Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

August-September 2018

Deep State Armageddon

"Russia's Errors" vs Russia : 3



I hope that Washington is not so insane that they actually want war. ... Washington's gone too far. It really is beyond reckless. Beyond irresponsible.

- Paul Craig Roberts (4/4/18)

The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are pushing so recklessly hard and hate the fact that I'll probably have a good relationship with Putin.

- President Trump (tweet, 19/7/18)


The Deep State-within-the-State is a spider's web of political, judicial, corporate, military, intelligence, bureaucratic and, above all, financial and banking interests. Wheels within strategic wheels across this broad spectrum of public/private self-serving both protect and sustain it at local, national and international levels.

Occasionally, media scrutiny and/or public prosecution of global criminal scams like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International during the 1970s/80s, and currently the Clinton Foundation, provide a glimpse of the tangle of conspirators, and the complex corporate/financial/political arrangements that add layer upon layer to distance the elite orchestrators from the rest of the pyramid. In any event, the first-tier all hold so much dirt on each other that mutual protection and continuity is assured.

As for whistle-blowers, the lower-level variety are either bought off, blackmailed, ruined, or murdered with impunity. Exposure and defiance at the highest levels by uncontrollable presidential forces like JFK, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, sometimes leads to assassination (JFK) but more usually is handled by a controlled press. President Putin's complaint at the recent Helsinki summit of a massive swindle involving the transfer of $400 million of ill-gotten (untaxed) Russian gains to Hillary Clinton's election campaign, for example, was either totally ignored, or mentioned but not pursued. The media compounded this dereliction of duty by downplaying President Putin's further pointed reference to the transnational conniving of Hillary's nefarious backer, George Soros. 

In the competitive landscape of the 1970s, when 90% of the media was spread among several dozen companies, those two stories alone would have compounded into acres of hard copy, dominating news for months by way of background features, follow-up reports, and so forth. An editor's dream.

Today, on the other hand, in a shrunken media market where over 90% of the media is controlled by a mere half-dozen multi-national corporations, both Putin's sensational revelation about Hillary and his rebuke of Soros were rapidly consigned to the non-news basket. Long starved of the factual reporting and the objective, unbiased analysis essential to a truly democratic process, a hapless public were spoon-fed still more corporate disinformation (aka Fake News) at the service of misdirection.

This involved saturation coverage of Western leaders venting their spleens on behalf of their Deep State sugar daddy, as they queued up to condemn the American President's failure to give his Russian counterpart a jolly good thrashing at the press conference.(1) This frenzied attack on Trump, given legs by a slip of the presidential tongue, served to mispresent and undermine his responsible attempt to seek co-operation with Russia through meeting with its leader (standard diplomatic protocol for a sitting president and for his Cabinet).

Noted political commentator Pat Buchanan, who served in the Nixon and Reagan administrations, has himself run for president, and as a Catholic of traditional bent is well aware of the Fatima-Russia nexus, denounced the nonsensical rage. He told Newsmax TV (17/7/18) that Trump "clearly does not want a second Cold War. Yet, there are people inside this Beltway [read: Washington swamp] who want it and believe it's necessary. That's the historic point of the whole seven days. But as for what happened at the press conference," Buchanan continued, "clearly the president misspoke, and he's corrected himself. I've never seen such a hostile media. It is real hysteria — and many of these individuals are supposed to be not commentators but objective, neutral journalists."

In fact, the hysteria kicked off a month before the summit. Determined to heap pressure on Trump, these 'journalists' flooded the world's media with false and/or slanted coverage of (pre-Trump) government policies enforced at the Mexican border. Via words and images, such as a Photoshopped cover of TIME magazine that falsified the reality it purported to show, President Trump was depicted as a heartless monster. As Buchanan recalled on 20 July at, reporters were "comparing the separation of immigrant kids from detained adults, who brought them to the U.S. illegally, to [President Roosevelt's] concentration camps for Japanese-Americans. Some commentators equated the separations to what the Nazis did at Auschwitz."

Referring to "the rhetorical WMDs hurled at Trump: Liar, dictator, authoritarian, Putin's poodle, fascist, demagogue, traitor, Nazi," he reminded the press that "Such language approaches incitement to violence." And he warned: "One wonders if the haters are considering the impact of the words they are so casually using. Some of us yet recall how Dallas was charged with complicity in the death of JFK for slurs far less toxic than this."

In the same vein, during his earlier Newsmax interview Buchanan fumed that Trump's summit slip-up was being incorrectly compared to "Kristallnacht and Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and other historical events — and it is just absurd. It's hard for me to see how any of these journalists go back to being objective correspondents in the White House press corps after this performance. Whatever Mr. Trump said, it's not a capital offence. It's not a hanging offence — and he's corrected himself."

Deep State derangement

The fabricated hysterics showcased once again the shameless ease with which corporate mass media inverts reality and controls the explanation of daily events for the benefit of elite crooks — who, since they have trillions at stake in all of this, must see off the unforeseen interloper threatening their booty. 

"The post-Helsinki hysteria reveals not merely the mindset of the president's enemies," noted Buchanan, "but the depth of their determination to destroy him. They intend to break Trump and bring him down, to see him impeached, removed, indicted and prosecuted, and the agenda on which he ran and was nominated and elected dumped onto the ash heap of history."

And yet they protest too much. Their latest onslaught only served to remind Trump supporters worldwide of the huge debt they owe him for exiting his luxurious comfort zone to enter a combat zone; for placing his life and his family in peril by first denouncing and then standing four-square against his enemies on their behalf — i.e., for faith, life and sovereignty, and against abortion-fuelled population control at the eugenic service of godless globalism.

Of course, like all politicians he is far from perfect. Just as every past occupant of the Oval Office is very far from the Catholic ideal: embodied in Ecuador's heroic nineteenth century president, Gabriel Garcia Moreno.(2) And he is accountable for his actions like all elected officials. But the anti-Trump tirades still spewing out of Deep State news wires and publications well into the second year of the Trump presidency are not voices of reason expressed for the common good. They are orchestrated manifestations of a genuine affliction: Trump Derangement Syndrome [TDS].

A toxic societal condition which says far more about the globalist decriers than their anti-globalist target, the Urban Dictionary defines TDS as:

"a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason."

This description gels with the experience of clinical psychologist Jennifer Panning who calls it "Trump Anxiety Disorder" because "symptoms were specific to the election of Trump and the resultant unpredictable socio-political climate." "There is a fear of the world ending," adds [Washington] DC Counseling and Psychotherapy Center founder, Elisabeth LaMotte, referring to some of the President's decisions. "It’s very disorienting and constantly unsettling," she told Deep State-megaphone CBS. "Is he gonna blow us all up?" asked one of her patients.

