Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

October 2018

October #101


A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race;... in the second half of the Twentieth Century. No longer does order reign anywhere.  ... He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes.

- The Third Secret


One hundred years, + 1... and counting... and regressing.... with no respite.

Truly, with every year that passes, the terror momentarily experienced by those present at the public miracle of 13 October 1917 assumes more fearful significance.

If the miracle itself was intended to prove the authenticity of the apparitions, the heart-stopping sight of a plummeting sun was a warning of biblical proportions: a show of Divine power that underlined the urgency of the warning to mankind: repent and return to God.

This — the elementary message of the apparitions reinforced by the stupendous public miracle — is Fatima 101.  

In October #101, therefore, we should commit or recommit ourselves to that heavenly call. After all, the prayer and penance required is as simple as the message itself. Along with frequent reception of Holy Communion and regular adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, God, acutely aware of our pathetically weak wills and constant backsliding, has merely prescribed:  

Readily achievable, these Divine Demands have assumed ever greater urgency because men have not returned to God but fled from Him. And now, having institutionalised their mortal sins, they mock His Commandments with unflagging resolve, calling down His just wrath upon us all.

Before these latter-day Bacchanalians (who make the Golden Calf idolators seem like Temperance League revellers) we must guard against the beguiling false mercy of a rogue pontiff preaching unconditional forgiveness to the unrepentant. Tantamount to pouring pontifical petrol on the hedonistic flames, this devilish lie flies in the face of Sodom and Gomorrah. For our hellish predicament in Church and State vividly recalls the depravity of those cities before they were annihilated — and with them "all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth," so that Abraham "looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and the whole land of that country: and he saw the ashes rise up from the earth as the smoke of a furnace." [Gen. 19: 25, 28]

In a 2017 commentary on the Great Miracle of October 1917,(1) Capuchin Father Regis Scanlon, affirmed that: 

The meaning of the “rain” and the threat of the “Sun” crashing to earth, in the context of Our Lady’s warning about avoiding sin, can be grasped by those familiar with Sacred Scripture. For it was the people of Noah’s time that were punished by a flood for taking human life, and it was Sodom and Gomorrah that were punished by fire from the sky for their “sins of the flesh,” especially “sodomy” which is the name given to homosexual acts (Gen. 6-9; 18-19). The threat was an echo of St. Paul’s teaching in the New Testament that “God’s wrath” is coming upon all those who practice “sexual immorality, impurity, and lust” and especially “unnatural lust” or homosexual activity (Col. 3:5-5; Rom. 18-28). So, “God’s wrath” comes down upon the world when murder and sexual impurity — especially homosexual acts — become rampant. Why? Probably because these violations of life and love will bring the world to an end if allowed to continue.

Thus, Our Lady was warning the Church that Satan would try to destroy the Church, especially through the “sins of the flesh,” like bad marriages — made worse by “sacrilegious communions.” The message is that God is highly offended by these evils, and if they are not corrected, He will punish the world as in the days of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah.

[...] There is so much we are not permitted to know, except that we can observe the state of our world, and we know that as of now, it has not repented of these sins of the flesh, or of sacrilegious communions. Instead, everything is growing worse, and at an accelerated rate.

It is that simple. Indeed, nothing could be less surprising than a scorched-earth response to unbridled hedonism waved flagrantly in the face of Almighty God, since:   

  1. The wages of sin is death, of soul and body [Rom. 6:24], and  
  2. He is not mocked [Gal. 6:7]

In which case, at the current exponential rates of sin and mockery that define the "culture of death," a retribution of even greater magnitude surely beckons. "This is becoming a perfect storm of evils all around the world," writes Fr. Scanlon,

and it is not far-fetched at all for people of faith to believe that this rampant acceptance of evil is leading us toward some kind of world suicide, perhaps mutual nuclear self-destruction. Obviously, mankind would not survive nuclear contamination — nor would it want to. This was part of the warning that Our Lady gave to Sr. Lucia after she went to the convent. The case has already been made that, today, we have a choice between Fatima or World Suicide.

