Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

January 2020

Golitsyn Revisited



As we enter a new year and a new decade, Vladimir Putin's recent recap of Russian preparedness for all nuclear eventualities was a blast from the past. Speaking before assembled media during a session of the Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Sochi on 18 October 2019, Putin said: 

"We have prepared an early warning system . We have created it and we keep improving it. It analyses globally, worldwide, where launches are being made, including [the] oceanic surface. They identify where missiles are being launched from, secondly their trajectory, and the point of impact. All this is being identified and analysed within seconds. Only if we identify, through that system, that missiles are being launched at us, will we deliver a retaliatory strike, a strike in response — only when there are missiles airborne, being launched at Russia. Of course, that would lead to a global disaster, to a nuclear catastrophe.... 

Of course, once someone has launched nuclear missiles at us, it would possibly be too late to stop them. But a potential aggressor should know that there will be retaliation. And we will get to heaven as martyrs. And our enemies will simply die, like dogs, because they won't even have time to redeem themselves."

Watching Russia Today's video feed of Putin's comments in his Infowars' studio, Alex Jones commented: "Russia is in a defensive ring. They've cut defence spending, but upped their nuclear arsenal. beyond the Topol-Ms [ballistic missiles]. Yes, we have large space-based systems that shoot most of it down. But you won't stop the submarines with cruise missiles. And Los Angeles, and San Francisco, and New York, and Boston, and Washington DC, and Chicago, and Houston, and Austin, Texas, and Dallas, Texas, and Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon, and many others, will be vapourised."

"But that's OK," continued Jones. "As long as it's the evil America that's gonna get it. The globalists are positioning us for Armageddon. And how soon until they detonate some type of weapon, and say the Russians did it? And I don't lionise the Russians," he added, "but... 20 million Russian troops died [in World War II, [and] between 12 and 18 million civilians —let's say 15 million to be low level — that's 35 million. So if Russia was only 70 million then... that's half the population of Russia dead in World War II. So it's very up front in the Russian narrative, in the Russian family. ... That's in the whole front sights, in the consciousness right now. So when Putin starts saying things like this, you know things are serious."

Sadly, while very knowledgeable, like most Evangelical Christians Alex Jones remains oblivious to the all-important Fatima-Russia link. Nonetheless, this pugnacious bête noire of the Deep State globalists would surely know that if "things" are serious it's because they have been seriously — purposefully — complicated by Marxist-Leninist smoke and mirrors.

Nuclear déjà vu

The particular threat of nuclear subs recalls some rapid and scary developments in recent times. For instance, on 11 January 2013 LIGNET reported:

"With the commissioning of the Yuri Dolgoruky, the first submarine to hit the Russian fleet in two decades, Russia’s navy is now “back in the game.” The new sub is designed to carry advanced nuclear ballistic missiles and is super quiet. The quickening timelines of Russian submarine production coupled with missile tests announced for 2013 suggest that while the Obama administration is moving toward reducing military spending and cutting American and Russian nuclear arsenals, Russian President Vladimir Putin is moving in the other direction."

Similarly, Russia's Ministry of Defense (MOD) circulated a report on 4 November 2013, confirmed by the Voice Of Russia News Service, that President Putin had ordered his strategic forces to carry out a large-scale surprise military drill: launching four nuclear missiles (closely monitored by US intelligence agencies) that included the test launch of two land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs).

In further "preparation for war," said the MOD report, Putin also ordered the two Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack strategic nuclear bombers currently visiting South America, to stay on indefinite patrol should they be needed to strike the United States.

At the time, this was all part of Putin's grave concern over then President Obama’s constant warmongering, which consternation, this report continued, was shared by China, which joined Russia in overtly threatening the United States with nuclear retaliation. In what the MOD report called a "war move against the US," just a week earlier China had sent a surveillance ship to Hawaiian waters for the very first time in history in an unprecedented move described as a provocative retaliation to the US naval presence in the East China Sea. China also publicly revealed a view of its mysterious fleet of nuclear submarines, while its state-run media revealed for the first time that its nuclear subs can, and will, attack American cities as a means to counterbalance US nuclear deterrence in the Pacific.

Within a couple of years, warnings about Putin's military being more threatening than the old Soviet Union were emanating from the Pentagon. On 8 April 2015, The Hill, a renowned Washington political blog,reported the view of Admiral William Gortney, commander of the U.S. Northern Command (Northcom) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), who said in a Pentagon briefing that Russia now has a "far more capable military than the quantitative, very large military that the Soviet Union had."