Yes indeed, TDS is rooted in the perverse yet entirely predictable claim that it is not the Deep State criminal elites and their planetary network of self-serving sell outs who are stoking God's wrath and bringing on Armageddon, but, rather, D. J. Trump.

Another textbook example of how you can cover over and totally distort the plain truth of any situation when you control the media mantras dictating the narrative of world affairs, the domestic consequences of this deception were flagged earlier by Pat Buchanan. For, beyond the End Time-'issues' of souls in therapy, TDS is ramping up severe violence and poisoning relations across America; where talk of a "second civil war" is no longer whispered on the violent fringe but shouted in suburbia. 

For starters, it is providing Soros-funded thugs like Antifa (now officially designated a "domestic terrorist" group) with a convenient excuse to continue its reign of terror on American streets: e.g., hooded Antifa members, "armed with sticks and shields and clad in shin pads and gloves" — per the Deep State's Washington Post — recently rampaging through the streets of Berkeley to attack a peaceful rally, assaulting five people.

It is engendering violence against pro-Trump politicians and their families. Some examples: the near fatal shooting of Republican Steve Scalise and the wounding of three other Republican congressmen at a baseball practice game by a left-wing activist; actor Peter Fonda inciting violence against the President's son by tweeting that someone should "rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles"; death threats made against Republican Brian Mast's children by a Florida Democrat Party activist; Florida's Trump-supporting Attorney-General Pam Bondi needing a police escort to deal with hecklers confronting her at a cinema in Tampa where, she said, "Thugs cursed me one inch from my face." Senator Rand Paul (whose ribs were broken in a TDS attack) has lamented that TDS has infiltrated the Senate.

White House staff are also suffering: e.g., the refusal of the owner of a Washington restaurant to serve Trump's press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, asking her to leave, and then boasting about it; and the accosting of White House aide Stephen Miller "at a Mexican restaurant by a patron calling him a ‘fascist’," as reported  by the New York Post. Indeed, the Democrat leadership itself is encouraging this unspeakable behaviour. Congresswoman Maxine Waters is calling on supporters to confront and harass Trump administration officials when seen in public. She raged:

They’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store. The people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them.

Workaday Trump supporters are also in the firing line. The aforementioned Elisabeth LaMotte has treated some of them, mostly because friends and families have alienated them for publicly supporting the President. While Washington therapist Steven Stosny recounted treating a member of the Trump administration and the toll it took on his family-life. "His daughter was starting to hate him," he said. "It was very hard on his spouse, too. The wife couldn’t take it anymore. It’s tough when one spouse is at war with the children." Stosny’s patient left the administration, and the couple divorced.

Trump himself tweeted about TDS on 18 July, saying those on the left "would rather go to war" with Russia than see a peace talk. Quite. It is this Deep State derangement, easily passed off as reason in our gender-swapping Alice in Wonderland world, that points to nuclear Armageddon; a prospect aided and abetted by Bush Republicans: the Never Trumpers. As the editor of The American Spectator [TAS], Emmet Tyrell recently remarked: 

I could understand if the Never Trumpers were six weeks into the Trump Administration. They had never been confronted by an energetic administration such as Trump’s and they could not imagine that such an administration would be so successful and so conservative. When the real estate developer from Manhattan said he was going to Make America Great Again they cringed. But now we are over a year into his administration and Donald has shown that he is the most conservative president since President Ronald Reagan and the most successful. All the Never Trumpers can do is join the Democrats in making mischief for him. [TAS, 25/7/18]

Unlike the 1950s and 60s, however, this mischief-making and fury of bi-partisan TDS is not the discordant noise of a false ideology emanating from Soviet moles and "useful idiots" implanted in every sphere of American public life. Today's seditious clamour is far more banal. It is merely the sound of greed and self-interest; of globalist cages being rattled by a billionaire playboy-turned-people's champion, who is panicking vested interests high and low into breaking cover to maintain their powerful seat on the Deep State gravy train — and/or, for very many, to escape serious jail time.

A glimpse of just a few TDS-afflicted vermin puts the President's job of draining the Washington swamp, and our consequent chance of dodging the Fatima ultimatum, in daunting perspective.

Denizens of the Deep State

Swamp rat #1: the Islamophile

Typical of the breed is former CIA Director, John Brennan. Post-Helsinki, this Trump-loathing swamp-dweller surfaced to furiously decry the President's apparent lack of confidence in U.S. intelligence agencies — the same ones, that is, which have set up, framed, relentlessly harassed and poorly advised him, and given the rest of us Orwellian surveillance, endless criminality, chaos and death worldwide.

"Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors”," screech-tweeted the delirious Brennan. "It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin."

This from a man who has confessed to voting for the USA Communist Party's 1976 presidential candidate (which act, he said, made him very anxious about undergoing a polygraph test for admission to the CIA in 1980)! During his term as CIA director, Brennan's inglorious record of obfuscation, mendacity, conniving and hacking included the CIA spying on members of Congress — indeed the entire Senate Intelligence Committee!

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul also insists that in 2012, when Brennan was Obama's top White House adviser on counter-terrorism, he "helped compromise" a highly sensitive intelligence operation and risked an agent’s life after giving classified information to a group of former Obama advisers-turned-TV commentators. He informed the group that Washington had "inside control" of a Yemen terror plot through a double-agent. One of the TV talking heads then blabbed this highly sensitive information on national television. "As a result of leaks," reported Reuters in 2012, "the undercover operation [the successful penetration by Western spies of AQAP, "al Qaeda’s most creative and lethal affiliate"] had to be shut down." On 23 July 2018, Senator Paul tweeted: 

Is John Brennan monetizing his security clearance? Is John Brennan making millions of dollars divulging secrets to the mainstream media with his attacks on [Donald Trump]? Today I will meet with the President and I will ask him to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance!

Brennan epitomises the Olympian arrogance of Deep State trough-feeders who operate safe in the knowledge that the media will pass over their lucrative trade in serial lies and hypocrisy, especially when it comes to President Trump and Russia. In early 2017, Brennan said during an interview with 'progressive' PBS [America's Public Broadcasting Service]:

What Russia did in Syria, using the "scorched earth" tactics, which led to the destruction and the deaths of thousands of civilians, the USA would never do in any of its military conflicts.

Lacking all restraint and self-awareness, Brennan made this statement just two days after recognition by Washington that the strikes of the international coalition under US leadership in Iraq and Syria had led to the deaths of 188 civilians since the beginning of operations against ISIS.

