Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

May 2020

CORONAGATE: Locked Up and Locked Out!



- Part II -

The Great Betrayal


And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.
Jn 10:13

Thus says the Lord God: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. … Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: Because my sheep have become a prey, and my sheep have become food for all the wild beasts, since there was no shepherd, and because my shepherds have not searched for my sheep, but the shepherds have fed themselves, and have not fed my sheep, therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: Thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shepherds,...: and I will deliver my flock from their mouth, and it shall no more be meat for them. – Ez. 34: 2-10

Ez. 34: 2-10

Trust Almighty God to get it right — again. (He's uncanny!) Throughout Coronagate, the shepherds have indeed looked after #1. Reserving the sacraments for themselves, they have locked out their flock, leaving them prey to the "wild beasts" of hell who seek their ruin; not least on their deathbeds, where neglect or virtual viaticum now mock the defenceless soul.

Before we get to our abject hirelings, however, let us first return to the scientific hirelings who facilitated both Coronagate and Covidic convergence of Church and State.

It is even more important to highlight the signal contribution of these 'scientists' to global meltdown now that they (along with the politicians and prelates who followed them) are trying to rehabilitate themselves. Given the shameless prostitution of these creatures to the oligarchs who fund their research, this weaselly gambit is hardly surprising. But we cannot let a whitewash of their criminal complicity go unchallenged. As Sherelle Jacobs warns:

We must also beware the shape-shifting architects of the stay-at-home order; as criticism grows, are they attempting to dress their reconstructed reality in the language of scientific pedantry?

Science as political advocacy

The former lieutenant governor of New York, Betsy McCaughey, was certainly in no mood to let these lockdown shape-shifters off the hook. In a short, scorching article she tore into their American component:

Three months ago, America was told to trust public health experts.  Never again. Most of them have revealed themselves to be left-wing ideologues cloaked in the mantle of science. On their advice, states slammed their economies shut, put 40 million people out of work, sent school kids home and pushed businesses into bankruptcy. (Real Clear Politics, 12/6/20)

The magnitude of that final sentence alone should incense and galvanise us all! Especially now that America has set off orchestrated anarchy worldwide as Coronagate segues from debilitating fear and economic ruination into violence: the next phase of the Deep State's latest attempted coup (after its failed bids to steal the 2016 election and then reverse the undesired result with several bogus scandals). McCaughey continued:

These public health experts hardly blinked at the economic loss these lockdowns caused. Anyone who even expressed these concerns was denounced for putting dollars ahead of lives.

Now, these same public health experts are doing a 180-degree turn, saying the threat of the virus is less important than big marches against racial injustice. Even though they admit the marches will lead to more infections. Hypocrites.

Public health academics from the University of Washington, which created the virus forecasting model widely used by governors and the President's Task Force, are circulating a public letter declaring the marches a higher priority than containing the virus.

"This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders," the UW health experts add. Translation: No funerals for your loved ones, no congregating for causes of your own choosing. Only theirs.

This isn't science. This is political advocacy.

Similarly, Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins epidemiologist, now claims the dangers of "systemic racism" exceed "the harms of the virus." Sorry, professor, but that makes you a political pundit, not someone to call the shots on ending a pandemic.

Remember that most public health experts didn't have to give up their paychecks during the lockdown.

Otherwise, they would have considered alternatives that spared most jobs and business failures. Vast swaths of the United States that had almost no infections were shut down, including upstate counties in New York.

Economists from the University of Chicago and Northwestern University have shown how a geographically targeted approach, even within New York City, could have lessened the economic toll by more than one-third and spared areas like Staten Island. If the virus resurges in the fall, that approach could allow 87% of city businesses to stay open.

In the scientific world, a drug is examined in clinical trials before it's prescribed. But public health experts prescribed statewide lockdowns though they were untried and untested.

A study published Monday in the journal Nature purports to show 60 million infections in the U.S. were prevented with these lockdowns. The Washington Post incorrectly calls that proof "the aggressive and unprecedented shutdowns" were the right call. Nonsense. The Nature study never considers how many infections could have been prevented with less draconian measures, including targeting nursing homes.

McCaughey also points out that just a week after the editors of the Lancet published an editorial calling on voters to unseat Trump in November ("As if a British medical journal should even have a position on the U.S. presidential election," she fumes), they had to retract an article full of bogus data that purported to show up the President's favoured Covid-19 drug, hydroxychloroquine, as endangering patients. In their rush to ridicule President Trump they discredited themselves. Ditto the New England Journal of Medicine (see Part I, pp. 58-61). McCaughey concludes:

Americans have learned a powerful lesson. When politicians tell us to follow the science, it's not that simple. Many scientists have lost their legitimacy.

They proposed a draconian lockdown without assessing its side effects on the rest of us. They demanded rigorous adherence to it, until, suddenly, they decided marching against racism was more important than preventing virus deaths. Americans won't forget.

The whitewash begins

We should hope and pray that she's right: that, come November, at least an electoral majority will not forget. However, if it does slip their minds — if the raging hypocrisy that instantly swapped obsessive social distancing for mass mingling does not alert them to the deeper nefarious agenda — we may put it down to the ignorance and fear successfully instilled by the telling censorship of world medical and public health authorities, a few of whose compelling 'dissident' voices we cited extensively last month. One of them, epidemiologist Knut Witkowski, explained that:

Governments did not have an open discussion, including economists, biologists and epidemiologists, to hear different voices. In Britain, it was the voice of one person – Neil Ferguson – who has a history of coming up with projections that are a bit odd. The government did not convene a meeting with people who have different ideas, different projections, to discuss his projection. If it had done that, it could have seen where the fundamental flaw was in the so-called models used by Neil Ferguson. His paper was published eventually, in medRxiv. The assumption was that one per cent of all people who became infected would die. There is no justification anywhere for that. [Spiked, 15/5/20]

The unspeakable Neil Ferguson is now attempting to cover over his lockdown culpability. In a "cunning attempt to defend his junk modelling," writes Sherelle Jacobs, Professor Lockdown has switched from depicting Sweden as an extremist  outlier whose non-lockdown approach other countries would not tolerate, to suddenly expressing his "greatest respect" for Sweden. Before the Science and Technology Committee on 2 June, writes Jacobs:

[Ferguson] even suggested that while the Nordic country "came to a different policy conclusion," this was "based really on quite similar science." The latter assertion, of course, conveniently implies that Sweden's success doesn't pose a challenge to [Gates-funded] Imperial [College] modelling. It is also a snot-nosed insult to the nation — Britons deserve the unvarnished story, not pedagogic half-truths. [Daily Telegraph, 4/6/20]

They also deserve the unvarnished truth about Neil Ferguson himself. A national disgrace and global liability long before Coronagate, let us lay out his history and his MO.

Litany of catastrophic errors

In the first place, whatever the long-term merits and short-term demerits of the herd immunity policy waved away by this mad scientist, it is certainly far less creepy and clinical than the strategy he urged; viz., locking up the entire nation indefinitely and blowing up the economy! All on the basis of figures subsequently proved to be almost 100% wrong!

Yet up until 5 May, when he was forced to resign from Britain's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies after breaking lockdown for trysts with his married lover (a hard-left social agitator working for an organisation "loosely connected with Bill Gates," wouldn't you know!) Ferguson continued to feed apocalyptic data to the government and the press, as he had done for 20 calamitous years:

The likelihood of long-term government restrictions to try to limit the outbreak comes as Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, one of the lead epidemiologists advising the government, told the Sunday Times a lockdown would need to be considerably longer. He said: "We’re going to have to keep these measures in place, in my view, for a significant period of time, probably until the end of May, maybe even early June. May is optimistic." [Daily Express, 30/3/20]

Rather than parroting the pompous prognostications of this notorious figure, and continuing to do so even after his latest gross miscalculations became manifest, a conscientious press would have exposed him from the off. Increasingly, such important work is left to intrepid citizens — like lawyer Michael Fumento; the man with a perfect track record of debunking pandemic hysteria fuelled by Ferguson-like projections. When asked why anyone should listen to him on the subject of viral outbreaks, he replied persuasively:

Lawyers are trained much better than journalists to do research. If a journalist makes a mistake, nobody will even say anything, because they make so many mistakes that there’s no point. The New York Times runs a headline, “World to End Tomorrow,” and the next day, on page eighteen, it has a single-sentence correction: “World to End Yesterday.” That’s journalism.

On the other hand, lawyers deal with life and death and with billion-dollar lawsuits. We have thoughtful, well-trained opponents; journalists don’t. We have to assume that another guy or a team of people is against us who are as smart as we are. So we have to deeply research everything.

During Fumento's interview with The Objective Standard, the interviewer put this to him about Neil Ferguson's paper:

I’m no expert, but I read Ferguson’s paper and came to a different conclusion. If I’m understanding it correctly, Ferguson predicted up to 550,000 deaths in the unlikely event that the government did nothing and far fewer depending on the policies adopted and the speed with which they were adopted. His lowest estimate was 5,600 deaths over a two-year period if the country implemented case isolation, home quarantine, social distancing, and school closures and did so as soon as the country reached 60 ICU cases within a week. In another scenario, he predicted 21,000 deaths if the country took all of these measures as soon as it reached 300 ICU cases within a week. Based on the timing and the measures that the UK has adopted, he’s now saying 20,000 deaths are likely, which is well within his initial range, right?

Fumento immediately cut to the chase of this modus operandi:

This is a game he plays. During the mad cow scare he “modelled” 50 to 50,000 cases. What kind of a model is that? Of what value is it? It serves the same purpose as all of these models: to scare people and get in the news. He knows how this plays out in the news: “Imperial College Model predicts as many as 50,000 deaths from mad cow disease!” Final total number: 176. Hey, it was within the range!

Such people should be held accountable. Instead they’re given a pass to repeat it all over again — and cause the next hysteria.

Groundhog Day

A press fit for purpose would have followed Fumento's lead and concentrated on Ferguson's form in this arena. Sadly, journalists nowadays content themselves with tracking Twitter and Facebook feeds rather than WHO-connected academics whose trail of miscalculations and exaggerations lead back to dodgy 'pandemics' and mass panics. Under its 28 March headline: "Burning question: how accurate was science that led to lockdown?" the Daily Telegraph was one of the few big guns that took Ferguson to task:

His research is said to have convinced Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, and his advisers to introduce the lockdown.