CNN reported at the same time that during the military briefing, Gortney said: "This past year has marked a notable increase in Russian military assertiveness." He cited Russian spy and logistics ships having been tracked near Cuba and Venezuela, and Russia working on its capacity to deploy "long-range conventionally armed cruise missiles" which can be launched from bombers, submarines and destroyers, giving the Russians "deterrent" options "short of the nuclear threshold." He added: "We have also witnessed improved interoperability between Russian long-range aviation and other elements of the Russian military, including air and maritime intelligence collection platforms positioned to monitor NORAD responses."

 "Should these trends continue over time, NORAD will face increased risk in our ability to defend North America against Russian air, maritime and cruise missile threats," The Hill reported.

Several years later, headlines about Russian military superiority abound. "Outgunned by Moscow" read a typical headline that reported the massive disparity in military resources between the UK and Russia. Statistics compiled by the International Institute for Strategic Studies compare the UK's 2.1% of GDP spent on defence with Russia's 4%, for instance. Or 148,350 full-time UK military personnel vs 900,000 Russians; 83,500 soldiers vs 280,000; 227 main battle tanks vs 2,750; and 598 artillery pieces vs 4,342. [Daily Mail, 27/11/19].

The figures are somewhat misleading, since Britain, as part of NATO, would not stand alone in a war with Russia. Nonetheless, last November the Royal United Services Institute think-tank issued a scathing report on the country's unpreparedness for war. Even its GPS-guided multiple-launch rocket system proved to be "inaccurate in the face of extensive Russian GPS jamming" during the fight with Russia in Ukraine. How reassuring.

"Winnable" war?

Readers may not be aware of a disturbing 'tweak' to the nuclear standoff that developed in the years following Soviet Russia's supposed 'fall'. Clarifying Putin's comments in Sochi, Infowars noted that:

"the Russian nuclear doctrine allows for the use of this weapon in a conventional conflict, but only if Russia’s existence is at stake. [However], This presumably gives the Russian military a loophole to use tactical nuclear weapons in the case of a large-scale invasion. The self-imposed restrictions are less harsh than a complete ‘no-first-use’ pledge, which was dropped by Moscow in 1993."

A similar relaxation was soon to evolve in America, under the second Bush regime (— the one whose Zionist neo-cons shredded international law and introduced pre-emptive wars to rationalise U.S. invasions of sovereign nations on behalf of Israel). America's 'no-first-use' pledge was replaced by notions of a 'winnable' nuclear war. The Infowars report explained that:

"The US’ latest nuclear posture review says that Washington may use nuclear weapons in response to a non-nuclear attack on itself or its allies. It remains vague about the exact circumstances that may trigger such an action. This gave rise to speculation that even a cyber-attack may permit a nuclear response. Meanwhile, a call for the creation of small-yield submarine-launched missiles and nuclear-capable sea-launched cruise missiles have only added to concerns that the US is stocking up for some kind of large-scale conflict."

But they are way behind. Speaking at a meeting with top military brass on Christmas Eve, President Putin said, "Now we have a situation that is unique in modern history when they [the West] are trying to catch up to us. Not a single country has hypersonic weapons, let alone hypersonic weapons of intercontinental range." He added: "It's not a chess game where it's OK to play to a draw. Our technology must be better. We can achieve that in key areas and we will." [AP, 25/12/19]

Lenin's original ruse

Against this background, and so many other indicators — such as the rise in the influence of the KGB’s foreign intelligence successor, the SVR and its military equivalent, the GRU, which is said to date from Vladimir Putin’s election as president in 2000 — Alex Jones rightly rebuked the press corps in Sochi for their chuckling over Putin's comments.

"Some of the press are laughing," he said. "It's not funny. We've cracked the atom. We did it over a hundred and twenty years ago. We've already got even more advanced technology. We can do anything together. And instead, there's an evil force that wants to lure global elites into Armageddon to kill off the population because Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy. It's not funny."

We can be sure that Father Paul Crane, who spent so much ink in these pages exposing the Communist threat, would not be laughing. He would have found all the talk and developments sadly familiar. But is it really a case of Plus ça change...?

Certainly, the more things have changed East and West since the emergence of the atheistic Russia prophesied by Our Lady of Fatima, the more the sabre rattling has stayed the same.