The Third Secret

In other words, while systemic sin in a nuclear age progresses like any era — from widespread unbelief to pervasive nihilism to despair — it ends rather differently: not with war but annihilation.

Barring the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart in accordance with Our Lady's express wish, the Fatima-Russia nexus itself alludes to this nuclear endgame: viz., a fiery obliteration presaging a Genesis 19 ("smoke of a furnace") aftermath. And while the essence of the Third Secret is rightly said to be about the apostasy ravaging the Church from the top down,(2) Cardinal Ratzinger for one was not averse to underlining its apocalyptic dimension.

During an interview carried in the 11 November 1984 edition of Jesus magazine, he stated that he had read the Third Secret and that it refers not just to "dangers threatening the faith" of the Christian but also to"the life of the Christian and therefore [the life] of the world." Thus, it refers as well to "the importance of the Novissimi [the Last Times]."

He also equated the Fatima message with the dreadful warning of Our Lady at Akita. "Cardinal Ratzinger personally confirmed to me that these two messages, of Fatima and Akita, are essentially the same," revealed Howard Dee, former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, in an interview with Inside the Vatican magazine. On 13 October 1973, appearing to Sister Sasagawa at her convent in Akita, Our Lady said: 

As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have been before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son.

The late Father Luigi Villa attested that this is precisely the apocalyptic scenario depicted in the one-page text of the Third Secret of Fatima, dated 3 January 1944, which Our Lady herself related to Sister Lucia (— not to be confused with Sr. Lucia's much lengthier text of the vision of the Secret, released by Rome in 2000, which she had sealed in a separate envelope).

At noon on 13 May 1960, Cardinal Ottaviani had held Lucia's sheet of paper in his hands and read the text of the Third Secret. He told Fr. Villa that its contents were contained in a leaked diplomatic report that he himself had written and which, later on, in 1963, he had allowed to be published by the German magazine Neues Europa. Considered by the Vatican to be essential to an agreement on the cessation of nuclear tests, the text was originally intended for the secular powers in Washington, London and Moscow. It was encoded in such a way that although three times the length of Lucia's original text, it was laced with the actual sentences that comprise the Third Secret.

After its initial publication under the title, "The Future of Humanity in the Light of Moscow’s Agreement and the Revelations of the Mother of God at La Salette and at Fatima," the Neues Europa article was subsequently reprinted in numerous publications, including the 15 October 1978 edition of L'Osservatore Romano itself. The actual sentences within it that constitute the Third Secret, which Cardinal Ottaviani had pointed out to Fr. Villa, were included as an appendix to the English edition of Fr. Villa's book Paul VI, Beatified? [2009, pp. 352-53].

In 2011, Dr. Franco Adessa, who had helped prepare that book, asked Fr. Villa in the presence of a witness:

"Do you confirm to me that in the text: “The Third Secret of Fatima” published by Neues Europa in 1963, the sentences that you showed me are actually contained in the original text of the “Third Secret” of Fatima, written by Lucia?"

Without hesitation and with emphasis, he replied: 

"Yes, I confirm."

Shortly before Father Villa died [in 2013], I went back again to this subject, and asked him: Father, what would you think if, one day, I made a testimony about what you told me and what we have already published on the contents of the “Third Secret” of Fatima?"

Calmly, he replied: "You can do it, please, do it."

Unlike John XXIII and his equally fearful successors, therefore, both Luigi Villa and his revered Holy Office mentor Alfredo Ottaviani were keen to have the sobering Third Secret spread far and wide. To the priestly director of a publishing apostolate who requested permission to reprint Neues Europa's apocalyptictext the Cardinal replied: "Print as many copies you like, because Our Lady wanted it to be announced as early as 1960."