A representative of Russia's Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, shot back that Brennan needed to revise his knowledge of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Agent Orange, and the major wars of the last decades in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya which, he said, were unleashed by the United States [read: Deep State Military-Industrial Complex] in response to false CIA intelligence and ended with the destruction of the economic infrastructure of these countries. "And it is no coincidence," he added, "that the contracts for the reconstruction of the largest economic and infrastructure projects strangely have been awarded to the largest American corporations close to the CIA and the Pentagon." Ouch!

Showing up fake news-portal PBS for allowing Brennan's rank duplicity to go unchallenged, Konashenkov continued on to the Syrian conflict as another prime example of the "scorched earth" tactic:

The outgoing head of the CIA Brennan is well aware that the "international coalition" long before the start of the operation by the Russian forces, since 2012 systematically and consistently destroyed the entire economic infrastructure of Syria in order to maximally weaken its legitimate government.

According to Konashenkov, this was done in spite of all the hardship for the civilian population that resulted in millions of refugees. "Sooner or later they will have to answer for all of this," he concluded.

Notwithstanding murderous acts of injustice perpetrated both within and without Putin's Russia that the Russian state, too, will "have to answer for," Maronite Archbishop Joseph Tobji of Aleppo would surely concur with Konashenkov. Last June, addressing the European Parliament in Brussels, His Grace warned that Western (Deep State) economic sanctions are "killing the Syrian people in the same way the weapons are." He asked: "Why do the children and sick people have to die just for lack of medicines? Why do the unemployed who have lost their jobs have to die of hunger because of the embargo?" Iraqi prelates once posed similar queries.

The Archbishop also stated that migration had reduced Syria’s Christian population to a third of its pre-2011 total, with estimates indicating it is now below 500,000. "If the Christians disappear," he warned, "there will be many problems, both for their own country and for Europe, which is not so many miles away."

Soviet-like subversion

But don't expect the terrible plight of Syrian Christians or the fallout for Christian Europeans to elicit any sympathy from John Brennan. Appointed by President Obama to head the CIA in 2013, like Obama and his other comrades, Brennan is not only a virulent Trump hater but also an egregious Islamophile who waxes lyrical about Islam at every opportunity. In his recently released best seller, Killing the Deep State, Jerome Corsi reveals that:

On February 13, 2013, in a speech to New York University School of Law students that the White House posted on You-Tube, Brennan, then the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, included a lengthy statement in Arabic that he did not translate for his English-speaking audience. Noting that he was an undergraduate at the American University in Cairo in the 1970s, Brennan proceeded to use only the Arabic name, Al-Quds, when referring to Jerusalem. Brennan commented that during his 25 years in government, he spent considerable time in the Middle East as a political officer with the State Department and as a CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. "In Saudi Arabia, I saw our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medina," he said. "I marveled at the majesty of the Haj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims of making that pilgrimage."

A suicidal Deep State trademark, this romanticising of Islam's totalitarian creed was plainly reflected in the ready placement of Muslim Brotherhood-linked officials at the highest levels of the Obama administration.

Egyptian magazine, Rose El-Youssef confirmed six such influential Muslims, including: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, Homeland Security Advisory Council; and Eboo Patel, President of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships. It also noted that these and several other Obama appointments had turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organisations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."

Around the same time, in a June 2012 letter sent to Homeland Security and heads of other agencies, five Republican Congressmen also flagged the Brotherhood infiltration. This included Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputy chief of staff and inseparable friend, who is the daughter of top Muslim Brotherhood leader Syed Abedin. Her mother Saleha Abedin, is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Huma herself worked for the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda arm for years, through her family’s Saudi-sponsored Islamic journal, Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. She is listed as "assistant editor" in the 2002 issue wherein her mother suggested the 9/11 attack was inevitable because of American sanctions and injustices committed against Iraq and the Muslim world. Huma even passed to her mother for vetting, remarks Hillary had prepared to deliver to a women's college in Saudi Arabia. [World Net Daily, 15/9/17] Unsurprisingly, on 2 January 2018, the President tweeted: "Huma Abedin has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents."  

The Muslim Brotherhood — which Obama and Hillary utilised in destabilising Libya — is the renowned umbrella group for Islamic terrorist groups around the world, calling for restoration of the Muslim caliphate and ultimately global dominance. These appointments, therefore, not least the handing of a high post in the State Department to a member of the Abedin family, hark back to the post-war subversion of the U.S. government by Soviet agents (which controversy both Diana Lane and Christopher Gawley revisit herein). And yet, as in the bad old days of waving away Communist infiltration and demonising those, like Senator Joseph McCarthy, who raised the alarm, the media ignores this flagrant Deep State assimilation/facilitation of America's enemies, while providing a forum for the likes of John Brennan and Hillary Clinton to denounce Donald Trump as a traitor! 

Brennan's politicised/out-of-control CIA

Like all Deep State operatives, Brennan counted on a Clinton presidency to continue profitable swamp-business as usual, and in his case to retain his own job. Writing in The American Spectator [TAS] last May, George Neumayr related that "A veteran of the intelligence community [told] TAS that Brennan’s CIA was full of Hillary supporters, some of whom decorated their desks with her campaign paraphernalia. Brennan, whom the press noted would walk the halls of the CIA in an LGBT rainbow lanyard, encouraged this open political atmosphere."

As Trump won primary after primary in 2016, explained Neumayr, "a rattled John Brennan started claiming to colleagues at the CIA that Estonia’s intelligence agency had alerted him to an intercepted phone call suggesting Putin was pouring money into the Trump campaign. The tip was bogus, but Brennan bit on it with opportunistic relish." He went on:

Out of Brennan’s alarmist chatter about the bogus tip came an extraordinary leak to the BBC: that Brennan had used it, along with later half-baked tips from British intelligence, as the justification to form a multi-agency spy operation (given the Orwellian designation of an “inter-agency taskforce”)
on the Trump campaign, which he was running right out of CIA headquarters.

... To Congress earlier this year, Brennan acknowledged the existence of the group, but cast his role in it as the mere conduit of tips about Trump-Russia collusion .... But if his role had truly been passive, the “inter-agency taskforce” wouldn’t have been meeting at CIA headquarters. ... Brennan was bringing together into the same room at CIA headquarters a cast of Trump haters across the Obama administration whose activities he could direct — from Peter Strzok, the FBI liaison to Brennan, to the doltish [Director of National Intelligence] Jim Clapper, Brennan’s errand boy, to an assortment of Brennan’s buddies at the Treasury Department, Justice Department, and White House.

[...] . While Brennan knew his spying operation on the Trump campaign was an “exceptionally, exceptionally sensitive” matter (as reported by journalists David Corn and Michael Isikoff), he assumed its machinations would never come to light.