Yet something of far greater consequence has never changed. For, behind the apparent geo-political flux, Cold War rhetoric, and nuclear build-ups, the continued convergence of the supposed protagonists continues, in accord with Russia's long-range policy ("general line") of pursuing global Communism — nowadays referred to as "globalism" or the "New World Order."

This plan goes back to the fake liberalisation of Soviet Russia under Lenin. In the days before alternative media options, his original ruse fooled Western peoples almost entirely dependent on fake corporate news. Toby Westerman, Editor of International News Analysis Today, summarised that first strategic deception:

The Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed left Soviet Russia in ruins. The Bolsheviks,... soon found that... The Revolution faced defeat not from armed opponents, but from internal economic collapse. Lenin,... came to the conclusion that drastic steps were needed... overt Communist hostility to the West must cease — until a more opportune time appeared. After years of revolutionary activity against the capitalist world, Lenin and his Bolsheviks needed an ally to convince the world that real change was at hand in Soviet Russia

Lenin found a media ally in The New York Times, and its correspondent on Russian affairs, Walter Duranty. Because of his service to the Bolsheviks he was allowed into Russia and became the Moscow correspondent for The New York Times, the recognized dean of Moscow correspondents, and the acknowledged authority on all things Soviet.

Duranty and The New York Times also tailored the reporting from Moscow to suit Bolshevik wishes. "Lenin has thrown communism overboard," wrote Duranty in a front page article appearing August 13, 1921. On October 7, 1921, another page one Duranty article proclaimed in its headline that "Russia Gets Back To Individualism," and in the article stated that "The new economic policy [of Lenin] bids fair to bring about a change in Russia almost as complete as the Bolshevist revolution itself."

Lenin's propaganda effort was now under way. The change was called the New Economic Policy (NEP).

During the period of the NEP, other pro-Soviet activists, including Armand Hammer who later controlled Occidental Petroleum, worked to supply needed investment to the Soviet state.

Moscow took advantage of the West's belief that Communism was, as one headline put it, "loosing its grip." During this period, Soviet agents worked successfully to infiltrate and destroy the anti-Bolshevik movements of exiled Russian patriots. The Soviets initiated an extensive propaganda effort within Europe and America, and Soviet spies began their espionage efforts against the U.S. and other Western governments.

Not all of the Bolsheviks approved of the NEP, and Lenin's successor, Joseph Stalin, ended Lenin's "New Economic Policy" in 1928. Many in the Soviet leadership believed that the end of the NEP occurred too quickly, but disagreeing with Stalin was a fatal matter. Stalin's termination of the NEP and that of the lives of many of those connected with the NEP haunted the surviving Soviet elite even after Stalin's death in 1953.

If we are truthful with ourselves, there are aspects of the 21st century which look alarmingly like the most dangerous years of the 20th, and that Communism does not appear to have "fallen" after all. [INA Today, 13 October 2011]

Golitsyn revisited

Many years before the rise of Gorbachev and perestroika (NEP Mk II), KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn was predicting that very eventuality in detailed Memoranda submitted to the CIA, edited versions of which were later published in The Perestroika Deception (1995). Therein, Golitsyn explained how the deceitful Marxist-Leninist 'dialectic' (controlled yet adaptable to changing circumstances) was being boldly applied by Russia on a grand scale.

The web of confusion thus created wore down the Western public and blinded their political elites, who all suspended their critical faculties and accepted the explanation of events crafted by spies, agents of influence, and the media. In her review of The Perestroika Deception carried in our November 1997 edition, Cornelia Ferreira explained that:

The United States has been unable to detect the long-range Communist strategy largely because of disinformation provided by KGB and Chinese spies who have penetrated the CIA since 1958. Perestroika and glasnost so confused American intelligence that it became dependent upon Russian sources. The Ames case, as reported by Time (November 13, 1995), confirms Golitsyn's contention about the confusion in U.S. intelligence services, which have accepted KGB plants as genuine sources. Aldrich Ames spied for Russia from the start of perestroika (1985) to 1994, helping to send ten valuable CIA agents to their death. This betrayal of American trust in perestroika prompts Golitsyn's comment: "The Ames case shows how blind and bankrupt is the American policy of aid to the 'new regime in Russia."

The treachery is not limited to clandestine shadows, however. Despite international appearances to the contrary, relentless political convergence between Russia and America also proceeds on American soil, in plain sight, as detailed in the eye-opening 2003 report by Charlotte Iserbyt reprinted in this edition.