Not officially recognised yet never denied by Rome, on the inside front cover of our October 2013 edition we ourselves printed this 25-line Secret made known directly to Sr. Lucia by Our Lady. It contains this dire forecast that largely explains the repeated papal reluctance to comply with Our Lady's demand for its publication in 1960, just prior to the Council: since nobody — least of all neo-Modernist popes basking in a neo-Modernist springtime! — likes being cast as the Devil's instrument:

A great chastisement will fall on the entire human race; not today as yet, not tomorrow, but in the second half of the Twentieth Century. No longer does order reign anywhere and Satan will reign over the highest places directing the course of events. He (Satan) really will succeed in infiltrating to the top of the Church.

Also for the Church a time of Her greatest trials will come. Cardinals will oppose Cardinals; Bishops will oppose Bishops and Satan will march amid their ranks, and in Rome there will be changes. What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again. 

Viganò Breakthrough

This description of internal trials to come would have seemed every bit as improbable as the 1917 prophecy of impoverished Russia rising to threaten mankind.

After all, St. Pius X's frontal assault on the Modernist movement had reinforced the ramparts. The Catholic City set upon a hill still towered over the nations: a fortress of divine authority, truth and justice; a beacon of faith, hope and charity for all mankind.

And yet the crisis precisely forewarned by Our Lady is now the stuff of daily headlines. One hundred-and-one years on, Sodom reigns in Rome, and Satan does indeed march proudly alongside his Sodom-sponsoring, Commandment-breaking brethren on every continent.

Today, moreover, cardinals and bishops oppose not only each other but the Vicar of Christ himself: papal opposition recently taken to another righteous level by Archbishop Viganò.

In his 11-page testimony dated 22 August (released on 25 August), Viganò charges Francis with complicity in the cover-up of accusations made against Cardinal McCarrick of Washington, further insisting that Francis rehabilitated and re-empowered the sexual predator after Benedict had sanctioned and disempowered him. His Grace also depicts a broader pattern of predator-protection involving the pope and his lackeys [see ensuing summary report].

Of course, unlike the ignorant and apathetic, Christian Order subscribers have chosen to know about the homosexualisation of the Church and the consequent sexual abuse horrors and endless cover-ups involving the degenerate likes of Theodore McCarrick, which we have long covered at home and abroad(3)

Our readers have also been informed about Bergoglian complicity in such crimes; not only as Pope but during his episcopal tenure in Buenos Aires.

So for us, on the one hand, it seems like déjà vu all over again. But on the other, a high-ranking cleric stating the facts so plainly could and certainly should be the providential game-changer we need; at least to commence the intense scrutiny needed to kick-start the comprehensive homo purge we have called for in these pages for decades.

Therefore, even as this degradation of Holy Mother Church weighs upon us, we take great heart from the Viganò development and the beneficial domino effect we hope and pray it will trigger. As Pope Emeritus Benedict's personal secretary and head of the papal household, Archbishop Georg Gänswein said at a book presentation in Rome on 11 September:

Even the satanic '9/11' of the Universal Catholic Church can neither weaken nor destroy the truth about the origin of her foundation by the Risen Lord and Conqueror. That is why I honestly have to admit that I perceive this time of a great crisis – which is not anymore hidden to anyone – also as a time of grace [because] the truth will make us free, as Our Lord
has assured us.

Amen! At the same time, an acknowledgement of the damage done by serial papal negligence apropos Fatima would be a further truthful step towards that same freedom. For, had they been informed of the alarming contents of the Third Secret — as commanded by the Catholic Madonna but countermanded by the Modernist Popes — the faithful would have been better equipped to absorb the 900-page Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report released on 14 August (just prior to the Viganò testimony), describing hellish levels of sexual abuse of children, teenagers and young men by several hundred depraved clergy over several decades. At the very least it would've placed the horrors themselves, and the horrendous complicity and cover-ups, within the salutary context of a specific heavenly revelation. 

Then again, Fatima was not the only divine shock-absorber available.

The laity have always had access to other approved Marian warnings about the "heresy, impiety and impurity" of the modern Church (Quito), which has been "infiltrated by the devil" (Akita), as a result of which "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist" (La Salette). Not to mention many saintly prophecies foretelling the precipitous fall of Rome.

