, and they’re all mixed up in this coronavirus response.

As Bill's nemesis, the crusading Robert Kennedy Jnr put it:

While the lockdown is a cataclysm for the world economy, it is an opportunity for Gates… to enlarge his power and domination. Under Gates’ leadership, Microsoft became known as “The Borg” because of his appetite for total market control. Now, Gates seeks to bring all humanity under his boot. His worship of technology and his megalomania threaten our freedoms, our democracy, our biology, our planet, our humanity, and our souls. [The Brave New World of Bill Gates and Big Telecom, 8/5/20, Children's Health Defense]

Bill's worst nightmare: cheap cures and treatments

No wonder Gates did not take up the President's offer to meet with Robert Kennedy!

But that did not stop Trump from allaying American fears somewhat by stating on 15 May that the new vaccine would not be mandatory, but for those "who want to get it," adding, "Not everyone is going to want to get it.(4)

We should pray that the President stands firm against America's Faucian public health establishment and its Gatesian "private partners", who together have moved step by step towards mandatory vaccinations for decades — e.g., the "2010 National Vaccine Plan" which was really a Vaccine Marketing Plan for the pharmaceutical industry. It will be a remarkable feat if Trump can pull it off. His Covid capitulations thus far do not augur well, however.

Meanwhile, despite Orwellian blackouts, specialists like Professor Cahill are leading resistance to the vaccine obsession while doing their best to inform and educate the public before it's too late to change track. She made these further valuable contributions to the panel discussion of 9 June:

I have said publicly that I would not take such a vaccine. It is potentially very dangerous. The virus can integrate into DNA and potentially go down through the generations. This is essentially an experiment with people that would potentially have multi-generational consequences.

In addition to the issues around the immune system: having coronaviruses in the immune system seems to set it up — predispose the immune system — for when it comes across a coronavirus again [causing] overreaction of the immune system, which leads  to a cytokine storm, which leads to an inappropriate, over-stimulation of the immune system, that can look like shock symptoms, or can lead to a collapse, and can lead to death.

So there are multiple issues going on.

But there are preventions and treatments. Things like low dose type 1 interferon, and low dose hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Which means that people, no matter how immunosuppressed they are, or elderly, that they can actually be prevented from getting the symptoms, and prevented from the worst consequences and death. Hydroxychloroquine works within three hours, in the preventative dose, and there's a half-life of three weeks. It was an essential medicine of the World Health Organisation, in its reports, so it has been shown to be safe, and if it does have issues around heart arrhythmia, that can be checked before[hand] and prevention and treatment given.

[...] The FDA [US Federal Drug Administration] came out and said that doctors could not prescribe hydroxychloroquine, and just in the last few days the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons are taking a court case against the FDA. It's the first time in history that they have stopped the use of a drug that was licensed by the FDA, in 1955, and was one of the "essential medicines" of the World Health Organisation in 2017. They've come out and stopped [its] use.

Along with the censorship of 'dissenting' medical and scientific views, the mendacity of the establishment narrative is red- flagged most furiously by this suppression of cheap and effective treatments and the mockery of countless doctors who use and promote them. Why? Because it shows up the Gadarene rush for lucrative vaccine alternatives as the multi-billion dollar scam it is.

Dr Mikael Nordfors of Sweden is in no doubt. "These bastards are desperate," he said, "and they will do anything now, to survive, because they know they cannot survive if hydroxychloroquine succeeds, because then everybody knows they've been lying all the time, and that they will be held accountable."

Writing in The American Spectator of 5 August, Scott McKay addressed this particular wickedness (among so very many perpetrated by the Covid exploitation) in a commentary titled "The Disease Nobody Seems to Want to Cure":

I wrote this at my site a couple of weeks ago. I’d say it’s even more valid now:

Returning to normal life should be the mission of every elected official in America. It’s implicit in their oath of office. And since it’s obvious that stopping the spread of the virus is beyond their power, as they’ve proven conclusively since March and as has always been the case given that it’s a coronavirus and coronaviruses always spread everywhere, the emphasis really ought to be on how to successfully treat people who have contracted it so they can go back to work and enjoy life.

[...] It’s time to demand the truth from our leaders: that they don’t have an answer for stopping the spread of COVID-19, but that there is an answer for treating and curing it – and that their politicized objections to the treatment have prolonged a media-driven hysteria which has done real damage to real people.

[...] Enough already. For every other disease in the world the emphasis is on a cure, and for this one the emphasis is on our inconvenience. It’s time to stop it.