To naive souls of goodwill this seems unbelievable. They are endlessly confused.

On the one hand they see, hear and cheer on the apparently pro-Christian Putin running rings around his hypocritical, anti-Christian, warmongering Western counterparts and their politicised intelligence agencies. On the other, they perceive that today's Russia is not the nation Boris Yeltsin promised.

In a stirring speech in 1992 before a joint session of the U.S. Congress, Yeltsin reassured the American people and the world that communism in his homeland was dead and buried, declaring that "Russia has made its final choice in favour of a civilised way of life.... Liberty will not be fooled. There can be no co-existence between democracy and a totalitarian state system."

Sadly, it was all Dialectic Theatre. Just as Golitsyn predicted.

"The reality has been tragically different," writes Toby Westerman. "As the Soviet Union collapsed, pro-Moscow cronies seized power in the newly established nations arising from the USSR. Russian commercial entities fell into the hands of the well-connected, and murder became a common business tool. In 1999, Yeltsin handed Russia over to "ex"-KGB spymaster Vladimir Putin, and any hope of a "new" Russia crashed. A blossoming free press was ruthlessly crushed, and now Russia is one of the most dangerous places to be a journalist. Russia is again a totalitarian nation."

For Christians, the reality is blurred by Putin's Russia-first patriotism and stance against godless globalisation. Yet is it not the (ongoing) globalisation of Russia's "errors" that has handed him this strategic advantage over the dissolute, 'Marxised' West?

A tangled web! And yet, after a century of relentless Marxist penetration of the highest levels of Western  institutions, sceptics must concede at least the plausibility of Golitsyn's analysis.

Treachery on high

Our November 2019 number, for instance, cited Diana West's forensic examination of Deep State movers and shakers of Marxist stripe: The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy. Moles in plain sight, they continue to foment political strife in their attempt to unseat President Trump. Rather than retreat in shame after their Russia Collusion narrative was exposed as the backside-covering hatchet job it always was (encompassing multiple criminal acts), they have doubled down with an equally baseless (and, practically speaking, impossible) impeachment process. Quite simply, if they don't impeach Trump he wins another term in a landslide, thus prolonging the possibility of a comeuppance for their myriad crimes.

The Deep State desperados in Trump's crosshairs are personified by the creepy and corrupt Joe Biden; the man at the centre of the impeachment that was contrived to save his sorry hide.

For decades, Biden and his family 'monetised' his senatorial and vice-presidential offices. Not least internationally in places like China and Ukraine where, as former New York prosecutor Rudy Giuliani recently put it, "He’s so guilty it’s ridiculous."

Like his legal client Trump and leading Trump's officials, this knowledge puts Giuliani's life at risk. "They want to put (Attorney General William) Barr in prison, and they want to execute me," he said during an address at a Student Action Summit in Florida on 19 December. In an earlier tweet of 23 November 2019 he claimed to have "files in my safe about the Biden Family’s 4 decade monetizing." And he warned: "If I disappear it will appear immediately along with my RICO [i.e., mafia] chart."

So, failing Plan A — Trump's forced resignation under massive media pressure brought to bear by the Russia Collusion hoax — Plan B was always a fraudulent impeachment. From the outset of the Trump presidency, in early 2017, it was reported that the born-and-raised Marxist Barack Obama was leading the charge "to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment, a family friend tells" [1/3/17]. "He's coming. And he's ready to roll," confirmed Obama's former Attorney General Eric Holder.

We have documented Obama's Marxist credentials many times. One could do likewise for his associates: like Valerie Jarrett, his ex-senior advisor and closest friend. The Mail reported that Jarrett, "who lived in the White House, dined with the Obamas, and helped shape his domestic and foreign policies," moved into Obama's nerve centre, his "$5.3-million Kaloroma mansion" a few miles from the White House, to help him build momentum behind the "mounting insurgency" against Trump. Jarrett's Marxist pedigree rivals Obama's.

In June 2015, it was reported that Judicial Watch had obtained FBI documents revealing that family members of Valerie Jarrett were "hardcore Communists" investigated by the government:

According to the report, Jarrett's father, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had a lengthy FBI file showing extensive ties to Communist organizations and individuals. One of those was the Communist-sympathizing group Association of Internes and Medical Students. 