Like John XXIII faced with the Third Secret, the modern faithful preferred to pass off all these revelations as irrelevant to our supposedly more enlightened times. If they are now reeling and rocking in exaggerated shock-horror, they must share the blame; for shooting messengers like CO; wilfully shutting their ears and eyes; and refusing to denounce criminally complicit bishops.  

Sanctifying Apostasy

In 1963, Padre Pio himself had confirmed the devilish occupation of the Vatican, telling Fr. Villa that "Freemasonry has already reached the Pope's slippers."

Had the great mystic revealed this publicly, we can be sure that even he would have been ignored by the masses: his revelation dismissed as nonsense. Yet who would dare reduce St. Pio, uniquely gifted and beloved by God, to a 'conspiracy theorist'! In fact, the truth of his explosive charge is evident to anyone familiar with the life and times of the pontiff to whom he referred: Pope Paul VI. (4)

The masonic purview of Pope Paul — which outlook levelled the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and corrupted traditional doctrine and praxis across the board, replacing it with a new humanistic religion — is set forth in extraordinary detail by Fr. Villa in his devastating book-length analysis: Paul VI, Beatified? [see CO, May 2011].

Among very much else, the book also details his treachery.

Firstly as pro-Secretary of State under Pius XII, when his clandestine dealings with Moscow and Communist heads of state cost the lives of many Catholics behind the Iron Curtain. And then later as Pope, when he sold out several anti-Communist Cardinals and the untold millions of victims of the Soviet regime they represented.

Before the evidence painstakingly assembled and laid out by Fr. Villa, the impending canonisation of Paul VI by Francis, his fellow Apostle of Revolution, is the latest iron-clad evidence of Satan "infiltrating to the top of the Church," as Our Lady forewarned.

And if further proof is demanded, there is, of course, that other matter.

The one which dovetails in unholy fashion with the Viganò accusations, the Grand Jury Report, and the further flood of clerical homo-debauchery revelations the Report has already triggered in America and Germany.

The scandalous "matter" that makes Pope Paul's canonisation a matter of Pride, as it were, for the Lavender Mafia — for two reasons.

Firstly and simply, because he was one of them. According to Fr. Villa's assistant, Franco Adessa:

Father Villa was aware of the fact that Cardinal Pietro Palazzini had sent a letter to the Postulator for the "cause of the beatification" of Paul VI that contained the names of the last homosexual lovers of Paul VI. Cardinal Palazzini was an authority in this field, because the Cardinal held two binders of documents that demonstrated, unequivocally, the impure and unnatural vice of Paul VI.

Then, Father Villa wrote a letter to the Postulator, referring to what he had known from Cardinal Palazzini.

Many other credible sources down the years have testified to Pope Paul's habituation to the vice of homosexuality.(5) But it was the concrete knowledge and information about this hidden life possessed by the unimpeachable scholar and theologian Pietro Cardinal Palazzini, who himself served as Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints from 1980 to 1988, that abruptly derailed Pope Paul's original cause for beatification.

In fact, the evidence that Cardinal Palazzini and Fr. Villa provided to the authorities in the 1990s was so compelling that the cause collapsed despite John Paul II having expressed "great joy" at the opening of the cause, and praying that "the Lord may grant us to behold, as soon as possible, this Servant of His elevated to the honours of the altars."  

The second reason for smug and gleeful hugs all round within the 'gay' milieu is their not unreasonable conclusion, especially in light of the Grand Jury Report, that raising Pope Paul to the altars signifies the simultaneous raising of "Who am I to judge?" from  de-facto to infallible dogma. For as Randy Engel concludes in The Rite of Sodomy, her five-volume magnum opus:

There can be no question that Pope Paul VI’s homosexuality was instrumental in the paradigm shift that saw the rise of the Homosexual Collective in the Catholic Church in the United States, at the Vatican and around the world in the mid-20th century. [...] Most importantly, the long-guarded quasi-secret of Paul VI’s homosexual life has, for decades, contributed to the silence and cover-up by the American hierarchy on the issue of homosexuality in general and the criminal activities of pederast priests in particular.