That was written right after the Newsweek article by Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch appeared touting hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azithromycin, and zinc as a cure for COVID-19. Following Risch’s rather impolitic claim that a $50 course of treatment would knock out a virus that has trashed the world economy, there has been an outpouring of support from doctors in the field (some; most certainly not all) and a level of pushback from social media platforms and the public health mob that has been truly mind-boggling.

I could do a whole column on Stella Immanuel, the Houston urgent-care doc who made such a name for herself with an impassioned speech about HCQ as part of the America’s Frontline Doctors summit in Washington last week, and probably a whole book about the efforts of the media and medical establishment to demonize her as a quack and  a crank. But never once have I seen anybody bother trying  to debunk Dr. Immanuel’s claim to have cured some 400 patients of COVID-19 with the HCQ/Z-Pack/Zinc protocol.

Does HCQ work? I have no idea. I’ve heard a great deal    of anecdotal evidence that it does, though the medical establishment claims again and again that it doesn’t. What I  do find suspicious, though, is the claim that it’s dangerous. If it’s  so  dangerous,  how  come  it’s  been  the  drug  you  take against malaria for decades, and how come it’s been prescribed over four million times in America for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis?

More than that, though, what’s galling is this business of never-ending lockdowns, mask mandates, and the like and the concurrent poo-poohing of every potential treatment as snake oil. This thing has a survival rate of better than 99.5 percent; obviously there’s some effective way to treat it. Why is Trump the only one who even seems interested in that subject?

I know why, and so do you. But are they really going to get away with it?

If they do, the scandal/tragedy of early, unnecessary deaths will continue on. Speaking to the efficacy of the hydroxy protocol, Los Angeles emergency room specialist Dr. Anthony Cardillo stated: "What we’re finding clinically with our patients is that it really only works in conjunction with zinc. So the hydroxychloroquine opens a zinc channel, zinc goes into the cell, it then blocks the replication of the cellular machinery….Every patient I’ve prescribed it to has been very very ill and within 8 to 12 hours they were basically symptom free."

Republican congressman Louie Gohmert is the latest high profile coronavirus patient to praise HCQ. Speaking with Newsmax TV on 12 August, he said: "I got the hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, the z-pak, and zinc, and vitamins, steroid nebulizer, and I'm telling you, it made a huge difference, a huge difference. ... Hydroxychloroquine, it may not be the silver bullet to slay Covid, but it is a help to so many people. Why would the non- doctors, Google, Twitter, Facebook, try to stop people from getting something that really does help people? It certainly helped me."


Of course, the real obstacle nowadays to transparency, honesty and Hippocratic Oath-fidelity lies not so much with non-doctors but with compromised medical establishments the world over. Apropos of which, Prof. Cahill was asked on the 9 June panel: "Do you know what the attitude of the Irish Medicines Board is, with regard to the prescribing of hydroxychloroquine, and any directions that they have given to Irish GPs and doctors with regard to this matter." She replied:

I did get a correspondence from the manufacturer of hydroxychloroquine in Ireland [in] the middle of May or so, where they were more or less informing doctors that there was no clinical trial associated with hydroxychloroquine, and for them to take that into account. But of course in a pandemic situation, where we don't have time to do a clinical trial, doctors are ethically and morally and legally required to use their judgment.

And in March, around 25th of March, there was a study [involving] doctors in 30 countries — 20,000 doctors — and they found hydroxychloroquine and zinc to be the most effective treatment. This was published on the 2nd of April 2020. The guidance from the manufacturer in Ireland came out in May 2020. So, I consider that that is an inappropriate guidance considering [that] in a pandemic situation with a new virus you wouldn't have time for a clinical trial necessarily. And that if globally doctors are finding it one of the most beneficial treatments with zinc, and to measure [by electrocardiogram] the QT interval of the heart, I find that that guidance was unhelpful.

"And do you believe that Irish people have suffered as a consequence?" asked the questioner. Prof. Cahill responded:

Well I think that is the issue. There is a very brave doctor here, Doctor Marcus de Brun, [who] has come out. And I suppose what he also was highlighting is that [in] the care homes there wasn't enough oxygen for the elderly people. And also there was some guidance that they may not be brought to hospital from the care homes if they were unwell. And he was saying that they didn't replace the full oxygen cylinders. If an elderly patient was on oxygen, that the oxygen cylinder was taken away and only returned hours or a day later, and that person may have died. So he is saying that there could have been preventable deaths.

What I would say is, those patients would not have been breathless, those elderly people, if they had been given the nutrition and the vitamins and the preventative dose treatments. So I think we need to look in the care homes. It could be the owners of the care homes were not given the information, or the doctors weren't given the information.

