Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

June-July 2019

Madness Crowned


Insanity in individuals is a rare thing, but in groups,
parties, nations, and in some eras it is the rule.

- Friedrich Nietzsche 


Like footage of the Nuremberg Rallies, every passing day of our current "era" speaks to the truth of Nietzsche's observation.

Back then, fear and cowardice fuelled the national insanity. Yet who would cast the first stone at the German people? The courage to break ranks and call out brutal ideologues brandishing the power of the state is given to very few. Far easier to fall into lockstep with the mesmerised masses.

The collective madness that prevails today, however, is of another cowardly order. For, despite ongoing censorship and ruination of the politically incorrect, there is still no Gestapo-like force tasked with the torture, incarceration and/or murder of workaday dissidents. Certainly, the conspiratorial disregard for justice and personal freedoms at home and abroad point to that globalist denouement.(1) But beyond high-profile smearing and incarceration of 'troublemakers' like England's outspoken Tommy Robinson (brutally targetted by the establishment to dissuade the rest of us), we do not yet sleep with one ear open for the dreaded clamour of jackboots on the stairwell in the dead of night, as Poles did as recently as 30 years ago. Let us thank heaven for small mercies, while we can.

For now, police 'hate crime units' — operating on anonymous tip-offs which they encourage — are primed to unnerve and dissuade by other means.

In New Zealand, for instance, as if to confirm that Trump Derangement Syndrome is not a local epidemic but a global-insanity pandemic, police now visit civilians who simply blog their views against mass immigration to ascertain if they are "Trump supporters."

Well established everywhere, this system of lower-level intimidation ratchets up locally by the year.

As violent crime in London soars to record levels, Mayor Sadiq Khan has 900 officers assigned to "hate crime" duty, monitoring online "speech." Indeed, fatal stabbings and organised crime are at record levels across the entire country, yet police prefer to phone or visit suburban tweeters and bloggers posting lawful opinions online — to warn them, for instance, not to use male and female pronouns to describe... er, males and females.

The mother of a 10-year-old autistic son and a 20-month-old baby was arrested by three police officers in her home for the "crime" of misgendering someone on Twitter.

Similarly, for allegedly calling a confused male (who thinks he's a female) a "he", and possibly referring to someone's transgendered daughter as her "son," in five month-old tweets she couldn't even remember, the Crown Prosecution Service suddenly and belatedly decided that Catholic journalist Caroline Farrow should be interviewed under caution. She was told by Guildford police that using the wrong (read: right) pronoun could be an offence under the Malicious Communications Act; prison sentences under which Act range up to two years.

Meanwhile, a 74-year-old woman who wrote a blog stating "Gender is BS. Pass it on," also received a call from the police.

It's been like this ever since that arrest in late 2004: the one that saw an Oxford student locked up for calling a police horse "gay." The arrest, in other words, that earmarked Britain as Asylum Central. Inured as they are to the insane, overseas subscribers will still find this incident hard to believe. So here are the facts as summarised by columnist Stephen Glover:

A student was arrested after inquiring of a mounted policeman: "Do you know that your horse is gay?" He added: "I hope you are comfortable riding a gay horse". Within minutes the student was surrounded by six police officers and a fleet of patrol cars, handcuffed and thrown into jail for the night. For what was not much more than a Bertie Woosterish joke, he was fined £80. According to a police spokesman, the student’s "homophobic comments" were "not only offensive to the policeman and his horse, but to any members of the general public in the area". It is rather difficult to understand how the horse could have been offended. ["Who’s to blame for our sinister new police?", Daily Mail, 13/12/05]

Thankfully, that wicked farce did provoke derision. Though nowhere near enough, and the mockery turned to nervous laughter as the constabulary dug in to defend the indefensible. Oblivious to the Alice-in-Wonderland world they now occupied, only begrudgingly did they bow to public pressure; still peeved by criticism of imbecilic behaviour worthy of the Queen of Hearts that put an innocent young man through the wringer.

It's been a downhill slalom of injustice ever since. Often beyond all parody, persecutions of the law-abiding have not only rendered satire redundant as a genre, they have now outlawed it.

Despite conceding that no crime had been committed by a man who retweeted a limerick lampooning transgenderism, one English hate-crime cop (aka "community cohesion officer") told the 'offender,' 53-year-old docker Harry Miller, that, nonetheless, his social media activity would be recorded as a "hate incident" against the transgender community — because he (the cop) was an authority on the subject, having attended a course given by a 'transgender person'.

Most portentously, not content with a mere phone call, this pompous, brainwashed apparatchik tracked down Mr Miller and warned him on his doorstep: "We have to check your thinking."

Yes, an officer of the law actually said that. (File it away in the memory bank for future reference.)

But of course, once you've criminalised 'hateful horse-whispering' all bets are off. In that state-sanctioned asylum the Orwellian momentum is unstoppable; the pursuit of thought-crimes inexorable and essential. Hence Harry the Docker being swamped with messages from people genuinely "terrified" to speak out on the issue of transgenderism for fear of what the police might do. Readers will be buoyed, however, by the feisty reactions of both Mr Miller and Caroline Farrow.