From the outset, the real purpose of "this scheme to raise to the altars the two Popes of Vatican II [John XXIII and Paul VI]," wrote Fr. Villa, "[was] in order to manifest the supernaturalness of Vatican II, and consequently of this New Church with its Reforms, despite the explicit declaration of Paul VI himself when he spoke of the 'self-destruction afoot within the Church' (for which he himself was primarily responsible!)."

It is within that overarching agenda that the New Church (aka FrancisChurch) seeks to effect a sanctification of "the filth" (aka "the apostasy at the top"): to canonise a homo-pontiff at the height of revelations of unimaginable depravity perpetrated by homo-clerical abusers in a local Church defined by a generational homo-culture that the same pontiff cultivated by selecting and advancing many notorious sodomites (Rembert Weakland, Joseph Bernadin, and their heirs.

Reprieve and Russification

Barring a show of divine displeasure even more emphatic than those biblical lightning strikes that lit up St. Peter's in the immediate aftermath of Benedict's resignation, this contrived and insidious canonisation will go ahead this month. It represents a new low.

Yet only the smug and deluded would dare to imagine we have bottomed out!

According to Our Lady of Fatima, a far worse sinful reckoning is still to come, both for the Church and the world, if men persist in ignoring her message:

The Church will be darkened and the world deranged by terror. A great war will break out within the second half of the Twentieth Century. Fire and smoke will fall from Heaven, the water of the oceans will become vapours and the foam will rise up and flooding and sinking everything. Millions and millions of people will die by the hour and the survivors will envy the dead.  

Death will reign everywhere for the errors committed by the foolish and by the partisans of Satan, who, then and only then, will reign over the world. ...

The sense of urgency in sending this Neues Europa text to the Western powers was doubtless due to Our Lady's very specific time frame for this "great chastisement": viz., "the second half of the Twentieth Century." In which case, nearly twenty years into the next century, it is tempting to look back and breathe a sigh of relief. However, as Benedict XVI declared before 500,000 pilgrims on 13 May 2010: "He who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded deceives himself."

Indeed his own dramatic resignation just three years later seems inexplicably tied to the fulfilment of the Third Secret. Ditto the rise of his heretical successor, who, together with his cabal of infiltrators, has surely reignited the divine wrath we barely dodged in the 80s.

Back then — in an era shown by declassified documents to have been forever teetering on the brink of nuclear annihilation — we ducked our just desserts at the eleventh hour; thanks to the Rosary and the merciful allowance made by Almighty God for John Paul II's deficient consecrations (of the world, not Russia) to the Immaculate Heart [See CO, Oct. 2017]. Performed on 7 June 1981, 13 May 1982, and 25 March 1984, they gave us the break-up of Soviet Communism, and bought us time.

Alas and perversely, Western peoples have used that divine reprieve to further ingest and spew forth Russia's "errors" — donning a Soviet-like PC straitjacket to oppress themselves and persecute others into the bargain.

Meanwhile, their global overlord, America's Deep State complex, has instigated illegal, unnecessary and catastrophic pre-emptive wars; endless coups; mass global surveillance; international criminal networks and operations; and wholesale corruption of the U.S. body politic — all of which match and often far exceed the domestic corruption and foreign designs of Vladimir Putin's mafia state.

For instance, if the organs of Russian law and order are notoriously corrupt — as documented by the likes of Anna Politkovskaya [Putin's Russia, 2007] and Edward Lucas [The New Cold War, 2008] — so is America's hyper-politicised criminal justice system — as revealed repeatedly and dramatically since the emergence and victory of Donald Trump.