The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley “were just a bunch of out-of-control idiots,” says a former high-ranking CIA official to TAS. He finds it flabbergasting that Brennan would bring CIA officials and FBI officials into the same room to cook up schemes to send a spy into the Trump campaign’s ranks. [TAS, 25/5/18]

Mockingbird dream fulfilled

Since this spying operation — codenamed "Crossfire Hurricane" by the FBI — makes Watergate seem utterly inconsequential, what else but Operation Mockingbird, the CIA's renowned infiltration of the press, can explain the mainstream media's disinterest? Hiding such an epic abuse of power from the public is one more heinous example of the fulfilment of former CIA Director Bill Casey's stated goal: to control the information flow, and so the minds of the people (in classic Soviet fashion).

Speaking on Richie Allen's online radio show on 15 March 2018, Ray McGovern, whose 27 years of distinguished service at the CIA included the provision of daily intelligence briefings to several Presidents, recalled: 

In February of 1981, [new CIA Director Bill] Casey appeared for his first briefing at the White House. ... And what Casey said, was, "We'll know, if we've succeeded in our task, when all Americans are persuaded to believe what we want them to believe." [Reagan policy analyst] Barbara Honegger was there. She recorded it immediately, and gave it to the press.

[...] If you look at what passes for the mainstream press in this country, you'll see that Bill Casey, and his acolytes, have succeeded beyond their fondest dreams, to make sure nothing gets in the New York Times or Washington Post unless the CIA and others are asked beforehand.

This Mockingbird Insurance, as it were, explains the unbridled arrogance of swamp rats like Brennan, who have nothing to fear by way of mainstream exposure and scrutiny of their criminal behaviour. As George Neumayr commented elsewhere, "Nixon, at his most Machiavellian wouldn’t have thought to form a “working group at Langley” against [his Democrat opponent George] McGovern. But Obama, via Brennan, did the equivalent for Hillary" — namely, by turning CIA HQ at Langley, Virginia, into the Clinton War Room!

Not that Washington has a monopoly on TDS and politicised intelligence services. Neumayr also underlines that Brennan's spy ring was very much a shared London-Langley operation, with both GCHQ and the CIA drawing on sham intelligence to push their anti-Trump agenda. However, "What started in late 2015 with promise ended in panic," he explained, with British sources for the alleged Trump-Russia collusion going silent or mysteriously disappearing. A few days after Trump’s inauguration, the director of GCHQ, Robert Hannigan, abruptly resigned, prompting the Guardian to wonder if the sudden resignation was related to “British concerns over shared intelligence with the US.” All of this raises plenty of questions, but one conclusion about this epic fiasco requires no spying: the fingerprints of the British are all over it.

Never mind bogus Trump-Russia collusion. How about a few headlines trumpeting the actual GCHQ-CIA conspiracy to take down candidate Trump before he even got started! It is this kind of transatlantic plotting that should give us pause whenever anti-Russian narratives are sparked by convenient "incidents" like the Salisbury poisonings. Or whenever the media cheers on seditious hypocrites for projecting their own "treason" and "high crimes" onto others. 

As for Brennan's equally idiotic claim that Trump is "wholly in the pocket of Putin," the current President's far more hard-nosed approach to Russia than his predecessors suggests "wholly" otherwise, to include increased sanctions, expelling Russian diplomats, and closing down the Russian consulate. It is also most unlikely that someone in Putin's pocket would kill hundreds of Russian military intelligence soldiers under Putin's direction(3) less than six months before facing him at a summit!

All such information, giving lie to the Putin's Puppet mantra, was omitted from post-Helsinki diatribes. Instead, TIME tweeted a post-summit cover of the faces of Trump and Putin morphing back and forth as one — a treacherous allusion that major Mockingbird outlets like TIME studiously avoided after President Obama's truly treacherous exchange of March 2012, in Seoul. There, he was inadvertently caught by an open microphone whispering to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility." Medvedev replied: "I understand. I transmit this information to Vladimir." Obama then rearranged his trousers and glanced at the press corps looking like he was just caught with his hand in the biscuit tin.

Yet the press did not query, denounce or seek out the deeper, disturbing truth of that telling incident. Together with Barack's far more conciliatory policies and actions towards Russia, it should have raised the obvious question: "what does Putin have on Obama?" Yet now, without any such treacherous signals, they are urgently asking, as did Democrat Nancy Pelosi: "what does Putin have on Trump?" Look, if Putin had something on Trump, it would probably relate to such mundane matters as dodgy real-estate deals. But there is no evidence even for that. Unlike the plentiful incriminating evidence we know he holds on Deep State luminaries like Obama, Clinton, Mueller and the rest, not to mention the quarries of dirt he surely has on creepy Clinton lackeys like the Podesta brothers.

There was also not a hint of truth in TDS-sufferer Pelosi's fanciful claim that Trump was "so afraid" of Putin at Helsinki. On the contrary, he was fearless! Unlike Obama, he not only showed Vladimir Putin he was his own man, he bravely refused to kowtow to the attempted media blackmail, showing once again that "he cannot be bullied by America’s corrupt political and media establishment into behaving in a certain way," as former Breitbart editor John Nolte put it, neatly explaining that 

What the media wanted was to emotionally blackmail Trump into creating an international scene, a YouTube moment with Putin, where the president would violate every diplomatic norm to publicly shame and berate the Russian president.

For two years the media and Never Trump assured and reassured me that Trump was a shallow and feckless man interested only in one thing: adulation and praise. But on Monday in Helsinki, just as he did in Charlottesville, I saw Trump choose, at great personal cost, to do the moral and patriotic thing over what would have earned him that adulation and praise.

"Truly bad people"

Unfortunately, the President did later retract his implied press conference criticism of the intelligence assessment of Russian tinkering in the 2016 election, claiming he meant to say he had no reason to believe it "wouldn’t" be Russia that meddled, as opposed to him actually saying he had no reason to believe it "would" be Russia. If true, so what. Other politicians don't fluff their lines? Don't make fools of themselves? They do, in fact. Often. But only a Trump faux pas can set off bouts of TDS.

Although it was understandable and perhaps prudent, a presidential concession was hardly required given the serial incompetence and criminality of the "intelligence community." In any event, on this occasion he bowed to his deranged detractors, admitted a slip of the tongue, and comforted the spooks. However, unlike his Deep State presidential predecessors he did not cower and stay 'on message'. In a post-summit sit-down interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, the President held firm: describing John Brennan and the anti-Trump/anti-Russia animus with his usual refreshing candour, as in this brief excerpt. (Original emphasis. The dirty deeds of FBI personnel cited are described in the Feb. 2018 edition):

Tucker Carlson: The reaction to your press conference in Washington was swift and intense. Former CIA Director John Brennan described it as treasonous and a potentially impeachable offence. Why the push toward conflict with Russia and Washington? On both sides.

