Catholic, Apostolic & Roman

March 2018

PC Pope in a Marxist Cage


"You cannot say that a [homosexual] relationship between a man and a man...  is nothing, that [it] has no worth. ... we’ve done a lot to marginalise [sodomites]. As Church and society, we have to say ‘Sorry, Sorry’."

- Cardinal Marx, June 2016 

"God help us! Next we'll have to apologise for teaching that adultery is a sin! Political Correctness (PC) is today's major heresy!"

- Cardinal Napier (tweeting in response) 


The rotten fruit of the lies which built and now sustain Western pseudo-culture, the 'modern' mind can no longer bear the sound of plain truths. Steeped in the materialistic principles and presuppositions implanted by Orwellian indoctrination, it has been stripped of spiritual, theological and philosophical depth.

This shallowness is exposed whenever expert criticism based on hard science momentarily breaks through the entertainment-media firewall to disturb the conditioned conscience. At that trigger point, lacking the mental wherewithal to respond to facts in a calm and reasoned manner, it explodes defensively with self-righteous rage. And when the conscience is a guilty one (made aware, by dire consequences, that it has rationalised unspeakable vice) it lashes out in a particularly vicious and demented manner, seeking to smother the truth and destroy the truth-teller.

Amid daily reports of this reprehensible and destructive phenomenon, the recent Italian case of 64-year-old Catholic doctor Silvana De Mari is emblematic.

A surgeon, psychotherapist and children's author, she was accused by a group of homosexuals of defaming sodomites after she highlighted in a Facebook post the skyrocketing rates of sexually transmitted disease among their degenerate kind.

In her defence, Dr. De Mari said that it was clear that homosexuality was not a normal condition, referencing her own expertise. "I have three specialties: psychotherapy, medicine and surgery," she said. "I have been taking care of homosexual persons for 40 years." Marshalling the science, the outspoken doctor had stated in her original Facebook post:

The recent numerous epidemics of primary-secondary syphilis registered especially in Western Europe have as main risk factors: homosexuality (45–90%). ... As confirmed by literature, the co-infection of syphilis-HIV in homosexuals goes from 10% to 70% in many clinical studies. ... While we wait until the authors of these studies are accused of homophobia and expelled from their respective medical boards, we need to acknowledge that if the health hazard involved in male homo-erotic behaviour is serious now, we can only imagine what it was like before antibiotics and condoms. ...

Before a century of clinical evidence, it is hard to think of anything less controversial or defamatory than labelling sodomitic activity a "health hazard." During his documentary on the suicidal "gay lifestyle" in England (The Trouble With Gay Men, 2008, BBC 3), even homosexual film-maker Simon Fanshawe asks a fellow sodomite rhetorically: "Are we just swimming around in a sewer which we’re just sort of saying is normal?"

A film of rare homosexual candour and self-awareness, Fanshawe, who was involved in the early homosexualist movement, includes statistics on the deadly consequences of life in the homo milieu. He notes that one in nine of his fellow homosexuals in London (in 2008) is HIV infected and new cases of HIV have doubled in the city in five years, while cases of syphilis have increased in the same time period 616 per cent!

Decrying the emotional and psychological immaturity, narcissism, nihilism and self-destructiveness of homosexuals in general, Fanshawe laments that "unsafe sex" is not the only suicidal aspect of homosexual life. "If there’s a new drug, gay men will find it and take it," he states. He interviews a homosexual who has "done all the drugs" and now campaigns against the increasing use in "gay" clubs of crystal methamphetamine: the drug of choice in homo circles, he says, because it reduces the inhibitions and lowers sex to an "animalistic" level "devoid of emotion." The film states that one in five sodomites in London use crystal meth.

Silencing 'dissidents' 

Now, if all of that does not constitute reckless behaviour hazardous to one's own health and that of the wider community, what would?

And yet, after her factual, compassionate and quite unsurprising Facebook post on a subject in which she has 40 years of experience, Dr. De Mari was put through the wringer of legal persecution and had to wait for several months before the Italian Public Prosecutor found her not guilty. Not on the basis of the self-evidently ludicrous accusation of the health hazard partisans. Rather, it was determined that it would be impossible to identify which parties were defamed by her statements. But how long before they are identified — by way of trumped up class action suits presented to homo-friendly courts on behalf of 'offended' homos worldwide; all prepared to lie under oath that such openly stated scientific facts, not the destructive acts in which they engage, have destroyed their lives?