This chronic U.S. corruption is also laid bare in Al Martin's unique ("100% non-fiction") exposé, The Conspirators [2002]. A former Iran-Contra insider, Martin records, among much else, that in 1993 an attempt was made "to present the secret Amnesty International Report stating that there were over 1,200 U.S. citizens wrongfully incarcerated because of what they knew about Iran-Contra. Unfortunately, it got destroyed before it could be disseminated outside Congress." (He names, however, the person who retained a copy.) Twenty-five years later, how many more political prisoners now languish in American jails due to crooked lawyers and judges? And how does George Soros buying influence across the country through his massive funding of candidates for local and state criminal justice positions not Putinise/debase the U.S. criminal justice system still further? 

Russia's "Errors" R Us

Last month, Vladimir Bukowsky neatly summarised how closely the EU (a Deep State vassal) approximates the totalitarian character of the Soviet apparatus under which he suffered so terribly. But the easiest means of recognising this Socialist reshaping of the West, as prophesied at Fatima, is to turn once again to The Naked Communist.

Recorded in the U.S. Congressional record, this renowned work was written by FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen, who used the best intelligence of the FBI during its investigation of Communist infiltration of America. His selection of the stated goals of Communism is a startling mirror of our degraded, bread-and-circus pseudo-culture:

This is how the global corporate state manipulates, controls and exploits voracious Western consumers and holds them in godless thrall: by corralling them in Russia's "Errors" R Us, Inc..

Demonic Common Core

And then of course there is that other Soviet 'export': abortion.

In 1920, Russia became the first country to legalise the murder of unborn children. Today, with a population of 143 million and 1.2 million abortions each year, it still boasts the highest abortion rate in the world per capita. Not to be outdone, Western powers responded with abortifacient contraception-and-back-up-abortion-on-demand to effect a similar demographic meltdown; the myriad destructive effects of which burgeon by the year, shoring up massive social, economic and healthcare problems for future generations. 

Beyond the power, the money and the sex, abortion alludes to the devilish common interest of the most heinous denizens of the Deep State and the Dark Church: destruction of innocence.

Our recent editions have sought to convey something of the crony capitalism (fascistic socialism) that explains so much about the suicidal trajectory of current events. Yet we have hardly touched the surface of that political corruption, never mind its hedonistic underbelly, or its deepest, darkest core: the sexual abuse (to include ritual abuse), enslavement and trafficking of children.

Now a global epidemic — the government estimates that 50,000 British children alone are enslaved by local drug-dealers! — it is common in circles of great wealth and power. This became evident yet again during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign when the corporate masters of the mainstream media censored coverage of scandals that tied a Washington clique within Hillary Clinton's milieu to child abuse and the occult. The palpable desperation and intensity of the cover-up called to mind a statement by the late Ted Gunderson, who declared in 2005:

I was the [FBI] senior special agent in charge of the LA Office. … I developed information personally, about just extensive corruption in the government... across this country.... It involves drugs, it involves pornography, involves prostitution, it involves [the] occult, paedophilia. The bottom line is to take over the country and the world.

In the 1990s, Gunderson had also assisted former Nebraska Senator John DeCamp in exposing a nationwide child-trafficking/sex-slave network that reached to the highest echelons of both political parties (—investigation and prosecution of which was obstructed at every stage, often murderously, by the same powers who shut down mainstream reportage of similar revelations about Hillary's Washington set).  

The point (not least for those unwilling to accept the shocking truth about Paul VI), is that corruption is most often much worse than the bad bits we are allowed to glimpse. The reported cases of clerical "filth" only ever represented the visible tip of the mass of wickedness below — as now revealed in the Grand Jury Report. Detailing crimes committed against innocent children, teenagers and young men by priests of Jesus Christ, it describes inconceivable violence, sacrilege and blasphemy; satanic acts that enfleshed the whispering serpents of the seven deadly sins: "the world rulers of this darkness... the spiritual hosts of wickedness on high."  [Eph. 6:12]

Father Gary Thomas, the exorcist for the Diocese of San Jose, California, is in no doubt about this supernatural reality:

Convincing people that no one will believe them is what Satan says when something is so outside the bounds of what is reasonable as to be unbelievable. Reading the accounts of what those children in Pennsylvania went through we wonder, how could this happen? It’s other-worldly — outside what people thought was possible — that’s what makes it demonic. By sexually abusing children, Satan desires to destroy the icon of the kingdom of God. He wants to destroy the most innocent version of humanity, which is the child. [National Catholic Register, 5/9/18]

Warning that "it’s only going to get worse," Fr. Thomas calls on all Catholics to pray and fast and to act wherever possible to root out evil. His many personal confrontations with demons have taught him that "prayer, fasting and the sacraments are efficacious." He adds, however, that "it cannot be without the intentionality of action that comes out of prayer. We want prayer to change us and we are praying for a change in the whole Church, all the way up."