President Trump: Well, I think Brennan is a very bad guy. And if you look at it, a lot of things happened under his watch. I think he’s a very bad person. I also think that when you watch [disgraced FBI agent] Peter Strzok and [disgraced ex-FBI attorney] Lisa Page, when you watch all of the things that have happened. What happened to [sacked FBI Director James] Comey, take a look at that. And [sacked FBI Deputy Director Andrew] McCabe, who’s got some pretty big problems, I assume. You look at the deception, the lies, what's going on in the last—fairly long period of time; before I won, long before I won, during the campaign. I guess probably during the Republican [primaries], you know, when I was fighting against seventeen other Republicans. So, this has been going on for a long time. But these are people that in my opinion are truly — they’re bad people. And they’re being exposed for what they are. And it’s a shame that it has to happen. But it’s really hurt our country.

Swamp rat #2: TDS personified

Of course, "bad" is a presidentially-restrained descriptive. It hardly describes the wickedness of those endangering the world in the attempt to save their criminal hides, by conspiring to destroy a duly elected President who has them in his sights. Another of these Deep State monsters being dragged from the Washington swamp into the light of day thanks to the unexpected arrival of Donald Trump, is Peter Strzok.

Both a clinical specimen of TDS and a snarling mirror of John Brennan, the Clinton-supporting Strzok exudes the self-entitled menace of Washington's incestuous rodent community. An FBI Agent and Former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, he had first led the investigation-whitewash that exonerated Hillary despite her multiple crimes committed in relation to use of a private email server to conduct government (including top secret) business. It was Strzok who changed the wording in then-FBI Director James Comey's speech about Hillary's handling of classified information through her private server from "grossly negligent" — clearly a crime under national security statutes — to "extremely careless," a phrase designed to suggest that Clinton bore no criminal responsibility for her actions.

With Crooked Hillary saved once more from the jail cell she has long deserved (and which, hopefully, still awaits her), Strzok then transitioned seamlessly into Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia investigation — until August 2017, when he was found to have exchanged extreme and seditious anti-Trump texts with his mistress, former FBI attorney Lisa Page. Mueller was forced to reassign him to the FBI's Human Relations Department. Shortly after, Page also left Mueller's team.

Our February 2018 edition carried Strzok's expletive-strewn text-tirades both before and after the 2016 election, in which he vowed to "stop" Trump gaining office in order to "protect the country" from him. And, in the event that he did get elected, to trigger an "insurance policy" (read: special counsel Mueller) to effect an Oval Office coup d'état.  

Together with the Deep State colleague to whom he reported, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Mueller covered up the reason for the disappearance of Strzok and Page for several months, in order to hide the extent of the anti-Trump hatred at the head of the FBI and Department of Justice during the election and afterward, and so facilitate Rosenstein's decision to appoint Mueller as special counsel. Finally, in December 2017, the truth tumbled into the public forum after the DOJ shared with Congress 375 texts from the 10,000 messages Stzok and Page had shared.  

Recently, on 12 July 2018, Strzok was grilled by the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee over these indefensible texts. Throughout the hearing, Strzok made smug and contemptuous facial gestures as he ludicrously insisted that his vehement hatred of Trump had not adversely affected his conduct of the investigation. On 12 and 13 July, veteran actor James Wood spoke for millions who sensed the chilling Deep State-vibe that radiated from Strzok during the televised Committee hearing. He tweeted:

Take a look at Peter Strzok. If you can't tell what he's about, you are going to be victimized by predatory people. His is the face of pure evil.

When your girlfriend is more important than your wife, your politics more important than your country, and your ego more important than history,...

A partisan witness toying with his interrogators, Strzok stuck to the Clintons' Deep State playbook, refusing to answer questions or conveniently forgetting the unforgettable.

Senator Trey Gowdy threatened to hold him in contempt.

Equally infuriated by what he witnessed, George Neumayr also exploded. "The Peter Stzok hearing was a travesty," he exclaimed,

starting with the fact that he testified as a cocooned, lawyered-up government employee still working for the FBI. It is outrageous that he hasn’t been fired yet. He even still has a security clearance! That alone is proof of the deep state’s hold on certain executive branch agencies. If the FBI keeps its so-so employees close, it keeps its worst employees even closer. That Strzok could huddle with FBI lawyers while stonewalling a Republican-led committee speaks to the corruption of official Washington and the comparative impotence of Republican administrations. Does anybody think an FBI agent who had vowed to “stop” the candidacy of Barack Obama would have lasted a week at his job, let alone over a year, after the discovery of his bias?

The cockiness of Strzok at Thursday’s hearing is a reflection of the immunity that ruling-class mandarins enjoy in liberal Washington. He was testifying from the safety of the deep state and thus knew that he could lie his head off without consequence. How else to explain his unrepentant opening statement, with its blatant anti-Trump special pleading? The statement sounded like it had been written by [TV host] Rachel Maddow, resting on the lamest and hackiest of MSNBC-style talking points, that “today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart.”

Concluding his excoriation, Neumayr decried the bullet-proof insolence of Deep State apparatchiks:

The Strzok on display at the hearing was the same arrogant bureaucrat on display in the texts — an abusive, ruling-class jerk who still thinks he deserves a place on the Mueller probe. Making Mueller look like an ass and cementing his probe’s reputation as a partisan clown show, Strzok insisted that his removal from it had nothing to do with unprofessional behavior but with a mere “appearance” problem, one he blamed not on his own conduct but on Republicans “misinterpreting” his texts. This is chutzpah on a breathtaking scale, which would be inconceivable were the target of his blundering espionage anyone other than Trump. Strzok’s “insurance policy” against Trump had a provision for his career too. He would survive exposure by wrapping himself in the protective gauze of the anti-Trump resistance. [The American Spectator, 13/7/18] 

True to form, President Trump had nailed it at the outset, tweeting on 3 December 2017 when the Strzok texts first came to light:

Report: “ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED CLINTON EMAIL PROBE” Now it all starts to make sense!

Swamp rats #3 and #4: the dirty cops

Indeed it does. Everything, including the demented Deep State reaction to the successful and hopeful Helsinki summit, makes sense when the "truly bad people" inciting the anti-Trump anger, finger-pointing, scaremongering and violence, are factored in. Such as Strzok's former boss Robert Mueller, the exceedingly "bad" ex-FBI Director who was handed control of an investigation  worthy of a third-rate Banana Republic; blatantly instigated to depose an elected President by hook or by crook.

