Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

March 2020

Making England Mary's Again!


So it’s over. ... the latest and by no means last instalment of the...  deranged and all-consuming effort to disenfranchise... unenlightened Untermenschen... has come to its completely predictable end.

 - The American Spectator, 7/2/20

The writer was referring to the inevitable failure of the Democrats' baseless/ludicrous case for the impeachment of President Trump. Part of their ongoing war against the 63 million Americans who had the bad taste not to vote for Hillary and oligarchy but, rather, for democracy and the chance to Make American Great Again!

Yet he could have been describing the predicament of the vast multitude of patriotic Brits counting down to history in and around Parliament Square late on Friday night, 31 January. For, although a sell out at many levels, the rapid signing of the Withdrawal Agreement after the election landslide had also marked a victorious conclusion of sorts: the end of the latest instalmentof the Remain Establishment's deranged and all-consuming effort to disenfranchise the 17.4 million unenlightened Untermenschen — British "deplorables" by any other name — who had the pig ignorant temerity not to vote for rule by a foreign power. 

That it was by no means the last instalment of retribution against Leavers was made crystal clear by Remainers morphing into Rejoiners! "The campaign must start now to rejoin the EU," cried a headline in the New European newspaper. Anti-Brexit goup Best for Britain is still pumping out Project Fear propaganda that the break with Brussels is already failing. While the European Movement is messaging supporters that Brexit was a "profound national mistake."

Beyond the man-the-barricades approach of these true believers (who will never give up, no matter how successful an independent Britain becomes, or  how many times they lose at the ballot box), future vengeance was more routinely flagged by the puerile sniping of Europhile snobs. Typically, Alastair Campbell — his hopes of a dream sinecure as 'spokesman for EU President Tony Blair' now dashed — declared he would never touch the new 50p Brexit coin. Ah, diddums! Others tweeted more viciously that the coin should certainly be touched — in order to deface it with a swastika. Ooh, the bile!

Meanwhile, the partisan BB-C (Britain's Brussels-Central) sniffily downplayed the event and derided the very idea of celebrating one of  the most significant moments in British history. They also variously tut-tutted about triumphalism, alluded to potential violence by insular Brexit bigots, and suggested that nobody would turn up anyway. As usual, they were dead wrong.

I know because I trekked to London to personally experience the momentous occasion of Britain's legal departure from the EU at precisely 11 pm.

Despite all efforts to deter them, not only did I find tens of thousands gathered on a damp winter's night, they were calm and good-humoured to a Brexiteer. Contrary to the nasty caricatures and predictions, Leo McKinstry summed up the atmosphere simply and truly: "What the public witnessed was not a descent into snarling, narrow triumphalism, but rather happy excitement at the return of self-governance. The whole tone was optimistic."

Indeed the only shows of discontent were the loud boos directed at the dreaded acronym "BBC" whenever it appeared on the big screen beneath TV footage of landmark EU events! (The flow of billions to socialist Brussels now stemmed, the taxpayer spigot sustaining this £4 billion marxist bully pulpit [aka "state broadcaster"] must now be shut off as well.)

There was, however, a certain symmetry to the final desperate echo of Heath-like deceit that had deliberately misled voters for decades. For it closed the circle of misinformation, misrepresentation and chronic misjudgment that came to define these haughty elites pre- and post-referendum. As columnist Carole Malone wrote the morning after the EU Exit party:

"These are the doom-mongers who predicted that by now we'd all be hurtling to Hell in a handcart. Instead, 1,000 EU finance firms have just announced they're opening offices in Britain. We've smashed job records yet again: 33 million in work. Our economic growth is predicted to beat every other EU country next year and house prices are rising at their fastest ever rate. Hallelujah!"

On the same morning, former Tory and Ukip MP Douglas Carswell, who had campaigned to Leave for 27 years, echoed the above view and then some. "The judgment of the Remain establishment, who seem to me utter mediocrities, has proved appalling," he wrote. "Yet for years these third-raters have exercised the most extraordinary influence over so many aspects of public life. How can any serious country be presided over by such a shower?" Quite. And he added this warning:

"Before we celebrate anything, we need to eject the morally and intellectually bankrupt self-serving oligarchy that runs our country if Britain is to prosper outside the EU." 


There is of course a fierce irony at play here. Namely, that these morally and intellectually bankrupt oligarchs lost the Brexit war through their sense of superiority! A delusion of grandeur that still prevents them even bothering to ponder, never mind calmly engage the arguments of the Eurosceptics. It is also why David Cameron called the referendum in the first place.

"An EU fanatic himself and gloriously out of touch, listening to  moneybags and mandarins," as renowned author and columnist Frederick Forsyth put it, Cameron just assumed the majority would know their place and meekly accept the self-serving view of their betters: aka The Establishment (defined by Forsyth as "the  five professions that covertly control our country: politics, the vast bureaucracy, academia, the legal world and finance — [which] all have one thing in common; they look after themselves and screw the broad masses of the people").

Like our oxymoronic socialist pontiff, these creatures simply shut their ears and continue to vilify the choice of self-governance over and above global governance as something weird, extreme and unreasonable — oblivious all the while to their own weird, extreme and unreasonable rejection of the perfectly natural desire of 167 of the world's 195 countries to stand on their own two feet as independent sovereign nations!