Indeed, the lawyer representing the health-hazardistas seemed to flag this very possibility when he claimed that "The offences pronounced publicly by De Mari are aimed at LGBT movements and not only at LGBT people, and they are not opinions but offences." He is only half-right. They are not opinions but clinical facts — which destroy the entertainment-media's satanic depiction of the sodomitic deathstyle as a 'healthy, happy lifestyle.'  

It goes without saying that the dismissal of the defamation charge was neither the beginning nor the end of the attacks provoked by Dr. De Mari's dissenting voice. Before that charge was brought the homos had railed against her forthright statements during an early 2017 radio interview: about threats to freedom of speech from the homo lobby, and the serious damage done to the human body by homosexual acts. "Gays live a tragic condition," she said. (Cue indignant shrieks by 'tragics' in denial.)

The good doctor has also condemned paedophilia, telling the Catholic daily La Croce around the same time that, "Paedophilia is expanding, and the victims are always younger and younger." "Do you see what is happening today with our total indifference?" she queried. "Mankind has gone from papal infallibility to the infallibility of the American Psychiatric Association. If they establish that homosexuality isn't a disorder of nature, they can very well establish that neither is paedophilia."

Manufacturing 'reality'

That progression is both logical and inexorable. Mainstreaming paedophilia (between 'consenting' adults and children, you understand) is precisely what "they"  (not least Hollywood) have been trying to do ever since the deviancy-as-normalcy delusion was conjured up in 1973 by the American Psychiatric Association, when it 'normalised' sodomy.

Renowned homosexual activist Peter Tatchell for one has no qualms about pushing this manufactured pseudo-reality to the next level, blithely stating that "not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful."

He also advocates lowering the legal age of consent to allow adult men to engage in homosexual activity with 14-year-olds.

It is a measure of the well documented homo-paedophile link (CO passim) that just as non-paedophilic perverts gave Tatchell a free pass on his satanic views, they preferred to ignore the cast iron logic of De Mari's statement and accuse her instead of instigating social hatred and homophobia. And the children be buggered, as it were.

Meanwhile, an Italian association of sodomite and lesbian lawyers and activists demanded De Mari's suspension from the Torino Board of Physicians for "employing her skills against the right of homosexual patients." An online petition supported the demand, and the Board of Physicians was to begin disciplinary action against her in January 2017. De Mari’s Facebook page was also blocked, and homo activists contacted her editor to get her dismissed.

God bless this upstanding Catholic doctor for speaking truth to power. Also for her preparedness to suffer for her love of those addicted to a dangerous and deadly vice, even as they attack her.

PC is CM

Wildly irrational, all such attacks are presented by the secular establishment as serving the sacred cause of "tolerance" through the enforcement of politically correct discourse.

In fact, what is at play is not so much PC as CM: cultural Marxism.

If the entertainment-media were suddenly and miraculously to emphasise this plain truth — and explain the history of the rise of cultural Marxism as summarised in the ensuing article — it might awaken the masses to what is happening to the West, and the totalitarian future that awaits them: firstly, through ever more brutal legal persecution of 'dissidents'; secondly, through ever increasing government control of children and family life.

The snatching of children from loving parents or grandparents designated dangerously 'intolerant' (read: Christian) by low-level functionaries of the State is a growth industry; periodic judicial denunciations of reprehensible behaviour by these petty dictators notwithstanding.  

Extreme hatred : rising persecution

As I write, Ohio government authorities are reported to have forced parents to give up legal custody of their daughter after the mother and father said they opposed the girl’s decision to identify as a 'boy' and transition to being 'male.'

The pro-transgender County Prosecutor is arguing that the parents are religiously motivated, since the father commented that "any kind of transition at all would go against his core beliefs." Having sneered away conscientious objection as of no account, he then accused the parents of removing their daughter from transgender therapy and seeking "Christian" counselling for her, which, he said, simply consists of the girl sitting for six hours listening to the Bible.

This crude caricature of superstitious, fundamentalist Christians is par for the dictatorial course, allowing godless authorities to evade the sober facts of the matter. In this case, the parents' attorney affirms that the parents "have done their due diligence contacting medical professionals, collecting thousands of hours of research and relying on … their observation of their own child … that led them to the conclusion that (a sex-change hormone injection) is not in their child’s best interest." Quite simply, the parents believe opposite-sex hormones "would do more harm than good." Neither the science nor their parental authority, however, will save their child from the Marxist designs of Big Brother.   

In the same vein, an American television commentator recently equated the Christianity professed by Vice President Mike Pence to a "mental illness." Pence responded by pointing out that "Tens of millions of Americans today will have ash on their foreheads to mark the beginning of Lent. The overwhelming majority of Americans cherish their faith. ... I have to tell you, to have ABC maintain a broadcast forum that compared Christianity to mental illness... demonstrates how out of touch some people in the mainstream media are with the faith and values of the American people —  that you could have a major network like ABC permit a forum for invective against religion like that."