We now know that as well as protecting Deep State interests in general, a further fundamental reason for setting up the Mueller circus was to protect Barack Obama in particular. Obama's former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper (another Trump-loather, who had the NSA collecting all data on all Americans without due process or any suspicion of wrongdoing, and then lied to Congress about it), has finally come clean to inform the public that the former President himself, acting illegally, was responsible for setting the "special counsel" scam in train. He told CNN:

If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place.

It has also come to light (doesn't it always?) that Obama had every reason to set off the chain of events that led to Mueller's dirt-digging distraction because he lied over what he knew about the private email server of his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.(4)

In the spring of 2015, when asked by CBS News senior White House correspondent Bill Plante when he had learned about Clinton's private email system, President Obama replied: "The same time everybody else learned it through news reports." His deception was revealed in the Department of Justice Inspector General's report released last June, which unearthed information from FBI analysts and a Prosecutor that: "President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her account"!

Set out in a page 89 footnote of the IG report, this revelation further explains why Obama (who used a pseudonym for these communications with Secretary of State Clinton) backed the conspiracy to protect Hillary from being charged over use of a private e-mail server; a dereliction that involved more than just transmitting top secret information. As Donald Trump stated at a pre-election rally in North Carolina on 3 November 2016, principally the server was "created to shield her criminal activity and her corrupt pay-for-play scheme, where she sold her office as Secretary of State to donors and special interests." 

Meanwhile, Judicial Watch, the public advocacy group that unearthed Hillary's email criminality, has recently obtained damning documents from the FBI. They provide further confirmation that Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI withheld information about Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee [DNC] being behind the bogus information used to obtain the warrants to spy on Donald Trump and his transition team. As President Trump himself tweeted on 22 July: 

Looking more & more like the Trump Campaign for President was illegally being spied upon (surveillance) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. ... Republicans musty get tough now. An illegal Scam!"

An illegal scam run by a grizzled Deep State-hatchet man, any one of whose countless conflicts of interest should have disqualified him for consideration for the special counsel post. He has now spent 14 months indulging in dirty tricks and brutal overreach that has made a mockery of justice and violated the special counsel guidelines themselves; which stipulate the investigation of an actual crime (Russian collusion), not a search for a bogus crime on which to hang an investigation. As a result, it has conveniently morphed "into something entirely different," conceded the Washington political website The Hill, while noting that Mueller has been unable to conjure up any evidence of Russian "collusion" by Trump or his campaign to hijack the 2016 election.

But Mr Mueller was never interested in "collusion" with Russia or anyone else. He simply wants to take down Donald Trump on behalf of his globalist paymasters like the Clintons, who fear exposure of their myriad high crimes and misdemeanours: to include many treasonous, self-enriching deals with Russia and China going back decades.

Mueller, who served as the head of the FBI from 2001 to 2013, has protected the Clintons throughout his career. Typically, in 2005 he closed the FBI grand jury investigation of the pardon Bill Clinton granted on his last day in office to billionaire oil trader Marc Rich (convicted of tax fraud and trading with Iran during the embassy hostage crisis), despite public outcry over evidence that Rich's ex-wife had donated to Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign. As we have recorded elsewhere, he also assisted the Clinton Foundation by way of the FBI protection he offered during the crooked dealings involved in the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium to Russian interests, while Hillary was Secretary of State. (He even gagged an FBI informant from discussing his eyewitness account and documents that showed Russian nuclear officials funnelling millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation.) 

Mueller has been rewarded handsomely by the Deep State complex for repeatedly assisting/rescuing the Clintons and a host of their political associates in this way. His current special counsel sinecure gifts him 'only' $166,000 a year. But a previous handout included $3.5 million a year during one stint as a legal guru for Apple and Facebook. "Mark my words," says crusading ex-CIA officer Kevin Shipp, "when Robert Mueller leaves his special counsel role, watch him go into his next job as special counsel for someone, taking 6 or 7 million bucks. Just watch. They take care of their own."

They surely do. Just ask Mueller's fellow Deep State-fixer, ex-FBI chief James Comey, with whom Mueller has often worked in wicked tandem (including the Marc Rich affair).

Mired in corrupt dealings and condemned by Donald Trump as the "worst" FBI head in history and the "scum on top" of the Bureau, after being sacked by Trump on 9 May 2017, Comey released a self-exculpatory book earlier this year, depicting himself as a non-partisan unsoiled by dirty politics. He then charged up to $850 a ticket on his book tour, for the price of which suckers were treated to breathtaking chutzpah. During staged interviews, Comey scoffed at any suggestion of a Deep State! America's culture, values, Constitution, justice system, intelligence community and military, he insisted, were all in rude health:

I hear this term deep state all the time. There is no deep state, but there is a deep culture and a commitment to the rule of law, equal protection of the laws.

The fundamental values that are at the core of our Constitution that runs really deep in the FBI, the Justice Department as a whole, the intelligence community. The United States military services.

His straw man in place, he then presented Trump as the threat:

It is the ballast that gives me comfort and I hope should give all Americans comfort. ... I don’t think any president serves long enough to damage, to flip that ship over, but if we are silent, tremendous damage will be done that will take us time to recover.

Noting that Comey's "deep culture" sounded much like a "deep state," the host interviewer ventured to ask whether the way that culture went about things was not "some of what President Trump was elected to shake up?" Comey shot back:

Absolutely not. No one, I hope, voted for him with the idea that he would destroy those values. So that is what I mean by a deep culture. It is a culture that we should celebrate, and the rest of us who are not part of it ought to make sure we call it out when we see it threatened or damaged.

The interviewer pressed the deluded Deep State-fixer one more time. "When we say the deep state is trying to destroy president Trump — you are saying point blank that is not true?" Indignant, Comey snapped: "That's nonsense." [Daily Caller 25/4/18]

Comey's self-serving and self-defeating attempt to restore his reputation by milking his notoriety, prompted writer Daniel Flynn to ponder, cheekily: "What doth it profit a man to loseth his FBI directorship but gaineth a $2 million book advance?"

Not that he needed the money! Like Mueller and many others, he has pocketed untold millions for protecting the Clintons from prosecution, drawing outrageous salaries from corporate board appointments involving entities that are major contributors to the Clintons. His involvement in protecting Hillary goes way back to the notorious Whitewater real-estate scandal — an investigation that concluded with no indictments being filed against the Clintons despite manifest criminality.

In his Killing the Deep State, Jerome Corsi, a renowned investigative reporter and currently Washington Bureau Chief for, describes a typically lucrative and incestuous chain of Deep State quid pro quo:

From 2005 to 2010, Comey served as general counsel and senior vice president of Lockheed Martin, a major military contractor - jobs for which Comey earned $6 million.