However, it has now emerged that Prof Ferguson has been criticised for making predictions based on allegedly faulty assumptions which nevertheless shaped government strategies and impacted the UK economy.

He was behind disputed research that sparked mass culling of farm animals during the 2001 epidemic of foot and mouth disease  (FMD), a crisis which cost the UK billions of pounds. And separately he also predicted that up to 150,000 people could die from bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or "mad cow disease") and its equivalent in sheep if it made the leap to humans. To date there have been fewer than 200 deaths from the human form of BSE and none resulting from sheep to human transmission.

Local critics of Ferguson's work were cited by the Telegraph:  

Mr Ferguson's FMD research has been the focus of two highly critical academic papers which identified allegedly problematic assumptions in his mathematical modelling. 

[...] Michael Thrusfield, professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, who co-authored both of the critical reports, said that they had been intended as a "cautionary tale" about how mathematical models are sometimes used to predict the spread of disease. He described his sense of "déjà  vu" when he read Mr Ferguson's Imperial College paper on coronavirus, which was published earlier this month.

This was the paper that warned of 510,000 deaths if no action was taken, and 250,000 deaths if the government did not ditch "herd immunity" and adopt "suppression" (lockdown) as the only viable option. The Telegraph report then referenced a second paper authored in late March "by Mr Ferguson and the Imperial team [that] further predicted that 40 million people worldwide could die if the coronavirus outbreak was left unchecked":

But scientists warned last night about the dangers in making sweeping political judgments based on mathematical modelling which may be flawed. In 2001, as foot and mouth disease broke out in parts of Britain, Prof Ferguson and his team at Imperial College produced predictive modelling which was later criticised as "not fit for purpose."

At the time, however, it proved highly influential and helped to persuade Tony Blair's government to carry out widespread pre-emptive culling which ultimately led to the deaths of more than six million cattle, sheep and pigs. The cost to the economy was later estimated at £10 billion.

[...] A 2011 paper... found that the government ordered the destruction of millions of animals because of "severely flawed" modelling. [...] The report stated: "The mathematical models were, at best, crude estimations that could not differentiate risk between farms, and, at worst, inaccurate representations of the epidemiology of FMD."

An earlier report in 2006... said that "the models were not fit for the purpose of predicting the course of the [FMD] epidemic and the effects of control measures. ... Their use... was therefore imprudent."

Professor Thrusfield told the Telegraph: "When we wrote those two review papers [in 2006 and 2011], we didn't think it would be a cautionary tale for a new plague in the human population — but of course the cautionary tale is fully valid. This is déjà vu."

One easily forgets, however, that in 2001 Ferguson did not visit cruelty on bovine creatures alone but also on human guinea pigs. The Blair government's inhumane treatment of farmers took a terrible toll on minds, souls and livelihoods that continues to impact communities to this day. This was the broader outcome of Ferguson's contribution to the needless 2001 pre-emptive mass culling to halt the spread of foot-and-mouth disease: namely, a living nightmare of gross government incompetence, criminality and mayhem, as totalitarian legislation was enforced by thuggish Blairite functionaries and police.

It is all captured on the powerful 2015 documentary Slaughtered on Suspicion. Alarmed by Ferguson's latest and even greater calamity, its producers have recently made it freely available to the public for the first time, on YouTube.(1) It not only exposes Neil Ferguson, however. Viewers will be startled and disturbed by the similar Orwellian legislation, tactics and antics they have watched unfold since 20 March 2020. Never mind mandated lockdowns, Slaughtered on Suspicion should be compulsory viewing for every British voter over 18 years of age. Sinister and harrowing in parts, it would instruct the young and safeguard the nation against complacent reactions to the Groundhog Day of disastrous public health panics it repeatedly revisits. 

Conflicts and incompetence: modelling the Establishment

Himself far removed from the ruinous ramifications of his 2001 handiwork, Ferguson dusted himself off and moved on to the next scare, warning in 2005 that bird flu could claim 200 million lives. Between 2003 and 2009, the number of such deaths worldwide was 282.

Having thus estimated a death toll 685,000 times higher than that final figure, he then turned his accursed attention to swine flu. In 2009, his "reasonable worst-case scenario" modelling predicted 65,000 swine flu deaths in the UK: "a significant benchmark in the WHO's decision to issue a pandemic" [Daily Express, 4/5/20]. In the end, 457 people died. So, one of his better days: out by a 'mere' factor of 142!

It speaks to the relentlessness of the incompetence and consequent public endangerment that his 2009 mathematical car crash occurred in-between the damning Thrusfield reports on foot-and-mouth. Clearly, the first of those reports, published in 2006 and describing his mathematical models as "not fit for purpose," had not the slightest beneficial effect.

Once again, this underscores the technocratic disease we noted last month: "the same old managerial elite dysfunction that got the world into this mess [and which] lingers beneath the surface of virtually all governments like an undiagnosed cancer" (per Sherelle Jacobs).

In other words, the Johnson government did not factor in the past catastrophic failures before closing down the nation because Ferguson's personal dysfunction mirrors the systemic dysfunction.

He develops mathematical models, but he also models the incompetence and conflicts — the unacknowledged 'cancer' — of the Establishment. Hence the astonishing governmental "speed with which Ferguson's models — mere models ... were transformed into a kind of biblical writ, a revelation of doom," as Spiked editor Brendan O'Neil noted.

Ferguson further reflects the Establishment in that the deeper one digs, the worse he gets!

In a lengthy German exposé titled, "Falscher Alarm: Die Schweinegrippe-Pandemie" ("False Alarm: The swine flu pandemic" — among a collection of essays by various authors in Big Pharma, Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen Hrsg., Piper 2015), Dr Wolgfang Wodarg condemned Neil Ferguson out of hand for aiding and abetting the WHO's 2009 swine flu debacle.

Before his election to the German Bundestag in 1994, Wodarg was the director of a public health service in northern Germany whose daily routine involved "prevention and control of infectious diseases, their epidemiology, the pros and cons of vaccinations and advising the population and responsible institutions."

He has campaigned against the corruption of the WHO by the deep pockets of the giant pharmaceutical companies. Despite urgent requests from many countries to tighten up its pandemic criteria, definitions of "pandemic" were loosened by the WHO to allow these multi-nationals to fuel and sustain their business model: viz., the now familiar progression from false figures to sensational headlines to unwarranted fear to the sale of huge amounts of drugs and risky pandemic vaccines.

In effect, we might say that mathematical modellers, a vital cog in this cyclical scam,are kept in research-clover by the outrageous estimates they provide for Big Pharma business modellers who make billions, some of which is reinvested in the pernicious pandemic cycle. It's that cynical.

In 2010, the WHO revealed the names of 16 experts and advisors on its emergency committee which recommended the declaration of the Swine Flu pandemic – five of them having had links with the pharmaceutical industry.

The 2018 documentary “TrustWHO” noted how Prof Ferguson, who was on the committee, “reported conflicts of interest”. The film’s maker, Lilian Franck, said: “Neil Ferguson declares consultancy fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Baxter, and Roche. The manufacturers of the Swine Flu vaccines and medications. Not a problem for the WHO.” [Daily Express, 4/5/20]

The oligarchs of course are heavily invested in this global web of public health policy, research and development bodies. None more so than the omnipresent Bill Gates — who, for example, funds Ferguson's Imperial College to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Despite the philanthropic PR, Gates is not one to throw his money away. He can be viewed online chuckling with delight over the huge return on his public health-related investments.



"Arithmetic artist"

We should not be surprised, therefore, that long before Coronagate, the massive 'donations' funnelled by Gates to Imperial College had already paid huge dividends. For, according to Wolfgang Wodarg, Ferguson is among those who helped conjure up the lucrative 2009 swine flu pandemic out of virtually nothing. For that considerable feat, Wordarg labelled him a "Rechenkünstler" —an "arithmetic artist."  He relates a sobering tale:

To increase sales of their patented influenza pills and vaccines, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and public health standards to regulate governments around the world. They have led them to use scarce health resources for inefficient vaccination strategies and to expose millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side effects from under-tested vaccines ...

This was the text of the application which, under the heading "Faked Pandemics - a threat for health," requested the Council of Europe to investigate the events that led to the first declaration of a pandemic by the UN World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. A "pandemic" that was already recognised as harmless flu in late 2009 in Europe, but which the WHO, many national experts and many media continued to persistently portray as a dangerous plague well into 2010.

At that time, I began to look at the whole thing with great amazement.

The overseers of London's Imperial College (whom he claims were also "bought by vaccine manufacturers Baxter, GSK and Roche") were sounding public messages of alarm even as they let loose "bio-mathematician Neil M. Ferguson" to "do the math" on his computer. "For the industry waiting for a pandemic, he [Ferguson] delivered a steep template directly to the tables of [Director-General] Margaret Chan’s now feverish Emergency Committee at the WHO.

In a work published by him and his colleagues from the WHO Rapid Pandemic Assessment Collaboration on May 11, this arithmetic artist had calculated a spreading scenario from several hundred alleged cases of the troubled Mexican health watchdog and the passenger numbers of the Mexican tourist authority, which were very worrying results for all those who either didn't understand epidemiology or didn't want to understand it. Indeed, it seems to be very difficult to make someone understand if their salary depends on them not understanding it.

This relatively small number of cases as the basis of a pandemic scenario seemed suspicious to me because my area of responsibility [encompassed] only 150,000 inhabitants yet during flu outbreaks I had to expect over 15,000 cases of illness. How could serious epidemiologists trigger a global pandemic alarm in fewer than a thousand cases in a population of 110 million (over 20 million people live in the greater Mexico City area alone)? It couldn't be right.

Moving the goalposts

It is this swine flu beat up that Wodarg refers to when he accuses the WHO of changing its definition of a pandemic "just in time" to facilitate the business of its partners from the pharmaceutical industry. Until 4 May 2009, the description of a pandemic on the WHO website (found and documented by Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration) was this:

“An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”

With the WHO forever banging the pandemic drum while waiting for a "Rechenkünstler" to deliver them one on a platter, this criteria provided a measure of protection against fake pandemics and the power, control and money (crippling lockdowns, dangerous vaccines, repressive legislation/policies etc.) they evoke. Ferguson's pathetic swine flu figures were so weak, for example, that they would never have passed the pandemic threshhold. But this was bad for business. Therefore, in order to grant the H1N1 virus ("swine flu") official pandemic status and thus keep its privately funded show on the road, the WHO had to move the goalposts: to elasticate pandemic parameters. It speaks to the powerful presence of pharmaceutical industry representatives within its decision-making bodies that this change was made furtively, against the expressed wishes of several dozen nations:

A report by journalist Frank Jordan for the Associated Press drew my attention to a second trick that was now to inflate normal annual flu into a dangerous pandemic. The secret expert groups at the Geneva headquarters of the WHO had simply changed the norm for "pandemics"during the time of the Mexican action, as the Big Pharma experts had already done successfully for blood pressure and other diseases. Because the flu was too harmless for a pandemic according to the previous reading, they simply removed the parameters for the severity and lethality of the disease from the pandemic criteria.