Equally telling are the views given under oath by a millionaire New York abortionist who has brought a federal lawsuit to silence Christians peacefully sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ on public pavements. The woman, who freely concedes the personhood of the unborn child but views its murder as entirely positive (because abortion gives women "the power — and the responsibility — of taking life"), described peaceful Christian evangelists as the "American Taliban" whose "mere existence is a crime against women."

These kinds of workaday travesties trumpet the unhinged and escalating hatred of the cultural Marxists, who are not shy about proclaiming the fate of Christians and all who hold to the norms and traditions of Christian civilisation. "The culture wars are over; [traditionalists] lost, [secularists] won," said Harvard Law School professor Mark Tushnet in 2016. "For liberals, the question now is how to deal with the losers in the culture wars."

For Tushnet, the answer to that query is to treat Christians and others like slave-owners and Nazis. "Trying to be nice to the losers didn't work well after the Civil War … And taking a hard line seemed to work reasonably well in Germany and Japan after 1945.… The [culture] war's over, and we won."

Marxist sell out

This declaration of victory would seem to explain the inexplicable: why Jorge Bergoglio and his crew have capitulated to the zeitgeist. Like Paul VI and Archbishop Bugnini before them, they see that cultural Marxism has succeeded where economic Marxism failed. And since the Christian West is vanquished and secularism is the future, we need to be on the winning side. As Abbot Boniface Luykx, O. Praem., once explained about his workmate and friend Annibale Bugnini (the architect of the New Mass):

Secularisation was, for him a necessary process, something the Church needed to accept and embrace … because he said it was reality, and it was necessary to accept reality. He held to the modern philosophical view that man is made without God, and does not need God… He may never have used those words exactly, but that was his meaning, as his repeated answers to Bishop Malula [of Zaire] revealed. [Inside the Vatican, May 1996]

Faithless and supine, this worldview is now openly reflected in the politically correct Bergoglian papacy of rapprochement with the 'winners': the sodomites, population controllers, social engineers and secularists of every godless stripe. The counter-cultural Catholic likes of Dr. De Mari and all who resist Orwellian attempts to designate sodomitic health hazards and transgender mental illness as health, on the other hand, are papally dismissed as "obsessive" losers and whingers, and worse.

Most intriguing of all, though, is how this shameless Vatican embrace of cultural Marxism is happening in concert with its rapprochement with political and economic Marxism of the revamped Chinese variety.

Flagged from the outset by the Pope's ardent promotion of Latin America's Marxist "popular movements" [see Quo Vadis, Domine?, CO, Aug-Sept & Oct. 2015), the recent selling out of Chinese Catholics to Communist Beijing has now rocketed the Bergoglian-era into stratospheres of treachery even beyond that of Paul VI's infamous Ostpolitik. At least Pope Paul, as far as we know, never compromised the Church's bedrock authority over episcopal appointments. Today, Pope Francis and his Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin have not hestitated to do so.

Expressing his "disgust" at this breathtaking betrayal-cum-diplomatic deal, Hong Kong’s Cardinal Joseph Zen had to point out the obvious: that contrary to Parolin's boast throughout an interview with La Stampa, accepting a Chinese puppet-church 'bishop' is neither helpful nor merciful to China's long-suffering underground Catholics. In point of fact, countered Zen, it is "rubbing salt in their wounds" by rewarding traitors, castigating the faithful, and "forcing a legitimate bishop to cede his post to an excommunicated one."

Earlier, an underground Catholic had explained the crushing magnitude of the "diplomatic action" in terms of what it means to those who are being handed over to the Chinese regime: "Everybody, and I mean everybody, knows someone who was murdered, or tortured, or disappeared to defend the principle that was just abandoned." [National Review, 23/1/18]

Responding at length to Parolin, the wise and saintly Zen pulled no punches. He wrote that Parolin clearly "adores the Ostpolitik diplomacy of his teacher, [infamous Secretary of State Agostino] Casaroli, and despises the genuine faith of those who firmly defend the Church, founded by Jesus on the Apostles, from any interference of secular power." He went on (my emphases):

Pope Benedict says that the journey toward unity 'is not easy and cannot be accomplished overnight' (6.5, 6.6). But our diplomats want to perform a miracle immediately and accuse others of "clinging to the spirit of opposition in order to condemn their brother," of "using the past as a pretext to forge new resentments and closures," and of "not being ready to forgive, which means that there are other interests to defend."