In 2010, Lockheed Martin joined the Clinton Global Initiative and won 17 contracts from the State Department, which at the time was headed by secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Comey's brother, Peter Comey, was also found working at the Washington law firm DLA Piper, which prepares Clinton Foundation taxes in addition to the 2015 audit on the Clinton Foundation, the same firm that is listed as one of Hillary Clinton's top 10 all-time career campaign donors.

It was another investigative reporter, Patrick Howley, who disclosed these interconnections, writes Corsi. In doing so, Howley noted:

These relationships, though egregious, are symptomatic of the brazen culture of crony capitalism that exists in our nation's capital. The public usually is prevented from learning these kinds of things, with the mainstream media blocking information from coming out. Sunlight is the only remedy. 

Yes. But not just for Washington — for the world!

Corsi sheds some of this remedial sunlight by explaining the extensive Deep State involvement in the 2012 HSBC scandal — through both its operatives (James Comey, Robert Mueller, Loretta Lynch, et. al.) and its federal intelligence and financial agencies (CIA, NSA, US Treasury, etc.). The bank managed to avoid criminal charges in a massive money-laundering scandal for which it eventually paid a $1.9 billion fine to the U.S. government:  

From 2002 to 2003, Comey held the position of US attorney for the Southern District of New York, the same position held by Lynch. On March 4, 2013, Comey joined the HSBC board of directors, agreeing to serve as an independent non-executive director and a member of the bank's Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee, positions he held until he resigned on August 3, 2013, to become the head of the FBI.

Loretta Lynch(5), then the US attorney for the Eastern District of New York, was responsible for negotiating the "deferred prosecution" settlement that allowed the HSBC to pay the $1.9 billion fine, admitting "wilful criminal conduct" in exchange for dropping criminal investigations and prosecutions of HSBC directors, including Comey. Throughout the time the HSBC was being investigated for money laundering, Robert Mueller headed the FBI. The investigations by the FBI and the Senate Permanent Investigating Subcommittee made clear that the HSBC had played a role laundering money for drug cartels in Mexico and terrorists in the Middle East, with Deep State knowledge and complicity.

By allowing the HSBC to avoid criminal charges despite pleading guilty to money-laundering violations for both the Mexican drug cartel and Middle Eastern radical Islamic terrorist groups, Comey, Mueller, Lynch, and then attorney general Eric Holder were all playing major roles as Deep State operatives. It is impossible to imagine that with the surveillance capabilities of the US government, the HSBC got away for years with laundering hundreds of billions of dollars in drug and terrorist cash without the knowledge of the NSA, the CIA, the US Treasury, the Comptroller of the Currency, and a dozen other federal agencies that one way or another monitor large movements of money through the banking system. The reality is that without the complicity of criminal banks in money-laundering activities, drug cartels and terrorist organizations could not function. Drug cartels and terrorists would not get far if their only means of moving money was reduced to transporting containers packed with $100 bills.

The Deep State: "#1 national security threat"

Corsi might have added very much more besides. That HSBC was also a significant Clinton Foundation contributor, for instance. Or that Bill Clinton was being paid about $200,000 for his speeches at HSBC events. Or that all this transpired while Mrs Clinton was the Secretary of State!

No matter — much like any chapter of the Clinton Chronicles, there's only so much collusion, complicity and rank criminality you can fit in a single book!

Anyway, Corsi does more than enough meticulous joining of criminal dots to make James Comey's denial — of the existence of a shadow government that holds the levers of American and world power — more ludicrous and damning by the page. He comprehensively demonstrates that "key players trying to get Hillary Clinton elected as president in 2016 and conspiring to remove Donald Trump from the White  House in 2017 all have interconnected personal histories that have crossed paths numerous times. ... As long as Comey, Mueller, and Lynch played their roles within the Department of Justice, Democratic Party operatives and Deep State counterparts, including John Brennan at the CIA, could continue to advance their globalist military-industrial complex goals unimpeded."

It was President Trump's obstruction of those goals that incited the unhinged Trump-bashing and patriotic-posturing of the Mockingbird media following Helsinki. Like Comey's denial of the existence of the Deep State, the coverage was the polar opposite of the truth.

As with the demonisation of Joe McCarthy by Soviet moles and fellow travellers, the Deep State modus operandi is always to "project" its own crimes onto its enemies. In this case, however, not just 'conservative 'commentators like Pat Buchanan and Paul Craig Roberts, but also leading 'progressives' have acknowledged this tactic. Among them, the Clinton-voting Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, and Professor Richard Cohen, an academic from ultra-liberal Princeton University and no supporter of Donald Trump.

Princeton's Russian expert, Prof. Cohen told New York radio host John Catsimatidis during a post-Helsinki interview that it is not Trump but his critics who are America's #1 security threat:

We are calling the American president treasonous for trying to avoid war with Russia. That means that all of us who are urging better relations with Russia are committing criminal acts.

... The people who are doing this would prefer to impeach Trump over avoiding war with Russia. And they have become our No. 1 national security threat, they themselves, these Russia-gate people.

Confirming the President's actions as "normal, traditional, in the context of summits," while insisting that "any American president who didn't have a summit meeting with the Kremlin leader would not be fulfilling his duty," Cohen rebuked the media for pushing the "Russia-gate narrative" before, during, and after the summit, leaving Trump in a no-win situation in the most perilous of circumstances. He told Catsimatidis: 

Look, I didn't vote for Trump — lots of what he does, I don't like — but he's 100 percent right, it's necessary to cooperate with Russia.  It's existential.

It's an all-out war — they think against Trump because they loathe him, all right, all right – but it is a war against our nuclear security.

He comes home and the mass media, the political-media establishment — with few exceptions, I would mention Senator Rand Paul by the way — basically indicted him for some treasonous behaviour. This is all about this Russia-gate narrative for which there is no evidence whatsoever. So, it's doubly, John, dangerous.

We have the worst relationship with Russia that we’ve had in my lifetime. And we have a president — doing what he's obliged to do to make us safer — being prevented from doing so by the American political situation.

["The Cats Roundtable", radio 970 AM-N.Y., 22/7/18]

Insane and dangerous times 

Like Cohen, Paul Craig Roberts is aghast and worried by a Washington swamp awash with self-serving John Brennan clones: treacherous, vicious, avaricious, and reckless.  

In the wake of the Salisbury poisonings last April (which he regards as certainly another Washington-directed false flag operation to frame and provoke Russia), Roberts told Jason Liosatos during an online video interview:

I'm worried. I have been for some time now. I hope that Washington is not so insane that they actually want war.... They're pushing far too hard. You can have an enemy without running the risk of convincing the enemy you're going to attack them. And so Washington's gone too far. And it really is beyond reckless. Beyond irresponsible. You can say that, well, Washington has lost control of itself, because it  realises that it is no longer the unilateral power, now that Russia and China can check it. But it makes no sense.