Jarrett's maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, had a business relationship with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, according to Judicial Watch. Stern also had a contact with Bowman. Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, also has an FBI file, the group reports.  "For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI’s Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)," according to Judicial Watch. "His FBI file reveals that he was assigned to write propaganda for a Communist Party front group in Chicago that would 'disseminate the Communist Party line among … the middle class.'"

Jarrett, who has been called President Barack Obama's closest adviser, still has connections to many communist and extremist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood, according to Judicial Watch. "Jarrett and her family also had strong ties to Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor and Communist Party member with an extensive FBI file," the group says on its website. [Newsmax, 23/6/15]

And so it came to pass that the USSR (the Moscow-centred Politburo, Party, Military and KGB elites) gravitated theatrically from communism to 'democracy' (actually mafia-state fascism) without actually dumping the Marxism, while a mixture of this Obama/Jarrett-like Communist infiltration/influence and naked greed morphed Washington's bipartisan Military Industrial Intelligence Complex into a warmongering Western version of Russia — even as the country as a whole, pushed and prodded by  Soviet infiltration and manipulation, was morally corrupted and demoralised faster than the Soviets ever imagined possible (— see Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov's explanation, CO, Nov. 2013).

In the process, America was betrayed and its treasury ransacked by several corrupt presidents (starting with the ruthless GHW Bush, a master of white collar fraud and murderous black ops) and their cronies — leaving unlikely hero Donald Trump the thankless task of regenerating a dishevelled country, all the while fending off this entrenched, ever more desperate 'ruling class.'

Observing the signs of the times during his travels, especially the burgeoning intense dislike of the U.S. in his beloved Africa, Fr Crane was already castigating America for its drift to the dark side in the 1960s. Thus, subsequent staged developments would not have overly surprised him — such as the December 2013 Gallup poll of 66,000 people across 65 nations which found the United States miles ahead of anyone else in answer to the question: "Which country is the greatest threat to world peace?" After all, he possessed a first class understanding of the Soviet dialectical method and its deceptive capacity to turn geo-political tables in bewildering ways. But the extent and impunity of the collusion and complicity involved — the pillaging and degradation of America under the criminal Bush, Clinton and Obama presidencies, and rise of a Washington Swamp controlled by Israeli and US intelligence bribers and blackmailers — might have raised an eyebrow or two.

The Church

Published just a few years before his death, Fr Crane was acutely aware that the totalising agenda of The Perestroika Deception extended to every area of Western life, especially to the life of the Church.

Now that Francis has introduced pontifical compromise and collusion with Communist regimes as a staple of Vatican geo-politics, it is also good to recall Anatoliy Golitsyn's warnings of religious infiltration, as set forth in this further passage from Cornelia Ferreira's 1997 review. In a 1990 Memorandum to the CIA, Golitsyn had warned about the sort of Church relaxation Fr Crane for one had always vigorously opposed:

"The Vatican should reverse its mistaken support for the renewal of the Communist régimes ... It fails to understand that greater apparent official tolerance of religion ... is accompanied by a secret drive to increase Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic and other churches and to use agents therein for political and strategic purposes ... As part of the program to destroy religion from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s [other former Communists say 1930s], started sending dedicated young Communists to ecclesiastical academies and seminaries to train them as future Church leaders. These young Communists joined the Church ... at the call of the Communist Party ... to implement its general line [unchanged policy] in the struggle against religion.

In the present phase, secret agents in the Catholic and other churches are being used to implement Communist strategy."

Ferreira goes on:

The extent of the deception can be gauged by Gorbachev's comment to his Communist cadres in 1987, after he had launched perestroika and religious relaxations: "There must be no let-up in the war against religion because as long as religion exists Communism cannot prevail. We must intensify the obliteration of all religions." [Golitsyn's emphasis]

Golitsyn condemns the participation of Communist leaders at Summits and their visits to the Vatican (which started in 1967) because these meetings give them credibility and the opportunity for manipulation. Remarkably, in 1991, he quoted one of our popes in order to remind the Catholic Church of her duty:

"The statement by ... Pope Pius XII [he must mean Pius XI] concerning the incompatibility and irreconcilability of Communism and religionis as correct as ever. The Vatican should reaffirm this dictum and should use its influence and divisions [Stalin's sarcastic term for loyal Catholic groups] to defend Western values from the new, deadly but hidden Communist assault." [Golitsyn's emphasis]

Ferreira's concluding remark evokes the unnerving spectre of Francis and his seven destructive, communistic years:

Unfortunately, because of her silence, Gramsci's strategy of perverting the Catholic Church is in full swing. The religion of God is being replaced with the religion of Man (and Heaven with an earthly, decadent utopia), facilitating Communist control of de-Christianised minds. Golitsyn assesses the consequences of détente for the Church: "Never in its history since Nero has Christianity faced such a threat of possible destruction."