Under the heading: "Nations urge WHO to Change Criteria for Pandemic", Frank Jordan reported on May 19, 2009 from a WHO press conference with the representative of Margaret Chan, former CDC employee Dr. Keiji Fukuda. He wrote: "Dozens of countries urged the World Health Organization to change its criteria for declaring a pandemic, saying the agency must consider how deadly a virus is not just how far it spreads across the globe. Fearing a swine flu pandemic declaration could spark mass panic and economic devastation, Britain, Japan, China and others asked the global body on Monday to tread carefully before raising its alert. Some cited the costly and potentially risky consequences, such as switching from seasonal to pandemic vaccine, even though the [swine flu] virus so far appears to be mild."

At this conference, Fukuda fought off national concerns by carefully considering these arguments. But nothing has been changed in the criticised new definition of the pandemic criteria.

Thus we find the genesis of the now familiar scam: epidemics being morphed into fake pandemics by new subjective criteria made to measure for bio-"arithmetic artists" at the service of the WHO-Big Pharma medical industrial complex.

A relatively low mortality virus like the current one is then further beefed up and presented as a "deadly" pandemic by falsifying statistics.

As detailed in Part I, these have been compiled via creepy government edicts, and further incentivised by making government and insurance contributions to hospitals dependent on high Covid case and death figures. Shocking examples of this statistical scam were provided last month. Anyone still not convinced by them need only watch the devastating testimony provided by Erin Marie Olszewski,

Interviewed at length while displaying hard video, audio and photographic evidence, this brave soul, who nursed at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, "the epicentre of the Covid epicentre." confirms the homicidal means by which Covid-19 has been inflated for venal ends, and much darker ones still. (At the time of writing, Infowars has it among their banned videos. The Brighteon platform has it. Others have it. Doubters who find and absorb the sinister reality unfolding before their eyes will never again suspect Christian Order of exaggerating anything.)

Righteous mistrust

As for the contrived swine flu panic, like all the rest it ended with the technocrats cocking a snook at the deplorables:

1. a review panel strewn with Big Pharma-compromised experts found that "WHO performed well in many ways during the pandemic" with only "some shortcomings," while "The Committee found no evidence of malfeasance";

2. "huge quantities of unnecessary vaccines and anti-flu agents have expired, have been sold to poor countries and have largely been destroyed."

The danger flagged by that pathetic outcome was raised by Dr. Wodarg at the conclusion of his lengthy 2015 exposé:

With the next "fear campaign" — and the first preparations by the well-known "experts" are again recognisable [cites: Vom Terrorvirus zur Mutation des Schreckens, "From the terror virus to the mutation of horror," Ärztezeitung, 24 June 2012] — there will be even less trust in the epidemic guardians than before. Our mistrust is still justified.

Still more deeply and righteously justified, in fact.

Despite the success of the Covid "fear campaign," it remains true that a decade after swine flu public cynicism has peaked among a burgeoning minority. For these latter, whether national governments who continually seek advice from serial catastrophists like Neil Ferguson, or even less accountable transnational organisations like the WHO, trust in Western institutions has fallen through the floor.

Yet it wasn't always like that.

Before the near total collapse of the Christian moral foundation of Western society, which acted as a brake on rampant selfishness, venality and degeneracy, public health was placed before powerful corporate interests. Even the population-controlling WHO occasionally set aside its anti-life agendas to that end. It faced down the omnipotent likes of the tobacco lobby (leading to the International Framework Convention on Tobacco), and in the late 1970s the milk powder industry (which had widely displaced breast-feeding in developing countries).

Back then, defeated corporations ensured that the US government penalised this dutiful WHO by withdrawing funding. Today, the situation is reversed. Quite apart from colluding with China to spread the coronavirus abroad, the WHO is so thoroughly conflicted and compromised that pro-lifers are no longer the only group insisting it be shut down altogether. Roger L. Simon, senior political columnist of The Epic Times (not to be confused with The Epoch Times) notes:

The World Health Organisation personnel and the organisation itself have long been sold to us as “the experts of experts” but their leader [Marxist Ethiopian Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus] has been revealed to be a prevaricating toady to the Chinese Communist Party. Their Canadian representative [Bruce Aylward] seemed similar in a television interview when he wouldn’t even acknowledge the existence of Taiwan. This is even-handed science? [Search the brief Aylward clip online to view the insufferable arrogance of WHO apparatchiks. – Ed. CO]

It doesn’t take an expert, with or without scare quotes, to wish that the WHO, at least as it is presently constituted, be disbanded.

Until that time, the "two worlds of science" identified by Jon Rappoport will continue on parallel tracks:

The first, a world of real science led by independent researchers with no conflicts of interest.

The second, a world of "official propaganda, wall to wall, posing as science," led by WHO "experts" like Ferguson serving transnational elites seeking money, power, and total control.

Vincent Nichols: the long descent to lockout

Similarly, Covid capitulation by the Pope and bishops has shown up the two irreconcilable worlds at work within the Church: Catholicism and Modernism. Just as Neil Ferguson embodies a second world of fake science, Westminster CEO Vincent Nichols personifies a second world of social-gospel fakery. Both bogus worlds are fuelled by pride and self-interest. Both serve the prince of this world and his new perverted order taking shape before us. And both deny the Social Kingship of Christ.

The convergent secular outlook and spirit of these fraudulent worlds accounts for why Archbishop Nichols was smitten by "expert" advice on 'best practice' for Covid. Within but not of the Church — preaching tenets of a pseudo-gospel antithetical to the Gospel of Christ — it simply did not occur to his Modernist mind that Covidic secular counsel is not so clever and clear cut where 'best spiritual and sacramental practice' of Catholic faith and life is concerned. Even more especially when his own appalling judgment and that of his equally faithless brethren has introduced every worst practice imaginable into the local Church.

Any one of their novelties alone could trigger the righteous wrath of Almighty God. It is, however, the secularising process itself — the raison d'être of Modernism — that is the overarching 'worst practice': the nub of the assault on doctrine, purity and innocence which Vincent Nichols has led from the front — for decades.

Shocking evidence strewn through these pages down the years has long stripped away the wafer-thin veneer of Catholicism he plausibly presents for public consumption. Since he has pulled on this 'Catholic' mask once again for lockdown interviews, fooling even some who should know far better, a snapshot of his true self is once more in order, lest a biological virus distract us from this personification of the spiritual virus that continues to infect and ravage the Church. It will also place the complimentary Catholic Lockout and Secular Lockdown in seamless historical context. 

In recent blog posts, John Smeaton, the CEO of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), has been laying out evidence that "clearly indicates that the policy of the CBCEW [Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, of which Archbishop Vincent Nichols is President]... is, effectively, to lend support to access to abortion."

In the process, he has related how Phyllis Bowman, his predecessor as CEO of SPUC, wrote to then Bishop Vincent Nichols on 6 February 1996, expressing concern about a book titled How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic, a Redemptorist publication sold widely through Catholic churches.

Mrs Bowman drew Nichols' attention to a section of the book on "Catholics and sex," which, she informed him, "claims in effect that the Church allows good Catholics to use the pill and make(s) no reference whatsoever to the fact that present-day oral contraceptives may act as abortifacients which is why I am writing to you. In any case the whole concept totally disregards both Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae…"

In his reply of 12 February 1996, Bishop Nichols signally failed to address this grave and fundamental charge, preferring instead to patronise and rebuke Mrs Bowman.

"Perhaps you have not noticed that this publication carries... an ‘imprimatur.’ This means that it has been declared, by the competent Church authority, to be free of harmful material," he pontificated, as if the process were infallible. "In contrast," he went on, "you seem to have come to the private judgment that this is not the case. In doing so you set yourself up as an alternative competent authority."

Thus, he studiously dodged the vital question. Far from the warm response of a good shepherd, it was the disdainful non-response of an apparatchik; a Modernist placeman on his way up the greasy pole. 

"In his reply to Bowman, ...," notes Mr Smeaton, "Bishop Nichols creates a straw man, accusing Phyllis of vagueness and imprecision, in order to avoid answering legitimate claims about a book, approved by the ecclesiastical authorities in England, which falsely presents the Church’s teaching on contraception and leads the faithful into the further temptation of making use of abortifacient birth control."

Hiding behind nihil obstats and imprimaturs granted to heterodox and heretical publications by fellow Modernists, the likes of Vincent Nichols thereby appeal to the authority of the same Church whose teachings and discipline they disobey with impunity.

A Modernist tactic at once standard and shameless, Nichols himself has not only defended morally heinous material stamped and waved through by ecclesiastical authorities (as in the foregoing example) but has himself issued the stamps. Nearly 25 years ago, in a CO edition focused on the escalating homosexualisation of the local Church, I pointed out that 

a sex-education video produced for the Bishops Conference of England and Wales, carrying the Nihil Obstat of Bishop Vincent Nichols on its accompanying manual and distributed to Catholic senior schools across the land, [clearly implies] that the homosexual "love" between an older man and a teenage boy is morally equivalent to heterosexual romance, while ensuring that references to Catholic teaching in the manual are not repeated on film in anything more than caricature. .... Called A Time to Embrace, it has been on the shelves in Catholic schools since 1988.

Validated by the nihil obstat stamped on its manual by Vincent Nichols — which official imprint, he pompously assured Mrs Bowman, signifies that the content of material thus certified "contains nothing that is harmful to faith or morals" — this insidious video contains additional filthy and dangerous scenes. I footnoted, for example, that it "includes the unedifying spectacle of a young girl tearfully informing a boy how she lost her virginity in the back of a car, in flagrant disregard for Pius XI's stern and commonsense warning, reiterated by the Vatican in The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality [1996], that such 'foolhardy initiation and precautionary instruction' corrupts youth rather than forearming it — like trying to douse the inferno with methanol."