So we see this sort of continuing... very transparent lies told about Russia. Now, some people fall for it. There are people who are too busy to pay attention, or they really don't care. Or they just hear things on the news, and they don't know to be suspicious of the news. They just don't really know what's going on. Because they're concerned with their life, you know, their boyfriend, their girlfriend, their family, their job, their hobby, their vacation – it's them, and they have no awareness of what's going on around them in the world. And those kinds of people can fall for these lies because they're not interested enough to look into it.

But other than that, anyone who's informed – anyone who's qualified as an expert or anything like that –has to look at these lies and say what in the world's going on? It's so transparent. What is Washington trying to do? Trying to make an enemy out of a country that can destroy the United States, and all of Europe, and Canada, and Australia? Why would you want to do that?

Although horrified by Trump's more recent appointments of warmongers John Bolton and Mike Pompeo to fill key positions, and the selection of the overseer of CIA torture camps to be his new CIA Director, Roberts also said in April:

During my lifetime, every president worked to reduce the tensions with the Soviet Union. Every one of them. Since Clinton, every president, Trump excepted, has worked to raise tensions with post-Soviet Russia.

All kinds of broken agreements, broken promises, broken treaties, all of these increasingly provocative orchestrations [by Washington: e.g., the Ukraine coup; downing of Malaysian airline MH17; the Salisbury poisonings; the Assad chemical weapons false flag attacks, etc.], wild claims [Russia-Trump collusion, Russia influencing US election outcomes, etc.]. [...] It doesn't make any sense. And yet, these kinds of things are everywhere. So I don't really know how to explain it, because it makes no sense.

[...] The United States and NATO are no match for Russia, whatsoever. The United States and NATO have no chance.

The only thing that will be lost will be the Neoconservative ideology of American world hegemony. The United States hasn't had diplomacy for a long time. It has threats and coercion. It gave up diplomacy when the Soviet Union collapsed because that removed the constraint on American bullying. And so for about 20-25 years, until the rise of Putin, really, the United States could just order people around. You really had to do what Washington said. They would bomb you into the Stone Age. Or, they would turn off the money. Or, isolate you economically. Or, stop paying you your subsidies, for being a good vassal.

So, that type of power would be lost, but the people running things would still be running it, they'd still be collecting very large incomes. In fact, the so-called Russian threat will lead to more income for the military-security complex. And they have the principle interest in this. So the 'Russian threat', that helps their budgets, it helps their income and power.

I think, on the whole, we're in very dangerous times. Except now I think the Russians have come to the conclusion that the West is insane, it's falling apart, and they don't need to do anything. And I think that's why they are so unprovocative in their own responses.  

["Outside The Box", 4/4/18]

Good Thing trumps Worst Thing

The U.S. President, for one, concurs, stating on Twitter:

"Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!"

In response to which Russia's Foreign Ministry simply tweeted:

"We agree."

After the summit, amid the blitzkrieg of globalist venting, the $64,000 question was put to the President about this Deep State bellicosity. The Russians were doubtless as relieved as the rest of us to hear his calm, commonsense response:  

Tucker Carlson: Their view is that United States is forever in conflict with Russia, which is our chief global adversary, and anyone who doesn’t believe that is betraying the United States. ... Why do you think there is this bipartisan consensus on that in Washington?

President Trump: Well, it’s sort of incredible `cause ... in World War II, Russia lost 50 million people and helped us win the war. ... Russia really helped us. I’m not pro-Russia, pro anybody, I just want to have this country be safe. I don’t want nuclear weapons, even people thinking about it. You know, Russia and the United States control 90% of the nuclear weapons in the world. And, getting along with Russia, and not only for that reason, that’s a good thing, not a bad thing.

Hallelujah! That it even needs stating is testimony to the universal disinformation and disorientation effected by the media.

As for the existence of massive nuclear arsenals, they are certainly a bad "thing." However, with the wages of sin now at apocalyptic levels and the "annihilation" of "various nations" past due, we at least escaped the worst possible "thing": the Deep State's President-of-choice. If not for a quasi-miraculous victory in November 2016, the person pencilled in to stand alongside President Putin at Helsinki was one Hillary Clinton — the arch-criminal Culture of Death-fanatic with the heart of stone presented in our October and November 2016 editions; a politically incompetent warmonger who helped set Libya and Syria ablaze, triggering the mass migration that is bringing Europe undone.

November 7, 2016: a close call for mankind! The polarising TDS pandemic it triggered is a small price to pay for the "good thing" that emerged to make good relations with Russia possible: President Donald J. Trump himself. For his Christian tenure is a providential opportunity to face down the Washington vermin; to thwart their occult designs. So let us pray that he traps and eradicates them before they trap and eradicate him —or it's criminal game, globalist set, and godless match to the dirty rats.






(1) A telling off supposedly warranted by his country's relatively trifling and comically ineffective 2016 attempt to replicate Washington's foreign election-fixing and coups! On the contrary, Trump should probably have thanked Putin: for eschewing old-style Soviet provocations far graver than Putin's pilfering of Democratic National Committee emails — which actually performed the sort of public service normally performed by the Fourth Estate: helping reveal how DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigged the Democrat primaries for Hillary Clinton, robbing Bernie Sanders of the presidential nomination.

(2) See "The Greatest Catholic President", May & June-July 2008. Also available at

(3) These comprised the so-called Wagner Group, which, according to former State Department and CIA operative Steve Pieczenik, "was considered a mercenary group but really was part of the Russian GRU military intelligence under Putin." Pieczenik says around 500 of this Group were killed last February for attacking several dozen US Special Forces working with the Kurds in northern Syria to maintain stability. The way he tells it: the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Dunford, "got on the phone and tried to deconflict the area, and the Russians just didn't listen." So the Secretary of Defence, James Mattis, then ordered Dunford to "annhilate them," claims Pieczenik. "And in 4 hours, our B-52s came in, our F-15s came in, our warhogs came in, and just decimated all the Russian troops." [Infowars interview, 30/5/18] That President Trump has never revealed or boasted about this incident gives further lie to the media caricature of a president lacking all restraint.    

(4) However directly or tortuously, it seems that all Washington roads wind their way back through senior and middle-level Deep State operatives like Mueller and Strzok to Crooked Hillary and Barack, who must be protected at all costs lest the whole house of cards, held together by blackmail, collapse.

(5) Readers will recall that it was Loretta Lynch who, while serving as Obama's Attorney General, spat on fundamental principles of ethics and justice by meeting with Bill Clinton in plain sight at Phoenix airport in the middle of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's private email server. (For information on that travesty and her other unethical and complicit actions, see “Being Not Hillary – Part II”, CO, Nov. 2016, pp. 32-39)


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