Like demons sprayed with holy water, the hate mob shrieked and howled under Mrs Farrow's shower of sanity. "A group of people have... Doxed my children, made violent and sexual threats, signed me up to porn accounts, did the same to my husband, threatened to visit here…," she tweeted.

But she would not yield.

Would not lie.

"I have done nothing wrong, nothing illegal and will happily do jail time for my right to say that people cannot change sex," she said.

For his part, Mr Miller immediately retweeted the 'offending' poem again, changed his Twitter handle to "Harry the Owl — Limerick Criminal," and did rounds of media interviews. "The only way to protect freedom of speech is to keep b****y speaking," the no-nonsense docker told the Telegraph. He even pondered a "limerick tour" of police headquarters with the woman who wrote the offending poem.

Vive le Bulldog Spirit! Vive le Limerick!

Papal U-turn

As American commentator Johnathon Van Maren put it: "In these insane times we live in, a docker can become an activist overnight because trans activists are willing to persecute anyone in their totalitarian attempts to stamp out any opposition to their nonsensical ideology — and truth itself."

Since the social-engineering of future generations is the key to their totalitarian design to refashion reality, principle targets of this persecution are parents: specifically those who try to shield their offspring from sexual deviance peddled in schools.

Until recently, these dutiful souls could always count on the Vicar of Christ for unequivocal affirmation. Sadly, John Paul II did not enforce his firm support for parental rights in this area. But unlike his current successor he certainly did not enable the Marxist war against the Christian family by advocating classroom sex-talk. On a 29 January 2019 flight, during one of his impromptu offerings at high altitude, Pope Francis told journalists:

I believe that we must provide sex education in schools. [...]  It is not always possible [for parents] because... they do not know how to do it. And so the school makes up for this, because otherwise it will... be filled by any ideology.

As Randy Engel details herein, this perverse view at complete odds with the wisdom of previous popes is consistent with Amoris Laetitia —his Modernist-cluster bomb that is blowing the Faith to smithereens. It is also laden with sinister overtones.

Firstly, by airy reference to "any ideology" Francis happily skirts the precise ideology that has ruled "schools" for 50 years, by way of teachers imbued with the depraved spirit and tenets of Cultural Marxism.

Secondly, he has signed off his own infamous sex ed programme, The Meeting Point, that replicates the secular filth (— "in my professional opinion, the most dangerous threat to Catholic youth that I have seen over the past 40 years," fumed psychiatrist Rick Fitzgibbons who treats both victims and perpetrators of clerical sexual abuse).

Thirdly, he espouses public "sex education" in the face of Planned Parenthood's notorious boast that it underpins and fuels their abortion industry, and his own history of protecting sexually deviant clerics: the sort of men whose sexual appetites are sated by children corrupted by the explicit likes of Meeting Point, as Dr Fitzgibbons points out.

In this vital matter, the ensuing articles speak to the duplicity and complicity of the current pontiff and most Western bishops (not least our local hierarchy(2)).

Not content with cutting off the oxygen of moral and scientific truths, they smother us with lies of omission that facilitate classroom child abuse. How their shameful silence contrasts with the courage displayed by Harry Miller and Caroline Farrow before the new overlords of permissible speech!

"Mute dogs not able to bark" [Isaiah 56:10], they make common cause with supine enablers like Lord Agnew, who, in presenting a motion to approve the new homo/trans-laden Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) regulations, commended them as a significant step that will equip children and young people … to lead safe, healthy and happy lives in modern Britain."

Before readily available and voluminous scientific evidence to the contrary, that monumental lie is tantamount to criminal negligence.

Unprincipled cowards

Whether spurious commendations of RSE in particular, or the promotion of group discussion of intimate sexual matters in general, it all represents a vicious betrayal of the little ones and their protective parents — tens of thousands of whom lodged objections to RSE during the 2018 "consultation" period (see pp. 13-14 herein). A further 100,000 then petitioned Parliament against the ideological assault on normative morality and the right to withdraw their children from RSE classes.

The sheer numbers forced a complicit Commons to 'debate' the petition last February, before the Lords paid equal lip service to the massive opposition.

It's a familiar, arrogant pattern.

In 2013, several days before the first vote on same-sex marriage, I prepared a 13-page submission for the House of Lords. Replete with scientific evidence against homosexuality and the damage to the natural family, children and society that would demonstrably flow from the selfish fantasy of homo-wedlock, I first hand-delivered printed copies to the Lords parcel office at Westminster (addressed to each of 24 Lords Temporal in brown A4 envelopes sporting large white stickers emblazoned with a red “URGENT”). For good measure, I then emailed the submission to 26 Lords Spiritual as well. Despite my time and expense, only three (sympathetic Anglican "bishops") bothered to acknowledge receipt.