In that same article in our February 1997 edition — Cardinal Hume and the Judas Complex: Kulturkampf II meets the Second Reformation — I appealed to "Those who have not yet grasped what is really going on in the Church in Britain, the depths to which things have sunk and the massive loss of nerve and faith [à la Judas] behind the episcopate's grinning facade." I drew their attention to "the ever more defiant spirit of secularism and increasingly brazen doctrinal and moral ambiguity of the Catholic bishops."

Twenty years later, in 2017, their nerves completely shredded by the hegemonic culture of death, their faith eviscerated and abandoned, Vincent Nichols and his brother hirelings dropped every last vestige of "ambiguity" and Catholic pretence to place their latest fake nihil obstat on Learning to Love — the filthy yet logical and implacable progression of their sinful 1988 video A Time to Embrace.

The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) guide for Catholic educators, Learning to Love includes the following degenerate affirmation: in effect the consummation of the contraceptive convergence overseen by Cardinal Hume and Archbishop Worlock:

"[W]e would like to emphasise that an exalted form of love exists just as powerfully in relationships between people of the same sex as it does in heterosexual relationships[.]"

Naturalistic creature of the zeitgeist

All these one-way tickets to Hell are representative of so very many others purchased with alacrity by bishops busily preaching 'best practice' instead of Jesus Christ crucified. Cumulatively, they reflect the systematic deconstruction of the local Church under episcopal souls soaked in the all-encompassing heresy of Modernism — and, therefore, saturated with the sub-heresy of naturalism. Hence their unblinking, rapid-fire contribution to the dystopian vista of locked down, lifeless cities: virtual Masses for souls locked out and stripped of life-giving sacramental grace.

Introduced and overseen by preening politicians and prelates swept along and affirmed by malign forces whose well known false-flag methodology and goals they happily ignore,(2) episcopal complicity in this surreal landscape, carved out overnight before our very eyes, represents the most frightening of all the ecclesiastical surrenders we have endured. It confirms what we know: that the episcopal flight from the Light towards the welcoming arms of Antichrist is so far advanced that only prayer, penance, perseverance, and a first class miracle can reverse it.

That miraculous intervention will be the public consecration of Russia and the promised Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Until then, Our Lord is giving us a bitter foretaste of far greater punishments racked up by a Gomorrah-like world aided and abetted by episcopal hirelings. Truly, the sheer agony of watching the latter wave away sacramental Catholic life and practice as "non-essential," even as abortuaries carry on their "essential" work, will seem cheery compared to the full punishment we deserve and will surely face if Divine Mercy calls time and Divine Justice decides to balance His ledger.

So, Oremus for bishops! For the Pauline conversion of the Modernist majority. The Pentecostal empowerment of the few remaining Catholics. The raising up of mighty episcopal saints to lead and inspire us.

At the same time, we all know the deadly "wages" earned by a world awash in sin [Rom. 6:23]. We also know they're overdue, and that our local sacramental lockout is a mere down payment, as it were. After all, what is the wicked track record of its overseer, Vincent Nichols — now to include refusal of a government offer to keep churches open and available to the faithful for prayer and the Holy Sacrifice — if not one long goading of God by a hollowed out ecclesiastic totally captured by the zeitgeist.

In so many ways,Nichols evokes the spectre of Fr. John Francis, the turncoat Westminster priest in Lord of the World who lapses into Humanism, then places himself at the service of the socialist Minister for Public Worship, a political devotee of Julian Felsenburgh, the Antichrist. The dying, sold out English Church depicted in the prescient novel shares much in common with the local Church Nichols has helped deconstruct these past decades; above all through his mainstreaming of homosexuality, the humanistic leitmotif of his clerical career.

His secular mantras to this end have wreaked sinful havoc.

In the 1990s, his pushing of hetero-homo moral equivalence, especially his spurious "stable relationships" mantra, contributed greatly to a major homo breakthrough: the repeal of the vital Section 28 prohibition on promoting the destructive vice of sodomy in schools or in published material.

This opened the way for public depictions of the sodomitic deathstyle that he and his brethren have subsequently entrenched in Catholic schools, culminating in the wicked declaration of total hetero-homo moral equivalence in the RSE Learning to Love guidelines.

Do we think the avenging God who levelled Sodom and Gomorrah is pleased with Vincent's efforts?

Or, might He have used this hireling to smite us?

Such questions answer themselves. Ultimately, the naturalism manifested in his words and works has clearly robbed Archbishop Nichols of his supernatural sense. Waving away the satanic nexus between homosexualised seminaries and clerically abused adolescents, he cannot even smell the putrid clouds of sulphour he evokes by making common cause with sodomites at war with the Church.

Wouldn't you know!

This brings us back to the Vice-Chair for the Healthcare Reference Group for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, "Professor" (we'll get to the inverted commas)
Jim McManus.

(You'll be expecting this...) It turns out that this very "expert" who helped Archbishop Nichols orchestrate the closure of our churches is an LGBT(QRSTUVWXYZ) activist!

Consider this damning summary of his CV published on 3 April by Paul Smeaton, son of the plain-speaking John and one of LifeSite's bevvy of indispensable foragers for truth in an age buried in lies:

McManus was involved earlier this year in promoting a scheme encouraging workers to wear rainbow-coloured staff ID lanyards as part of a Hertfordshire County Council  “LGBT+ Allies Scheme.”

In a 2014 presentation produced by McManus titled “Delivering anti homophobia in faith schools” he asserts that “[s]ome LGBT Catholics feel in conscience they can live full lives in relationships, others feel called to take Church’s teaching literally. Catholic schools do not have to take
sides or depart from official teaching to be able to commit to reducing bullying.”

In the same presentation, McManus also cites pro-homosexual guidance to schools from Stonewall, a U.K. LGBT activist group roughly equivalent to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in the United States. Stonewall encourages British primary schools to embed gay, lesbian, and transgender themes and examples into every subject area and every grade level.

In a 2017 Royal College of Physicians newsletter, McManus celebrated the then recently passed Children and Social Work Act (2017) which made the new subjects of Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools in England, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory in all secondary schools in England, including faith and independent schools. From the outset, government spokespersons, including the Prime Minister, stated that Relationships Education would be “LGBT” inclusive.

McManus described the passing of the legislation as “Great” and said it was even better than the legislation was supported by “the two biggest national faith education systems – The Catholics and the Church of England.”

McManus noted that all “faith schools must teach all aspects” of the new framework and described the Catholic school of which he was formerly a governor as “one of the most LGBT friendly places I’ve ever seen.

In sum, just as government adviser Ferguson mirrors systemic civil dysfunction, so episcopal adviser McManus reflects the dysfunctional hierarchy that heeds him — a reflection that quickly sharpened and worsened. In a subsequent LifeSite report of 13 May. Paul Smeaton and Dorothy Cummings McLean unearthed the lurid sexual, religious and criminal history of the unashamed, unrepentant 54-year-old sodomite Jim G. McManus, who:

Despite all this and more, Mr McManus was awarded the Vatican’s Good Samaritan Medal by Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski for his services to the "sick and suffering" in February 2011. Over and above his scandalous position of Vice-Chair of the Healthcare Reference Group, he also was, is or claims to have been:

And of course no such scandal sheet would be complete without adding dubious academic honours to the list. LifeSite reports that "Although he is styled “Prof” or “Professor” and in some news reports and academic websites “Dr”, LifeSiteNews has been unable to ascertain which academic institutions granted him these honorifics. Although he lays claim to many diplomas, McManus does not cite any university degree more advanced than a Bachelor of Divinity from Glasgow University."

They are trying to ascertain the truth of this matter. If, however, Mr McManus has gifted himself his academic title, what a perfect epitaph it would affix to the sacramental lockout: a fraud engineered against Christ's flock by inverted-comma bishops, on the advice of an inverted-comma Catholic, posing as an inverted-comma academic, while doubling as an inverted-comma expert!

Meanwhile, despite having easy access to the same public records consulted by LifeSite, Auxiliary Bishop Williams of Liverpool, a former Chair of the Healthcare Reference Group, denied all knowledge of McManus' life and times. "This is dreamland, as far as I’m concerned," he said. "I haven’t heard any of that. As far as I know, Jim is extremely pro-life." Words fail.

"Oppression is everywhere now"

To bishops so deeply compromised by homosexuality and homosexual functionaries, it would not occur, even momentarily, to consider this sodomitic link, between their sacramental lockout and the eerie secular lockdown, in supernatural terms. Catholics, however, take in their stride reports that it has intensified demonic attacks on the clergy.

Recently, writer Kevin Mills recalled what he was told a few years ago by "one of the world’s leading exorcists... when he began to travel to American seminaries throughout the 1980s":

“I began to see the seminary as the sick womb of Holy Mother Church,” said 93-year-old Monsignor John Esseff, renowned for his ability to read souls. “Priests became deformed in the belly of the Church — or if you were a well-intentioned and good seminarian, you were going to be aborted. The guys who were real, they would just be aborted.”

“I saw it is demonic. It was easy to piece together — when you’re anti-Eucharist, anti-Mary, and anti-prayer, you’re of the demonic.” [LifeSiteNews, 3/4/20]

Yes, such diabolic strands are "easy to piece together" — if one possesses, fully and unequivocally, THE FAITH.

If, on the other hand, bishops have lost the Faith — if they are among the majority so accused in our January 2019 editorial titled Faithless —they are not only blind to the kinds of obvious connections made by Msgr Esseff, they will also readily employ practitioners and promoters of unspeakable vice — agents of Satan — to dictate their 'best practice.' Even to shutting down the salvific flow of sacramental grace intended by God to overcome the very wickedness touted by their "experts"!

No wonder they fail to sense the tumult their naturalistic response has set off in the spiritual realm.

In this regard, amid understandable but unbalanced daily pre-occupation with material events, Kevin Mills' commentary on the heightened invisible war raging around us needs to be related at length:

[W]hen a few weeks ago because of health concerns bishops began to shutter American churches like a piecemeal extinguishing of Tenebrae candles, I began considering the Evil One, whose cackle these days, one might imagine, barks as grotesquely as the chorus on that Good Friday morning: “Crucify him!.”

I started to consider the black talon of Satan’s pointer finger, and where it was directing his demons now that reception of the Eucharist has mostly vanished and absolution of sin seems harder to receive than riding a bicycle to the moon.