How cruel are these reproaches addressed to faithful members of the Church, who for many long years have suffered every kind of deprivation and oppression for their fidelity to the true Church!

When the other party has no intention of respecting the essential nature of the Catholic Church and, on our side, they want to achieve unification at all costs, there is only one possible choice, that of forcing everyone to enter the "cage".

With the solution of the "enlarged cage" will we walk together? Will it be a new path? With serenity? With confidence?

They say it will be a gradual process, but suppose the planners already have in mind what the next step after the legitimising of the illegitimate will be.

What will become of the legitimate Bishops according to the law of the Church but not recognised by the Government? Will they be "accepted"? That is, also admitted to the cage? Will there finally be "one" legitimate episcopal conference? (With the Government holding the key to the cage?)

Parolin and company recognise that this solution is not perfect, it is a lesser evil. One can endure and suffer an evil (harm), but you can never do wrong (sin), however great or small it might be.

Well may Parolin view his lesser-evil non-solution as imperfect. Yet how perfectly this appeasement of political Marxism gels with the capitulation to cultural Marxism — accompanied in each case by the castigation of fly-in-the-ointment Catholic resisters. What it all represents is nothing less than the Vicar of Christ inserting Catholicism into the materialistic cultural/economic pincer movement originally planned by Marxist-Leninists —  with the stated goal of not just destroying Christian civilisation, but eradicating the very idea of Christianity from hearts and minds.

Are Pope Francis and Cardinal Parolin unaware of that demonic objective murderously played out worldwide for a century? Unlike everyone else on earth, are they oblivious to the unswerving Marxist party line on Catholicism? If so, Cardinal Zen, who has endured the Marxist scourge, enlightened them in the simplest terms:

"The communists want to enslave the Church. There are those who refuse this slavery, and there are those who submit to it. Unfortunately, there are also those who embrace it."

Far from heeding this voice of history and personal experience, the Bergoglianistas want to end all Catholic resistance to the zeitgeist; pushing instead the go-along-to-get-along agenda of the new world order oligarchs, in which we submit to Marxism in all its shifting communistic/capitalistic shapes and hues. 

Marxist revival

Finally, as a measure of the ease with which this unspeakable agenda is capable of realisation in our time, consider the findings of recent American surveys:

These stats would surely be replicated in any Western nation. Certainly in Britain, where large numbers of young voters cheer on Marxist Jeremy Corbyn just as American youth flock to Marxist Bernie Sanders. Apparently, the cyber generation with world history at its fingertips can't be bothered googling the history of Communist infiltration of American and British governments and institutions, or accounts of the hellish Marxist strife in 1970s' England. Beguiling cultural Marxist appeals to victimhood, welfare and safety has conditioned them to control and surveillance by the omnipotent/omnipresent State. For, as Cardinal Zen said, while some "refuse this slavery," there are always "those who submit to it"; who, like Bugnini, are willing to "embrace" the secular "cage." 

Thus, as cultural Marxism cranks up the totalitarian effect, ruinous economic Marxism is being reanimated by China and "useful idiots" like Sanders and Corbyn. At the same time, the oligarchs — via their media megaphones — deceive, confuse and manipulate the public with a daily narrative about "Totalitarianism in the age of Trump" (The Guardian, 1/2/17)! Never mind that Trump and his support base are the antithesis of political correctness! That they famously reject and resist the servile conformity demanded by the globalist elite!

The simple truth is that journalists are insulated and alienated from ordinary life. Having drunk the cultural Marxist Kool-Aid, they have abandoned Western peoples to the dictatorial zeitgeist they slavishly promote and serve. In so doing, they incite the very totalitarian tendencies they falsely attribute to the President and his unyielding supporters.

Unbeknownst to Trump and his problematic Christian Zionist following, however, only the intercession of Our Lady and the Consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart can save us from this perfect Marxist storm in Church and State. Until then, although the Trump presidency is a miraculous affront to godless globalism, not least in returning Almighty God to public discourse, as John Horvat notes:

[I]t has not stopped the political correctness that is banishing God from His rightful place in society, and even replacing Him with the public worship of Satan. ... America is [still] taking down crosses and toppling Ten Commandments monuments from the public square. If America is to prosper and be great, America must get it right with God again. ... We must be realistic in seeing that the needed fundamental changes have not yet come. This will happen not only from urgent executive, legislative and judicial actions to right the nation’s course. There must also be a change of heart involving the very core of our culture. Only then will we be able to celebrate progress that will reflect the greatness of one nation under God.

Ditto for all Western nations.

And double ditto for Jorge's Vatican City State: a gilded cage of Marxist servitude.



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