So, a lousy 6% return from 50 Lords!

Not that it mattered. Truth is not a numbers game. Truth is a Person. And since it's Him we serve, and He who conquers, we simply do our duty and offer up the sacrifice of our persevering efforts.

The non-response merely confirmed the fait accompli-politics of sham democracies run by the "Uniparty": unprincipled politicians 'left' and 'right' who bow low to the loudest lobby without a thought for the disastrous domino-effect of enabling subversive ideologies: like the normalising of the abnormal.

Apropos their vote to legalise same-sex 'marriage' against all the damning facts and realities of homosexuality and homosexual relationships(3), psychiatrist Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg, an authority on homosexuality, neatly summed up the inevitable outcomes waved away by our 'leaders': 

Legalisation of the right of same-sex couples to have children, and preference for them in the placement of children for adoption; Obligatory primary school and even kindergarten education on the equivalence of homosexual and normal marriage and parenting; the same for institutes of post-primary education, higher education, and universities;

Legislation against parents, educators, and Christian ministers, who teach their children otherwise; harsher legislation against activities, acts, and verbal expressions deemed ‘homophobic’;

Legalisation of multiple-partner relationships (polygamy) on a par with normal marriage;

Steps towards legalisation of homosexual and heterosexual paedophile relationships between ‘consenting’ persons, lowering of the age of consent; the recognition of homosexual paedophilia, especially, has always been part and parcel of the gay agenda; 

Abolition of exemptions from all ‘family’ legislation on the grounds of objections of conscience and religion;

Prohibition of publications, public statements, research, pastoral and psychological guidance identified as ‘homophobic’; removal of such publications and books from public libraries;

Prohibition of change-directed counselling and therapy on homosexuality, paedophilia, and other sexual disorders.

[Science says NO!: The Gay 'Marriage' Deception, Lumen Fidei Press, 2015, Kindle Edition, Ch. 12]

Clearly, the latest erosion of the absolute right and duty of parents to form and guard their children pours petrol on this raging fire of Christian intolerance and oppression ignited by the 2013 vote. Yet despite zero threat to their comfortable lives — not even the prospect of a phone call or visit from the constabulary — cosseted Lords more fearful of homo brickbats in the present than millstones in the hereafter [Matt. 18:6] sided with the enemies of free speech and conscientious objection.

Their complicity not only deepened the distrust of authority aggravated by Brexit and homo-clerical abuse betrayals, it cemented classroom pornification.

Far from fostering the "safe, healthy and happy modern Britain" of Lord Agnew's wishful thinking, the RSE programme — stripped of protective truths and filled with toxic 'gay'-ideological fairy tales and lies — will perpetuate and intensify the "sexually toxic environment that damages all areas of our society" (as the Arizona Senate stated in its 6 May 2019 resolution declaring pornography a public health crisis).

Signal insanity

And so another generation of children is handed over to insatiable Sodom: left prey to exploitation by the same deviants who salivated over same-sex marriage, and now receive RSE as a further gift-wrapped opportunity from Hell. As a result, from the ashes of innocence and virtue thus sacrificed by prelates and politicians on the altar of the sin that cries to heaven, populations tailored for the Endtimes will arise: slaves to their passions; docile fodder for the diktats of the Gaystapo Speech Nazis and all agents of Antichrist.

To underline again in red ink: at the forefront of this collective insanity — that leads always and everywhere to idolisation of the State, social enslavement, and the 'cleansing' of 'dissident' elements — is the signal insanity — a degenerate papacy leading the Gadarene rush to the abyss.

This unprecedented — apocalyptic — dovetailing of Church and State calls to mind The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State [1884], Friedrich Engels' plan for "the abolition of the monogamous family as the economic unit of society."

It is not surprising that compulsory state sex education is integral to that Socialist objective. But whoever would've thought that just three years after we last referenced Engels' evil agenda in these pages (April 2010), a Communist-appeasing, heresy-peddling, sex ed-touting pontiff would emerge to enable it. The crowning madness of the ruling asylum.



(1) See, for example, Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump (2019), in which George Papadopoulos details how Western intelligence services (British, Australian, Israeli, etc., in cahoots with the CIA and FBI) conspired to weaponise him — a young, innocent campaign aide — for their own nefarious ends, which all but ruined his life.

(2) Christian Order passim. See also, "How top Catholic leaders betrayed parents and children by promoting sex ed" by Dr Tom Rogers, SPUC Education manager, Calx Mariae (Voice of the Family’s quarterly magazine), Issue 4, Spring 2019; and "England’s Catholic Schools Back State in LGBT Sex Ed Law,", 7/5/19.

(3) See "The Truth About the Homosexual Rights Movement," by ex-homosexual Ronald G. Lee, CO, Jan. 2011. Also, "The Trouble With Gay Men" [BBC 3, 2006], a brutally honest documentary by homosexual Simon Fanshawe depicting his own homo milieu as a "sewer" of degrading casual sex, drug abuse and misery.


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