[...] Two weeks ago, I began to offer fasts and rosaries for those holy priests who’d survived harrowing or dry seminary experiences — because I suspected that the talon was pointed directly at them today.

[...] These are priests who commit to praying their Office, making a daily Holy hour and praying a daily rosary. These priests, also I knew, embraced forms of mortification/s each day to help anchor themselves and their flock to God. Though sixteen-hour spiritual workdays have become customary, they don’t resemble burnt-out Branch Davidian cult members or emaciated bands of wilderness hermits. Not one of them smells of incense or points his nose to the sky like a self-sanctified Marie Antoinette. These priests seem to be the happiest men in the world because of their untiring pursuit of holiness within themselves and their flock.

[...] I picked up the phone yesterday and called some of these priests. I asked a single question:

“Are you under attack?”

“Yes. Really, the oppression is everywhere now,” said the first priest I spoke with. He’d just driven 140 miles round-trip for the second time in a week to gather 300 cases of bread (1,200 loaves) to distribute to the poor.

“From my first Holy Hour to my videotaped Masses, to trying to reach my parishioners in on-line retreats and talks; oppressions seem to always be there. They’ve been very strong,” he said. “It’s the voice of condescension. It’s become extremely tiring. It’s most tiring during [virtual] talks; everything becomes slow and difficult. It’s more exhausting than the Masses.

“Here’s just one example of how the Evil One works - I celebrated three Masses on the Feast of the Annunciation because everything kept shutting off. The video wasn’t working. This has never happened.

“The spiritual lifelines out there have been cut off, so the demons are going to attack the lifelines [priests] who still remain in the spiritual battle. It’s physically and mentally exhausting because doubts creep in and you think - ‘Is all this stuff I’m putting out there even landing, or is it just a waste?’ You think, ‘What’s the point?’ I’m not a priest to be in front of a camera. What’s even landing to help the folks?’

“But I know Our Lady is protecting me throughout all  of this. So the spiritual work is protected. That’s really helped me.”

I called another priest.

“A great heaviness has entered into my priesthood. This time has been the biggest test of my priesthood, and I guess of my life,” said the priest, known for his cheerfulness, work ethic and devotion to Our Lady. “I do think the Evil One is hitting the priests hardest now. His number one tool is his spirit of discouragement. His M.O. is to make it seem like we’re accomplishing nothing as a priest. Why pray? Why sit by the window [for outdoor confessions] when no one comes. Why make another [senseless] video on the need for prayer during COVID-19 when no one watches? It’s like his voice says, ‘You’re worthless now as a priest — you’re detached from your people, and they aren’t praying or paying attention anyway’.

“But I know it’s a big lie and it’s the voice of the devil. And when the oppression really comes, I just keep going back to the tabernacle, where everything becomes clear. I am a mediator between God and man, My prayers, Holy Hours and spiritual work must be exercised now. The work of a mediator is a beautiful offering in this dry period because not only does it give me something to offer my parishioners — the rosary, visits to Blessed Sacrament, the reading of scripture, fasting — but everything I do now becomes essential in this spiritually dry period.

“During these dry times, in a sense, I need to become even more active, With my folks cut off, I need to be in the trenches for them now. And the Christ that lives in me puts me in this battle. This is a time for a priest to shine. He shines because he fights the oppression against himself and against the parishioners that he’s become separated from.”

I phoned an exorcist in Washington D.C. I asked if demonic activity had increased since the Eucharist had been held back and many church doors had been locked.

“Exorcists and those gifted individuals with insights into the spiritual realm have seen more intense demonic activity now. There has been a definite uptick,” he said, “Satan’s taken advantage of this crisis to meet his own ends, It seems demons have been given a free hand now.”

I called a layperson active in the deliverance ministry, who wished to remain anonymous.

“The intensity of the suffering has increased. It’s the spirit and voice of condescension that speaks loudly now,” the individual said. “At the same time, the call to prayer is like a tsunami now. I feel like I don’t need to sleep. I just want to pray throughout the night — this seems to be the same experience of the priests I’ve been working with.

“There is a ferocity and intensity about what they are seeing now in the spiritual realm.” 

"Mass Exorcism"

Archbishop Viganò for one is in no doubt. As reported by Newsweek no less:

Carlo Maria Vigano, an Italian archbishop of the Catholic Church who once served as the Vatican's diplomatic representative to the U.S., has called on his fellow clergy to perform a "mass exorcism" on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday, in order to quell Satan's "frenzy" during the coronavirus pandemic.

Vigano, who has opposed the shutting down of church services to slow the spread of the virus, wrote in a public letter, "In these modern times of terrible tribulation, when the pandemic has deprived Catholics of Holy Mass and the Sacraments, the Evil One has gone into a frenzy and multiplied his attacks to tempt souls into sin."

As such, he is asking Catholic clergy to help conduct a mass exorcism against Satan and the Apostate Angels at 3 p.m. on Saturday "so we can all fight together the common enemy of the whole human race."

He chose Saturday because, "Holy Saturday is the day when we remember Our Lord Jesus Christ as He descended into Hell to free the souls of the Fathers from Satan's chains," he wrote.

Long suborned by Operation Mockingbird (the CIA's renowned subversion of mainstream media), Newsweek surely evoked wry smiles among the elite Masonic faction of its Deep State readership. For, like their Pope (long in the making and now safely in their pocket), they know the great majority of FrancisBishops would laugh Viganò's call to scorn. That their lockout capitulation has heaped demonic oppression on top of their own obstruction and debilitation of so many good priests — who, given half a chance and with all due precautions, would have re-opened their churches and turned the taps of sacramental grace back on immediately — would simply not occur to them.

On the contrary, consumed by 'best practice,' 'building a better world,' 'sustainable development' and every other secular cliché they have made their own, a one dimensional, horizontalised, social gospel-hierarchy lacking all supernatural faith locked out their distressed faithful, while locking on to official secular narratives — from contraception to homosexuality to health policy — regardless of the science or commonsense.

During a live-streamed Mass in late April, for example, Archbishop Nichols shed crocodile tears over closed churches (a "deprivation we feel very deeply") before coldly and absurdly accusing his flock of "self-pity" over the lockout because, he parroted, it was "our part in these life-saving disciplines." [, 24 April] Setting aside his "part" in curtailing supernatural life, Wilfred Reilly, professor of political science at Kentucky State University, is one among very many who have shown up this official claim as spurious. After professionally comparing all US states with or without curfew, factoring in all the requisite variables, he found that curfews are no more effective in dealing with the coronavirus than simple sanitary distancing measures, such as those observed in non-lockdown Sweden. [, 22 April]

But Nichols not only ignores the science, he studiously avoids the obvious: that social distancing is far more easily observed in churches (especially underpopulated Western ones) than in shops and supermarkets and every venue in-between!

With no reasonable argument to back up their obstinate lockout, it was no surprise to see Vincent & Co. airily dismiss a heartfelt video appeal of 22 April in which a cross-section of the faithful insisted that "God's house should always be open" since "Catholics need the physical presence of Jesus more than food, because this is their Daily Bread." They promised to provide all the assistance needed to re-open churches and especially to resume Confessions, under perfectly safe and sensible arrangements.

Lacking paternal instincts, the hirelings not only rejected this ardent plea and generous offer from God's anguished flock, they replied in terms so sterile you could smell the Dettol.

"The feelings and desires expressed in this film are completely understandable," sniffed the disingenuous spokesman trotted out to disperse the self-pitying cyber-rabble. "However, there are other factors to consider: we have a moral duty to protect lives; we have a duty to follow the best professional advice on the dangers of this virus, which is invisible and deadly; we have to be sure that all the steps we can take are well thought out, receive formal consent and are possible in every situation."

More Humphrey Appleby than Paul of Tarsus, the risk-averse Yes Minister team itself could not have contrived a safer statement.

Episcopal-enablers of satanic tension

A Polish observer remarked: "Unfortunately, when Catholics talk about God, the presence of Jesus, Communion, the sacraments, bishops talk about health and observance of restrictions — that even many scientists consider unnecessary and harmful to society and the economy."

He was commenting from a land where the opposite holds true: where churches have not shut and daily Mass (including Communion on the tongue) has not missed a beat despite a social distance rule of 15 square metres between persons — several times the British requirement!

In that land, of course, the leader of the bishops' conference, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, inhabits a Catholic world and speaks a Catholic language alien to the Modernist ears of the leader of the bishops' conference of England and Wales.

“In the current situation, I wish to remind you that just as hospitals treat diseases of the body, so the Church serves to, among other things, treat illness of the soul; that is why it is unimaginable that we not pray in our churches," insisted Archbishop Stanisław.

Concurrently, in this land, his English counterpart was striving to achieve that very outcome. 

It was not just Poland. Throughout March, many American dioceses were not so easily pressured into locking out their faithful. By effecting prudent measures to manage risks they kept sacramental graces flowing into the souls of the faithful for as long as possible.

Meanwhile, everywhere, the Society of St. Pius X outlasted them all. As a local reader noted: "The only public Masses on Laetare Sunday were in the SSPX Chapels." 

All of this to the eternal shame of British bishops, whose disconnect from the Catholic worldview screams "Counter Church!" As in Counterfeit Church; Satan's simulacrum of the True Church.

It also speaks to my prayer on the back-cover of our March edition, which focussed on the miraculous fruit of the Reconsecration of England to Mary for which we must pray above all else: namely, the eradication of the heretical social gospel from Catholic hearts and minds. We are awash in its insidious human rights/social justice clichés. To such point of saturation that our Westminster CEO, The Rt Hon. Vincent Hacker, and his Sir Humphrey sidekicks all presume that their socialistic pseudo-faith goes undetected.

They kid themselves. Unfortunately for them and their levelling agenda for the Church, those who know the Good Shepherd [Jn 10:14] still know the sound of His gospel whenever they hear it professed by uncompromised clergy. Such as Father Tadeusz Guz.

A philosopher, theologian and professor of humanities at the Catholic University of Lublin, on 28 March, Fr. Guz, explained very simply the underlying reality by which all earthly affairs, including and especially the Chinese virus and the worldly response of our bishops, should be assessed and measured. "To understand the phenomenon of modern-day attacks on the Church," he said, "one must be aware of the magnitude of the tension between God and Satan, who wanted to kill God."