Maternal Solicitude

As for cleaning house, he rightly insists that "It can’t just be the removal of a few. It has to be a complete reshaping of the paradigm of the way our Church governs; we need a complete cleaning up." The laity will have to do this, he says, because "The bishops don’t know how to do it." He encourages Catholics to be strong and be prepared to persevere. "We are in for a long storm. The clouds are just starting. But as bad as it is, it has to come out. It is unacceptable."

Well, yes, it is. Yet the apocalyptic Third Secret suggests that God views this destruction of innocence, and fouling of His Holy Church by sins which "cry to heaven," as far beyond the merely "unacceptable." Quite frankly, before the tsunami of "errors committed by... the partisans of Satan" who currently "reign over the highest places directing the course of events" in Church and State, as Our Lady prophesied, one can only marvel at her maternal power to mollify her Son's wrath (—thus far!).

Even now, amid this latest rash of mega-scandals, we perceive her motherly intercession on our behalf. For, as the storm clouds accumulate and gather — even as one Communist-appeasing, homo-coddling papal revolutionary prepares to canonise another — the confluence of the painful Grand Jury findings and the brave Viganò accusations form a single silver lining: a hopeful sign and providential opportunity that must be seized before the Lavender Mafia resumes satanic business as usual. 

Meantime, in October #101, let us return to Fatima 101: to the elementary message; to living its simple demands; and, lest we lose heart, to the joyful anticipation of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart — when "What is rotten will fall, and what will fall will never rise again."

Our Lady of Fatima, ora pro nobis!



(1) "Fatima and the “signs of the times” needs a closer look", Homiletic & Pastoral Review, 20/1/17.

(2) September 1984, Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, the Bishop of Fatima, insisted that "Its [the Third Secret’s] content concerns only our faith. To identify the Secret with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear holocaust is to deform the meaning of the message. The loss of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a nation."

(3) Apropos endemic English corruption, the November 2007 editorial, "Infiltration and Blackmail," and the November 2010 editorial essay on the papal visit, "Triumph, Tragedy and Stardust," are representative. On the U.S. front, and McCarrick in particular, see the June/July 2006 editorial essay, "Homosexual and Paedophile Clergy: Liberal Catholicism’s Gift to the Church - PART I," containing the testimony of McCarrick whistle-blower Fr. James Haley. There is more on the perverse McCarrick in PART II (Aug/Sept, 2006), where the tragic fate of the brave Fr. Haley is also recounted.

(4) Alone, the masonic imprint on his mother's grave in Brescia speaks volumes. When Franco Adessa asked Fr. Villa who had authored these drawings and symbols of freemasonry which adorn the headstone (photos of which can be tracked down on Google), Fr. Villa replied: "The author of that set of symbols was Msgr. Giambattista Montini [Paul VI]. I got this information directly from Cardinal Ottaviani and Cardinal Palazzini."

(5) Franco Bellegrandi is one such source. A respected academic and contributor to L’Osservatore Romano, he was also a papal chamberlain of Paul VI. In 1977, he wrote a book titled, Nichita Roncalli controvita di un Papa ["Nikita Khrushchev and Roncalli - Unknown Aspects of a Pope"].Finally published in 1994 by Ediziones Eiles, Rome, and launched in the presence of the redoubtable Cardinal Sylvio Oddi, Bellegrandi describes the emasculation of the papal court, as flagrant effeminates followed Cardinal Montini from Milan to the Vatican.   



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