Dodd claims clarified

This vital religious subset of Russia's long term strategy inevitably recalls Bella Dodd (1904-1969), the ex-Communist who claimed to have sent huge numbers of young Communists to Catholic seminaries in the 1930s.

While her first-hand experience lends further credibility to Golitsyn's analysis, Dodd’s astonishing testimony is sometimes queried: not only due to the extraordinary numbers involved, which many find hard to digest, but also because she did not mention this information during her sworn testimonies in 1950 and 1953 before U.S. Congressional committees, and omitted it from her autobiography.

The silence is problematic because recruitment and indoctrination of "Youth" was one of her specific assignments for the Communist Party of America. It is therefore a matter well worth clarifying.

Over 15 years ago, seeking the truth of the matter, the present writer was in touch with the aforementioned Toby Westerman of International News Analysis, a dedicated observer of Communism. After alerting me to a larger Soviet plan called "Outstretched Hand" that had successfully infiltrated influential Catholic organisations, Mr Westerman explained that his interest in the controverted Dodd testimony had led him to re-interview renowned philosopher Alice von Hildebrand about statements she had attributed to Bella Dodd.

Professor von Hildebrand confirmed to Mr Westerman that during a meeting with she and her husband, the late revered Dietrich von Hildebrand, Dodd, had indeed said: "I, myself, put some 1,200 men in Catholic seminaries."

Furthermore, Prof. von Hildebrand provided him with an affidavit from a couple who witnessed Dodd's public statement. Mr Westerman then contacted the couple who both verified their witness and said that others too had heard Bella Dodd speak about seminary infiltration.

As for Dodd's self-defeating reticence, Alice von Hildebrand reconfirmed that Bella had originally desisted from talking about the seminary infiltration at the request of Monsignor Fulton Sheen (who, in 1950, began instructing the repentant Dodd and guiding her back to the Church).

Weaponised papacy

The importance of this clarification lies in its alarming ramifications. If one Party official sent well over a thousand Communists to the seminaries, the total number planted during that strategic phase must have been stratospheric, and the flow-on effect (even allowing for extensive failures) incalculable.

The slow percolation of alien ideas and notions thus injected into the bloodstream of Christ's Mystical Body reached its first crescendo at Vatican II, famously controlled by "useful (Modernistic) idiots."

The second climax arrived in 2013. For, notwithstanding the omnipresence of the Lodge and other interconnected satanic forces seeking to secularise Catholicism, Francis and his Counter-church may be viewed in significant part as the final unveiling of the supremely arrogant religious face of the Marxist dialectic: which oozed protoplasmic notions like "ecumenism," "human rights" and "social justice" into every groove and fissure in the Church.

For several decades these communistic clichés have exalted the material and debased the supernatural, slowly corroding the Catholic faith of two generations. In particular, "social justice" encapsulated a major goal of Communism: to 'Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion' [The Naked Communist, W. Cleon Skousen, 1958].

It has finally weaponised the papacy itself, with eco-warrior Francis now urging on the Catholic In Name Only aid agencies that predated and prefigured him.

Multi-million pound meal-tickets for social justice warriors who conflate Christian charity with mere philanthropy, these agencies are indistinguishable from their secular counterparts: organisations feeding at the lucrative trough of human kindness while propagating sodomitic "social justice" that mocks Catholicism.

CAFOD, for one, as John Burke reminds us in his series beginning this month, was headed for many years by a homosexual who lived off the local Church while he and his homo-activist 'partner' flagrantly thumbed their noses at the Catechism of that same Church — with episcopal blessing.

 Indeed, Paul Smeaton's update on the continuing episcopal push to embed sodomy in the fabric of diocesan life underlines this Marxised "social justice": a spurious term that mocks God, since only obedience to His Commandments — as perfectly practiced by  St. Joseph, "a just man" [Lk 23:50] — cultivates the true justice our episcopal hireling have emphatically rejected. 

Tragically, the vicious effects of infiltration are set to continue for the foreseeable future, as more "de-Christianised" comrades join Team Bergoglio in Rome. And since Communist China is integral to the perestroika deception explained by Golitsyn, we should keep an eye on Cardinal Tagle of the Philippines.