As if depicting the bishops of England and Wales as 'satanic enablers' who have demeaned the priesthood by their rush to shut up sacramental shop — to include the administration of the Last Rites by hospital chaplains via "telephone support" instead of in person (with all due safeguards) — Fr. Guz went on:

Many Catholics — including those consecrated — are not quite aware of the magnitude of this tension that exists between the good God and this fallen spirit of light, the angel of light.

Attacks on the Church are [above all attacks on the priest who] administers the sacraments in which the living God lives. The attack on the clergy is a blow to the position of the sacraments, so that man does not sustain his friendship with God in this way.

The Church has a sacred treasure in the sacraments. And what is a sacrament? The sacrament is the real presence of God in the one Holy Trinity. The next dimension in the struggle for the Church is the struggle within the Church in which the living God lives. Nowhere else does the living God live in such a perfect way as in a sacramental way. Therefore, the priest will be attacked. Why? Because he is the minister of the sacraments.

There would be no sacrament without a consecrated priest and bishop as successor to the apostles. Therefore, the clash of clergy today — after the great assassination of God, which is still and permanently carried out — is a blow to the standing of the sacraments [and therefore to "God's reality"] because  friendship with God is most wonderfully expressed in sacramental life.

[Unfinished Conversations on TV Trwam and Radio Maryja]

Sulphour as incense

It is central to the current chastisement that bishops consecrated under God do not possess even the modicum of faith required to sense this raging spiritual war they have inflamed with their lockouts. Yet in the nostrils of un-consecrated Christian souls within and without the Church this invisible war is palpable and pungent. A recent observation by the estimable Catherine Austin Fitts is indicative.

A former top tier Reagan appointee and now investment banker/adviser, while Vincent Nichols was merrily treading his cosseted path to Westminster mapped out by his Modernist mentor Derek Worlock, Miss Fitts was facing down Deep State forces infuriated by her obstinate integrity that obstructed and exposed their multi-billion dollar scams. Having survived their best efforts to destroy her (or, as she puts it, "slow me down or kill me — both literally and figuratively") she understands the upper echelons of power and governmental-corporate rackets like few others; to include the satanic spirit that drives them.

During a streamed discussion on 4 April about the oligarchic exploitation of the coronavirus "Plandemic," as she insists it is, Fitts firstly noted how financial policies and ploys, including massive transfers of money, are protecting Deep State interests,(3) even as tens of millions of ordinary Americans (Hillary's "deplorables") have filed for unemployment, as they struggle to survive and feed their families under stay-at-home orders described by Attorney General William Barr himself as "disturbingly close to house arrest."(4) All the while, their constitutional rights and freedoms are being shredded by wannabe dictators: in the main Democrat governors exploiting the situation to the hilt, despite many heading states with near empty hospitals and negligible coronavirus deaths. As David Catron truly observed:

During the past two months, the nation’s Democratic governors have clearly demonstrated that the temporary possession of emergency powers can unmask the hidden tyrant in even the most unremarkable politician. Virtually all have overreached their legitimate mandates, and few show any inclination to relinquish their newfound authority. This has not only produced widespread protests but has also led to dozens of constitutional lawsuits. [The American Spectator, 8/5/20]

Typically, a federal lawsuit was filed against Governor Cuomo of New York City.(5) Brooklyn lawyer Lee Nigen challenged Cuomo's use of officers of the law to coerce compliance with his ban on large gatherings — including religious congregations. Nigen told the New York Post [27/3/20,] "Clearly, there is a grave public health emergency.… But lawful process matters and emergency orders of this sort, if left unchallenged, will evolve into precedents with horrifying consequences."

At dangerous levels even before this overreach threatened liberty and livelihoods, it is precisely distrust of government that accounts for the "sudden record gun buying in America," observes Miss Fitts. This is because the people "understand that the rule of law is steadily being diminished. They see all sorts of [government and corporate] behaviour... that is lawless."

The visible war duly addressed, she then stressed the invisible one: 

Part of what is happening is we are dealing with a spiritual war, and there are serious demonic and occult forces at work. There is nothing they would love more than to stop the churches and stop people from getting together and praying and inviting in the divine and angelic hope every Sunday. I am with the President. I think stopping the churches from gathering is a very, very terrible idea. 

That cossetted Catholic bishops fail to sense the "serious demonic and occult forces" clearly perceived by a distinguished laywoman like Miss Fitts, who has personally confronted and survived such forces and their mortal agents, will not shock the Christian Order readership.

Firstly, they are too familiar with the sobering words of the late Sister Lucia of Fatima. During her last interview, conducted by Father Augustin Fuentes on 26 December 1957, she spoke to the roots of the current capitulation which has left the faithful more exposed and vulnerable than ever before:

Father, the Devil is fighting a decisive battle against the Virgin and, as you know, what most offends God and what will gain him the greatest number of souls in the shortest time is to gain the souls consecrated to God. For this also leaves unprotected the field of the laity and the Devil can more easily seize them.

Secondly, readers see this decisive satanic battle writ large in liturgical, doctrinal, moral and ecumenical abuses, blasphemies and sacrileges foisted upon them since the Council. They also view that unending litany of horrors as the clear manifestation of the "diabolical disorientation" Sr. Lucia famously nailed as the defining trait of post-conciliar prelates — in whose nostrils sulphurous sodomy now smells like incense!

Little wonder that "the Blessed Virgin was very sad in all her apparitions." Sr. Lucia told Fr. Fuentes:

She never smiled at us. This anguish that we saw in her, caused by offences to God and the chastisements that threaten sinners, penetrated our souls.

Yet far from penetrating and illuminating "souls consecrated to God," sinful cause-and-effect is sniffed at or openly derided by most bishops. Many, like the current Bishop of Rome, have replaced the Catholic understanding of viral chastisements — for sins against God — with a pagan notion of payback — for environmental 'sins' committed against Mother Earth!

No surprise, then, that bishops have not only failed to discern the ferocity of "principalities and powers... the spirits of wickedness in the high places" [Eph. 6:12], but have heightened it; by exploiting the coronavirus for Modernist ends in the same way the libertine-left are using it for Socialist ones. 

Covid means to Modernist ends

Like many others at home and abroad, to further cement the revolution within the Westminster archdiocese, for instance, Archishop Nichols stressed early on, before the onset of cyber-Masses, that Communion be received only in the hand. He did so almost as fast as he bowed soon afterwards to the government's revised position on church closures that he facilitated. In a letter to priests and parishes of 6 March, he wrote:

Par for the Modernist course, this convenient coercion negates both the rights of the faithful and their sacrosanct conscientious objection to handling the Sacred Flesh and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ — really and truly present under the appearance of bread and wine. Transubstantiation of the sacred species is repeatedly confirmed by Eucharistic miracles exhaustively and forensically examined by the most advanced equipment and found to be beyond science.

This is Catholicism 101. I only repeat it for the benefit of Vincent Nichols, Jim McManus, et.-Modernist-al., who should also take heed of this personal anecdote and its sobering moral. 

During a recent Mass in Poland, caught completely off-guard in a fleeting moment of weakness and coerced into receiving Communion on the hand for the first time in her life (to this day one rarely sees reception on the hand in Poland), a friend of the present writer wept as she returned to her pew, distraught by what she had just done.

The pretext of course was the virus. But appeals to health and safety protocols will not protect the offending (Carmelite) priest at Judgment. He, Vincent Nichols and all their Modernist comrades will have to account to Christ not only for the abuse of Jesus Himself through Communion in the hand, whether unwitting or malevolent, but also for each and every bitter tear shed, physically or figuratively, by those whose rights they have obstructed or contravened, and whose Catholic conscience they have violated with callous disregard.

I appeal to the better angels of the Modernist nature fully cognisant of the fact that talk of the Judgment carries little weight nowadays. Lulled into a sense of false security by a false Francis-mercy predicated on an empty Hell, large swathes of the Modernist and semi-Modernist Latin Rite hierarchy had lost all fear of God long before Satan gifted them an overblown pandemic to further rationalise their naturalistic agenda. It is no surprise, therefore, that numerous bishops locally and in France, the U.S., Malta, Jerusalem, Singapore, and the Philippines quickly produced guidelines in the Nichols mould, with some banning Communion on the tongue outright.

As a fellow torch-bearer for Sodom, Archbishop Paul Etienne of the homo-infested Seattle archdiocese naturally went with the Nichols approach. "To do our part to contain the spread of a new virus," he declared, "... we are limiting the option at this time to receive Communion in the hand. People are free to either receive Communion under this new temporary guideline or not."

A temporary guideline? Or, in a post-coronavirus landscape of new and enforced sanitary 'norms,' a guideline-cum-"precedent with horrifying consequences" as New York lawyer Lee Nigen forewarned?

In fact, the precedent is already being exploited and consequential horrors are already with us.

Ordering Masses in his U.S. diocese to recommence at Pentecost, Modernist Bishop Richard Stika of Knoxville tweeted on 1 May: "Communion will be restricted only to the hand for the foreseeable future."

In response, several tweets raised Cardinal Sarah's explanation that the faithful are free to receive Communion on the tongue. Twitter-user "DeusVultTLM" also posted the Vatican reply during the 2009 swine flu scare that condemned withholding Communion on the tongue for sanitary reasons.

Channelling the haughty spirit of his Modernist comrade Vincent Nichols, in a tweet bristling with pride and condescension Stika dismissed the Vatican document as passé, vaunted his power, and bullied traditionalists to accept Communion in the hand or else:

As for horrific spin-offs from the corona-inspired "precedent," according to Italian daily La Stampa, one solution proposed to solve the alleged "high contagion risk" of the Eucharist is a "take-away" Communion. Hosts would be placed in plastic bags to be consecrated by the priests and left on shelves for people to take. In fact, this method is already used in some churches in Germany and Switzerland, as the following screenshot shockingly confirms. (There are some things which really must be seen to be believed.)


Matchbox-Communion "to go"


In a Facebook post, Father Holger Adler S.J., a chaplain at Munich University, publicised his Communion take-way bag for Palm Sunday: which included holy water and a prayer card along with the consecrated Host. "This morning the home kit for the livestream was packed for the Sunday evening service!" he wrote. "There are a few leftovers, if you want to pick up another one."

Pastor Werner Portugall, of the Limburg diocese also took to Facebook to notify parishioners he would "distribute and hand out instructions for a home Easter communion" together with "consecrated hosts in the required number. These," he notified, "can be picked up between 11 am and 1 pm. ... Communion takes place at home, not in the church. The hosts were inserted into the corporal with disinfected tweezers — we mean to enable a safe form of communion and yet to accommodate those for whom this spiritual 'food' is of great importance."