And that's why I think we have to come back to the censorship online, and how like in Ireland the national  radio and TV are not having people, doctors and scientists, on the debates to inform society. Because if people knew, they would be asking their doctors and health professionals for preventative treatments. So if they're censoring the information, the general public don't know to ask, and then there are unnecessary deaths. So I think that's partly why we need to look into this, in an inquiry situation, globally and in countries like Ireland, and to learn the lessons to try and reduce the impact of this happening again.

Professor Cahill stressed the role of vitamins and nutrition.

This immediately recalled a prime example of the dysfunctional Soviet-like governance we have endured: namely, the ignorant, self-contradictory and hugely debilitating policy that confined people to their homes even as scientific journals sported headlines at complete odds with that policy, such as: "Sunlight exposure increased Covid-19 recovery rates. A study in the central pandemic area of Indonesia".(5) The Politburo could not have come up with a more idiotic, self-defeating plan.

Nonetheless, even the Covidic cloud has a silver lining.

According to Prof. Cahill, it provides a teaching opportunity: both for the general public and future generations of doctors:

There have been Nobel Prizes given for the role of Vitamin D and C, and ten vitamins, and how they boost the immune system. So partly why I'm speaking out is [that] there's a generation or two generations of doctors who are really misinformed about how the immune system works, and how we can be healthy through food and nutrition, and I think that's how we need to use this Covid issue to re-educate people and inform ordinary people that they can actually become healthy through food, nutrition, reducing stress, and proper supplementation if they need it.

So really there is no need for the vaccine. There's also no need for tracking and tracing people. And because we have preventions and treatments, there's no need for the societal consequences that they're having.

I have also said that if they try and bring in a mandatory vaccination, or a vaccination to fly, or to return to work, that I would happily take a [legal] case, and I would not take the vaccine myself. It should not be happening.

Then we go into things like our rights, for freedom of speech, not to be censored in these discussions on social media. In Ireland we have RTE and in the UK they have the BBC, they are also not interviewing a lot of the more eminent people who have [spoken on] other aspects of this, so that the public are not getting a good representation of the way they may potentially be being exposed to illness. But if there is a prevention and treatment and you don't need to make these societal changes, there should be open debates and discussions.

Apportioning blame

Finally — vitally — Prof. Cahill returned to accountability:

I would like to agree with [Dr] Mikael [Nordfors of Sweden] that we will also in Ireland be looking at a tribunal because we need to make the people accountable, who make those decisions to withdraw treatment and prevention that will actually stabilise. So what we need to do in medical situations to learn from this is: who is the person making the decision? Is it in Ireland the Minister for Health? Or is it the Irish Medicines Organisation? Or is it somebody in the European Medicines Agency? Or is it the doctor's themselves?

Because, previously, it was a crime if [doctor's] injured someone, it's medical battery, without full informed consent. We need to learn from this, and hold individual people to account, because the feeling is there's probably hundreds of unnecessary deaths because of not telling the community — including the radio and the journalists and the politicians — what are the symptoms, how can you prevent it, and how can you treat it. But if the medical organisations are not allowing successful treatments, that have more benefit than harm, from being made available to society, then that is very significant because there are unnecessary suffering, illnesses and deaths, and that really will mean that the trust in society between people and the medical profession and their doctors, will be broken.

I'm actually surprised that in countries like Ireland more doctors are not speaking out about this. Because potentially they could be complicit by not speaking out, in preventing a treatment to be made available to people who are vulnerable and old. And we just do not want a society where this can happen.

So I agree we have to hold people to account and actually identify them as making these decisions, so that any time a similar situation [occurs], that someone has to sign and be held liable for making that decision, and take accountability and responsibility, legally, for the consequences of those decisions.



(1) Just as the Covid scam exploded, Gates for one announced on 24 March significant funding for a company, EarthNow, that will blanket Earth with $1 billion in video surveillance satellites to live-stream monitor almost every “corner” of the Earth, providing instantaneous video feedback with only a one-second delay. Robert Kennedy Jnr warns that Gates, Musk, Amazon, Facebook, and Telecom are launching the flagships for a 21st century Gold Rush for data (today's “black gold”); "a teeming fleet of 50,000 satellites and a network of 2,000,000 ground antennas and cell towers to strip mine data from our smart devices."

(2)"The sacrifice of personal existence is necessary to secure the preservation of the species." - Mein Kamp, 1923.

(3) See "How Bill Gates controls global messaging and censorship", Children's Health Defence, 19/5/20.

(4) Subsequently, polls have revealed that a huge percentage of the American public, cutting across all political persuasions, do not in fact "want to get it." On 6 August, Infowars reported that "A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll has found that just 42 percent of Americans say they plan to get a coronavirus vaccine when it becomes available. The figure represents an all-time low, having fallen from 55 percent in early May, 50 percent in late May, and 46 percent in July."



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