Known as the 'Asian Francis,' rather ominously he was called to Rome last month to head the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples. Quite apart from his Chinese grandfather, following his appointment the National Catholic Register (10/12/19) revealed his further "close ties with the People's Republic of China."

Subsequently, the Catholic Monitor (16/12/19)noted that as far as it could ascertain, "Tagle has not voiced protests against the Chinese Communist regime's repression of the freedom protesters in Hong Kong." Moreover, as a measure of the ecclesiastical equivalent of that Communist continuity Diana West found among the anti-Trump Deep Staters, the Monitor report added that: 

Tagle is a protegé and ex-student of liberal theologian Joseph Komonchak, who quotes Marxist Terry Eagleton in saying:

"If the human race consisted only of gay Chinese, with the odd heterosexual thrown in to keep the specie ticking over, a good many bloodbaths might have been averted." [Commonweal, "Against some pieties," 23/4/11]

The above quote probably echoes the thoughts of many of the climate change, depopulation, UN globalist elite who presently have deep influence in the Vatican.

The Monitor suggests that "pro-'gay' liberals" fed up with the "financial bumbling and scandals" of Francis might view Tagel as a good replacement due to his "apparent connections to the global Chinese banking community." It makes sense. Despite Putin's current line to the contrary, the unchanging "general line" listed in The Naked Communist is to 'Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy".' Thus, since homosexualisation is a key subset of Communist globalisation, pro-homo, half-Chinese, Marxist-mentored Tagel is the perfect papal replacement to carry on the "Catholic Spring" plotted by the Deep State and exposed by Wikileaks in 2016.

The Quickening

Even as he eyed Cardinal Tagle with deep suspicion, Father Crane would have shuddered at the Vatican's craven convergence with Russia's hegemonic globalist ambitions. After all, he steadfastly fought that unwavering Soviet policy in these pages for decades. Yet despite the precipitous fall from the glory days of the brave, anti-Communist pre-conciliar Church he knew and loved, both the recent conversion and comments of Gavin Ashenden, an Anglican bishop and former chaplain to the Queen, would have lifted his spirits.

Received into the Church by Bishop Davies on the fourth Sunday of Advent at Shrewsbury Cathedral, Ashenden expressed to Church Militant his deep conviction that the Catholic Church is the only alternative to the Marxist tyranny:

In the early 1980s, as a young Anglican priest, I smuggled everything from bibles to medicines for Orthodox and Catholic Christians across the Iron Curtain. My trips to Prague involved carrying theological books to an underground Catholic seminary which continued despite a ban on ordinations. The underground Catholic Church was the only organised and ideological alternative to totalitarianism there. When the Berlin wall fell in 1989, I thought that was the end of Marxism. I and many others were wrong.

You might say! And still they ignore Anatoliy Golitsyn: who not only flagged the cultural Marxism alluded to by Ashenden, but also warned us that the geo-political Marxist train never changed tracks at all. It merely paused to swap carriages and power on by other means towards Lenin's immediate and ultimate objectives: 'convergence' with the West in the short term; replacement of nation states with collective regional governments as building blocks of the 'New World Social Order' — World Government — in the long term. 

Golitsyn accurately predicted the repeat of Lenin's sham liberalisation. But a century after Our Lady of Fatima foretold Russia's persecution of the world, the Church and the Holy Father, not even he could have imagined the diabolic turn of events: that the papacy, the anti-Communist bulwark, would become a bully pulpit for Lenin's strategy and all its attendant anti-Christian agendas — which accelerate by the week and month.

While anti-globalist resistance worldwide is slowing the inexorable advance somewhat, social commentator Patricia Morgan notes the "speeding up of change... throughout all and every aspect of society [through] the power that pressure groups wield throughout the legislature, education, media and political machinery...."

Alex Jones calls it "The Quickening."

Such is the speed of events it seems that time itself is slipping by at a preternatural pace; as if Satan is mounting a final desperate onslaught to refashion mankind in his image before God slams his window of opportunity shut.

But beyond that perception, the faster things change, the more two concrete realities remain: the implacable Marxist train; and the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart, which alone can derail Lenin's devilish dialectic.

Let us pray, therefore, that during this new decade The Quickening will meet The Immaculata, and hit the buffers — before Deep State psychopaths execute a nuclear version of their 9/11 false flag, in order to justify a 'winnable nuclear war'.


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