Thus, Fr. Portugall stoked the anxiety of his flock: assuring them that this spiritual "food" (aka Holy Eucharist) was inserted with "disinfected tweezers" to keep "those" who find it “important” (!) "safe" from the Corona Flu. He also underlined his use of "cloth handkerchiefs as corporals... and folded paper handkerchiefs as a single use corporal," while inviting parishioners to bring their own "appropriate container." 

Catholic reaction

So, from "Communion in the Hand", to "Communion in the Box", to "Communion in the Bag", to... what next? "Communion in the Post"? From Amazon? If not, why not? For Lutheranised local Churches there is no logical sacrilegious stopping point.

Let us thank God that this unspeakable contempt was condemned out of hand by Cardinal Sarah, Bishop Schneider and a few others, who flew to the defence of Christ, and His flock.

"No, no, no. It’s absolutely not possible," said Cardinal Sarah in immediate response to the take-away Communion blasphemy. Speaking to Italy's New Daily Compass, he duly pointed out that in the Eucharistic form God is a Person, and "no one would welcome a person they love in a bag or in an unworthy way. The response to the privation of the Eucharist cannot be desecration. ... I don’t know who thought of this absurdity, but if it is true that the deprivation of the Eucharist is certainly a suffering, one cannot negotiate how to receive Communion. We receive Communion in a dignified way, worthy of God who comes to us." He further exhorted:

The Eucharist must be treated with faith, we cannot treat it as a trivial object, we are not in the supermarket. It’s totally insane. [Simply because] many things are done in Germany that are not Catholic... doesn’t mean that we must imitate them.

For his part, Bishop Schneider insisted that "Communion in the hand is no more hygienic than Communion in the mouth. Indeed," he reminded one and all, "it can be dangerous for contagion.... germs can quickly pass from hand to hand." He also mused that some Church authorities appeared to be using the coronavirus as a "pretext" to trivialise (read: further protestantise) reception of Communion.(6)

As with Kevin Mills' foregoing report, to aid our supernatural understanding of current events, here is a lengthy extract from Bishop Schneider's demolition of the predictable, and predictably flawed and Protestant response of Vincent Nichols and like-minded "experts" to whom they defer:

Nobody can force us to receive the Body of Christ in a way that constitutes a risk of the loss of the fragments, and a decrease in reverence, as is the way of receiving Communion in the hand. Although it is true that one could receive Communion on a small white and clean handkerchief (purificator, small corporal) directly in the mouth, this way is not always practicable and even refused by some priests.

In these cases, it is better to make a Spiritual Communion, which fills the soul with special graces. In times of persecution, many Catholics were unable to receive Holy Communion in a sacramental way for long periods of time, but they made a Spiritual Communion with much spiritual benefit.

Communion in the hand is no more hygienic than Communion in the mouth. Indeed, it can be dangerous for contagion. From a hygienic point of view, the hand carries a huge amount of bacteria. Many pathogens are transmitted through the hands. Whether by shaking other people’s hands or frequently touching objects, such as door handles or handrails and grab bars in public transport, germs can quickly pass from hand to hand; and with these unhygienic hands and fingers people then touch often their nose and mouth. Also, germs can sometimes survive on the surface of the touched objects for days. According to a 2006 study, published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases, influenza viruses and similar viruses can persist on inanimate surfaces, such as, e.g., door handles or handrails and handles in transport and public buildings for a few days.

Many people who come to church and then receive Holy Communion in their hands have first touched door handles or handrails and grab bars in public transport or other buildings. Thus, viruses are imprinted on the palm and fingers of their hands. And then during Holy Mass with these hands and fingers they are sometimes touching their nose or mouth. With these hands and fingers they touch the consecrated Host, thus impressing the virus also on the Host, thus transporting the viruses through the Host into their mouth.

Communion in the mouth is certainly less dangerous and more hygienic compared to Communion in the hand. In fact, the palm and the fingers of the hand, without intense washing, undeniably contain an accumulation of viruses.

The ban on Communion in the mouth is unfounded compared to the great health risks of Communion in the hand in the time of a pandemic. Such a ban constitutes an abuse of authority. Furthermore it seems, that some Church authorities are using the situation of an epidemic as a pretext. It seems also that some of them have a kind of cynical joy to spread more and more the process of trivialisation and desacralisation of the Most Holy and Divine Body of Christ in the Eucharistic sacrament, exposing the Body of the Lord Himself to the real dangers of irreverence (loss of fragments) and sacrileges (theft of consecrated Hosts).

[“The Rite of Holy Communion in Times of a Pandemic.” Posted by Rorate Caeli]

Other bishops, dioceses and medical doctors agreed with Bishop Schneider.

The Arlington Catholic Herald notified it readers that "Public health experts assisting the Diocese have advised that receiving Communion on the tongue does not pose a greater risk of spreading illness than receiving Communion in the hand."

The Archdiocese of Edmonton in Canada had consulted authorities on public health and was also advised "that there is no greater risk of infection in receiving the host on the tongue than there is in receiving in the hand. Communicants are free to receive either way." Although "for people’s greater peace of mind" it was reasonably suggested that "priests should offer a dedicated line for communicants who prefer to receive on the tongue."

For the record, LifeSite listed these others besides:

The Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, declared that “a parish cannot ban the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue.”

The archdiocese, headed by Archbishop Alexander Sample, had consulted two doctors on the question of the manner of receiving Holy Communion. They “agreed that done properly the reception of Holy Communion on the tongue or in the hand pose a more or less equal risk.”

“The risk of touching the tongue and passing the saliva on to others is obviously a danger however the chance of touching someone’s hand is equally probable and one’s hands have a greater exposure to germs,” the archdiocese’s statement pointed out.

Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, also emphasised the equal risk. “The manner of receiving the host (in the hand or on the tongue) is the choice of each individual communicant. Both methods may risk the spread of disease, so it is important for ministers of Communion to exercise good hygiene,” the bishop wrote in his temporary regulations.

In the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, Bishop Thomas Paprocki stated that the reception of Communion on the tongue “is very sanitary when done properly.”

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone emphasised that germs can be spread “just as easily by hand-to-hand contact as by hand-to-mouth contact.” Accordingly, those distributing Holy Communion “should try to avoid physical contact with the communicant...Those who present themselves to receive Communion on the tongue should not be denied their right to receive Communion in this way.”

Archbishop Cordileone was clearly alluding to illegitimate attempts by bishops in 2009 to ban Communion on the tongue during the H1N1 ("swine flu") pseudo-pandemic. As mentioned earlier, the Vatican had reaffirmed at that time that the Catholic faithful "always have the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue" — as previously ruled in Redemptionis Sacramentum, an Instruction published by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in 2004.

In fact, this Instruction is quoted in the guidelines on restarting Masses sent to all American bishops by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on 30 April 2020. Prepared by both theologians and medical experts, the guidelines acknowledge differences of opinion on the matter but state that receiving Holy Communion directly on the tongue is possible "without unreasonable risk."

Mass and sacraments sacrificed — to elf 'n' safety

It all makes the local pressure to avoid Communion on the tongue — a push that will doubtless continue post-lockout — look precisely what it is: illicit, unreasonable, and ideological. That is, a quintessentially Modernist decision; one which seeks any pretext, in this case disputed science, to secularise the sacramental by banalising liturgical rites, symbols, practices and disciplines which have been honed through centuries to protect and reinforce the Catholic dogmas they express — especially the miraculous reality of Transubstantiation. 

As a blue-ribbon Modernist himself, Archbishop Nichols not only exudes repugnance for the time-honoured tradition of Communion on the tongue per se (a practice illicitly jettisoned by his Modernist forebears), he also disdains its orthodox practitioners. In a further memo to his clergy after his 6 March letter promoting Communion in the hand, he commented to the haughty effect that should any of the plebs still insist on their right to receive on the tongue they should be told to make an appointment at such time when sanitary arrangements could be put in place.

So much for the warm solicitude of a true spiritual father and the wisdom of a true shepherd — one who would weigh up spiritual and bodily implications with the heavenly Catholic balance neatly summarised in this blog comment:

The Church has always instilled in the faithful a sense of their obligation to practice both the natural and supernatural virtues. Natural prudence and justice require that one avoid dangers to the health of oneself and others, but at the same time, supernatural faith and prudence lead us to a full confidence in the providence of God. There are times when the faithful and in particular the priests must risk their lives for the salvation of souls, while at other times they must take prudent measures to avoid unnecessary risks.

In the face of divided scientific opinion on the sanitary aspects of receiving Holy Communion, a solicitous shepherd with a Catholic mind would reflexively take the God Option; erring on the side of a time-honoured tradition, wisely instituted under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, without the slightest hesitation. For, the default setting of such a mind is that of St. Peter and the apostles: We ought to obey God, rather than men. [Acts 5:29] This is the informing principle of prelates who condemn out of hand the prohibition on Mass attendance and reception of the Holy Eucharist in the hand. Consider how this virile reaction of French Bishop Bernard Ginoux of Montauban compares with bishops cowering behind the secular panacea of elf 'n safety:

At a time when a very large number of activities are resuming, when we can find ourselves next to each other on an airplane, in supermarkets, or in outdoor activities such as at the racetracks, a part of the citizenry who have the freedom to practice their religion by participating in Mass is prevented from doing so under the pretext of a pandemic whose numbers are declining. The numbers speak for themselves. Moreover, most of our churches are very large, and we have all the means to comply with health measures. Our freedom is at stake, and it is being seriously undermined. I have heard from many people who are suffering, and I am speaking on their behalf.

I am a bishop in a place where, one day in August 1942, Bishop Pierre-Marie Theas dared almost alone to condemn the attacks on the freedom and dignity of French citizens. I denounce the violation of the rights of the Catholic faithful to participate freely in Mass; I denounce the denial of this right. Civil law, whose binding nature in this matter remains to be proven, cannot be imposed on my conscience as a pastor when it prevents me from fulfilling my duty. I am a priest and bishop in order to give Christ to the faithful in need. This is my mission and I want to tell them so. The Catholic Church has always recalled the right of the human person to practice his religion. Preventing the exercise of this right is an infringement of fundamental human rights that could lead to other abuses.