Their ideologically perverse outlook is actually enshrined at the HQ of the dogmatic, corrupt, debt-ridden foreign entity they revere and serve: the European Parliament. There, at the visitors' centre, a plaque reads: "National sovereignty is the root cause of the most crying evils of our times. The only remedy to this evil is the federal union of the peoples."

Written before the war by British diplomat Philip Kerr, notes Leo McKinstry, "they still encapsulate the guiding outlook of the EU." Ditto Mr Kerr's Foreign Office brethren; whose EU-centric "outlook" was famously denounced by Margaret Thatcher as having sold out the country for half a century (for which unpardonable transgression she was duly disposed of by the "self-serving oligarchy" embodied by the Foreign Office).

The French Connection

As entertainment accompanied the big screen countdown, looking out over the colourful spectacle of "happy excitement" I spotted a huge flag in the distance, flapping above a sea of Union Jacks. My companion, a Catholic journalist and author with an eye for such things, immediately identified it as the flag of the Vendée and snapped this moving memento.



Readers hardly need reminding that the Catholics of the Vendée region in west central France, in a spontaneous uprising, fought the warped "liberty" of the revolutionary despots who first tried to coerce and conscript them into  their mad designs, then sent extermination squads from Paris to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The crushing defeat of its 150,000 strong army at the end of 1793 was followed by the first socialist genocide: the prototype of many subsequent ones carried out to the same masonic refrain of liberté, égalité, fraternité. "Not one is to be left alive," bawled the revolutionary Convention as it concocted ever more unspeakable methods to liquidate the Vendéens en masse.

At an elementary level this very special flag simply reflected the spirit of independence exuded by the Brexiteer patriots. It is hard to imagine a more perfect symbol of popular yearnings for the preservation of liberty and culture: of memory and identity.

The handful of Brexiteers who possibly identified the flag and its history would have appreciated the show of solidarité française. But even among that pitiful few who recognised its socio-political significance, would any at all have tied it to the slippery socialist slope that led from the God-haters of the French Revolution to the Christ-effacers of the EU Project?

Probably not, I mused. The practical consequences of practical atheism, now institutionalised by dogmatically secular states, would not rank highly on a list of threats to independence and liberty drawn up by the average secular Brit. They would hardly equate the brutal usurpers of Altar and Throne and their bloody template for the Vendée with the sanitised civil templates democratically crafted by faceless bureaucrats today. Never mind that the purging of the Vendée shaped the methodological templates of the terrible socialist twins: communism and fascism. Never mind that today's templates enable "legalistic persecution" of Christians, genocide of babes in utero, and culling of the vulnerable ex utero —on a daily basis. Or that this wickedness is aided, abetted and enabled by the successors of the deistic humanists of 1789; namely, the Masons (not least the agitating Lodge in Brussels, pointed out and decried by Benedict XVI).

As for Vendéens marching to their deaths beneath their beloved standard not only to preserve their region and country but above all their Catholic faith — expressed on badges of the Sacred Heart of Jesus inscribed with their pledge "For God and King" — cue blank looks all round.

Restoring Merry England!

Now, connecting materialistic ideas to their ghastly socialist consequences does not require a religious outlook, although it helps. But to view the fundamental problem of Europe in general and the EU in particular as a moral and spiritual one that cannot be solved without both common benchmarks — the Ten Commandments — andan earthly power delegated by Christ to interpret them and rule definitively on faith and morals — the Catholic Church — requires a particular mind of Vendéen stripe: viz., a Catholic one enlightened by grace that weighs everything in supernatural terms.

In which case the secularised throng spread out before me, to include social gospel-Catholics, was stymied. The political mot du nuit spoke to this impasse. 

As a succession of leading political and media Brexiteers briefly addressed them, concluding with the indomitable Nigel Farage, the crowd cheered every mention of victorious "democracy." If the battle cry of the Vendéens was "Vive la religion! Vive le roil", the Brexit war cry was just as surely "Long Live Democracy!" And make no mistake, they were righteous cheers. Though battered and bruised, the democratic process had finally seen off increasingly desperate attempts to thwart the will of the people.

Yet neither democracy nor Brexit are ends in themselves. Without a religious and moral awakening they will not save Britain from the marxist culture wars waged by Brussels, the BBC and governments left and right. Indeed the afterglow of the Exit Party celebration had barely faded before the Brexit-facilitating Tories unveiled their socialist Green agenda: "Green Armageddon," as Breitbart's James Delingpole labelled it.

What the return of sovereign business as usual will do, however, is grant the electorate sufficient "democracy" to fall on their sword, all by themselves; to retake responsibility for their own destiny. Above and beyond all else, it provides the distant possibility of restoring Britain's ability to make sovereign decisions as a fully Christian nation — with a view to that "tranquility of order" ever assured by the Social Kingship of Christ.

Thus we return, as ever, to the conversion of England — for Modernists a coercive crime; for Catholics a miraculous blessing that would truly Make Britain Great Again by Making England Mary's Again, as in Walsingham days of yore.

Their religious memory and identity thus recovered, their hearts and minds merrily raised once more to Jesus through Mary, revitalised  and transformed, the people of Merry England  — Mary's England — would once again stand united in spiritual and temporal battle against the forces of Antichrist forever warring against Christ and the holy Catholic faith of their ancestors. 

An impossible dream? Maybe. But so was Brexit. And this month's Rededication of England to Our Lady is a far more powerful impetus (for resurgence) and guarantee (of restoration) than "democracy" could ever be!

Our Lady of Walsingham, pray for us!


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