The Great Betrayal

It is a further measure of the secular abyss into which the local Church has descended that the French Church, renowned for its near wholesale Novus Ordo secularisation, can still produce bishops like Ginoux who shame our effete collaborators. For that is what they've become: quislings.

How else to describe their heinous betrayal: encouraging the government to reverse its original policy allowing continued access to the Holy Sacrifice and Holy Communion? A treachery further magnified by the relative ease with which spacious churches can accommodate the demented distancing and sanitising protocols, as the Poles showcased.

Alas, this condemnation counts for nothing. Like the Citizen Pope (who demands good citizenship especially from those he sold out to Beijing(7)), Citizen Vincent will happily cop Catholic criticism every time in exchange for the secular praise he craves. Such as this tweet from London's mayor, a cultural marxist whose vapid 'values' he shares:

"As our churches remain closed,
let us open our hearts even wider".

    Inspiring words from @CardinalNichols - and good to hear about the plans in place for London's Catholic community to observe Lent whilst following the current, guidance to #StayAtHome.
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) April 2, 2020

Successors in the line of Bishop Judas — who pioneered their social gospel and their sell-out — Nichols & Co. have turned Acts 5:29 — the preferential option for God, preached by genuine apostolic successors — on its head. Thus, like Judas, calculating everything in terms of this world, they invariably take the secular option, with devastating consequences: immediately for us, but ultimately for themselves. The complicity of their sodomised 'Catholic' education apparatus alone — underlined once again by Eric Hester — confirms their apostolic link to the Great Betrayer, and so the inevitability of their Great Betrayal.

In this regard, American exorcist Father Chad Ripperger notes that the lockouts reflect a long history of blurring lines of demarcation, and rendering to Caesar what is God's:

Putting aside any malice on the side of certain bishops, I think that this is the result of being in a compromised relationship with the state. The state has for years, actually, centuries, been clamouring for separation of Church and state, but [now] they’ve stepped right in and told the Churches what they can and cannot do and the bishops, because of their compromised situation as a result of the whole paedophilia scandal and the civil authority stepping in, because of that they’re a bit too quick to be overly compliant, or to be overly cautious, rather than being more moderated in their judgment about what can and cannot be allowed. [Interview, LifeSiteNews, 3/4/20]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was more adamant. During an interview with The Remnant of 29 March, he said: "I understand and share the basic worries about safety and protection which the authorities require for public health. However, just as they have the right to pass measures for things affecting our bodies, so the Church authorities have the right and the duty to worry about the health of our souls. They cannot deny the faithful the spiritual sustenance they receive from the Eucharist, not to mention the Sacrament of Confession, Mass, and Viaticum." As if dressing down each local bishop on our behalf — and 'Cardinal' Nichols in particular — he went on:

This is something the laity are calling for, as they suffer because they have no firm and faithful guides. We cannot allow the flock which Our Divine Lord has entrusted to our care be scattered by faithless mercenaries. We must convert and go completely over to being on God’s side. We cannot reach any compromises whatsoever with the world.

The faithlessness of the Sacred Pastors is a scandal for their confreres and for many among the faithful, not only in terms of lust of thirst for power, but also — I might say especially — when they touch the integrity of the Faith, the purity of the Church’s teachings and the holiness of morals.

The Archbishop referred to the pandemic as a "scourge" and "the divine wrath beating down upon the world." He said the hierarchy should make "a proper examination of [their] conscience for giving in to the spirit of this world" and "condemn firmly all those errors [they have] allowed in after the second Vatican Council."

And yet, he observed, "[even] after we have seen the divine wrath beating down upon the world, we go on offending the Majesty of God by speaking of mother earth demanding respect, as the Pope said a few days ago in his umpteenth interview."

Clearly, the outspoken Viganò has been called by God to crystallise as never before the irreconcilable divide that has opened up since the Council: between the faithful, strong, prophetic Catholic Spirit of Christ he embodies, and the faithless, supine, pharisaic Modernist spirit of Antichrist personified by ‘Cardinal’ Nichols.

Archbishop Viganò's exasperation and righteous anger mirrors that of the CO readership, whose reaction is captured in two passionate emails. The first, received on 5 April shortly after lockdown, was headed: "No sacraments for my 13 children and 49 grandchildren!":

One of my daughters points out that many civil servants such as her, doctors, nurses, teachers bin men etc. are bravely fighting this war on the front line. In this context our clergy from the Pope down should be military chaplains in the full sense of the word instead of being led by Cardinal Nichols into “safe” cowardly isolation, deserting their flock in their hour of need... in what is primarily a spiritual war concerning primarily the four sins crying to heaven for vengeance. They have left the faithful without the Mass and especially confession and the anointing for those who are seriously ill/dying. May God forgive them. We are called to hate the sin and love the sinner, and to pray for our enemies and it’s quite clear who they are.

Three long and insufferable months after lockdown, little had changed, as related in this message of 18 June:

The scandal continues. Here, in the Salford Diocese, all that has been “relaxed” is that certain churches are very graciously allowed to open for a limited time of not more than two hours. Here in Catholic Bolton, with twelve parishes, only two Churches are involved with no Mass for the laity anywhere in the diocese, let alone confessions and the other sacraments.
A very good friend of mine, a retired doctor, a magnificent convert, has died in the last few days: there is no news that his body will be allowed to enter a church, let alone have a  requiem.

I have another two very elderly friends. One was living contentedly but fell and broke a bone. She was taken to a hospital but no one could visit her, not even her daughter. She was accused of having the virus and moved in a week to three different hospitals. Not surprisingly, she became confused. I contacted the local Catholic priest who said there was no question of any priests being able to visit her, let alone giving her the last sacraments.  

The other, a retired nun, has been faithful to her vows but now the convent is shut off. For the first time in about sixty years, she cannot go to Mass even on Sundays, let alone week days. Only six nuns are allowed in the chapel at a time. She has to take all her meals alone in her room. I cannot visit. On the telephone, she is becoming more and more depressed.

A priest said that I could see Mass on television. I replied that in future the priests could see a picture on television of my putting a note into a collecting plate.

Even more than its awakening somnolent faithful to the endgame state of the local Church, this spectre of virtual Masses provoking virtual donations may yet prove the most providential aspect of Coronagate.

If the Great Betrayal of 2020 accelerates the pauperisation of dioceses — as the disgusted lapse, and the dumbed-down happily persist with armchair Masses — the financial lifeblood of the Counter-church will drain away, and the hirelings will cut and run. Reduced to penury, some may even repent and convert. But for Mary's Dowry it could be the beginning of wisdom; of genuine, unequivocal, traditional restoration.

Final words: opportunity and solution

Before this total capitulation by God's anointed, we should leave the last words to consecrated souls who have not sold out; who are fighting for us on both fronts: visible and invisible.

For Fr. Ripperger, an exorcist with special insight into the eternal unseen war that has suddenly escalated, the Great Betrayal is a great opportunity for us: to reassess our prayerfulness, especially for episcopal persecutors:

As far as the bishops, this is a good opportunity for the people to realise if they don’t pray for the bishops on a regular basis, they can’t expect them to behave well. They need to be praying for their bishops, and don’t allow a particular bishop’s behaviour, or bad behaviour, to separate you from the devotion or filial piety that you should have for the office. And part of that filial piety is praying for him regularly, that he receives the graces to make the right decisions.

It’s not unreasonable that people are becoming angry... but what they need to do, they need to see, instead of being angry [with the bishops], that this is a sign that God’s calling us to pray for them, because being angry with them isn’t going to help them. Praying will.

For the no-nonsense Viganò, the episcopal hero of the hour whose prophetic voice echoes the Good Shepherd, the visible solution is clear and simple:

What we must do is ask forgiveness for the [Pachamama] sacrilege perpetrated in the Basilica of Saint Peter’s, and reconsecrate it before the Holy Sacrifice can be said there.

We should also call a public procession to show penance, even if only prelates take part under the Pope’s guidance. They must call down the mercy of God upon themselves and upon His people. This would be a sign of that true humility we are all waiting to see, as reparation for all the offences committed.

The Pope, the hierarchy, and all bishops, priests and religious must immediately and absolutely convert.





(1) (note the full stop in "") Animal lovers are warned that the scale and nature of the animal slaughter is so shocking that viewer discretion is advised. The producers point out that Ferguson was sacked by DEFRA late on during the scandal but the damage had been done. Despite this, Ferguson was awarded an OBE in 2002 for his work during foot and mouth.

(2) We are talking about the same conspiratorial crew who, on 1 January 2013, flicked the financial switch that instantly shut down Vatican City, a sovereign state, then switched it back on six weeks later, the day after realising their aim: Benedict's abdication. That, is the power that dictates the ebb and flow of world events; including and especially global health policy.

(3) According to a study conducted by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), America's 34 wealthiest billionaires increased their net worth in the first 3 months of this year by tens of millions of dollars. [Thomson/Reuters, 23/4/20]..

(4) He warned governors that the Department of Justice, would side with those who filed lawsuits against unjust restrictions. [Newsmax, 21/4/20]

(5) Portentously, such righteous litigation has been lacking outside America. Only a few, fronted by sturdy patriots like Ireland's Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters, are standing up to the sudden, simultaneous enactment of tyrannical legislation everywhere. In making application in early May to challenge in the High Court both the lockdown per se and the oppressive police state being enacted by the Irish government to enforce it, Gemma Doherty first pointed out that "lockdown is based on absolutely no science; never before have the healthy people in a population been put in quarantine." Speaking on the steps of the Four Courts building in Dublin, Miss Doherty then warned of an "appalling vista" opening up through a "police force no longer defending the rights and safety of the Irish people [but rather] detaining people [and] harassing people close to their homes" "absolutely outrageous" lockdown harassment she herself had recently endured.

(6) Always the bottom-line goal of ecumaniacs, the late Cardinal Winning of Scotland typified this Modernist breed of Eucharistic-trivialisers, forever pushing inter-Communion — the sharing of Holy Communion with Protestants — as if it were merely 'special bread'.   

(7) "The Church wants Chinese Christians to be truly Christians, and to be good citizens. They should promote the Gospel, but without engaging in proselytism...." - Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network address, 5/3/20 (which video, thankfully, has garnered a pathetic 8,021 views!). He chose 24 May, the feast of Our Lady of Sheshan, patroness of China, to rub more salt into the wounds of those he has betrayed, again urging them to be "good citizens."

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